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PERCEPTION OF BRIDE PRICE ON MARITAL STABILITY AMONG THE TIV PEOPLE OF MAKURDI DIOCESE, NIGERIABRIDE PRICE ON MARITAL STABILITYThe focus of the thesisis on the perception of bride price onmarital stability among the Tiv people of Makurdi Diocese. This hinged on the idea that there is a persistent escalation of bride price with its associated repercussion on marriages in Tiv land. The specific objectives are, to investigate the perception towards bride price among married men and women in Makurdi diocese; to investigate the relationship between bride price and marital stability among married men and women in Makurdi diocese; to examine the role of culture on bride price among married men and women in Makurdi diocese;to explorethe spiritual dimensions of bride price among married men and women in Makurdi diocese; to examine the psycho-spiritual coping strategies that can be utilized to enhance marriage among married men and women in Makurdi diocese. The study was grounded on Bowen’s family theory of multi-generational transmission therapy. Based on this theory, this study used mixed methods sequential explanatory design. Questionnaireswereused to collect quantitative data and interviews were used for qualitative data. The target population were 1506 married couples. A sample size of 316 married men and women were obtained using simple random and purposive sampling techniques respectively.Qualitative data obtained from 6 counsellors were analysed using thematic analysis while the quantitative data were analysed using descriptive statistics. Reliabilities of questionnaires were ascertained by the Cronbach’s Alpha method with coefficients (r) as follows: BPQ = 0.704; MSQ = 0.703. The findings negatedthat bride price affects marital stability and highlighted some challenges associated with bride price payment such as the level of education, level of awareness of the customs of the bride and also the need for married couples to always embrace counselling, dialogue before, during and after marriage, intensify their prayer life to enhance their relationship with God and others. Bishops and priests should intensify efforts in the adequate preparation of couples during marriage course, and a call of the Tiv traditional council for the review of bride price.ALPHONSUS TERSEER UTUME Download
PASTORAL MINISTRY AND EMOTIONAL EXHAUSTION: ASSESSMENT AMONG PRIESTS IN THE CATHOLIC DIOCESE OF MURANG’A-KENYAEmotional exhaustion of priestsBeing a catholic priest can be a very satisfying ministry. This role can also become burdensome one full of stress and hopelessness sometimes leading to negative physical and mental health outcomes. One of the alarming challenges facing many priests is burnout a state of emotional exhaustion related to service and unhealthy working associated lifestyles. Guided by Francis burnout theory and employing mixed- research method, concurrent triangulation, approach, this study collected data from a target population of 122 diocesan priests in the Catholic Diocese of Murang’a- Kenya and assessed emotional exhaustion prevalence due to pastoral ministry, risk factors and the coping strategies among these diocesan priests. The study also explored emotional exhaustion coping strategies. Francis burnout inventory questionnaire and modified interview guide, and adopted Lima Dias’s validated questionnaire data collection instruments were administered to the target population sampled through simple random and purposive judgment techniques. The data collected was analyzed using Pearson product moment coefficient and thematic analysis. The study found out that emotional exhaustion among the diocesan clergy was high. However their lever of occupational satisfaction was also high. This scenario led to the recommendation that if these pastoral agents exercised psycho-spiritual coping strategies like self care and regular spiritual direction their level of burnout would be reduced.CYPRIAN IRUNGU MWANGI Download
INFLUENCE OF PERSONALITY TYPES ON INTER PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS AMONG THE CATHOLIC DIOCESAN CLERGY OF BAUCHI DIOCESE, NIGERIAInterpersonal relationships among the clergyAn interpersonal relationship is a strong bond between two or more people. This study explored the influence of personality types on interpersonal relationships among the catholic Diocesan clergy of Bauchi and Shendam Dioceses, Nigeria. The research objectives are: to explore the relationships between openness to experience of personality types on interpersonal relationships, to examine sociocultural differences in interpersonal relationships, to expound the effect of the spiritual aspect on interpersonal relationships, to examine the effect of agreeableness personality type on interpersonal relationships, to develop psycho-spiritual interventions for interpersonal problems. The researcher used Concurrent mixed method design. The target population was 95 Priests, Bauchi has 43 priests while Shendam has 52 priests. The study sampled 46 participants from Bauchi and Shendam Dioceses. The researcher using saturated sampling selected 40 assistant parish priests for questionnaires and purposive sampling for 6 parish priests for interviews. Qualitative data were transcribed and analyzed by using a thematic framework, while quantitative data was analyzed using both descriptive statistics using frequencies and percentages. The study established that personality types influence interpersonal relationships. The relationships between openness to experience on interpersonal relationships showed that priests do come up with new ideas, emotionally stable, not easily upset, helpful, and unselfish with others. More so, the sociocultural environment also plays a vital role in establishing interpersonal relationships among priests, such as having a forgiving attitude towards one another. The study revealed that most of the priests had cordial relationships with their fellow priests. In terms of intervention, most priests established that counselling, seminars, workshops on personality types, and also self-awareness should be part and parcel of the Diocesan policy.CYRIL EMMANUEL SHUAIBU Download
RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN RELIGIOSITY AND PSYCHOLOGICAL WELLBEING AMONG ROMAN CATHOLIC LAY FAITHFUL IN IBADAN ARCHDIOCESE, NIGERIAReligiosity and psychological well being of Catholic Lay faithfulsAll over the world, the idea of Roman Catholics frequenting catholic churches to attend mass and other church programs is an age long event that has stood the test of time. Till date Roman Catholics are still seen to be devoted to the attendance of mass and other church programs. One may be tempted to assume that the mass and other church programs, with all these senses of devotion attached must be giving Catholics some sense of psychological wellbeing. However, a critical look at the relationship between this visible devotion of Catholics and the supposed psychological wellbeing it is supposed to bring about, raises a question whether this visible religiosity brings about psychosocial wellbeing or not. To this effect, this research looked at the relationship between religiosity and psychosocial wellbeing of Roman Catholic lay faithful in Ibadan archdiocese, Nigeria. This research had the following objectives: to examine the psychological wellbeing of Roman catholic lay faithful in Ibadan archdiocese; to investigate the religiosity of Roman catholic lay faithful in Ibadan archdiocese; to examine the relationship between religiosity and psychological wellbeing among Roman catholic lay faithful in Ibadan archdiocese; to examine the influence of socio-demographic factors on the relationship between religiosity and psychological wellbeing; to examine the relationship between Psycho-spiritual integration and psychological wellbeing among Roman catholic lay faithful in Ibadan archdiocese. The study used correlational research design and the research instruments were psychological wellbeing scale and religiosity scale. The sample size was 383 participants of the Roman catholic lay faithful of Ibadan Archdiocese. Simple random sampling was used to identify participants. The findings revealed that women are more active in religious activities than men. The result also indicated a strong positive correlation between religiosity and psychological wellbeing in that those who are religious tend to be less anxious in moments of challenges as they tend to surrender their problems to God. Though the satisfaction they experience in their religious belief is sometimes a temporary one in that when the problem they face persist they start being troubled, doubtful and anxiety and depression tend to come in, hence, a need for a counselor to journey with. The findings of the study will be of great value to the Bishop, priests and lay faithful of the catholic archdiocese of Ibadan, and the Catholic Church in promoting good religious and psychological wellbeing among the lay faithful.UGWOEGBU EKENEDILICHUKWU UGOCHUKWU Download
Alcohol abuse and psycho-spiritual wellbeing of priestsPriests Alcohol abuse and psycho-spiritual well-beingAlcohol abuse has crept into the life of some pastoral agents in Kaduna Archdiocese of Nigeria to the point of becoming a problem to their wellbeing. The purpose of this research work is to bring out some of the effects of alcohol abuse on the psycho-spiritual well-being of pastoral agents working in the Catholic Archdiocese of Kaduna. The research was anchored on two theories namely: disease theory of alcoholism by Morton Jellinek and the behavioural theory by Burrhus Frederic Skinner. These theories will be of great importance to the study because they proffer great insight on the subject matter and a possible way of coming out of such addiction. The research work was guided by five objectives: to have an understanding of what alcohol abuse is; to expound the effects of alcohol addiction on the psychological life of the pastoral agents of Kaduna Archdiocese; to examine how the spiritual life of these pastoral agents is affected by alcohol abuse; to investigate how culture influence the use of alcohol and to explore some psycho-spiritual approaches that could be used to help some of the pastoral agents come out of this addiction. The research used concurrent nested design within the mixed methods. The target population was 330 participants comprising of the clergy, religious, seminarians and catechists in Kaduna Archdiocese. The researcher employed the stratified random sampling method to recruit 181 pastoral agents as the sample size. The researcher adopted a standardized questionnaire to collect quantitative data and interview guide to collect qualitative data. Quantitative data was analysed using Pearson correlation analysis, while qualitative data was analyse using thematic method of analysis. The finding of the study rejected the correlation between the abuse of alcohol and the psycho-spiritual wellbeing of pastoral agents of Kaduna Archdiocese. It also highlighted some of the ways culture plays a rule in the abuse of alcohol and proffered psycho-spiritual ways of helping the pastoral agents who are mostly under the of medium level of dependence on alcoholATUNGS, GEORGE Download
EFFECTS OF SMARTPHONE ADDICTION ON THE PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL WELL-BEING OF CATHOLIC YOUTH IN HOLY CROSS PARISH, GWARINPA, ABUJA - NIGERIASmartphone addiction and the psycho-spiritual well-being of Catholic Youth in NigeriaThe popularity of smartphones can be said to be due to the multiple functionalities they offer, hence the almost irresistible urge to continue using the smartphone, despite consequences for one’s overall wellbeing. Youth are particularly more vulnerable since they constitute the most adept generation of smartphone users. Thus, this research examined the effects of smartphone addiction on the psycho-spiritual wellbeing of Catholic youth in Holy Cross Parish, Gwarinpa, Abuja-Nigeria. This was carried out based on the following objectives: to assess the prevalence of smartphone addiction among catholic youth in Holy Cross Parish, Gwarinpa; to establish the factors responsible for smartphone addiction among these youth; to investigate the effects of smartphone addiction on the youth’s psychological and spiritual wellbeing. The theoretical framework for this research was Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. The research used a correlational design in order to ascertain the effects of smartphone addiction on the psycho-spiritual wellbeing of Catholic youth in Holy Cross Parish, Gwarinpa Abuja, Nigeria. The target population was 351 Catholic Youth of Holy Cross Parish, Gwarinpa Abuja, Nigeria, out of which 187 were selected as the sample size by means of the simple random sampling method. The researcher adopted the standardized Smartphone Addiction Scale (Short Version), the Psychological Wellbeing Scale (Short Version), and the Spiritual Wellbeing Scale (Short Version) to collect quantitative data. These were analyzed with the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), version 21, using two-tailed Pearson’s correlation. The findings revealed that there is a 51.7% prevalence of smartphone addiction among the Catholic youth of Holy Cross parish Gwarinpa. More so, the Pearson’s correlation of r=0.342 and r=0.313 at p<0.01 showed that smartphone addiction has some moderate effects on the psycho-spiritual wellbeing of the Catholic youth of Holy Cross parish Gwarinpa. The researcher recommended some biopsychosociotechno-spiritual interventions for curbing the menace, such as the use of drugs, therapy, improved social interaction, reconfiguration of smartphones, and spiritual exercises like mindfulness, meditation, yoga, and nature therapy.MAGAJI, CEPHAS NYAMAAI Download
INFLUENCE OF MEDITATION ON WELLBEING OF CATHOLIC RELIGIOUS WOMEN IN KAREN, NAIROBI, KENYAMeditation and the well-being of Catholic Religious WomenThe study established the influence of meditation on well-being of Catholic Religious women in Karen, Nairobi-Kenya. Four objectives guided the study: Explored the personal meditation experience of the Sisters; examined the influence of meditation on the wellbeing of sisters, examined the influence of culture on meditation of sisters and discussed how meditation and other interventions can enhance spiritual life of sisters. The research adopted the Embedded Mixed method design with descriptive method of Quantitative research and Qualitative research method. The target population was 340 Catholic Religious women of different Congregations living in Karen Nairobi. The stratified sampling technique was used to select the sample size of 184 Religious women from different Congregations. Questionnaires and interview guide were used to collect data. The mindful Attention scale and wellbeing scales were the instruments used to collect the quantitative data while semi-structured interview generated the qualitative data. Content validity was used to validate the instruments and Test-Retest reliability (Cronbach’s alpha of the scales) was used to ascertain the reliability of the questionnaire. The steps that were taken to ensure the validity and trustworthiness of the study included the strict supervision of the research process by the supervisors. The quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics while the qualitative data was analyzed using content analysis. The religious women in Karen enjoyed meditation and expressed their meditation experience as wonderful, a time they encounter God, have a conversation with him, deep sense of relief and understand more about God’s love and themself and their mission. Meditation has a positive impact on religious women in Karen spiritual life as it helps them solve issues, relate well with God, others and themselves. It also has a positive impact on their physical wellbeing, for they feel peaceful, experience physical healing, are freed from fear, learn patience and sleep well. On their emotional wellbeing meditation helps them get detached from negative feelings, be relieved from stress and feel comfort.HELEN ELEH EGBERI Download
EFFECTS OF NON-CONTINUITY OF SPIRITUAL DIRECTION ON PSYCHOSOCIAL WELL-BEING OF MALE AND FEMALE RELIGIOUS IN THE CATHOLIC ARCHDIOCESE OF LILONGWE, MALAWI NON-CONTINUITY OF SPIRITUAL DIRECTION ON PSYCHOSOCIAL WELL-BEING OF MALE AND FEMALE Every male and female religious needs Spiritual Direction. However, this important aspect of life is neglected after ordination and final vows. The purpose of this study is therefore to establish the effects of non-continuity of spiritual direction on psychosocial well-being of male and female religious in the Catholic Archdiocese of Lilongwe, Malawi. The study is guided by the following objectives: To investigate the continuity of spiritual direction among male and female religious; To establish the effect of non-continuity of spiritual direction on addictive behaviour among male and female religious; To examine how non-continuation of spiritual direction leads to burnout among male and female religious; To ascertain the effect of non-continuity of spiritual direction on the self-care of male and female religious; To establish the influence of gender, age, culture and level of education on non-continuation of spiritual direction among male and female religious in the Archdiocese of Lilongwe, Malawi. This study is grounded on James Fowler’s Stages of Faith Development Model and Well-being Theory. It adopted mixed methods where qualitative and quantitative methods were used concurrently and therefore questionnaires and interview schedules were used to collect data. The sample size was 60 participants purposively drawn from a population of 135 male and female religious in Lilongwe Archdiocese, Malawi. The study revealed that spiritual direction is generally neglected and is only considered during the time of crisis and therefore the men and women religious are in dire need of spiritual guidance. HERMES PAONONGA SAC Download
RECONCILIATION ON PSYCHOSOCIAL WELL- BEING AFTER GENOCIDE AGAINST TUSTI IN MUSHAKA PARISH IN RWANDAPSYCHOSOCIAL WELL-BEING AFTER GENOCIDE Reconciliation has become a high-level concern for countries emerging from intrastate armed conflict as well as for international development assistance in post-conflict societies. The purpose of this study was to investigate effects of reconciliation on psychosocial well-being after genocide against Tusti. The study was guided by the truth theory. The research used qualitative design, Phenomenology approach to show how reconciliation was used to deal with psychosocial problems after genocide in Mushaka parish. The objectives of this study were: to examine the experiences that Mushaka people had gone through before the project of reconciliation; to determine the challenges encountered during reconciliation among the Christians in Mushaka Parish; to explore strategies that they used to promote reconciliation and the state of psychosocial well-being, and to expand the role of counseling for effective reconciliation and to promote healing through reconciliation. Qualitative approach has been used to gather information from both genocide perpetrators and survivors. Stratified random sampling technique was used to select 5 survivors; 5 perpetrators and 4 priests from the target population of 480 participants from Mushaka parish. Data were collected using focus group discussion and interview to both groups of survivors and perpetrators, and interview guide for Priests. Using thematic analysis the researcher analyzed the findings. The findings showed that there was poor reconciliation among survivors and perpetrators in Mushaka parish before Mushaka reconciliation project. Reconciliation process was challenged by lack of telling truth to both sides, lack of the trained mediators or counselors, fear, and mistrust. The suspension over the sacraments in order to promote Gacaga Nkirisitu was one of the strategies used to reconcile the Mushaka people. The other strategy was to gather both survivors and perpetrators to discuss their differences, charity works, and solidarity fund. True reconciliation needed the counseling sessions in order to be effective and open up. This study recommends the collaboration of all institutions and recognition of the role of psycho-spiritual counseling to promote reconciliation PAULIN HABIMANA Download
FACEBOOK USAGE AND THE PSYCHOSOCIAL WELLBEING OF STUDENTS OF THE CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF CAMEROON, BAMENDA FACEBOOK USAGE AND THE PSYCHOSOCIAL WELLBEING OF STUDENTS This research set out to explore the outcome of Facebook usage on the psychosocial well-being of students of the Catholic University of Cameroon, Bamenda. The social comparison theory was used to inform the study. The objectives of this research were: to explore how the content students upload on Facebook affect their identity construction; how comments on Facebook influence the spirit of comparison among students; how passive Facebook usage influence the emotions of students; secondly, to examine how Facebook usage affect the cultural, spiritual and psychosocial life of students. The research design was qualitative in nature and phenomenological approach. The target population was 417, and the sample size was 24 participants. They were selected by simple random and purposive sampling. The instrument for data collection was: focus group guide and interview guide. Data analysis was done using narrative themes drawn from the objectives. The findings at the end of the research were that the use of Facebook could significantly affect the psychosocial wellbeing of students and it was envisaged that students would realise how to use Facebook and social media creatively and responsibly in order to benefit from its possibilities. PETER FOLENG Download
THE ROLE OF PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL COUNSELING IN THE CARE OF THE TERMINALLY ILL PATIENTS AND CAREGIVERS IN ESHOWE AREA, SOUTH AFRICAPSYCHO-SPIRITUAL COUNSELING AND CARE OF THE TERMINALLY ILL PATIENTS AND CAREGIVERSTerminally ill people often have complex physical, spiritual, and psychological needs. As an outcome, their caregivers may experience high levels of burden and some caregivers are unable to cope with the burden. Therefore, this study explored the role of psycho-spiritual counseling in the care of terminally ill patients and caregivers in the Eshowe Area, South Africa. Logotherapy theory was applied to draw theoretical constructs to explain human health and behavior. The study was guided by the following objectives: to examine the role of psycho-spiritual counseling, to explore the experience of the terminally ill patients and caregivers, to investigate the influence of culture on psycho-spiritual counseling, and to establish interventions mechanisms that will benefit the terminally ill patients and caregivers in Eshowe Area, South Africa. A case study research design was selected to provide a roadmap/plan for the research and this scientific study used a sequential explanatory mixed-method design. The target population was 24 participants from Eshowe Area in South Africa. A purposive technique was applied to collect data from all participants in a defined sampled size and this includes 5 terminally ill patients and 15 caregivers, 2 counselors, and 2 social workers. The study applied an interview guide for terminally ill and counselors and a questionnaire for caregivers and social workers. Moreover, descriptive statistics were applied to analyze quantitative data and thematic analysis was used to analyze qualitative data. The collected data revealed that psycho-spiritual counseling/therapy boosts a patient’s emotional wellness and enables terminally ill patients to cope with intense emotions such as anger, fear, and guilt. In addition, the study found that terminally ill patients experienced social, psychological, spiritual, and physical challenges, which in turn affects their quality of life, meaning that patients with terminal illness have poor coping mechanisms to illness. The study established that cultural considerations should be incorporated in the counseling sessions since culture is a critical predictor of positive psycho-spiritual outcomes.XOLANI NDABA Download
THE INFLUENCE OF PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL FORMATION ON VOCATIONAL COMMITMENT OF SEMINARIANS IN NSUKKA DIOCESE, NIGERIAPSYCHO-SPIRITUAL FORMATION ON VOCATIONAL COMMITMENT The increasingly reported cases of priestly scandals seem to be an indication of an ineffective priestly formation. As a result, the present study explored the influence of psycho-spiritual formation on vocational commitment of seminarians in Nsukka Diocese, Nigeria. The study was guided by the following objectives: To assess how psychological, spiritual, intellectual, demographic characteristics affect vocational commitment of seminarians. It was grounded on the Positive Psychology Theory and adopted phenomenological mixed method research approach for the qualitative data and descriptive survey design for the quantitative data. The target population was 228. Both purposive and simple random sampling methods were used to come up with the desired sample. The participants comprised of 134 major Seminarians and 9 major seminary formators drawn from 4 seminaries. Data was collected using both questionnaires and interview schedules. Quantitative data from the close-ended items in the questionnaires was analyzed using both inferential statistics and descriptive statistics. Qualitative data was analyzed using content analysis where major themes were formulated. The study revealed that the curriculum was responsive to the psychological, spiritual and intellectual needs of the seminarians. Demographic characteristics of age and education were found to have some moderate influence on the vocational commitment whereas both cultural and social economical background were found to have no significant influence. This study recommends that seminary authorities, seminarians and bishops have an obligation to ensure that the training of seminarians embraces psycho-spirituality that is ideal in helping the seminarians cope with new and emerging societal concerns.JOHN PAUL NWACHUKWU Download
THE INFLUENCE OF FACEBOOK AND WHATSAPP ON ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE: A CASE STUDY OF SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS IN AKURE SOUTH, ONDO STATE, NIGERIAINFLUENCE OF FACEBOOK AND WHATSAPP ON ACADEMIC PERFORMANCEThis study investigated the influence of Facebook and WhatsApp on academic performance of secondary school students in Akure South, Ondo State, Nigeria; with the following objectives: to investigate the perceived effects of Facebook and WhatsApp on academic performance of the students; to determine the influence of Facebook and WhatsApp sites on their academic performance; to explore the possible psycho-spiritual strategies to be used to address the negative influence on academic performance of the students. The study employed a concurrent triangulation mixed method research survey in its data collection process. The target population consisted of 800 students of a public secondary school. The sample size consisted of 410 students out of which 373 were randomly selected for the study. Data was collected through the use of questionnaires, interview guides and document analysis. Quantitative data was analyzed using the statistical package for social science (SPSS) version 20. Descriptive statistical analysis was used to analyze the quantitative data, and presented in form of frequencies and percentages while the qualitative used thematic analysis on the interview conducted on the respondents. Findings shows that students are using social networking sites at regular interval which in turn affects their studies. Negative impact is more than positive effect on the students, this revealed that social networking sites have negative influence on the academic performance of the students. The researcher recommends that parents, guardians, teachers, counsellors, and the society should be role models, and be at alert as to the dangers posed by Facebook and WhatsApp to the educational performance of the students, constant monitoring, as well as frequent workshops should be given on time management, and expose them to the negative influence of the social networking sites.DORIS OLOSENGBUHAN DAVID Download
PREVENTING SOCIAL MEDIA ADDICTION AMONG ADOLESCENTS USING DON BOSCO PREVENTIVE SYSTEM OF EDUCATION IN OYSTERBAY AND UPANGA AREAS OF DAR ES SALAAM, TANZANIAPREVENTING SOCIAL MEDIA ADDICTION AMONG ADOLESCENTSAddiction can be described as a compulsive craving for something in spite of its negative consequences. Reality has shown today that the notion of addiction has been expanded to include some compulsive behaviours such as gambling, shopping, workaholic, watching pornography, overeating, sex, physical exercise, computer game playing, social media, pair bonding, and wealth acquisition. This study investigated the addiction level among adolescents who have experienced the preventive system of education of Don Bosco compared with those who do not. The key research question guiding this study was: What are the experiences of addiction to social media among the adolescents in Oyster Bay and Upanga area of Dar Es Salaam? This research question is captured in the null hypothesis: there is no significant difference between the level of addiction among adolescents who have access to Don Bosco Preventive System of education and those who do not. Bandura’s social learning and Social cognitive theories inform this study in terms of providing the theoretical lens through which social media addiction is explored and understood as a learnt behaviour which can also be unlearnt given the right environment. The study employed a concurrent triangulation mixed research method in its data collection process using Kimberly Young’s 20-item standardized internet questionnaire to collect quantitative data as well as conducting a focus group discussion to obtain qualitative data. A pilot study was conducted to enable the researcher identify the shortfalls in the instruments such as ambiguity, unclear directions, clustered questions, insufficient space for responses, wrong numbering and spellings among other mistakes. The Cronbach’s Alpha test for the questionnaire shows a result of 0.98 to certify the reliability coefficient of the questionnaire. The sample size was 100 respondents, 25 each from both Upanga and Oysterbay youth centres while there were other 25 respondents each from the playgrounds in Upanga and Oysterbay. The data analysis was done using independent T-test analysis to explore if there were significant difference between the participants’ levels of social media addiction and also using thematic analysis to present the qualitative data exploring the in-depth meaning the participants make out of their lived experience of social media addition. The findings of this study show that Don Bosco adolescents showed lower level of addiction to social media in comparison to Non-Don Bosco adolescents. On average, Don Bosco adolescents scored less in the experience of social media addiction. Equally, Non-Don Bosco adolescents showed low level of interpersonal relationship among their peers. This study recommends as follows: That the Preventive system of education be acknowledged as a psycho-spiritual model of education, facilitating aspects of character formation and development. That parents, teachers, and all those saddled with the task of educating the adolescents whenever possible should incorporate the preventive system of education as part of the model for educating the adolescents and finally that the education ministry in Tanzania as a body adopts the preventive system of education into its educational policy.  ADETILOYE MATTHEW KAYODE Download
EFFECTS OF ALCOHOL ABUSE ON BEHAVIOUR OF THE YOUTH IN LANG’ATA SUB-COUNTY, KENYA: IMPLICATION FOR PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL THERAPYEFFECTS OF ALCOHOL ABUSE ON BEHAVIOUR OF THE YOUTH There have been numerous cases of alcohol abuse among the youth in Lang’ata Sub-County of Kenya. The purpose of this study was to establish the effects of alcohol abuse on youth’s behaviour. The study was guided by the following objectives: To determine the effects of alcohol on psychological Behaviour of youth in Lang’ata Sub-County, Kenya; To examine the effects of alcohol on social behaviour of youth in Lang’ata Sub-County, Kenya; To find out the effects of alcohol on moral behaviour of youth in Lang’ata Sub-County, Kenya; To explore the psycho-spiritual interventions that could be used to help the youth in Lang’ata Sub-County, Kenya. The study was grounded on three theories namely: Problem Behaviour Theory, Disease Alcohol Theory and The Transtheoretical Model of Behaviour Change. These theories were necessary as they created deeper understanding of the problem of alcoholism in the society. The Concurrent triangulation design was used in the study. The target population was 152 which was made up of 18 counsellors, 3 facilitators and 31 alcohol addicts in three rehabilitation centres within Lang’ata Sub-County, Nairobi County that were purposively selected. Questionnaires were used to collect quantitative data while interview guides were used to gather qualitative data. Validity was assured by expert judgment while reliability was ensured by piloting. The study established that alcohol has adverse effects on psychological, moral and social behaviour of youth. Psychologically, alcohol was found to impair judgments. Socially, alcohol was found to make people more social and sometimes abusive. Morally, alcohol was found to cause degeneration of moral values. Psycho-Spiritual counselors were also found to have the ability to offer holistic health to the alcoholics as both spirituality and psychology are needed in the recovery process. The study recommends that all stakeholders such as the youth alcoholics, counselors and policy makers and the government have an important role to play in addressing the problem of alcoholism by learning more about alcoholism to be able not only to prevent but also to heal the effected victims. MARGARET THERESE KIUMA Download
MISSIONING AND JOB SATISFACTION OF CATHOLIC RELIGIOUS SISTERS IN KAREN, NAIROBI COUNTY, KENYA: IMPLICATIONS FOR PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL INTERVENTIONMISSIONING AND JOB SATISFACTION, IMPLICATIONS FOR PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL INTERVENTIONCatholic religious sisters are missioned to various apostolates by their superiors, which the Church describes as mission. The sisters could be assigned to a variety of mission fields depending on the congregational charism in line with the sisters’ professional skills and/or ability. Ideally, the superiors are meant to consult/dialogue with the sisters to ensure that missioning arises as a result of shared responsibility. This study targeted Catholic religious sisters in Karen, Nairobi County, Kenya. The main aim was to explore if the sisters in their lived reality of religious life have experienced consultation, which ought to facilitate their sense of job satisfaction as God’s happy workers. Four research objectives guided the study as follows: to find out how the sisters experience mission, to examine sisters’ experiences of consultation in relation to mission, to investigate the impact of mission on the sisters’ job satisfaction, and to evaluate the role of psycho-spiritual intervention for animating consultation process. Phenomenological approach of qualitative method was used in the study. A purposive sample of 22 Catholic religious sisters was used. Data were collected using interview and focus group discussion guide. The findings showed that consultation impacted positively on job satisfaction of the sisters. Therefore, the study recommends that leaders of religious life (including policy makers) make more concrete effort to consult/dialogue with the sisters before sending them on mission. Seminars/workshops should also be conducted as means of psycho-spiritual intervention to assist the superiors and the sisters interact with each other in a more holistic manner. ADEGUN CELINA OMOLOLA, SSMA Download
PASTORAL MINISTRY AND EMOTIONAL EXHAUSTION: ASSESSMENT AMONG PRIESTS IN THE CATHOLIC DIOCESE OF MURANG’A-KENYAPASTORAL MINISTRY AND EMOTIONAL EXHAUSTIONBeing a catholic priest can be a very satisfying ministry. This role can also become burdensome one full of stress and hopelessness sometimes leading to negative physical and mental health outcomes. One of the alarming challenges facing many priests is burnout a state of emotional exhaustion related to service and unhealthy working associated lifestyles. Guided by Francis burnout theory and employing mixed- research method, concurrent triangulation, approach, this study collected data from a target population of 122 diocesan priests in the Catholic Diocese of Murang’a- Kenya and assessed emotional exhaustion prevalence due to pastoral ministry, risk factors and the coping strategies among these diocesan priests. The study also explored emotional exhaustion coping strategies. Francis burnout inventory questionnaire and modified interview guide, and adopted Lima Dias’s validated questionnaire data collection instruments were administered to the target population sampled through simple random and purposive judgment techniques. The data collected was analyzed using Pearson product moment coefficient and thematic analysis. The study found out that emotional exhaustion among the diocesan clergy was high. However their lever of occupational satisfaction was also high. This scenario led to the recommendation that if these pastoral agents exercised psycho-spiritual coping strategies like self care and regular spiritual direction their level of burnout would be reduced.CYPRIAN IRUNGU MWANGI Download
RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN COMMUNAL VIOLENCE AND POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER AMONG THE AGATU PEOPLE OF BENUE STATE, NIGERIA: A PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL INVESTIGATIONCOMMUNAL VIOLENCE AND POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a universal phenomenon that affects many people today especially in violent and conflict-ridden situations. This study investigated PTSD among the Agatu people of Benue State, Nigeria, who have been under attack from suspected Fulani herdsmen. The main objective of this study was to establish the relationship between communal violence and PTSD among the Agatu people. The study also investigated suitable psycho-spiritual interventions to mitigate PTSD. To achieve these, a descriptive research design was utilized and a quantitative research methodology was adopted. The target population was 16,000 people from four (4) villages in Agatu, namely, Aila, Egba, Enungba and Oshigbudu, who experienced the violence. A purposive random sampling procedure was used to engage 388 participants. The PTSD checklist for DSM-5 (PCL-5) and the Brief-COPE were used to assess PTSD and available coping strategies. The data generated was computed using the statistical programme for social sciences (SPSS), version 21. To test the hypotheses of this study, a chi-square test was conducted to establish the relationship of association, a linear regression was used to examine the cause and effect relationship, and a bivariate correlation test and partial correlation test were carried out to assess the strength and direction of the relationship between the variables. A descriptive statistics was used to determine the suitable psycho-spiritual interventions needed. The findings indicated a significant relationship between communal violence and PTSD in Agatu at p ≤ .001. It further revealed a 51.4% PTSD prevalence rate in Agatu and positive coping strategies proved adequate to mitigate PTSD. Consequently, mindfulness based cognitive therapy and personal resilience development were recommended as psycho-spiritual interventions to ameliorate the situation. DENIS ENENCHE UJAH Download
EFFECTS OF WAR ON THE PSYCHO-SOCIAL WELLBEING OF THE YOUTH IN ADJUMANI-MAAJI III REFUGEE CAMP, ARUA DIOCESE-UGANDA A PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL APPROACHEFFECTS OF WAR, THE PSYCHOSOCIAL WELLBEING OF THE YOUTH The refugee-issue that is triggered, among others, by war situation, persecutions and natural disasters, is a significant problem, not only in Africa, but all over the world. This study investigated the effects of war on the psycho-social wellbeing of the youth in Adjumani-Maaji III refugees’ Camp, Arua Diocese, Uganda. The study objectives were: To examine the effects of war on the psychological wellbeing of the youth in Adjumani-Maaji III refugees’ camp in Uganda; to investigate the effects of war on the social wellbeing of the youth in Adjumani Maaji III refugees’ camp in Uganda; to explore what coping strategies were being used by the youth in handling the effects of war in Uganda and to find out what psycho-spiritual approach was used to support the youth in Adjumani Maaji III refugees’ camp in Uganda. The Self-affirmation Theory and Rational Emotive Behavior Theory (REBT) informed the study. The study applied a qualitative-phenomenological research design. The target population was the 150 youth living in the Adjumani-Maaji III refugees camp. The sample size was comprised of 49 participants: Twenty five for the Interview Guide and 24 for Focus Group Discussion selected using a simple random sampling technique. The qualitative validity of the instrument was censored by the expert judgment of the academic supervisors aligned to the Psycho-Spiritual Institute. While the qualitative reliability was ensured by the trustworthiness of the qualitative data. The qualitative data was analyzed using thematic analysis. The findings of the study were presented in form of themes and verbatim. According to the findings, the effects of war on the psycho-social wellbeing of the youth in Adjumani Maaji III refugees’ camp included: Depression, disappointment, mental confusion, loss of hope, fear, anger, post-traumatic stress disorder, school-dropout, socio-economic impoverishment, family disintegration, displacement, loss of lives and properties and moral decadence. The study also found that the youth implicitly adopted bibliotherapy, forgiveness, and reconciliation, strong moral and religious conviction, self-determination, prayer exercises, psycho-education, and informal counseling as psycho-spiritual treatment approaches. The study recommended that, the structured and formal psycho-spiritual therapy and psycho-education treatment approaches be put in place to enhance self-care and positive attitude of the youth. The pastoral agents offering spiritual and pastoral care to the youth refugees, the UN agencies, and Government Institutions would be the beneficiaries of these findings. Finally, the study outcome is projected to exhibit a stable trajectory of functioning and meaningful life, full of hope and assurance for the refugee youth. WAPOKURWA SANTO CONSTANTINE Download
EXPLORATION OF THE FACTORS INFLUENCING SYNCRETISM AMONG THE LAITY OF OYO DIOCESE, NIGERIAFACTORS INFLUENCING SYNCRETISM Many Africans who have embraced Christianity are still entrenched in African Traditional Religion and are said to be in admixture. This study explored the factors influencing syncretism among the laity of the Catholic Diocese of Oyo, Nigeria. The research objectives are: to explore the common religious syncretic practices among the laity, to examine factors contributing to acts of syncretism among the laity, to investigate how syncretic practices influence the psychological well-being of the laity, to investigate the relationship between faith level and syncretic practices among the laity, and to examine the laity’s coping strategies in the face of religious syncretic practices. Concurrent triangulation mixed method design was used. The target population for the study is 19,124. Stratified sampling technique was adopted in selecting 298 participants from three deaneries within the target population for quantitative data. Validity was ensured through the strict supervision of the supervisors. Reliability of questionnaires was ascertained through pre-test. The researcher used purposive sampling technique to select 6 participants for interviews to obtain qualitative data. Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive statistics while qualitative data was analyzed using thematic analysis. The research findings showed that there are factors influencing syncretism among laity of Oyo Diocese, Nigeria. The study found out that poverty, sickness, barrenness, seeking for power, position and quick wealth make people to be involved in syncretism. The study showed that their faith level is not really significant in whether they will engage in syncretism or not. This is based on their cultural background, environment and roots. The study also showed that syncretism impacted their psychological wellbeing. The study recommends that catechism, evangelization, and psycho-education should be done for those involved in syncretism to help them overcome double-dealing and syncretic practices. The findings of this study will be of help to the Catholic Diocese of Oyo, Nigeria in curbing syncretism, and will also help priests working in areas of high syncretism, the lay faithful involved in syncretism and psychologists. ANTHONY ’YEMI OLANREWAJU Download
INFLUENCE OF PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL INTERVENTIONS ON LIFE SATISFACTION AMONG THE HIV PATIENTS IN ST. MARY’S MISSION HOSPITAL, LANG’ATA. NAIROBI, KENYAPSYCHO-SPIRITUAL INTERVENTIONS ON LIFE SATISFACTION AMONG THE HIV PATIENTS The purpose of the study was to determine the influence of psycho-spiritual interventions on life satisfaction among the HIV patients in St.Mary’s mission hospital, lang’ata. Nairobi, Kenya. The study was guided by the following questions, what is the influence of psychological counseling on the life satisfaction among HIV patients? How does spiritual counseling influence life satisfaction among HIV patients? Which coping mechanisms does a HIV patient adopt in their situation? What are the psycho-spiritual strategies used by the HIVpatient? The study employed mixed paradigm thesis methodology; both cross sectional survey phenomenology design were used. Purposive and random sampling method were used to sample 40 HIV patients, 6 Medical Doctors, 8 Nurses, 8 Counselors, and 3 Hospital Administrators formed part of the respondents that was investigated for this study. The study used 30% of the total population (65) in the St.Mary’s private Hospital. The data was gathered using questionnaire for patients and interview schedule for medical doctors, nurses a, counselors and hospital administrators. The quantitative data was analyzed using Statistical package for social Sciences (SPSS) version 21 and was presented by the use of tables, frequencies and percentages while qualitative data were analyzed and categorized into themes and presented in narrative form. These five categories of respondents were targeted because they had first-hand information that is vital for this study. The thesis was guided by logo therapy as the theoretical framework focusing on the existential therapy to the HIV patients. The thesis findings were that there was a positive and significant relationship between psychological counseling interventions and life satisfaction mean of (r=0.336, p<0.01). The thesis established some of the coping techniques used by HIV patients to include group therapy, individual counseling, prayer, family and relative support and medical treatment, public awareness campaign, diagnosis and treatment, recreation and sports, community advocacy programs, economic empowerment programs. The thesis recommends that there is need for the hospital management and the policy makers to address the various needs and appreciate the contribution made by local medical team in the management of HIV related problems. There is need for the hospital administration to provide ample time for the chaplaincy to convey information on psycho-spiritual approach to all the medical team in the facility during continuous medical education, at least once a month and these findings can be shared by the entire St. Mary’s Hospital systems. FR. JOHN KILASARA THOMAS Download
PSYCHO-SOCIAL EFFECTS OF ALCOHOL ABUSE ON SOME CATHOLIC PRIESTS IN NAIROBI AND THE IMPERATIVE OF PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL INTERVENTIONPSYCHO-SOCIAL EFFECTS OF ALCOHOL ABUSEAddictions and specifically alcohol addiction is one of the most widespread problems affecting a lot of people in the world. This research investigated Psycho-Social Effects of Alcohol Abuse on some Catholic Priests in Nairobi and the Imperative of Psycho-Spiritual Intervention. It was guided by E.M Jellinek’s disease theory of alcoholism and Viktor Frankl’s theory of logotherapy. The objective was to investigate psycho-social effects of alcohol abuse on some priests and how psycho-spirituality can help affected priests. The study was hinged on four research questions which were: What is the understanding of the problem of alcohol abuse among priests in Nairobi? What are psychological effects of alcohol abuse on priests in Nairobi? What are social effects of alcohol abuse on priests in Nairobi? What are some psycho-spiritual interventions that can offer holistic healing to priests affected by alcohol abuse in Nairobi? In the study, qualitative approach was employed using the phenomenological study design. The target population was 100 priests who stay in Nairobi County. The sample size were 4 recovering priests who had undergone rehabilitation for alcohol abuse, 4 priests who had lived or worked with the alcoholic priests, 4 counselors who had accompanied alcoholic priests in rehabilitation and 4 laity members who had experienced alcoholic priests, making the sample size a total of 16 respondents. The research instrument used was semi structured interview. Data collection took the mode of face to face interview with the respondents. The data were collected, coded and analyzed according to research themes. The findings of the research showed that the socio-cultural background from which some priests grow can influence their likelihood to alcohol abuse. Also factors like the progressive nature of the disease of alcoholism, genetic and environmental factors surrounding some priests can also engender alcohol abuse among them. It was also discovered from the findings that anxiety, depression, resentment and selfishness are usually the complements of alcohol abuse and these were significantly seen in the life of priests who abused alcohol in Nairobi. The findings are meant to bring to the awareness of church hierarchy, priests and seminarians the dangers of alcohol abuse and its devastating consequences on the priestly ministry and how psycho-spirituality as an enterprise of holistic healing can offer succor and meaningful resuscitation to priests affected by alcohol abuse. This study recommends that education on chemical dependency should be included in the curriculum of seminary training.FINIAN UCHE NWORDUH Download
RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN FORMS OF COMMUNICATION AND MARITAL SATISFACTION AMONG COUPLES OF THE CATHOLIC ARCHDIOCESE OF ABUJA-NIGERIA: A PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL INTERVENTIONFORMS OF COMMUNICATION,MARITAL SATISFACTION AMONG COUPLES In recent times, marriages in metropolitan cities have become more and more troubled and unstable. Most often couples do not have time for each other as they are mostly preoccupied with their careers and do not give enough attention to the emotional needs of their spouses. This usually affects the level of couple’s communication that is supposed to make them to bond and become intimate with each other. This study investigated the relationship between forms of communication and marital satisfaction among couples in the Catholic Archdiocese of Abuja. The study was guided by four objectives: to establish the relationship between antagonistic communication and marital satisfaction, determine the relationship between confiding communication and marital satisfaction, to examine the relationship between withdrawal communication and marital satisfaction, to look at the need for psycho-spiritual interventions. The study adopted mixed-method approach design and the Concurrent Triangulation Design was used. Validity of the instruments was ensured by the expect judgement of supervisors while reliability was guaranteed by the use of the internal consistency method and a reliability coefficient of r = 0.949 was reported. The quantitative approach was correlational in nature, while the qualitative was phenomenological. A sample size of 240 Catholic Couples consisting of 120 married men and 120 married women from 12 parishes in the 6 Deaneries of the Archdiocese of Abuja. Questionnaires were used to collect data from the 240 participants while interview guide was used for the Focus Group Discussions (FGD) and One-on-One interview of 24 participants. Quantitative data was analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics such as Pearson correlation while the qualitative data was analyzed by thematic analysis. The findings was discussed and interpreted. The findings discovered that there is a strong positive correlation between confiding communication and marital satisfaction among couples of the Catholic Archdiocese of Abuja-Nigeria. While antagonistic and withdrawal has negative correlation with marital satisfaction. The study recommends that the Bishops, Priests and Deacons should insist on adequate preparation for premarital and training for post-marital development in helping intending couples and married couples respectively to avoid dissatisfying and unstable marriages. Parish Priest should be closer to families by visitation and organizing Marriage seminars to psycho-educate couples on the need to have confiding and effective communication in their marriages. MATHIAS, LOUIS MFON Download
PARENTING STYLES AND CHARACTER FORMATION OF ADOLESCENTS OF ST. JOSEPH’S MINOR SEMINARY, ZARIA-NIGERIA: A PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL INTERVENTIONPARENTING STYLES AND CHARACTER FORMATION OF ADOLESCENTS Parenting has always been an issue in Africa especially now that the different generations of parents think differently on how children are supposed to be raised. This has affected the behaviors of adolescents especially those in St Joseph’s Minor Seminary, Zaria-Nigeria. This study therefore explored parenting styles and character formation of adolescents of St Joseph’s Minor seminary, Zaria-Nigeria. The purpose of the study was to examine the relationship between parenting style and character formation of adolescents. The study objectives were: To find out the relationship between authoritative parenting style and character formation; to establish the relationship between authoritarian parenting style and character formation; to examine the relationship between permissive parenting style and character formation; to evaluate the relationship between neglectful parenting style and character formation; to explore the psycho-spiritual intervention that can be used to enhance character formation. This study adopted Concurrent Triangulation design within the mixed methods approach. The target population for this study was 137 students of St. Joseph’s Minor Seminary, Zaria, 137 parents and 21 teachers. The researcher made use of purposeful sampling technique with particular reference to saturated sampling technique to select all the students who are 137. 10 parents and 4 teachers were selected based on Mason’s model for both qualitative and quantitative study bringing the total to 151 participants. Data was collected using interview guide, questionnaires and focus group discussion. Validity was ensured through the strict supervision of the supervisors. Reliability of questionnaires was ascertained by the split-half method and a co-efficient of r=0.86 was reported. The research findings indicated that parenting styles have great impact on the character formation of adolescents of St. Joseph’s Minor Seminary, Zaria-Nigeria. The study found out that when adolescents are raised with authoritarian, permissive or neglectful parenting style, they negatively impact on the character development of these adolescents giving rise to the maladaptive behavior they exhibit in school. The study showed that authoritative parenting style produces good outcomes in terms of adolescents’ character formation. It also established that when adolescents are engaged in spiritual activities, it would help to develop their character positively. The study recommends that religious leaders should psycho-educate parents and adolescents on the best parenting practices that favor good character development. ISTIFANUS MAKOSHI KATUNG Download
EFFECTS OF NON-CONTINUITY OF SPIRITUAL DIRECTION ON PSYCHOSOCIAL WELL-BEING OF MALE AND FEMALE RELIGIOUS IN THE CATHOLIC ARCHDIOCESE OF LILONGWE, MALAWISpiritual direction and psychosocial wellbeing of religious peopleEvery male and female religious needs Spiritual Direction. However, this important aspect of life was neglected after ordination and final vows. The purpose of this study was therefore to establish the effects of non-continuity of spiritual direction on psychosocial well-being of male and female religious in the Catholic Archdiocese of Lilongwe, Malawi. The study was guided by the following objectives: To investigate the continuity of spiritual direction among male and female religious; To establish the effect of non-continuity of spiritual direction on addictive behaviour among male and female religious; To examine how non-continuation of spiritual direction leads to burnout among male and female religious; To ascertain the effect of non-continuity of spiritual direction on the self-care of male and female religious; To establish the influence of gender, age, culture and level of education on non-continuation of spiritual direction among male and female religious in the Archdiocese of Lilongwe, Malawi. It adopted mixed method research where both qualitative and quantitative phenomenology research design was integrated and used concurrently. The study, however found that spiritual direction generally continues after final vows and ordination to priesthood. HERMES PAONONGA SAC Download
IDENTITY AND SELF-CONCEPT OF TRANSGENDER PERSONS IN NAIROBI COUNTY, KENYA: A PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL INTERVENTIONTRANSGENDER-IDENTITY AND SELF-CONCEPT-PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL INTERVENTION Transgender identity is incongruent with societal norms and as such attracts discrimination and stigmatization. Such discrimination from the society has the capacity of affecting their self-image and self-esteem. This study, therefore, explored the identity and self-concept of transgender persons in Nairobi County, Kenya with the aim of investigating the role of psycho-spiritual therapy and counselling intervention in building the self-image/esteem of transgender persons. The study was guided by five research objectives: to examine the identity of the transgender persons in Nairobi County, Kenya; to explore the self-image of the transgender persons in Nairobi County, Kenya; to investigate the self-esteem of the transgender persons in Nairobi County, Kenya; to explore strategies used by transgender persons in Nairobi County, Kenya toward coping with their identity and self-concept; and to find out the role of psycho-spiritual counselling intervention in the building of a healthy self-concept among transgender persons in Nairobi County, Kenya. The study employed a qualitative research method using phenomenological design which involved triangulation technique such as, face-to-face interviews and a focus group discussion. The target population was eighteen from Jinsiangu Transgender Support Group in Nairobi, Kenya. Purposive sampling technique was employed. The data for the study were collected, coded for themes and analyzed thematically based on the research objectives. The findings of the research showed that the hostile social environment which transgender persons find themselves affects their self-image as expressed in frustrations, confusion, and humiliations. Consequently, their self-esteem was impacted on. Thus, they manifested mental health issues of anxiety, depression, and hopelessness. The findings and recommendations of the research were meant to create awareness about the identity and self-concept of transgender persons for transgender persons themselves, and others. ONAH, PATRICIA OMARI Download
IMPACT OF FORGIVENESS ON RELATIONSHIPS AMONG THE PRIESTS OF MURANG’A CATHOLIC DIOCESEFORGIVENESS AMONG THE PRIESTS-MURANG’A CATHOLIC DIOCESEForgiveness is key to healthy relationships. Priests are agents of forgiveness. Through forgiveness relationships are enhanced among the priests. This study investigated the impact of forgiveness on relationship among the Catholic Clergy of Murang’a Diocese. The study was guided by the following objectives: To explore whether forgiveness influences relationships among priests in Murang’a Diocese, to examine whether attachment patterns and emotional intelligence contribute to forgiveness and relationship among priests in Murang’a Diocese, to suggest possible interventions which would enhance forgiveness and relationship among the priests of Murang’a Diocese. The researcher used concurrent triangulation design which allowed the researcher to collect both qualitative and quantitative data simultaneously. The target population was 115 priests. The study sampled 86 priests respondents from Murang’a Diocese. The researcher using saturated sampling had 68 assistant priests for questionnaires and simple sampling for 18 parish priests for the interviews. Validity was ensured through strict supervision of the supervisors while reliability test re-test method was used using pearson’s coefficient where a corelation coefficient was achieved. Data was collected through the use of questionnaires, interview guide and observations. Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics presented in tables and charts. Descriptive statistics used percentages to interprete data while in inferential statistic r= of pearson in a correlation co-efficient was used.Qualitative data was analyzed through themes. The study established that forgiveness facilitates healing as it sets priests free and helps them re-establish and stabilize relationships with their fellow priests. The study recommended that to foster forgiveness and a healthy relationship among priests, the Bishop needs to establish conflict and resolution mechanism which should include counseling, capacity building progammes on forgiveness and relationships, forgiveness and emotional intelligence, attachment patterns and self awareness.STEPHEN KINUTHIA MBICI Download
IMPACT OF FULANI MILITIA ATTACK ON PSYCHOSOCIAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE ADOLESCENTS AND YOUNG ADULTS OF KAGOMA- NIGERIA.IMPACT OF FULANI MILITIA ATTACK-PSYCHOSOCIAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE ADOLESCENTS AND YOUNG ADULTSThe study investigated the impact of the Fulani militia attack on the psychosocial development of adolescent and young adult of kagoma in Kaduna state, Nigeria. The Kagoma people have faced many years of violent attacks by the Fulani herders, leaving many people dead, injured and traumatised. The study was informed by Erik Erickson Theory of psychosocial development. The researcher used the concurrent triangulation method which is qualitative and quantitative in nature. This method aimed at answering the research questions which focused on the impact of Fulani militia attack on the psychosocial development of adolescents and young adults, the coping strategy and psycho-spiritual counseling intervention for the survivors. The target population in this study were 998. The researcher employed the simple random sampling technique to select participants for both the quantitative and qualitative study. The researcher collected the data using interview guide and questionnaires. Validity was determined by content validity in which the research instruments were developed under strict supervision and guidance of the supervisors. Reliability of the questionnaires was ensured by the enter-Rater method. Trustworthiness of the qualitative data was also ensured by the triangulation of data. The findings of the study indicated that the Fulani militia attack have had serious effect on the psychosocial development of the adolescents and young adults in terms of their self-esteem, trauma, sadness and stress. The finding also showed that most respondents favoured the forgiveness therapy as the best counseling technique that would help bring healing to victims of the violence. The study recommended that Kagoma people and political authorities should draw from the resources this study offers by providing help to educate the people on the need to mutually coexist together irrespective of ethnic or religious affiliations.ROCK-MARIO LOMA SUNDAY Download
INFLUENCE OF EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE ON ENHANCEMENT OF PASTORAL MINISTRY AMONG CATHOLIC PRIESTS IN TAMALE ARCHDIOCESE, GHANAEMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE-PRIESTSIt remains mind baffling why intelligent people and leaders, including Catholic priests, are not always successful in dealing with people and handling situations that engage their competence in order to promote the general well-being of those they serve. Emotional Intelligence is said to matter twice more than Intelligent Quotient in achieving leadership success, and this present study investigates the Influence of Emotional Intelligence on Enhancement of Pastoral Ministry among Catholic Priests in Tamale Archdiocese in Ghana. Domains of emotional intelligence considered were self-awareness, self-motivation, social awareness and relationship management. Emotional intelligence influenced pastoral ministry in areas of catechesis, celebration of the Sacraments, human relationship and parish governance. Base on Emotional Intelligence Theory, this study used the concurrent triangulation design within the mixed method. The target population comprised 54 priests and 2,000 lay faithful. A sample size of 34 priests and 160 lay faithful was used for quantitative data using random and stratified sampling techniques, respectively. Interview guide and questionnaires were used as instruments to obtain qualitative and quantitative data respectively. Qualitative data obtained from 6 priests were analyzed using thematic analysis while the quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Pearson correlation coefficient was used to determine the relationship and direction between the independent and dependent variables. Reliabilities of questionnaires were ascertained by the Cronbach’s Alpha method with coefficients (r) as follow: EQ-i =0.87; AAQ-R=0.713; and PC-Q=0.996. The study findings affirmed a strong positive correlation between emotional intelligence and pastoral ministry among catholic priests, and highlighted the need for priests to strive to grow in self-awareness of their emotions, intensify their prayer life to enhance their relationship with God and others. Seminary formators, bishops, and religious superiors should intensify efforts in integrative formation of emotions and intelligence, and ensure concrete ongoing formation for priests on self-awareness and holistic healing through seminars on psycho-spirituality and emotional intelligence.SEBASTIAN NNIABAKPE KASTNER BALANSUAH Download
INFLUENCE OF PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL INTERVENTIONS ON LIFE SATISFACTION AMONG THE HIV PATIENTS IN ST. MARY’S MISSION HOSPITAL, LANG’ATA. NAIROBI, KENYAHIV PATIENTS AND PSYCHOSPIRITUAL INTERVENTIONSThe purpose of the study was to determine the influence of psycho-spiritual interventions on life satisfaction among the HIV patients in St.Mary’s mission hospital, lang’ata. Nairobi, Kenya. The study was guided by the following questions, what is the influence of psychological counseling on the life satisfaction among HIV patients? How does spiritual counseling influence life satisfaction among HIV patients? Which coping mechanisms does a HIV patient adopt in their situation? What are the psycho-spiritual strategies used by the HIVpatient? The study employed mixed paradigm thesis methodology; both cross sectional survey phenomenology design were used. Purposive and random sampling method were used to sample 40 HIV patients, 6 Medical Doctors, 8 Nurses, 8 Counselors, and 3 Hospital Administrators formed part of the respondents that was investigated for this study. The study used 30% of the total population (65) in the St.Mary’s private Hospital. The data was gathered using questionnaire for patients and interview schedule for medical doctors, nurses a, counselors and hospital administrators. The quantitative data was analyzed using Statistical package for social Sciences (SPSS) version 21 and was presented by the use of tables, frequencies and percentages while qualitative data were analyzed and categorized into themes and presented in narrative form. These five categories of respondents were targeted because they had first-hand information that is vital for this study. The thesis was guided by logo therapy as the theoretical framework focusing on the existential therapy to the HIV patients. The thesis findings were that there was a positive and significant relationship between psychological counseling interventions and life satisfaction mean of (r=0.336, p<0.01). The thesis established some of the coping techniques used by HIV patients to include group therapy, individual counseling, prayer, family and relative support and medical treatment, public awareness campaign, diagnosis and treatment, recreation and sports, community advocacy programs, economic empowerment programs. The thesis recommends that there is need for the hospital management and the policy makers to address the various needs and appreciate the contribution made by local medical team in the management of HIV related problems. There is need for the hospital administration to provide ample time for the chaplaincy to convey information on psycho-spiritual approach to all the medical team in the facility during continuous medical education, at least once a month and these findings can be shared by the entire St. Mary’s Hospital systems.FR. JOHN KILASARA THOMAS Download
INFLUENCE OF SINGLE MOTHERHOOD ON SECONDARY SCHOOL TEENAGERS’ DELINQUENCY IN LANG’ATA SUB- COUNTY, KENYA: PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL INTERVENTIONTEENAGERS’ DELINQUENT BEHAVIOR-SINGLE MOTHERHOOD FAIMILIES A well-functioning family structure is very important in creating responsible teenagers in the society. It is anticipated that children who experience parental separation are on the average worse off socially than their peers in intact families. Hence, the purpose of this study was to explore the influence of single motherhood on secondary school teenagers’ delinquency in Lang’ata Sub-County, Kenya. The study was guided by the following objectives: To examine the relationship between teenage anti-social behavior and single mother parenting style in Lang’ata Sub County, Kenya, particularly in terms of addiction to drugs, theft, truancy and aggressiveness. In addition, the study explored psycho-spiritual interventions that could be used to address the problem of delinquency among teenagers from single motherhood in Lang’ata Sub County, Kenya. The study is informed by two theories namely: Attachment Theory and Structural Family Theory. The reviewed literature demonstrated that teenagers from single mother families are susceptible to anti-social behaviour such as drug abuse, truancy, stealing and aggression. The study adopted a quantitative survey research design. The target population was 352 participants drawn from secondary schools in Lang’ata Sub-County. A sample of 107 respondents was recruited comprising of 101 students and 6 teachers. Descriptive statistics based on frequencies, percentage and calculating the mean average and standard deviation with help of SPSS version 21 was used to conduct the data analysis. In addition, Pearson correlational statistics was used to explore if there were significance influence of single mothers parenting style on teenagers’ anti-social behaviour. The findings revealed that there is a significant relationship between teenagers’ anti-social behaviour and single mothers’ parenting style. Specifically, the findings for single mothers’ influence on teenagers’ tendency to abuse drugs presented an r= 0.208 at p<0.05 indicating a positive correlation. Equally, the findings for the influence of single mothers on teenagers’ school absenteeism reflect an r = .270 at p <0.05 indicating that there is a significant correlation of single mothers’ influence on teenagers’ experience of truancy. In addition, the findings revealed that single mothers parenting style impact on teenagers’ theft behaviour as the results portrayed an r =.107 as against the recommended threshold of p <0.05. The findings for single mothers influence on teenagers’ behaviour of aggressiveness presents an r = .0.65 against the recommended threshold of p <0.05 indicating that teenagers’ exhibition of aggressive behaviours are influenced by single mother parenting style. Furthermore, the findings for the role of psycho-spiritual therapy in assisting teenagers who exhibit anti-social behaviour portrayed an r = .411 at p < 0.000, which implies that psycho-spiritual counsellors are needed in the treatment of teenagers’ delinquency. These findings have implications for single mothers who ought to be vigilant by offering close supervision to their teenage children in order to guide them from making unnecessary mistakes in life and as such avoid developing anti-social behaviours. The ministry of education should also establish support programs aimed at assisting teenagers from engaging in illicit behaviour. Similarly, school administrators and teachers should pay special attention to teenagers from single mother families and provide them with ample opportunity to share their feelings without being judged negatively by others. The study also recommends that the services of psycho-spiritual counselors should be enlisted in offering help to teenagers including single mothers. MOSES KAWA Download
FACTORS INFLUENCING STUDENTS’ STUDY HABITS IN PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN NGONG SUB-COUNTY, KAJIADO COUNTYFactors influencing students’ study habitsABSTRACT Broad and deep study habit is beneficial to students and all other individuals in the community. The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors influencing students’ study habits in public and private secondary schools in Ngong sub-county, Kajiado county. Questionnaires were employed to collect data and information of this study. The study found that majority of the students have time to study on their own and most of them agreed that study habit is important and they value it. Majority of the students live in conducive home environment. There are well equipped libraries in schools both private and public schools. Students have studied for and during an examination. Parents support their children in their studies. Students did not study to receive a reward such as praise from their parents and teachers and others have studied hard to avoid being punished by their parents and teachers. Majority of students lack motivation to study apart from their academic materials. Majority of teachers agreed that forming a study habit is important in students’ life. Teachers have positive towards students’ study habits and support their students in their studies. They teach only what is examined for students to pass examination. Teachers are role models of their students towards study habits and use electronic gadgets to access educative materials to enhance study habits of their students. Students should read widely and other materials apart from their academic course but not just to limit themselves in cramming what will be examined. This will enhance their knowledge and to develop good study behaviours. An organized timetable will help students to avoid time-wasting. Students should be to be taught time management skills so that they can use their time properly.TAKAKI, GUERADI TOUR-HALI Download
INVESTIGATION OF STRESS REDUCTION AMONG SINGLE MOTHERS IN KISUMU NDOGO VILLAGE OF KIBERA SUB-COUNTY, NAIROBISingle mothers and stress managementSingle motherhood has been identified as a challenging role with disadvantages including financial hardship and poor mental health in Kibera Sub-County, Nairobi County. The study sought to explore the factors leading to stress among single mothers in Kibera Sub county, found out the socio-cultural practices used by the single mothers in stress management, identified the psychological copying strategies used by the single mothers in stress management and proposed psycho- spiritual intervention for stress reduction in single mothers in Kibera Sub county. The study was guided by Cognitive Appraisal Theory of Stress (CATS) of Folkman and Richard, and Stress Reduction Theory (SRT) of Roger and Robert. This study was grounded on a qualitative method with phenomenological design. The study usedface to face, semi-structured interviews and focus group discussion using open-ended questions for data collection. The researcher used purposive sampling techniques to recruit 17 single mothers from the target population of 50 single mothers in Kisumu Ndogo village, aged 20 to 50 years old. The collected data were described, coded, analyzed and presented in thematic and narrative forms and direct quotation from the participants based on research objectives. The findings of the study revealed that the most factors leading to stress among single mothers in Kibera were based on finances to meet basic needs. Some of their psycho-spiritual coping strategies were doing manual work, walking, listen to music, singing and praying, the acceptance of the situation, share with friends, watching the Movies ,and community and social supports. MUKARUSANGANWA, CLEMENTINE Download
THE INFLUENCE OF PSYCHOSOCIAL ISSUES ON THE MATURITY OF PRIESTS IN ABUJA NIGERIA: A PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL COUNSELLING INTERVENTIONPsychosocial aspect-Maturity of priestsPriests are formed and trained to live a good life in order to influence people positively. However, they are prone to some negative psychosocial issues in the course of their work. This study, therefore, explored the influence of psychosocial issues on the maturity of priests in Abuja, Nigeria: a psycho-spiritual intervention. Priests experience myriad of psychosocial issues from family dynamics, mental health issues, and societal cum cultural values. The research objectives were: to investigate the common psychosocial issues among priests, to explore how psychosocial issues influence the maturity priests, to discover how psychosocial issues influence the self-care of priests and to examine the need for psycho-spiritual therapeutic counselling interventions in aiding priests’ overall maturity. The study employed the phenomenological design which is qualitative in nature. The targeted population was the 127 diocesan priests of the Catholic Archdiocese of Abuja, Nigeria. 20 participants and 6 participants were purposively drawn from the 127 priests of the Archdiocese for the face-to-face interview sessions and the focus group discussion respectively. Validity and reliability were ensured by expert judgement of supervisors and the trustworthiness of the qualitative data. The study identified isolation, competition, materialism, addiction to social media, identity crisis, and so forth as the psychosocial issues influencing the maturity of priests. The psychosocial issues influence the maturity of priests in the areas of interpersonal relationship, pastoral leadership and self-care. The study through the participants suggested the need for psycho-spiritual therapeutic counselling interventions to assist priests to renew and sustain their maturity needs and output. The psycho-spiritual interventions included; spiritual interventions like self-awareness and integration; and self-care cum supervision, forgiveness, individual psychotherapy and group therapy and support. The study recommends that Rectors, Formators and seminarians should intensify efforts toward integrative formation. Priests need to be aware of their humanity and its psychosocial needs. Priests need to process their psychosocial issues and needs through psycho-spiritual therapeutic counselling; and Bishops, priests and leaders of the lay apostolates need to create awareness about the psychosocial needs of priests and work towards assisting them. ATEP, JOHN-MARY NTOL Download
THE INFLUENCE OF SPIRITUAL DIRECTION ON THE PSYCHOSOCIAL WELL-BEING OF THE STUDENTS IN FORMATION AT MARIST INTERNATIONAL CENTRE, KENYAINFLUENCE OF SPIRITUAL DIRECTION ON THE PSYCHOSOCIAL WELL-BEING OF THE STUDENTSSpiritual direction has become part of the formation program for religious and priests in the Catholic Church as a means of inspiring spiritual growth and maturity in the formation Houses. This research focused on the influence of spiritual direction on the psychosocial wellbeing of students of formation in Marist International Centre, Kenya. The study employed a descriptive design, mixed methods. The research objectives were to explore how spiritual direction influence psychosocial wellbeing, to find out the challenges faced in spiritual direction, to determine how spiritual direction can be used as a coping mechanism for psychosocial wellbeing. The theoretical framework of Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs motivation theory informed the research. The target population was 72 participants comprising of 67 temporary professed Marist brothers and 5 formators in Marist International Centre, Kenya; who were purposively sampled to participate in the study. Questionnaires were used to collect data from 52 students, open-ended questionnaires for 5 formator and 8 participants were interviewed. The study used descriptive and inferential statics for the quantitative data and thematic analysis for the qualitative data. Data generated was computed using the statistical program for social sciences (SPSS) version 20. A partial correlation was done to establish the relationship between spiritual direction and psychosocial wellbeing. The findings of the study revealed that despite the challenges students face in spiritual direction, there is a positive influence of spiritual direction on psychosocial wellbeing. The study concluded that there was indeed a relationship between the experience of spiritual direction and psychosocial wellbeing. 82.7% of the students agreed that spiritual direction influenced their psychosocial wellbeing positively. The study recommended that formators need to create more awareness to enhance the influence of spiritual direction for the psychosocial wellbeing of students, there needs to be ongoing formation and supervision for spiritual directors. It is envisaged that the results of this research will inform the decisions of superiors and formators in formation program and planning.JOSEPH KARBO Download
THE INFLUENCE OF SPIRITUAL DIRECTION ON THE PSYCHOSOCIAL WELL-BEING OF THE STUDENTS IN FORMATION AT MARIST INTERNATIONAL CENTRE, KENYAINFLUENCE OF SPIRITUAL DIRECTION ON THE PSYCHOSOCIAL WELL-BEING OF THE STUDENTSSpiritual direction has become part of the formation program for religious and priests in the Catholic Church as a means of inspiring spiritual growth and maturity in the formation Houses. This research focused on the influence of spiritual direction on the psychosocial wellbeing of students of formation in Marist International Centre, Kenya. The study employed a descriptive design, mixed methods. The research objectives were to explore how spiritual direction influence psychosocial wellbeing, to find out the challenges faced in spiritual direction, to determine how spiritual direction can be used as a coping mechanism for psychosocial wellbeing. The theoretical framework of Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs motivation theory informed the research. The target population was 72 participants comprising of 67 temporary professed Marist brothers and 5 formators in Marist International Centre, Kenya; who were purposively sampled to participate in the study. Questionnaires were used to collect data from 52 students, open-ended questionnaires for 5 formator and 8 participants were interviewed. The study used descriptive and inferential statics for the quantitative data and thematic analysis for the qualitative data. Data generated was computed using the statistical program for social sciences (SPSS) version 20. A partial correlation was done to establish the relationship between spiritual direction and psychosocial wellbeing. The findings of the study revealed that despite the challenges students face in spiritual direction, there is a positive influence of spiritual direction on psychosocial wellbeing. The study concluded that there was indeed a relationship between the experience of spiritual direction and psychosocial wellbeing. 82.7% of the students agreed that spiritual direction influenced their psychosocial wellbeing positively. The study recommended that formators need to create more awareness to enhance the influence of spiritual direction for the psychosocial wellbeing of students, there needs to be ongoing formation and supervision for spiritual directors. It is envisaged that the results of this research will inform the decisions of superiors and formators in formation program and planning.JOSEPH KARBO Download
MISSIONING AND JOB SATISFACTION OF CATHOLIC RELIGIOUS SISTERS IN KAREN, NAIROBI COUNTY, KENYA: IMPLICATIONS FOR PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL INTERVENTIONJob satisfaction among catholic sisters-KenyaCatholic religious sisters are missioned to various apostolates by their superiors, which the Church describes as mission. The sisters could be assigned to a variety of mission fields depending on the congregational charism in line with the sisters’ professional skills and/or ability. Ideally, the superiors are meant to consult/dialogue with the sisters to ensure that missioning arises as a result of shared responsibility. This study targeted Catholic religious sisters in Karen, Nairobi County, Kenya. The main aim was to explore if the sisters in their lived reality of religious life have experienced consultation, which ought to facilitate their sense of job satisfaction as God’s happy workers. Four research objectives guided the study as follows: to find out how the sisters experience mission, to examine sisters’ experiences of consultation in relation to mission, to investigate the impact of mission on the sisters’ job satisfaction, and to evaluate the role of psycho-spiritual intervention for animating consultation process. Phenomenological approach of qualitative method was used in the study. A purposive sample of 22 Catholic religious sisters was used. Data were collected using interview and focus group discussion guide. The findings showed that consultation impacted positively on job satisfaction of the sisters. Therefore, the study recommends that leaders of religious life (including policy makers) make more concrete effort to consult/dialogue with the sisters before sending them on mission. Seminars/workshops should also be conducted as means of psycho-spiritual intervention to assist the superiors and the sisters interact with each other in a more holistic manner. ADEGUN CELINA OMOLOLA, SSMA Download
Influence of self-care awareness on the physical well-being of African women religious in Karen, Nairobi, KenyaHealth of African women religious in Kenya The study explored the level of self-care awareness and the influence of its practice on the physical well-being of African Catholic women religious in Karen, Nairobi-Kenya. The research adopted qualitative paradigm, and used phenomenological design. It targeted all African women religious living in Karen. Maximum variation sampling technique was used to select four women‟s religious congregations that participated in the study. Criterion sampling technique was used to select 10 participants for the study, comprising 4 women religious, 2 religious brothers, 2 priests and 2 lay persons. Four research questions guided the study and interview guide was used to collect data. The interviews were transcribed, coded and categorised into themes. The themes were interrelated and presented in a narrative form. The findings revealed that women religious in Karen-Nairobi were prevented from self-caring due to overwork, negligence, wrong concept of religious life, poor remuneration, poverty, influence of entrenched gender role, inability to integrate prayer life, the apostolate and community life as well as a misunderstanding of the meaning of self-care. Suggested remedial interventions included awareness creation, greater access to education, designing and use of a self-care curriculum, regular supervision of self-care practice by superiors, the replacement of life-diminishing structures in the religious life and the Church, revision of life and establishing economic sustainability. The implications of the study findings and limitations were discussed, while recommendations for future research and the integration of study findings into the lifestyle of the target group for optimal, holistic well-being and ministerial effectiveness were also proposed.Uche, Anthonia Odilile Download
A correlational study on midlife transition and psychological wellbeing among religious sisters in Karen Parish NairobiMidlife transitionThis study explored the correlational between midlife transition and psychological well-being among religious women from Karen Parish. The study’s objectives were: to explore the experiences of midlife transition issues among religious women in Karen Parish, to examine the impact of midlife transition issues on psychological well-being among consecrated women in Karen parish, to investigate the correlational between midlife transition issues and psychological well-being among the consecrated women in Karen Parish, to explore the coping strategies used at midlife transition among consecrated women in Karen Parish. The study used concurrent triangulation design to collect both quantitative and qualitative data simultaneously. The target population was 115 consecrated religious women who reside in Kenya. A sample size of 90 religious women aged between 40 and 60 from Karen Parish was selected for study, using purposive sampling and convenience sampling. Questionnaires and interview guides were used to collect data. The quantitative data was analysed using Pearson correlation coefficient regression analysis while qualitative data was transcribed, coded and analysed using thematic analysis. The findings of this study give more understanding to religious women on how to take care of themselves at this transitional stage.Njinu, Ann Wanjiru Download
Psychological Effects of Trauma Among Displaced Families in Numan and Yola North, Adamawa State, Nigeria.Psychological trauma among displaced victims of religious violenceThis research work studied the traumatic events experienced by the people of Numan and Yola North of Adamawa State, where the researcher had worked within the past four years. The experiences of both flood disasters and civil crisis resulted to the displaced families experiencing the trauma of loss. Due to the incidents of natural flood disaster and Boko Haram civil unrest both Yola North and Numan hosted thousands of displaced families and individuals. The problem of the study investigated was the management of the trauma of loss among the displaced families in Numan and Yola North. The main objectives of this research work were to carry out an investigation into the causes responsible for the psychological traumatic stresses and their effects among the displaced families and individuals. The guiding theory for this study was the Rational Emotive Behavior Theory (REBT) of Albert Ellis. The study adopted a quantitative research method. The research design for this study was the survey research design which described the quantitative trends, attitudes, or opinions of a population by studying a sample of that population. The target population was 334 respondents. The sample population was 100 respondents. The simple random sampling procedure was used to select 20 men, 15 women and 15 youths from Numan and 20 men, 15 women and 15 youths from Yola North. The primary instrument for collecting data was mainly the structured five point likert scale questionnaire. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze quantitative data with Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 21 and the findings were presented in tables in form of frequencies and percentages based on the research questions. The findings of the study showed that displacement and homelessness were the major causes of stress and trauma among the displaced families and individuals. The conclusion was that the boko haram activities and the flood disaster were the major causes of stress and trauma of loss and providing psycho-spiritual counseling is the most suitable intervention.SIMEON PIUS SA’AD Download
PARENTING STYLES AND CHARACTER FORMATION OF ADOLESCENTS OF ST. JOSEPH’S MINOR SEMINARY, ZARIA-NIGERIA: A PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL INTERVENTIONparenting styles and character formationParenting has always been an issue in Africa especially now that the different generations of parents think differently on how children are supposed to be raised. This has affected the behaviors of adolescents especially those in St Joseph’s Minor Seminary, Zaria-Nigeria. This study therefore explored parenting styles and character formation of adolescents of St Joseph’s Minor seminary, Zaria-Nigeria. The purpose of the study was to examine the relationship between parenting style and character formation of adolescents. The study objectives were: To find out the relationship between authoritative parenting style and character formation; to establish the relationship between authoritarian parenting style and character formation; to examine the relationship between permissive parenting style and character formation; to evaluate the relationship between neglectful parenting style and character formation; to explore the psycho-spiritual intervention that can be used to enhance character formation. This study adopted Concurrent Triangulation design within the mixed methods approach. The target population for this study was 137 students of St. Joseph’s Minor Seminary, Zaria, 137 parents and 21 teachers. The researcher made use of purposeful sampling technique with particular reference to saturated sampling technique to select all the students who are 137. 10 parents and 4 teachers were selected based on Mason’s model for both qualitative and quantitative study bringing the total to 151 participants. Data was collected using interview guide, questionnaires and focus group discussion. Validity was ensured through the strict supervision of the supervisors. Reliability of questionnaires was ascertained by the split-half method and a co-efficient of r=0.86 was reported. The research findings indicated that parenting styles have great impact on the character formation of adolescents of St. Joseph’s Minor Seminary, Zaria-Nigeria. The study found out that when adolescents are raised with authoritarian, permissive or neglectful parenting style, they negatively impact on the character development of these adolescents giving rise to the maladaptive behavior they exhibit in school. The study showed that authoritative parenting style produces good outcomes in terms of adolescents’ character formation. It also established that when adolescents are engaged in spiritual activities, it would help to develop their character positively. The study recommends that religious leaders should psycho-educate parents and adolescents on the best parenting practices that favor good character developmentISTIFANUS MAKOSHI KATUNG Download
POST TRAUMATIC EXPERIENCES OF BOMB BLAST VICTIMS AT ST. THERESA’S PARISH MADALLA, MINNA DIOCESE NIGER STATE, NIGERIA: IMPLICATIONS FOR PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL COUNSELING INTERVENTIONPost traumatic experiences of bomb blast victims in Nigeria |There have been cases of bomb blasts in certain parts of Nigeria for some time now. The current study investigated the post traumatic experiences of bomb blast victims of Madalla, Minna Diocese Niger State, Nigeria, West Africa. The study objectives were: To determine the psychological experiences of bomb blast victims in St. Theresa’ Madalla in Minna Diocese Nigeria; to examine the social experiences of the bomb blast victims in St. Theresa’ Madalla in Minna Diocese Nigeria; to establish the emotional experiences of the bomb blast victims in St. Theresa’ Madalla in Minna Diocese Nigeria and to explore the psycho-spiritual interventions that could be adopted to assist bomb blast victims in St. Theresa’ Madalla in Minna Diocese Nigeria. The Rational Emotive behavior Therapy informed the study. The Phenomenological research design was adopted. The target population for this study comprised of 20 respondents. Simple random sampling, systematic sampling, and stratified sampling were employed to sample participants in the study. The research instrument used was the interview schedule. Validity of instruments was censured by expert judgment of university lecturers while Reliability was censured by trustworthiness of qualitative data. Data was analyzed using thematic framework. The findings were that the psychological experiences of bomb blast victims, included phobia of crowded places, paranoid behavior, lack of concentration, nervousness, sense of insecurity and of lack of trust. Concerning the social experiences, some of participants reported dependency on God, avoidance of crowded area, emotional disturbance and family stability. On social experiences of trauma, the study concluded that most of the victims of the bomb blast undergo social trauma. However, the victims were found to be able to relate well with their families and peers where they get moral, psychological and financial support. On emotional experiences, most victims of the bomb blast were found to experience emotional distress; especially worrying over the health and safety of their loved ones. However, they rarely experience mood swings or hurt feelings from what other people say. On psycho-spiritual interventions adopted by the bomb blast victims, most victims of the bomb blast were found to be participating in spiritual matters as a coping mechanism. Most of them were found to be participating in spiritual activities such as night vigil, adorations, societal or devotional prayers as a coping mechanism against traumatic conditions that they are going through. The study recommends that the village heads should mobilize villagers to give moral, psychological and financial support to the victims of terror incidenceBARDE CHRISTOPHER JATAU Download
IDENTITY AND SELF-CONCEPT OF TRANSGENDER PERSONS IN NAIROBI COUNTY, KENYA: A PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL INTERVENTIONTransgenderTransgender identity is incongruent with societal norms and as such attracts discrimination and stigmatization. Such discrimination from the society has the capacity of affecting their selfimage and self-esteem. This study, therefore, explored the identity and self-concept of transgender persons in Nairobi County, Kenya with the aim of investigating the role of psychospiritual therapy and counselling intervention in building the self-image/esteem of transgender persons. The study was guided by five research objectives: to examine the identity of the transgender persons in Nairobi County, Kenya; to explore the self-image of the transgender persons in Nairobi County, Kenya; to investigate the self-esteem of the transgender persons in Nairobi County, Kenya; to explore strategies used by transgender persons in Nairobi County, Kenya toward coping with their identity and self-concept; and to find out the role of psychospiritual counselling intervention in the building of a healthy self-concept among transgender persons in Nairobi County, Kenya. The study employed a qualitative research method using phenomenological design which involved triangulation technique such as, face-to-face interviews and a focus group discussion. The target population was eighteen from Jinsiangu Transgender Support Group in Nairobi, Kenya. Purposive sampling technique was employed. The data for the study were collected, coded for themes and analyzed thematically based on the research objectives. The findings of the research showed that the hostile social environment which transgender persons find themselves affects their self-image as expressed in frustrations, confusion, and humiliations. Consequently, their self-esteem was impacted on. Thus, they manifested mental health issues of anxiety, depression, and hopelessness. The findings and recommendations of the research were meant to create awareness about the identity and selfconcept of transgender persons for transgender persons themselves, and others.ONAH, PATRICIA OMARI Download
Perceived family obligation on church commitment among priests of Bauchi Diocese, NigeriaFamily obligation on church commitment Alfred Adler’s birth order theory (1966) holds that first born children in the family always find themselves included in family obligations. Some priests are first born. Catholic priests in Sub-Saharan Africa always face challenges to tackle poverty in their families. The purpose of the study was to evaluate perceived family obligation on Church commitment among priests of Bauchi Diocese, Nigeria. The specific objectives of the study were to; assess the effects of financial, physical and emotional support of health care of parents on Church commitment (affective and continuance); examine the effects of the financial and emotional support of siblings on Church commitment; and examine whether birth order, age, education level and economic background moderate relationship between perceived family obligation and Church commitment. The study was conducted through Triangulation design; using questionnaire for population of 44 priests and short open ended interview guides from sample of 7 relatives of priests in Bauchi Diocese, Nigeria. The in-depth interviews were conducted with the relatives of the priests as a triangulation of the quantitative results. The study revealed that 46% of the participants had worked in the diocese for over 9 years, 37% were over 40 years with 69% having Bachelor’s degree and 60% being in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd birth orders. The study found no significant correlation between overall support for health of parents and overall church commitment (r=.126, p>.05) but negative significant correlation between financial support for parents and overall church commitment (r=-.285, p<.05). The study further found significant positive correlation between support for siblings and overall church commitment (r=.342, p<.05). Lastly, the study found no significant impact of the demographic factors on the relationship between perceived family obligation and church commitment (|β1 – β2| = .002, p>.05). It was concluded that family members have high expectations to get support from the priests, especially financial support which affects the commitment of the priests to pastoral activities. From the results, it was recommended that bishops and /or superiors need to devise a mechanism to help family members of the priests to understand that priests should not be part of family obligations. Further, it was recommended that priests need to be compensated to manage family obligations and thus improve their commitment in church.EMMANUEL NYONG EDET Download
PERSISTENCE OF POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER AMONG THE GENOCIDE-WIDOWS IN NYAMATA SECTOR, RWANDA: A PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL APPROACHPost-traumatic stress disorderPosttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) has been considered as a universal phenomenon that affects the lives of many people throughout the centuries. In 1994, the Rwanda genocide occurred killing almost one million people and leaving thousands widows, widowers and orphans. The purpose of this study was to explore the persistence of PTSD among the genocide-widows and propose a psycho-spiritual intervention in the healing process. The objectives of this study were to examine the prevalence of PTSD among the genocide-widows in Nyamata sector, Rwanda; to explore the reasons for the persistence of PTSD 24 years after genocide; to investigate the coping strategies used by these widows and to suggest psycho-spiritual interventions in the healing process. The study was informed by Ehlers and Clark’s Cognitive Theory (2000) and Emotional Processing Theory propounded by Foa and Kozak (1986). Phenomenological design was used as an appropriate qualitative method that described a phenomenon of PTSD. Purposive sampling technique was used to recruit 18 widows from the target population of 210 genocide-widows who live in Nyamata. Interviews and focus group discussion were used to collect data.The findings of the study showed that genocide has contributed to the development of PTSD among the genocide-widows of Nyamata sector. Factors like multiple traumatic exposure, sustained physical injury, privation from burial and poverty were discovered to have contributed to the persistence of PTSD. From the findings, it was also noted that some widows used healthy coping strategies to cope with their trauma whereas others used unhealthy strategies. Finally, from the findings, the research suggested that psycho-spiritual interventions are possibly one of the most effective interventions in the recovery of PTSD victims. MUKARUGWIZA XAVERA, AS Download
Physical well-being of African Catholic women religious by ANTHONIA UCHEHealth of African women religious in KenyaThe study explored the level of self-care awareness and the influence of its practice on the physical well-being of African Catholic women religious in Karen, Nairobi-Kenya. The research adopted qualitative paradigm, and used phenomenological design. It targeted all African women religious living in Karen. Maximum variation sampling technique was used to select four women‟s religious congregations that participated in the study. Criterion sampling technique was used to select 10 participants for the study, comprising 4 women religious, 2 religious brothers, 2 priests and 2 lay persons. Four research questions guided the study and interview guide was used to collect data. The interviews were transcribed, coded and categorised into themes. The themes were interrelated and presented in a narrative form. The findings revealed that women religious in Karen-Nairobi were prevented from self-caring due to overwork, negligence, wrong concept of religious life, poor remuneration, poverty, influence of entrenched gender role, inability to integrate prayer life, the apostolate and community life as well as a misunderstanding of the meaning of self-care. Suggested remedial interventions included awareness creation, greater access to education, designing and use of a self-care curriculum, regular supervision of self-care practice by superiors, the replacement of life-diminishing structures in the religious life and the Church, revision of life and establishing economic sustainability. The implications of the study findings and limitations were discussed, while recommendations for future research and the integration of study findings into the lifestyle of the target group for optimal, holistic well-being and ministerial effectiveness were also proposed.Uche, Anthonia Odilile Download
Preventing social media addiction among adolescents using Don Bosco preventive system of education in Oysterbay and Upanga areas of Dar es Salaam, TanzaniaSocial media addiction Addiction can be described as a compulsive craving for something in spite of its negative consequences. Reality has shown today that the notion of addiction has been expanded to include some compulsive behaviours such as gambling, shopping, workaholic, watching pornography, overeating, sex, physical exercise, computer game playing, social media, pair bonding, and wealth acquisition. This study investigated the addiction level among adolescents who have experienced the preventive system of education of Don Bosco compared with those who do not. The key research question guiding this study was: What are the experiences of addiction to social media among the adolescents in Oyster Bay and Upanga area of Dar Es Salaam? This research question is captured in the null hypothesis: there is no significant difference between the level of addiction among adolescents who have access to Don Bosco Preventive System of education and those who do not. Bandura?s social learning and Social cognitive theories inform this study in terms of providing the theoretical lens through which social media addiction is explored and understood as a learnt behaviour which can also be unlearnt given the right environment. The study employed a concurrent triangulation mixed research method in its data collection process using Kimberly Young?s 20-item standardized internet questionnaire to collect quantitative data as well as conducting a focus group discussion to obtain qualitative data. A pilot study was conducted to enable the researcher identify the shortfalls in the instruments such as ambiguity, unclear directions, clustered questions, insufficient space for responses, wrong numbering and spellings among other mistakes. The Cronbach?s Alpha test for the questionnaire shows a result of 0.98 to certify the reliability coefficient of the questionnaire. The sample size was 100 respondents, 25 each from both Upanga and Oysterbay youth centres while there were other 25 respondents each from the playgrounds in Upanga and Oysterbay. The data analysis was done using independent T-test analysis to explore if there were significant difference between the participants? levels of social media addiction and also using thematic analysis to present the qualitative data exploring the in-depth meaning the participants make out of their lived experience of social media addition. The findings of this study show that Don Bosco adolescents showed lower level of addiction to social media in comparison to Non-Don Bosco adolescents. On average, Don Bosco adolescents scored less in the experience of social media addiction. Equally, Non-Don Bosco adolescents showed low level of interpersonal relationship among their peers. This study recommends as follows: That the Preventive system of education be acknowledged as a psycho-spiritual model of education, facilitating aspects of character formation and development. That parents, teachers, and all those saddled with the task of educating the adolescents whenever possible should incorporate the preventive system of education as part of the model for educating the adolescents and finally that the education ministry in Tanzania as a body adopts the preventive system of education into its educational policy.ADETILOYE MATTHEW KAYODE Download
Psychological effects of trauma among displaced families in Numan and Yola North, Adamawa State, NigeriaPsychological trauma among displaced victims of religious violenceThis research work studied the traumatic events experienced by the people of Numan and Yola North of Adamawa State, where the researcher had worked within the past four years. The experiences of both flood disasters and civil crisis resulted to the displaced families experiencing the trauma of loss. Due to the incidents of natural flood disaster and Boko Haram civil unrest both Yola North and Numan hosted thousands of displaced families and individuals. The problem of the study investigated was the management of the trauma of loss among the displaced families in Numan and Yola North. The main objectives of this research work were to carry out an investigation into the causes responsible for the psychological traumatic stresses and their effects among the displaced families and individuals. The guiding theory for this study was the Rational Emotive Behavior Theory (REBT) of Albert Ellis. The study adopted a quantitative research method. The research design for this study was the survey research design which described the quantitative trends, attitudes, or opinions of a population by studying a sample of that population. The target population was 334 respondents. The sample population was 100 respondents. The simple random sampling procedure was used to select 20 men, 15 women and 15 youths from Numan and 20 men, 15 women and 15 youths from Yola North. The primary instrument for collecting data was mainly the structured five point likert scale questionnaire. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze quantitative data with Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 21 and the findings were presented in tables in form of frequencies and percentages based on the research questions. The findings of the study showed that displacement and homelessness were the major causes of stress and trauma among the displaced families and individuals. The conclusion was that the boko haram activities and the flood disaster were the major causes of stress and trauma of loss and providing psycho-spiritual counseling is the most suitable intervention.SIMEON PIUS SA’AD Download
PSYCHO-SOCIAL WELL-BEING OF ADOLESCENTS OF INCARCERATED MOTHERS AT LANGATA WOMEN PRISON, NAIROBI- KENYA: A PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL INTERVENTIONAdolescents incarcerated mothersAdolescents’ lives are greatly disrupted when mothers are arrested, and majority of children show negative attitudes, emotional and behavioral problems. In Langata Women Prison there are several mothers with adolescents. Surprisingly little research exists on adolescents whose mothers are incarcerated. The purpose of this research was to explore the psychosocial well-being of adolescents of incarcerated mothers and thus to facilitate a possible psycho-spiritual intervention. The study objectives were; to explore the psychological well-being of adolescents of incarcerated mothers at Langata Women prison; to examine their social well-being; to investigate the coping strategies adopted by these adolescents; and to facilitate Psycho-spiritual intervention on their psychosocial wellbeing. This research was guided by Boss’ theory of ambiguous loss. This qualitative study employed the phenomenological design. The target population comprises 550 adolescents of incarcerated mothers, 250 caregivers, 300 incarcerated mothers and 8 welfare officers. A sample size of 18 participants was obtained using purposive sampling technique. The data were collected using semi structured interview with 8 adolescents, whose mothers are incarcerated at Langata Women prison, 3 care givers and 3 incarcerated mothers at Langata Women prison and focus group discussion with 4 welfare officers from the prison. The trustworthiness of qualitative data was ensured according to the four criteria by Lincoln Cuba (1985). Data were analyzed using the thematic analysis framework Findings were showed that the adolescents experienced emotional destabilization due to the confusion they undergo at different stages of incarceration of their mothers and social isolation as a result of their parents’ imprisonment. These experiences agreed with the ambiguous loss theory thereby affecting one’s psycho-social wellbeing and leaving them bitter and angry towards their mothers and finally end up in exhibiting some antisocial behaviour. The findings of this study provided a better understanding on the lives of adolescents of incarcerated mothers who most often remains as hidden victims under societal shadow. Consequently the study recommends the need of a stable caregiver who provides the adolescent with consistency and a safe place to live while the parent is incarcerated and promotes the relationship with their incarcerated mother. The study recommends the need for Psycho-spiritual counselors to provide emotional support and guidance in order to acquire positive coping abilities which contribute to their psycho-social well-being.AdolesceMERCY THOMAS KALLADAYIL Download
RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN COMMUNAL VIOLENCE AND POSTTRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER AMONG THE AGATU PEOPLE OF BENUE STATE, NIGERIA: A PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL INVESTIGATIONCommunal violence and stress disorderPosttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a universal phenomenon that affects many people today especially in violent and conflict-ridden situations. This study investigated PTSD among the Agatu people of Benue State, Nigeria, who have been under attack from suspected Fulani herdsmen. The main objective of this study was to establish the relationship between communal violence and PTSD among the Agatu people. The study also investigated suitable psycho-spiritual interventions to mitigate PTSD. To achieve these, a descriptive research design was utilized and a quantitative research methodology was adopted. The target population was 16,000 people from four (4) villages in Agatu, namely, Aila, Egba, Enungba and Oshigbudu, who experienced the violence. A purposive random sampling procedure was used to engage 388 participants. The PTSD checklist for DSM-5 (PCL-5) and the Brief-COPE were used to assess PTSD and available coping strategies. The data generated was computed using the statistical programme for social sciences (SPSS), version 21. To test the hypotheses of this study, a chi-square test was conducted to establish the relationship of association, a linear regression was used to examine the cause and effect relationship, and a bivariate correlation test and partial correlation test were carried out to assess the strength and direction of the relationship between the variables. A descriptive statistics was used to determine the suitable psycho-spiritual interventions needed. The findings indicated a significant relationship between communal violence and PTSD in Agatu at p ≤ .001. It further revealed a 51.4% PTSD prevalence rate in Agatu and positive coping strategies proved adequate to mitigate PTSD. Consequently, mindfulness based cognitive therapy and personal resilience development were recommended as psycho-spiritual interventions to ameliorate the situation. Denis Enenche Ujah Download
IMPACT OF FULANI MILITIA ATTACK ON PSYCHOSOCIAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE ADOLESCENTS AND YOUNG ADULTS OF KAGOMA- NIGERIA.Psychosocial developmentThe study investigated the impact of the Fulani militia attack on the psychosocial development of adolescent and young adult of kagoma in Kaduna state, Nigeria. The Kagoma people have faced many years of violent attacks by the Fulani herders, leaving many people dead, injured and traumatised. The study was informed by Erik Erickson Theory of psychosocial development. The researcher used the concurrent triangulation method which is qualitative and quantitative in nature. This method aimed at answering the research questions which focused on the impact of Fulani militia attack on the psychosocial development of adolescents and young adults, the coping strategy and psycho-spiritual counseling intervention for the survivors. The target population in this study were 998. The researcher employed the simple random sampling technique to select participants for both the quantitative and qualitative study. The researcher collected the data using interview guide and questionnaires. Validity was determined by content validity in which the research instruments were developed under strict supervision and guidance of the supervisors. Reliability of the questionnaires was ensured by the enter-Rater method. Trustworthiness of the qualitative data was also ensured by the triangulation of data. The findings of the study indicated that the Fulani militia attack have had serious effect on the psychosocial development of the adolescents and young adults in terms of their self-esteem, trauma, sadness and stress. The finding also showed that most respondents favoured the forgiveness therapy as the best counseling technique that would help bring healing to victims of the violence. The study recommended that Kagoma people and political authorities should draw from the resources this study offers by providing help to educate the people on the need to mutually coexist together irrespective of ethnic or religious affiliations.ROCK-MARIO LOMA SUNDAY Download
INFLUENCE OF EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE ON ENHANCEMENT OF PASTORAL MINISTRY AMONG CATHOLIC PRIESTS IN TAMALE ARCHDIOCESE, GHANAEmotional inteligenceIt remains mind baffling why intelligent people and leaders, including Catholic priests, are not always successful in dealing with people and handling situations that engage their competence in order to promote the general well-being of those they serve. Emotional Intelligence is said to matter twice more than Intelligent Quotient in achieving leadership success, and this present study investigates the Influence of Emotional Intelligence on Enhancement of Pastoral Ministry among Catholic Priests in Tamale Archdiocese in Ghana. Domains of emotional intelligence considered were self-awareness, self-motivation, social awareness and relationship management. Emotional intelligence influenced pastoral ministry in areas of catechesis, celebration of the Sacraments, human relationship and parish governance. Base on Emotional Intelligence Theory, this study used the concurrent triangulation design within the mixed method. The target population comprised 54 priests and 2,000 lay faithful. A sample size of 34 priests and 160 lay faithful was used for quantitative data using random and stratified sampling techniques, respectively. Interview guide and questionnaires were used as instruments to obtain qualitative and quantitative data respectively. Qualitative data obtained from 6 priests were analyzed using thematic analysis while the quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Pearson correlation coefficient was used to determine the relationship and direction between the independent and dependent variables. Reliabilities of questionnaires were ascertained by the Cronbach’s Alpha method with coefficients (r) as follow: EQ-i =0.87; AAQ-R=0.713; and PC-Q=0.996. The study findings affirmed a strong positive correlation between emotional intelligence and pastoral ministry among catholic priests, and highlighted the need for priests to strive to grow in self-awareness of their emotions, intensify their prayer life to enhance their relationship with God and others. Seminary formators, bishops, and religious superiors should intensify efforts in integrative formation of emotions and intelligence, and ensure concrete ongoing formation for priests on self-awareness and holistic healing through seminars on psycho-spirituality and emotional intelligence.SEBASTIAN NNIABAKPE KASTNER BALANSUAH Download
Self-care awareness by ANTHONIA UCHEHealth of African women religious in KenyaThe study explored the level of self-care awareness and the influence of its practice on the physical well-being of African Catholic women religious in Karen, Nairobi-Kenya. The research adopted qualitative paradigm, and used phenomenological design. It targeted all African women religious living in Karen. Maximum variation sampling technique was used to select four women‟s religious congregations that participated in the study. Criterion sampling technique was used to select 10 participants for the study, comprising 4 women religious, 2 religious brothers, 2 priests and 2 lay persons. Four research questions guided the study and interview guide was used to collect data. The interviews were transcribed, coded and categorised into themes. The themes were interrelated and presented in a narrative form. The findings revealed that women religious in Karen-Nairobi were prevented from self-caring due to overwork, negligence, wrong concept of religious life, poor remuneration, poverty, influence of entrenched gender role, inability to integrate prayer life, the apostolate and community life as well as a misunderstanding of the meaning of self-care. Suggested remedial interventions included awareness creation, greater access to education, designing and use of a self-care curriculum, regular supervision of self-care practice by superiors, the replacement of life-diminishing structures in the religious life and the Church, revision of life and establishing economic sustainability. The implications of the study findings and limitations were discussed, while recommendations for future research and the integration of study findings into the lifestyle of the target group for optimal, holistic well-being and ministerial effectiveness were also proposed.Uche, Anthonia Odilile Download
Psychological effects of trauma among displaced families in Numan and Yola North, Adamawa State, NigeriaPsychological trauma among displaced victims of religious violenceThis research work studied the traumatic events experienced by the people of Numan and Yola North of Adamawa State, where the researcher had worked within the past four years. The experiences of both flood disasters and civil crisis resulted to the displaced families experiencing the trauma of loss. Due to the incidents of natural flood disaster and Boko Haram civil unrest both Yola North and Numan hosted thousands of displaced families and individuals. The problem of the study investigated was the management of the trauma of loss among the displaced families in Numan and Yola North. The main objectives of this research work were to carry out an investigation into the causes responsible for the psychological traumatic stresses and their effects among the displaced families and individuals. The guiding theory for this study was the Rational Emotive Behavior Theory (REBT) of Albert Ellis. The study adopted a quantitative research method. The research design for this study was the survey research design which described the quantitative trends, attitudes, or opinions of a population by studying a sample of that population. The target population was 334 respondents. The sample population was 100 respondents. The simple random sampling procedure was used to select 20 men, 15 women and 15 youths from Numan and 20 men, 15 women and 15 youths from Yola North. The primary instrument for collecting data was mainly the structured five point likert scale questionnaire. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze quantitative data with Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 21 and the findings were presented in tables in form of frequencies and percentages based on the research questions. The findings of the study showed that displacement and homelessness were the major causes of stress and trauma among the displaced families and individuals. The conclusion was that the boko haram activities and the flood disaster were the major causes of stress and trauma of loss and providing psycho-spiritual counseling is the most suitable intervention.SIMEON PIUS SA’AD Download
Spirit possession among secondary school students in Karen, KenyaSpirit possession among secondary school students in KenyaSpirit possession is as old as humanity and affects people irrespective of age, race, status and colour. Hence, cases of spirit possession among students in Kenyan secondary schools have been reported for some time now. As a result, this study examined the act of spirit possession among secondary school students in Karen-Nairobi, Kenya and also explored how psycho-spiritual counseling could be a way of intervention. The study was guided by the following objectives: To examine the self-concept of students who experience spirit possession; to explore academic performance of students who experience spirit possession; to explore the role of psycho-spiritual therapy in the management of spirit possession among secondary school students in Karen, Nairobi county. The study is grounded on two theories, namely; Spirit Release Therapy and Transactional Analysis Theory. The literature review provides evidence indicating that spirit possession is a common phenomenon in schools which among other things impact on students? self-concept and academic performance. The research design used was quantitative technique and specifically descriptive survey method. The study sampled 182 participants comprising 167 students, 3 deputy principals and 12 teacher counselors. The researcher?s self-designed questionnaire vetted by supervisors was used to collect data and descriptive analysis such as percentage and frequencies were used to capture the participants? responses to experiences of spirit possession and its influence on self-concept and academic performance. SPSS software package was employed to aid the analysis. As well, Pearson correlations analysis was conducted to explore if there were significant relationship between the variables of the study. Validity was ensured with the help of the researcher?s supervisors and researcher?s own reflection and peer scrutiny while reliability of instruments was tested through piloting. The findings of the study revealed that spirit possession adversely affects the possessed students? self-concept by altering their self-image, self-value and self-acceptance, particularly in leading them to feelings of self-guilt including exhibition of multiple personality. Furthermore, the findings portrayed that experiences of spirit possession also impact on academic performance as students who are possessed by the spirit tend to not only perform poorly but sometimes distract school activities leading to closure of schools. Consequently, the study?s findings revealed that one of the dominant intervention strategies for managing experiences of spirit possession is through psycho-education, which psycho-spiritual therapists in conjunction with other healers are capable of providing. Thus, the study concluded that psycho-spiritual therapists play a crucial role in the treatment and healing of spirit possessed students. It is hoped that these findings will greatly inform all stakeholders including parents, students, teachers and the principals to greater understanding of the existence of spirit possession and the possibility of engaging the services of psycho-spiritual counsellors when need be. Therefore, the study recommends that the services of psycho-spiritual counsellors be consistently engaged in school, particularly in providing seminars, workshops and counselling itself in an attempt to assist students and school administrators manage the experiences of spirit possession whenever such emerges.ODILIA WAIKA Download
THE INFLUENCE OF PSYCHOSOCIAL ISSUES ON THE MATURITY OF PRIESTS IN ABUJA NIGERIA: A PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL COUNSELLING INTERVENTIONPsychosocial issues on the maturity of priestsPriests are formed and trained to live a good life in order to influence people positively. However, they are prone to some negative psychosocial issues in the course of their work. This study, therefore, explored the influence of psychosocial issues on the maturity of priests in Abuja, Nigeria: a psycho-spiritual intervention. Priests experience myriad of psychosocial issues from family dynamics, mental health issues, and societal cum cultural values. The research objectives were: to investigate the common psychosocial issues among priests, to explore how psychosocial issues influence the maturity priests, to discover how psychosocial issues influence the self-care of priests and to examine the need for psycho-spiritual therapeutic counselling interventions in aiding priests’ overall maturity. The study employed the phenomenological design which is qualitative in nature. The targeted population was the 127 diocesan priests of the Catholic Archdiocese of Abuja, Nigeria. 20 participants and 6 participants were purposively drawn from the 127 priests of the Archdiocese for the face-to-face interview sessions and the focus group discussion respectively. Validity and reliability were ensured by expert judgement of supervisors and the trustworthiness of the qualitative data. The study identified isolation, competition, materialism, addiction to social media, identity crisis, and so forth as the psychosocial issues influencing the maturity of priests. The psychosocial issues influence the maturity of priests in the areas of interpersonal relationship, pastoral leadership and self-care. The study through the participants suggested the need for psycho-spiritual therapeutic counselling interventions to assist priests to renew and sustain their maturity needs and output. The psycho-spiritual interventions included; spiritual interventions like self-awareness and integration; and self-care cum supervision, forgiveness, individual psychotherapy and group therapy and support. The study recommends that Rectors, Formators and seminarians should intensify efforts toward integrative formation. Priests need to be aware of their humanity and its psychosocial needs. Priests need to process their psychosocial issues and needs through psycho-spiritual therapeutic counselling; and Bishops, priests and leaders of the lay apostolates need to create awareness about the psychosocial needs of priests and work towards assisting them. ATEP, JOHN-MARY NTOL Download
AN ANALYSIS OF THE ACADEMIC CHALLENGES FACED BY STUDENTS IN PUBLIC DAY CO-EDUCATIONAL SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN DAGORETTI SUB-COUNTY, NAIROBI COUNTYAcademic challenges facing studentsThe study aims at analyzing various academic challenges facing students in public day co-educational secondary schools in Dagoretti Sub-County. The study is based on a number of objectives: to determine whether economic status of parents affects the academic performance of their children; to find out the socio-cultural factors that affect students academically; to analyze the influence of the geographical environment on students’ academic performance, to explore various school-based challenges that affect students’ performance and finally, to suggest possible measures of resolving these challenges in order to improve student’s performance in Public Day Co-educational Secondary schools in Dagoretti Sub-County. The researcher made use of two research instruments in collecting data. Questionnaires were used for students and teachers/parents. A face to face interview guide was designed to get information from the two Dean of Studies from the two selected schools. The sample size of 78, comprised of 60 students, 14 teachers, 2 parents and 2 Dean of Studies. The researcher made use of SPSS (version 21) to analyze, present and interpret quantitative data. The qualitative data from the interview was used to support the quantitative data. The study found out that the major challenges facing student in public day secondary school were: lack of finance, lack of teaching and learning materials by both teachers and students. The study also established that most of the students cover long distances walking to and from school. Finally the study found out that these challenges can possibly be mitigated through school guidance and counseling programs, increased teachers’ salaries, increase state funding on secondary school, and the employment of more secondary school teachers by the state In conclusion the study recommends that, the government should consider increasing the salaries and the number of secondary school teachers. The school administration should establish a cordial relationship between the high level management, other members of staff and students. Parents/guardians should improve their involvement in their children’s academic welfare. The Parent Teachers Association should work with the school administration to come up with amicable measures of mitigating indiscipline and substance abuse among students. The students on their part should make good use of their free time for private studies, as well as benefit from the modern technological tools such as internet, audio-visual, and computer for their academic work.TANSAM YUONJI ELVIS Download
AN INVESTIGATION INTO STUDENTS PERCEPTION OF ACADEMIC INTEGRITY, FACTORS INFLUENCING CHEATING BEHAVIORS AMONGST PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS IN NGONG DIVISION, KAJIADO COUNTYAcademic integrity in students perceptionEducation describes the total process of human learning by which knowledge is imparted, faculties trained, and skills developed (Farrant, 1980). Education is essential for the development of any society. The more educated the people of a society are, the civilized and well-disciplined the society might be. It is based on the importance placed on education and the character formation which the society receives based on the integrity of education that motivated this research work. If the society depends on educated people for proper functionality and when in school, students are not expected only to produce awesome certificates but skills which are commensurate to the certificates which they acquire. In a situation where students cheat their way through school, they end up with results that are not theirs or whose skills are not measurable to their grades. Based on these assumptions, every society and every country see integrity as a key factor that should be fostered in our schools so that we might have honest citizens who will be able to deliver services to the society based on what they have learnt in school. Imagine a medical doctor who cheated his way to this profession; many lives will be at risk in his hands because he does not know the job at its best. The research therefore sets out to investigate, what are the factors that influences dishonest practices in public secondary schools in Ngong sub County, Kajiado county. The following objectives guided the study: to establish how curricular factors and teacher practices can influence students dishonesty, to establish if social factors like peer pressure, parental pressure, ranking system and competition could influence cheating behaviors among students and to suggest ways which the problem of cheating in examination can be minimized and thereby improving academic integrity among learners in public secondary schools. The questionnaire was used to collect data from both students and teachers. The findings indicated several factors like peer pressure, ranking of students, and pressure from parents still contributes enormously to influence students cheating behavior. While seeing that in spite of the presence of heavy punishment and sanctions meted on defaulters yet the behavior is not completely wiped out, the further recommendation was to use positive reinforcement, coaching and guidance counseling so as to build esteem, courage and a spirit of hard work among learners so that the cheating behavior can be greatly reduced or ended and the integrity of our education system upheld or improved.NDI DERIC NGONG Download
ANALYSIS OF PREFECTS’ ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE IN THREE PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN UGENYA DISTRICT, SIAYA COUNTYPrefects and academic performanceThe study analysed prefects’ academic performance in three public Secondary Schools in Ugenya District, Siaya County. The objectives of the study were: To identify the composition of the prefect system; To establish the extent to which prefects play their leadership duties and responsibilities; To find out the challenges facing prefects; To find a way forward for the improvement of academic performance of school prefects in public secondary schools; To explore the causes of the decline in academic performance of school prefects. The study sample size was 61selected using purposive sampling. The study used a descriptive survey method. The study found that most secondary schools used a controlled democracy to select prefects. Among the duties performed by prefects were: maintaining discipline in school; ensuring silence in class and collecting exercise books for marking; reporting problems to the administration; supervising cleaning; maintaining order in class; supervising manual. The study identified the challenges facing prefects including inability to balance leadership responsibilities with academic work; occasional disobedience from students; non-compliance to regulations; pressure from classmates; sacrificing academic work to supervise duties; students abuse drugs and alcohol and hence become unruly. The academic performance of most prefects was found to be average. The causes of academic performance decline among prefects found included many duties and responsibilities; absenteeism from class; overconfidence; overconcentration on leadership matters to the detriment of academic work; alienation by other students and stress from daily doses of negative reports. The study recommends that prefects should strive to balance between their leadership roles in school and their academic work. They should for instance draw timetables and adhere to them to be able to manage their time effectively. Prefects should create harmony and good working relationship with fellow students. Teachers should guide prefects in their leadership roles through workshops, retreats and seminars. They should reduce some of the duties and responsibilities given to prefects as a way of allowing them to have ample time to concentrate on academic work. Teachers should train such prefects on time management, leadership skills, counseling and human relations. Teachers should also educate students on the need to cooperate and respect prefects. Teachers should give remedial classes and special attention to weak prefects to help them improve academically. The principals should ensure that prefects are not overburdened with tasks that belong to teachers. They should take prefects for benchmarking to other schools where students perform well both academically and in leadership. They should also provide adequate tools to prefects and students in general for manual work so as to spend minimal time in community work. Principals should employ cleaning staff to give both prefects and students ample time to concentrate on their core business which is to study.AGILO ELIJAH OSENA Download
FACTORS INFLUENCING THE ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF BOYS IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN NGONG DIVISION, KAJIADO COUNTYAcademic performance of boys in secondary schoolsThe needs of the boy child have been relegated to the back seat for many years as more focus is directed to uplifting the girl child in all fronts. It is for this reason that a study focusing on the boy child education was necessary. The purpose of this study was to establish the factors influencing the academic performance of boys in secondary schools in Kajiado County. The study was guided by the following objectives: to find out whether peer pressure influences the academic performance of boys in secondary schools in Kajiado County; to examine the nature of the school environment in influencing academic performance of boys in secondary schools in Kajiado County; to investigate the behavioural problems in influencing the academic performance of boys in secondary schools in Kajiado County; to determine whether literacy skills influence the academic performance of boys in secondary schools in Kajiado County. The study adopted quantitative research method and enlisted 87 participants who were randomly selected. Descriptive analysis of the data was computed in terms of item analysis using frequencies and percentages. The findings were presented using tables and diagrams. The study established that peer pressure has the potential to influence the academic performance of boys either negatively or positively. The study concluded that many schools that were involved in this study offered equal opportunities to both girls and boys in equal measure although boys are likely to be suspended from school compared to girls due to their naturally mischievous behavior. This calls for involvement of boys in programs such as mentorship to empower them academically. The study recommends empowerment of the boy child in all spheres including mentorship and life skill programs in order to improve their academic performance and make them responsible citizens.AGNES MIRIAM OJUNG’A Download
AN ANALYSIS OF THE ACADEMIC CHALLENGES FACED BY STUDENTS IN PUBLIC DAY CO-EDUCATIONAL SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN DAGORETTI SUB-COUNTY, NAIROBI COUNTYAcademic challenges faced by studentsThe study aims at analyzing various academic challenges facing students in public day co-educational secondary schools in Dagoretti Sub-County. The study is based on a number of objectives: to determine whether economic status of parents affects the academic performance of their children; to find out the socio-cultural factors that affect students academically; to analyze the influence of the geographical environment on students’ academic performance, to explore various school-based challenges that affect students’ performance and finally, to suggest possible measures of resolving these challenges in order to improve student’s performance in Public Day Co-educational Secondary schools in Dagoretti Sub-County. The researcher made use of two research instruments in collecting data. Questionnaires were used for students and teachers/parents. A face to face interview guide was designed to get information from the two Dean of Studies from the two selected schools. The sample size of 78, comprised of 60 students, 14 teachers, 2 parents and 2 Dean of Studies. The researcher made use of SPSS (version 21) to analyze, present and interpret quantitative data. The qualitative data from the interview was used to support the quantitative data. The study found out that the major challenges facing student in public day secondary school were: lack of finance, lack of teaching and learning materials by both teachers and students. The study also established that most of the students cover long distances walking to and from school. Finally the study found out that these challenges can possibly be mitigated through school guidance and counseling programs, increased teachers’ salaries, increase state funding on secondary school, and the employment of more secondary school teachers by the state In conclusion the study recommends that, the government should consider increasing the salaries and the number of secondary school teachers. The school administration should establish a cordial relationship between the high level management, other members of staff and students. Parents/guardians should improve their involvement in their children’s academic welfare. The Parent Teachers Association should work with the school administration to come up with amicable measures of mitigating indiscipline and substance abuse among students. The students on their part should make good use of their free time for private studies, as well as benefit from the modern technological tools such as internet, audio-visual, and computer for their academic work.TANSAM YUONJI ELVIS Download
AN INVESTIGATION INTO THE FACTORS INFLUENCING READING CULTURE, IN PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS, IN DAGORRETI, SUBCOUNTY, NAIROBI COUNTYReading culture and the factors that influence them.The goal of this study was to explore the factors influencing reading culture, in public secondary schools, in Dagoretti, sub-county, Nairobi. The study is guided by the following aims:  To examine the perception of students towards avid (enthusiastic) reading  To establish the role of parents in encouraging reading culture  To determine the role of teachers in enhancing reading culture among secondary school students  To examine the role of availability of reading resources in promoting a reading among Secondary school students In carrying out this study, questionnaires were administered to 100 students, 10 teachers and three librarians. The data gather from the respondents were analysed and interpreted. The target population comprised of three secondary schools of form three and four. The study revealed that the role of parents and teachers encourages and enhances reading culture hence, the teachers are committed in their profession. And most especially the availability of resources used in secondary schools. The research accepts that reading is very essential in all round development of the learners, as it is made up of techniques and processes that can be used for developing the various methods that involve vocabulary development and other areas of academic training. Claiming to the above findings, the researcher recommends that the role of teachers in enhancing reading culture should be very much considered with commitment. The availability of reading resources in secondary schools and the perception or passion of students towards reading culture should be view as an important target for developing knowledge, attitude, and skills. ATAKWU ISRAEL DAVID Download
AN INVESTIGATION INTO THE FACTORS INFLUENCING THE ENROLMENT OF BIOLOGY STUDENTS IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN NGONG SUB-COUNTY, KAJIADO COUNTYEnrollment of biology students in secondary schoolsStudents’ choice of science subjects in secondary schools in Kenya is very poor (Joshua, 2013). Hence, the purpose of this study was to investigate the factors influencing the enrolment of biology students in secondary schools in Ngong Sub-County, Kajiado County. The objectives of the study were: To investigate how attitude, affect the enrolment of biology; To determine how teaching methodology affects the enrolment of biology; To find out how teaching and learning resources affects the enrolment of biology and To establish how teacher motivation affects enrolment of biology. To achieve these objectives, the researcher administered questionnaires to the students and teachers from three selected schools in the study area. The students were sampled randomly, while the teachers were purposively sampled. The study use survey design approach and enlisted 146 respondents comprising 140 students and 6 teachers drawn from Ngong Sub-County, Kajiado County. Students and teachers were randomly selected while principals were purposively selected. The responses were analyzed and presented in figures and tables. The study established that both teachers and students in secondary schools had a positive attitude towards biology, they liked the subject and were eager to learn it. Teachers were found to use of a variety of teaching methodologies (81%), they were friendly (80%), they strived to motivate and encourage students to have interest in learning biology (100%). The schools had adequate biology textbooks, including other varieties of teaching and learning resources (72%). However, there were some challenges such as inadequate biology materials, boring teachers, absenteeism among teachers and late coverage of syllabus. The study recommends that the schools should engage adequate trained biology teachers and provide adequate teaching and learning resource.YENWONG CYLAS MBIVNJO Download
FACTORS INFLUENCING FEMALE STUDENTS’ PERFORMANCE IN GEOGRAPHY IN FEMALE SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN RONGO SUB –COUNTY, MIGORI COUNTYFemale students performance in geographyThis study sought to examine the “Factors influencing female students’ performance in geography in three selected secondary schools in Rongo Sub-County”. The study was guided by the following objectives: to determine ways in which teaching methodology influences female students’ performance in geography; to establish ways in which provision of teaching and learning resources influence female students’ performance in geography and to establish how female students’ attitude towards geography influences performance in subject. The study adopted the theory of social cognitive theory with the descriptive survey design as the research methodology. The sample compromised of 62 students and 5 Geography teachers drawn from the three selected secondary schools (A, B and C) including the key informant persons for the research. Questionnaires were used for both students and teachers in order to obtain relevant information for the study. The data were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and interpretation and presentation were done by the use of tables, charts and graphs. Findings of the study revealed that teaching and learning methods such as small group discussion, lecture, demonstration, question and answer were effectively used. However field trip, geography laboratory, internet, visual aids and atlas, were much less considered in teaching and learning geography. The findings of the study showed that teaching and learning resources such as geography textbooks, maps and globes are available in the schools and are used in the class of geography. The findings also revealed that majority of students have negative attitudes towards geography as a subject and that only few of them have a positive attitude towards geography as a subject. The findings have also revealed that, all teachers have been trained to teach geography and have bachelor of degrees and above. Basing on the findings, the researcher made the following recommendations: Female students should be motivated, encouraged and made to know that, geography is not a difficult subject to study. Teachers should give importance on the use of the following teaching and learning methods in their teaching and learning geography to female students: field trip, visual aids presentation. Field trips should be promoted in teaching and learning geography among secondary schools for female students.AOKO HELLEN Download
FACTORS AFFECTING EFFECTIVE IMPLEMENTATION OF GUIDANCE AND COUNSELING PROGRAM IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS, IN LODWAR , TURKANA COUNTYImplementation of guidance and counselling programThe study assessed the guidance and counseling services in secondary schools in Lodwar, Turkana County, with a view, to determine factors affecting the effective implementation of the program. The guidance and counseling program was promoted and introduced in school after the realization that academic work alone was not enough to help students; however literature has shown that schools are facing challenges such as: school dropout, indiscipline, unrest in schools, burning of schools, exam malpractice and many more. The above mentioned problems raised questions about the effectiveness of the guidance and counseling services in schools. Three variables: the availability of guidance and counseling materials, the teacher counselors’ level of training and the attitude of both the teachers and the students towards the guidance and counseling services, were considered and investigated as factors affecting the effective implementation of guidance and counseling. The study was quantitative in nature, and used questionnaires which included both open and close ended items, to collect data. The population included the Head teachers, the teacher counselors and the students. The collected data were analyzed using the SPSS, and the presentation was done by objective of the study. The findings revealed that the effective implementation of guidance and counseling was affected by limited number of teacher counselors in schools, the level of training of the teacher counselors, the availability of guidance and counseling materials and the negative attitude of the students towards the program. Furthermore, the findings revealed that teachers do have a positive attitude towards the guidance and counseling program and considered it to be important in school. The study has helped in the understanding of the issues affecting the guidance and counseling services in secondary schools, in Lodwar, based on the finding the following are proposed as a way of strengthening the program: increase the number of teacher counselors in schools, to assist the program with resources, materials, to make sure teacher counselors have an academic qualification in guidance and counseling and above all, a general re-evaluation of the program in important. APOLLINAIRE KAPONDO KASULWE Download
EFFECT OF EXPANSION ON PERFORMANCE OF COMMERCIAL BANKS: A CASE OF KENYA COMMERCIAL BANKEXPANSION ON PERFORMANCE OF COMMERCIAL BANKSThis study aimed to determine the effect of expansion on the performance of commercial banks: a case study of Kenya commercial banks. The reseach objectives were to determine the effect of acquisition on earning per share, mergers on liquidity, strategic alliance on gearing ratio of the Kenya commercial banks. The instrument used to gather information was the document analysis guide. A total of 3 tables were used to get the number of mergers, acquisition, strategic alliances of Kenya commercial bank from the year 2010 to 2016 also the value of earning per share, mergers and strategic alliance. The data was analyzed using tables, graphs. The study concluded that there is a positive relationship between expansion strategies and performance of commercial banks. POWA IMONA SASKIA Download
MANAGEMENT INFLUENCE ON AUDITING OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS IN CONSTITUENCY DEVELOPMENT FUNDS: A CASE OF WESTLANDS CONSTITUENCY, NAIROBI COUNTY, KENYAINFLUENCE ON AUDITING OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTSKenya’s CDF was a concept implemented in 2003 through the Act of parliament, whose aim was to address the challenges at grassroots level through the provision of funds to empowerment of community-based projects in all constituencies of Kenya. The issues was on Management influence on auditing of financial statements in the CDF in Westlands constituency. Poor finance management, rather than inadequate finance is the 8 bane of local governments’ inability to achieve substantial development in their domain was the statement of the problem. The objectives were to determine effects of organizational structure on presentation and accuracy of financial statements, to investigate the extent of management control on record keeping and book keeping procedure and to investigate the extent to which management’s perception affects overall audit of financial statements. The study used descriptive design that contains qualitative and quantitative design and the data was primary which was collected with the use of questionnaires where the respondents were the CDF finance department and the CDF committee. The study findings were that the structure of CDF has a considerable level of influence as far as auditing is concerned, there is segregation of duties among CDF financial management where staff and specific targets have been assigned to the staff and reports are presented on time and this is due to organized record keeping procedures and CDF financial statements are regularly audited and the management is in favor of the audit. In conclusion the findings indicate that the management encourage auditing of financial statements because Audits help in the understanding of the financial status. It also reduces costs and improves efficiency and effectiveness NAKONYI CHRISTINE KWAMBOKA Download
THE EFFECTS OF BIOLOGICAL JARGONS ON STUDENTS’ ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE IN PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN, NGONG DIVISION KAJIADO COUNTYBIOLOGICAL JARGONS ON STUDENTS’ ACADEMIC PERFORMANCEThe purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of biological jargons on students’ academic performance in biology in public secondary schools, Ngong Division, Kajiado County. The study was guided by the following objectives; to explore students’ perceptions towards biological jargons; to examine whether or not teaching methodology influence the grasping of biological jargons; and to determine whether the understanding of biological jargons has effects on students’ academic performance. Descriptive survey was used in the collection of data because of its reliability in collecting quantitative data and in dealing with large populations. Probability (simple random and stratified sampling procedures) and non-probability (purposeful sampling procedure) sampling methods were involved in sample selection. Questionnaires for both students and teachers were used to collect data. The study used a (30%) sample size that comprises of one hundred (100) respondents: ninety (90) biology students and biology ten (10) teachers. Data collected was both qualitative and quantitative. Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 21 program was used for coding and analyzing quantitative data. Qualitative data was used as a backup for the quantitative data. The study concluded that biological jargons have a role to play on students’ academic performance. Students perceive that biology has many difficult jargons that make students dislike biology. The study found that students do not pronounce nor write jargons correctly thus they are being penalized for that. Above students unable to understand biology concepts because of the heavy jargon load. Students should have self-interest if they are to learn biology. The study recommended teachers and students to ensure that jargons are properly explained and understood. Curriculum developers should only include jargons that are necessary at secondary education level. NGULUBE BOSTON CHAIPILAH Download
CHALLENGES AFFECTING TEACHING AND LEARNING OF ORAL NARRATIVES IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN BUTERE SUB-COUNTY KAKAMEGA COUNTYTEACHING AND LEARNING OF ORAL NARRATIVESThe purpose of this study was to investigate the challenges facing teaching of oral narratives in Butere Sub-county, Kakamega County. The study was based on the following objectives: To find out the attitude of learners towards oral narratives; To examine the effectiveness of methods used to teach oral narratives; To find out the adequacy and status of teaching and learning resources for oral narratives and to establish the possible solutions to the challenges of teaching oral narratives. The study adopted mixed research design that involved mixing of quantitative and qualitative research. It also applied the survey method that was ideal for collecting data that is intended to describe a population’s characteristics that is too large to observe directly. The study enlisted 76 participants comprising 20 teachers and 56 students. The study concluded that teaching and learning of oral narratives has encountered a myriad of challenges from various stakeholders such as learners, teachers, schools and the government. Learners were found to have a negative attitude towards oral narratives, while teachers use poor methods that are not effective. The schools do not provide adequate and up to date oral narratives teaching and learning resources, while the government integrated English and literature, thereby minimizing the time, scope and depth of the subject coverage. Some of the recommendations given were that students should strive to have a positive attitude; teachers should improve their teaching methods; schools should provide adequate and up to date resources while the government should come up with policies that promote teaching and learning of oral narratives.FLORA AYIERA ANJIRA Download
CHALLENGES FACING GIRLS IN CO-EDUCATIONAL DAY SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN LANG’ATA DIVISION, NAIROBI COUNTYCHALLENGES FACING GIRLS IN CO-EDUCATIONAL DAY SECONDARY SCHOOLS The purpose of the study was to establish the challenges facing girls in co-educational day secondary schools in Lang’ata Division, Nairobi County. The specific objectives were: To find out the challenges facing girls in day co-educational secondary schools; to find out the perception of girls on equal opportunity in accessing education; to establish the perception of the society on girl child education and to find possible solutions to the challenges facing girls in day co-educational secondary schools. The study enlisted 239 respondents using stratified, simple random sampling and purposive method. The sample comprised 209 students and 30 teachers drawn from the co-educational day secondary schools. Data was collected using questionnaires. The study established that girls in co-educational day secondary schools face myriad of challenges such as home chores, poor learning environment, lack of basic necessities, poverty, lack of boarding facilities, negative peer influence, lack of guidance and counseling, lack of transport, sexual harassment, lack of role models and early marriages. However, girls are perceived to be able to do well in sciences and they have equal educational opportunities with boys. The society also supports that educating a girl has benefits and that no gender is inferior to the other. Female Genital Mutilation is also no longer a big threat to the girls as it is losing its importance as a rite of passage in many communities. The study recommends that parents and guardians offer good parenting, provide required school necessities, follow up on academic matters of their girls and allow them ample time to study at home. Schools should offer life skills, regularly mentorship, guidance and counseling, invite motivational speakers, harness girls’ talents and abilities, involve girls in extra curriculum activities and offer transport at subsidized rates. The government should increase its budgetary allocation to secondary schools, remove or zero-rate taxes for sanitary towels and implement affirmative action.FRANCIS USOH Download
CHALLENGES FACING PERFORMANCE OF MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS (M.I.S) IN KENYAN PRIVATE UNIVERSITIES: A CASE OF MARIST INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY COLLEGECHALLENGES FACING PERFORMANCE OF MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMSThis research investigates and describes the concept of awareness about the challenges facing the performance of Management Information System in Marist International University College. The study examines the possible drawbacks which may be facing the Management of information system (M.I.S) and the reasons for the problems. The topic was chosen as the relevance of what is going on in Marist International University College as a private university. Data was collected by a self-administered questionnaire. Descriptive statistics were used to analyse the data. The results showed there was a relationship between the challenges facing the Management of Information System and the top level management and support towards the emphasis of advanced computer systems and a proper intervention of pricing. Also there is a positive relationship between top management support and user satisfaction. Thus, there were different factors accused of causing the challenges facing the Management of Information System in Marist International University College. Technological factors (System quality, Information quality, and Service quality), University’s factors such as financial status, Operational challenges such as bad communication, even the increasing of cost, Technical challenges such as knowing the technical needs and system security so as to deal with cyber warfare and attacks.The study recommends that employees who are well skilled in MIS should also devote their efforts in sharing the Knowledge in networking among the employees with fewer skills. The management should also organize and support programs such as training despite the resources that would be used, the training to promote skills would make the whole exercise a success. Management should encourage regular employee training in order for the employees to obtain necessary technical skills. This process would help reduce dependence of external sourcing of costly technical staff. Finally the study suggests that the performance of Management of Information System was not only affected by the challenges mentioned such as top management support, emphasis of computer systems, management knowledge, pricing/expenses/ high costs, but it was also affected by the new technological advancement in general including use of new tools and equipment so as to avoid errors, even the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI). But often, top management support should be in to consideration to prevent the challenges facing the Management of Information System in Marist International University College.ISIDORY LAURENT MWITA Download
CHALLENGES FACING SCIENCE TEACHING IN PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN LANG’ATA SUB-COUNTY, NAIROBI: KENYASCIENCE TEACHING IN PUBLIC SECONDARY Science teachers have been often faced with challenges in teaching profession. The overall aim of this research was to gain a deeper understanding of the challenges facing science teachers in public secondary schools in Lang’ata Sub-county. The study was guided by the three research objectives; (1) To identify the effects of teaching and learning resources in teaching science subjects in public secondary schools in Lang’ata sub-county, (2) To determine the teacher related factors in teaching sciences in public secondary schools in Lang’ata sub-county, (3) To find out the methodology of teaching that science teachers use in public secondary schools in Lang’ata Sub-county. The study adopted a quantitative data analysis. The population for the study was science teachers and students in Lang’ata sub-county in Nairobi. The research adopted a random sampling technique on a target population of 3 schools. Sample size of 9 teachers and 39 students was drawn from the teachers and the students from forms three and four. Primary data was collected by use of questionnaires. The study generated quantitative data which was coded and entered into Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS Version 22.0) and analyzed using descriptive statistics. The study noted that teaching and learning of science subjects in public secondary schools is being faced by a myriad of challenges ranging from lack of adequate teaching and learning resources to negative attitude towards sciences to shortage of physics teachers to poor teaching methodology and poor remunerations and motivation of science teachers by their employers. Students’ class participation is also wanting while most of them have negative attitude towards sciences. The study recommends that teachers, school administration and the government have a critical role to play in order to reduce some of the challenges facing teaching of sciences in public secondary schools. ONESMUS. N. NDALI Download
CHALLENGES FACING SPORTING ACTIVITIES IN PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN NGONG SUB-COUNTY, KAJIADO COUNTYSPORTING ACTIVITIES IN PUBLIC SECONDARYThe purpose of this study was to investigate “the challenges facing sporting activities in public secondary schools in Ngong Sub-County, Kajiado County”. The study was guided by the following objectives: To investigate whether inadequate of personnel is a challenge to sporting activities, to investigate whether lack of equipment is a challenge to sporting activities, to examine whether students’ interests are challenges to sporting activities and to find out whether inadequate time is a major challenge to sporting activities in public secondary schools in Ngong Sub-County. The study was grounded on the expectancy theory by Victor Vroom and Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory. The study used quantitative and qualitative methods approach and the survey research design was used. The study enlisted 108 respondents comprising students, teachers and trainers drawn from public schools in Ngong Sub-County. These were selected through stratified, simple random and purposive sampling techniques. Questionnaires and interview schedules were used to collect data. The study established that most of the schools under study were understaffed in terms of sports personnel and were lacking adequate facilities and equipment. The study recommends that the schools’ administration and the government agencies involved should strive to hire qualified and adequate trainers and equip the schools with adequate and quality equipment and facilitiesPETER ONAH Download
THE CHALLENGES FACING TEACHING AND LEARNING OF POETRY: A CASE STUDY OF SCHOOLS IN LAVINGTON ZONE, NAIROBI COUNTY- KENYATEACHING AND LEARNING OF POETRYPoetry is an important subject in our society. It is through poetry that students enhance their listening, speaking and writing skills. Poetry also helps individuals in communities have improved communication, expression and comprehension techniques. It also makes languages colorful and interesting through the application of figures of speech and other language techniques learnt in the subject. However, the teaching and learning of poetry has faced a myriad of challenges throughout the years. This has resulted in poor performances in the subject. It has also affected the communication, comprehension and expressionism from generation to generation in a degrading manner. Therefore, it is important for us to identify the challenges facing the teaching and learning of poetry in schools. This study aims to establish the challenges facing the teaching and learning of poetry in secondary schools in Lavington Zone, in Nairobi County. The schools selected for this study involved both public and private schools that included Loreto Convent Musongari and Lavington Mixed Secondary Schools. The findings developed from this research will provide vital information to decision makers on key policy issues regarding the subject. This will subsequently result in the improved provisions that would facilitate better performances in the subject. OUMA CLIFFORD SIDANDI Download
CHALLENGES FACING THE EDUCATION OF STREET CHILDREN IN LANGATA SUB-COUNTY, NAIROBI-KENYA EDUCATION OF STREET CHILDREN The purpose of this study was to analyse challenges facing the education of street children in Langata Sub-County, Kenya. The study was guided by the following objectives: to identify the challenges hindering proper implementation of education of street children in Langata Sub-County; to determine the influence of community participation in the sustainability of the street children who are in schools in Langata Sub-County; to find out the perception and attitude of the different stakeholders towards the education of street children in Langata Sub-County; and to set appropriate recommendations that will assist in the intervention of the street children education. The study was guide by an eclectic approach The Human Rights Theories by Mayfield, J. (2003), Participatory communication theory by Anasu-Kyeremeh, (2005,) and Interdependence Theory why (Actknowledge 2013), The study used both qualitative and quantitative research methods particularly the use of descriptive survey research design. The population of the study comprised Schools going street children, their teachers and Street Children Rehabilitation centers. All the respondents were selected using purposive sampling. The data for this study was collected using questionnaires. The analysis was done using descriptive analysis methods where the results were summarized using tables and charts. The study found out that majority of the street children are from families which are dysfunctional; Poverty has also played a role in forcing children from homes to migrate to the streets in search of basic needs. This factor has contributed to massive drop out of children from schools. The study found that sometimes the public encourages them to come to the street because they offer them little jobs and little pay. The study found out that some of the characteristics of street children’s rehabilitation centers and institutions in Langata Sub-County includes; have no specially trained staff on how to handle these children and so some of the teachers gave unnecessary punishment to the children. Some of the teachers abused the children physically and sexually. They do not have some of the facilities that help in rehabilitation. They do not have counselors or social workers to facilitate in rehabilitation of these children at the center.MUBANGA DAVIES Download
CHALLENGES FACING THE USE OF FIELD TRIP METHOD IN TEACHING AND LEARNING OF BIOLOGY IN PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN NGONG ZONE, NGONG SUB-COUNTY, KAJIADO COUNTYTHE USE OF FIELD TRIP METHOD IN TEACHING AND LEARNINGThe study examined the challenges facing the use of field trip in teaching and learning of Biology in public schools in Ngong Zone, Ngong Sub-County, Kajiado County. The objectives of the study were: To determine the extent to which field trip is used in teaching and learning of biology in secondary schools; To appraise the significance of field trip in Secondary schools, and to determine the challenges affecting the use of field trips in secondary schools. To achieve these objectives, the researcher administered questionnaires to the students and teachers from three selected schools in the study area. The students were sampled randomly, while the teachers were purposively sampled. The responses were analyzed and presented in figures and tables. The findings indicated that, majority of public secondary schools from the study area have knowledge about field trip method. Field trips were marked to be of great significant in Biology since it helps in acquiring new biological knowledge. However, students are taken for field trip once in a year. The suggested topics suitably taught using field trip instruction include: genetics, ecology, evolution, locomotion in mammals, reproduction in plants and animals and coordination in plants and animals. The findings indicated that challenges like high costs hinder the use of field trip method. The researcher recommended that, the Government in relation with the Ministry of Education should employ more Biology teachers. The government should also provide Public Secondary Schools in the study area with resources that facilitate the use of field trips. In addition, the researcher suggested areas for further study as follows: Effects of Field trip on learning outcome in biology in Public Secondary Schools; Factors influencing the use of field trip method in Biology in Public Secondary Schools; Impact of field trip on academic performance of students in Biology in Public Secondary Schools; The role of school administration on the use of field trip in Biology in Public Secondary Schools, and attitudes of teachers towards the use of Field trip in Biology in Public Secondary Schools. MISHECK MKANTHAMA Download
INFLUENCE OF TEACHERS ON ACEDEMIC PERFORMANCE IN MATHEMATICS IN PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN NGONG SUB-COUNTY, KAJIADO COUNTYINFLUENCE OF TEACHERS ON ACEDEMIC PERFORMANCE The purpose of this study was to find out the influence of teachers on academic performance in mathematics in Public Secondary Schools in Ngong Sub-County, Kajiado County. The objectives of this study were: To examine the influence of teachers’ methodology on academic performance in mathematics in Public Secondary Schools; to find out the influence of teachers’ experience on academic performance in mathematics in Public Secondary Schools, and to investigate the influence of teachers’ preparedness on academic performance in mathematics in Public Secondary Schools. To achieve these objectives, the researcher administered questionnaires to the students and teachers from three selected secondary schools in the study area. The students were sampled randomly, while teachers were purposively sampled. The responses were analyzed and presented in figures and tables. The findings showed that, the majority of the teachers use different teaching methodologies in teaching mathematics in order to meet the needs of the learners. The findings also presented that, teachers’ teaching experience reinforces learners’ performance in mathematics. Teachers were found to have knowledge and practical skills that help them in teaching mathematics that has a positive effect on the learners’ performance. The findings also showed that, mathematics teachers take their time to prepare instructional resources before the actual date of the lesson. Basing on the findings, the researcher made some recommendations which include; more qualified mathematics teachers should be employed, and government should provide some resource materials, such as overhead projectors, projectors, computers and text books. The parents and guardians should take an active part in the affairs of their children by providing them with adequate academic requirements. Students should be motivated to like mathematics by use of a variety of exciting teaching methodologies. CHIKANDWE MARK Download
INFLUENCE OF TEACHERS ON ACEDEMIC PERFORMANCEANALYSIS OF FACTORS INFLUENCING THE CHOICE OF BIOLOGY.The study was carried out in public secondary schools in Langata Division, Nairobi County. It investigated on the analysis of factors influencing the choice of Biology among students in public secondary schools. The following were the objectives that guided the entire project: I. To find out how peer group influence the choice of Biology. II. To investigate on whether career opportunities affect the selection of Biology. III. To establish on how performance in Biology influence learners’ selection of the subject. IV. To find out how teaching methodologies determine the choice of Biology. The research used survey design. The target population included teachers and students. The sample comprised 189 participants of which 176 were students and 13 were teachers. Data collection instruments included the questionnaires. The study targeted all the public secondary schools within the division. This target population was therefore purposively selected.BUGINGO NZITUKUZE CLEMENTINE Download
THE CONTRIBUTION OF CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES IN IMPROVING ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN KAJIADO NORTHCONTRIBUTION OF CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES IN IMPROVING ACADEMIC PERFORMANCEThe study sought to assess the contributions of co-curricular activities in improving academic performance among secondary schools in Kajiado North. The objectives were to: Establish the contribution of co-curricular activities to academic performance in secondary schools in Kajiado North; Assess the perception of learners towards co-curricular activities and assess the academic mean scores of the schools that actively participated or did not participate in co-curricular activities. It used survey design with qualitative and quantitative aspects. The sample comprised of 61 respondents who were randomly sampled. The study established that co-curricular activities contribute to improvement of academic performance. It is therefore not a waste of time as implied in some quarters. This is because they make students more focused and responsible in their studies, encourage group work, promote good study habits and guarantees students good marks. The perception of learners is that they enjoy most of those activities although some of the ones they like are not offered while others lack talent in some co-curricular activities leading to avoidance. The schools also perform well both in academics and co-curricular activities and they even think that they can perform even better if more students are involved in those activities. The study recommends that parents and teachers should support their sons and daughters by encouraging them to participate in co-curricular activities and nurture their talents while students should engage more in co-curricular activities as they are beneficial to them in various ways. The principals should make sure that the schools are equipped with adequate facilities and coaches and introduce a variety of activities in order to give students a chance to participate in activities of their choice. The government should increase funding to the secondary schools and set aside some adequate budget for facilities and equipment for co-curricular activities. It should also establish more talent academies to develop students’ specific talents to the maximum. They should also deploy adequate coaches to train students on different co-curricular activitiesTOBIAS OLODO Download
CONTRIBUTION OF PARENTAL ACADEMIC INVOLVEMENT ON STUDENTS’ DISCIPLINE IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN DAGORETTI SOUTH DIVISIONCONTRIBUTION OF PARENTAL ACADEMIC INVOLVEMENT ON STUDENTS’ DISCIPLINE.The purpose of this study is to investigate contribution of parental involvement in academic activities on students discipline in secondary schools in Dagoretti South Division. The study was guided by three research questions which are:-to what extent do parents involve themselves in academic activities, does parental involvement in the academic activities influence student discipline and what are the challenges of parental involvement in academic activities in Dagoretti south division secondary schools. The study had a target population included 24 teachers of three types of schools in Dagoretti South Division, 28 students from a Boys’ only school, 28 students from a Girls only school and 28 students from a Mixed school all in Dagoretti South Division. The questioners where later analyzed by the researcher aided by Microsoft Excel and micro soft word processors where qualified data in form of tables and figures was presented. The study indicated that some of the contributions of parental involvement include often having time for their children and attending the school meetings when called upon. The study also did make a note of parents’ roles in their child’s discipline are important especially through guiding and counseling technique. The study as well noted that the response of teachers on parental involvement enhances good communication and cooperation among teachers and parents. This study proposed that the Parent - teachers association should be legalised as a recommendation by the researcher as it is also an important spectacle in obtaining parents’ interests. In some cases, it is seen that the parents and the teachers differ on the decisions that directly affect the student and by legalizing it hence the decisions made will be appropriate for the sake of the students, as well as for suitable discipline.MERCY NUNGARI KANG’ETHE Download
IN ANALYSIS OF FACTORS AFFECTING STUDENT LEADERSHIP PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN NGONG DIVISION, KAJIADO COUNTY.FACTORS AFFECTING STUDENT LEADERSHIP The Research aimed at giving the analysis of the factors affecting student leadership in public Secondary schools in Ngong Division, Kajiado County. The study was guided by some formulated research questions in relation with the research topic on factors affecting student leadership in Secondary schools, some challenges facing student leaders, teachers influence, peers influence and how the school culture can affect the execution of duties of student leaders in public secondary schools. Therefore, the Researcher employed a mixed and purposive research design to ensure that the targeted population in both schools of Kibiko and Ooolua stood the equal chance of participating in the study. Purposive sampling was employed in order to target the student leaders, teachers and school principals of the both schools. Nevertheless, the total targeted population included 70 Respondents. From 70 Respondents, 52 were students, 8 student leaders, 8 teachers and finally 2 school principals. The researcher intended to involve students of form 2 to form 4 because of their wider experience of secondary school life but more importantly the researcher assumed that at this stage, teachers start to expose students to leadership responsibilities. Certainly,68 Respondents answered and gave feedback to the questionnaire that was used to collect data. Therefore, the collected data was then analyzed, organized and arranged according to each research question and presented using frequency tables, pie charts and bar graphs. The results showed that several factors determine student leadership in secondary schools. The findings indicated that peers and teachers affect positively or negatively student leadership in secondary schools. All the teachers Respondents, students and principals agreed that teachers and peers play a vital role in shaping leadership qualities among students. The study showed that motivation, school culture and parents to affects the well being of students holding leadership roles in secondary schools. In other words, the study concluded that teachers should involve students in selection of their representatives and also motivation of student leaders is very important in secondary schools. DAKA JOSEPH Download
EFFECT OF CREDIT RISK MANAGEMENT ON THE FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE OF COMMERCIAL BANKS IN KENYA: A CASE STUDY OF KENYA COMMERCIAL BANKCREDIT RISK MANAGEMENT.Generally, banks make profit in form of interest from lending credit to customers. However, the challenge of not keeping up to such agreement have left many banks at the losing end, thus customers default to pay in time, while others default completely. This affect the financial performance of the bank. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of credit risk management on the financial performance of commercial banks in Kenya: a case study of Kenya Commercial Bank. The study was guided by the following objectives: to investigate the effect of credit risk management on the financial performance of Kenya Commercial Bank; to find out the strategies used by the Kenya Commercial Bank to manage credit risk and to establish the policies used to mitigate credit risk in the Kenya Commercial Bank. The study used descriptive survey design and 7 credit risk officers participated in the study. Questionnaires were used to collect data and Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25 was used to get descriptive statistics. The study established that there is a relationship between credit risk and the profitability of the bank. However, in as much as the bank make profits from credit awarded to customers, high credit risk can lead to liquidity of the bank. The study found out that the bank has some strategies for mitigating credit risk such as Board of Directors approving credit risk policies, repayment ability as the major factor that determine the amount to lend to customers, growing deposit to maintain loan to deposit ratio and internal audit. However, credit quality reports are not prepared, credit risk assessment is carried out annually which is not enough, training on credit risk management are rarely conducted and the bank does no use credit referencing in awarding credit to customers. The study recommends that credit quality reports should be prepared monthly, credit risk assessment should be carried out regularly, credit referencing should be used in awarding credit to customers and credit risk officers should be taken for more training, workshops, short courses and seminars to better understand the ever-changing economy market.MUNENE DERRICK KURIA Download
DETERMINANTS OF CAREER CHOICE AMONG STUDENTS IN PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN BUTULA DISTRICTDETERMINANTS OF CAREER CHOICE AMONG STUDENTS.The purpose of this study was to establish the determinants of career choice among students in public secondary schools in Butula District. The study evolved along the following questions: What are the motivating factors of career choice among students in public secondary schools?, does parental occupation and level of education determine career choice among students in public secondary schools?, and lastly do perceived employment opportunities influence career choice among students in public secondary schools?.Descriptive survey design was used to collect data. Probability sampling; simple random sampling procedure was used for sample selection of students and teachers. The data was collected using questionnaires for both teachers and students while interview guide was used for parents. Quantitative and qualitative methods were used to analyze data. The quantitative data collected was coded and entered into an SPSS program version 20 for analysis. Quantitative data was used to support the qualitative findings of the study. This enabled the researcher to understand better about the determinants of career choice among students in public secondary schools in Butula District. The study concluded that several factors influence career choice among students in public secondary schools such as economic benefits or the perceived remuneration, working environment, peer pressure as well as the media. The educational level of students’ parents motivate their career choice where well educated parents and those holding well paying jobs are likely to sway their children’s choice of career in a particular way. The social economic background influences the choice of students’ career especially among careers that are expensive to undertake such as medicine and engineering. Some of the problems affecting proper implementation of career choices are peer pressure, pre-conceived ideas, confusion, unawareness of careers available in the market, unrealistic expectations, inadequate trained personnel to handle guidance and counseling sessions, negative attitude towards some careers such as farming, lack of enough exposure and inadequate time for guidance and counseling. The study recommends that schools establish guidance and counseling services and deploy trained personnel to handle students, students undertake enough research on the job market to be able to make realistic career choices, students, teachers and parents should try to discover students’ talents and interest and nurture them to fruition, schools should provide adequate career guidance resources to teachers and students such as books among others to make career choice exercise much easier. Students should be facilitated to interact with people in different sectors of the economy to familiarize themselves with different careers that are in existence and what they entail while schools should establish career choice clubs in schools to create awareness among students at an early age. NOEL SARAH NYONGESA Download
A COMPARATIVE STUDY ON THE EFFECT OF TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMNT PRACTISES ON THE PERFOMANCE OF FIRMS IN THE BANKING INDUSTRY: A CASE OF KENYA COMMERCIAL BANK AND NATIONAL BANK OF KENYATHE EFFECT OF TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMNT PRACTISES ON THE PERFOMANCE OF FIRMS IN THE BANKING INDUSTRY.The overall goal of any business entity is to have the needs of customers satisfied. They do this by offering quality products or services. Total Quality Management is the most currently used means of management that aim at enhancing financial performance of organizations by meeting its customer needs and quality of the products. The study mainly sought to find out the major influence that; concept of total quality has on the management of Kenya Commercial Bank and National Bank of Kenya. The objectives of the study were to establish effect of employee involvement, Continuous improvement technique, Customer satisfaction and Quality Management Techniques on performance of commercial banks in Kenya. The study was based on Knowledge based theory from various TQM guru’s such as Deming’s theory of Total quality management and systems, Juran’s quality trilogy theory, Ishikawa’s seven guideline theory and Feigenbaum’s theory. The study used descriptive research design and a population of 118 respondents drawn from the banks employees. A sample of 118 questioners was taken generating 59 respondents from each Bank. Both structured and unstructured questionnaires with closed and open-ended questions were used intensively to gather relevant data that was used in this study. Different questions were used to give the respondents a wide variety and give room for respondents to answer the objectives in question as exhaustively as it is established. Quantitative data collected was analyzed by the use of descriptive statistics using SPSS (Version 21) and presented through percentages, means, standard deviations and frequencies. The analyzed data was presented in graphs, frequencies, charts and tables for interpretation and to enable draw conclusions and recommendations thereof. The findings of this study will be useful to commercial banks since it will provide insights on the importance of practicing quality management practices in the banking industry to achieve performance of firms. In theory, this study will be resourceful in providing more information on the various quality management practices adopted by firms. The study will also serve as a point of reference to academicians interested in this area and other related topics.ANGELA WANGECHI WANJAU Download
EFFECT OF ACCOUNTING INFORMATION SYSTEMS ON PERFORMANCE OF SMALL AND MEDIUM SIZE ENTERPRISES (STUDY OF KAREN)ACCOUNTING INFORMATION SYSTEMS The main objective and purpose of this study was to identify and analyze the effect of accounting information systems on the performance of small and medium size enterprises. For this research project to be successful in finding the most suitable results the following variables or objectives were used in carrying out the research. These objectives were used as a guide and gave direction to this study. These variables were accounting information systems which acted as the dependent variable while the independent variables were performance, efficiency, cost reduction and competitive advantage in small and medium size enterprises. A population from different small and medium size enterprises in Karen, Nairobi county were selected and used in carrying out this research where the respondents of this study were selected. These comprised of the managers, assistant managers, and the employees involved in accounting systems and information technology systems in these small and medium size enterprises. Data was collected mainly using questionnaires which were self-administered to the respondents who participated in this study, observation was also used and interviews in the data collection process. The data was then analyzed using quantitative and qualitative methods and it was presented using tables, pie charts, graphs and data management software such as MS excel. This research study is concluded by offering recommendations that this study established after considering the current situation in the business environment. The data for this research study was collected from respondents who were selected from selected small and medium enterprises in Karen which this study used as a study to illustrate how accounting information systems affect performance of small business. From this population the researcher was able to come up with an effective sample that was used as the respondents of this research study. These were able to provide the data and information that the researcher was looking for, to be able to meet the objectives of this study as well as the research questions which this study was seeking to answer. After analyzing all the data and information provided by the respondents of this study was able to establish that, performance improvement in many organizations has been facilitated by the flow of information in and out of the organization. When it comes to accounting systems, these systems are technologically advanced and have been able to improve on the growth and development of these institutions. This has promoted proper information keeping and flow and this has enhanced and improved the operations of the organization and enabled many organizations to realize their potential, meet their goals and objectives and basically enhance their performance. The research concluded with the researcher leaving a room for other researchers and scholars to carry further research on this topic and other closely related topics of study concerning information accounting systems.   KIPNGETICH CHEBET NELLY Download
EFFECT OF BANK FINANCING ON PERFORMANCE OF LISTED COMPANIES IN NAIROBI SECURITIES EXCHANGE IN KENYA: A CASE STUDY OF MANUFACTURING AND ALLIED SECTORBANK FINANCING Corporate finance literature suggests that the bank financing plays a critical role in determining the performance of a firm. This study investigated the relationship between bank financing and firm’s performance of 5 selected companies listed within the Nairobi Securities exchange (NSE) 2011-2015. In this study, the bank financing is considered in terms amount of loan, interest on loan, duration period and collateral security. The relationship between bank financing and firm’s performance is one that has received considerable attention in the finance literature. This is because it represents one of the most controversial issues in the field of finance. It’s in this respect the researcher carried the study in the Kenyan Nairobi Securities Exchange market. The objective of the study was to determine the relationship between amount of loan on performance of listed companies in Nairobi securities exchange in Kenya: a case study of manufacturing and allied sector, to evaluate whether interest on loans affect performance of listed companies in Nairobi securities exchange in Kenya: a case study of manufacturing and allied sector, to establishes the effect of duration period on performance listed companies in Nairobi securities exchange in Kenya: a case study of manufacturing and allied sector, to assess the nature of collateral loans on performance of listed companies in Nairobi securities exchange in Kenya: a case study of manufacturing and allied sector. The study used financial ratios such as, Return on Equity (ROE), Return on Assets (ROA), as measures of firm performance. The study also used amount of loan, interest on loan, duration period and collateral security to analyze the relationship between bank financing and firm’s performance. Secondary data from Nairobi Securities Exchange hand book was collected for the period of 5years (2011-2015). It comprised of Audited financial statements, daily share prices including open and closing prices were obtained basically from the NSE for 5 years, and outstanding shares, profits, total assets, daily market prices, equity. Data obtained was analyzed into useful information using a statistical package for Social science (SPSS). Multiple regression analysis was used since it is the best suited for providing a means of establishing quantitative association between variables. The result of the research explains a significantly positive relationship between amount of loan and ROE and ROA as measures of firm performance, while interest on loan and interest on loan, duration period and collateral security has a negative correlation with Return on Equity (ROE) and Return on Asset (ROA). This study focuses on the firms listed in the NSE Main Investment Market Segment. During the course of this study several ideas and potential research areas have crossed my mind. The purpose of this section is to serve as a source of inspiration for further researchers who want to write research papers within this area of work. As firms age management should be very keen on the capital structure and also embrace technology which can improve firms performance, Gleason, Mathur, and Mathur (2000), found that Firm size has a positive and significant impact on firm performance ROA, The economic environment, organizational policy and risk will affect firms’ performance. INNOCENT J KESSY Download
EFFECT OF BOOKKEEPING ON FINANCIAL STABILITY OF CATHOLIC INSTITUTIONS: A CASE OF COTTOLENGO INSTITUTIONS IN EAST AFRICABOOKKEEPING AND FINANCIAL STABILITY The study was carried out to investigate effect of bookkeeping on financial stability of Catholic Institutions: a case of Cottolengo Institutions in East Africa. The research objectives were to determine the effect of cashbook, journal entries, ledger accounts and to evaluate the effect of vouchers on financial stability of Cottolengo Institutions in East Africa. The instrument used to gather information was a questionnaire. A total of 30 Cottolengo members who are involved in money recording and keeping were taken for the study’s target population. The census method was used since the target population was small. Structured questionnaires were used as a tool for collecting data and were distributed to the respondents with the approval of the relevant authorities. All questionnaires were administered personally by the researcher and the respondents were given two weeks to fill them. The data was analyzed using statistical descriptive methods, SPSS was used to analyze the data inform of frequencies, percentages, tables and graphs. The study concluded that recording and maintaining of records is very essential in any organization for it helps in report preparations and for future reference. The study recommended that the institution should arrange for the seminars, workshops and other kinds of trainings which will give knowledge on bookkeeping and also on report preparation.MARETE LUISA MAKENA Download
EFFECT OF CREDIT RISK MANAGEMENT ON THE FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE OF COMMERCIAL BANKS IN KENYA: A CASE STUDY OF KENYA COMMERCIAL BANKCREDIT RISK MANAGEMENTGenerally, banks make profit in form of interest from lending credit to customers. However, the challenge of not keeping up to such agreement have left many banks at the losing end, thus customers default to pay in time, while others default completely. This affect the financial performance of the bank. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of credit risk management on the financial performance of commercial banks in Kenya: a case study of Kenya Commercial Bank. The study was guided by the following objectives: to investigate the effect of credit risk management on the financial performance of Kenya Commercial Bank; to find out the strategies used by the Kenya Commercial Bank to manage credit risk and to establish the policies used to mitigate credit risk in the Kenya Commercial Bank. The study used descriptive survey design and 7 credit risk officers participated in the study. Questionnaires were used to collect data and Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25 was used to get descriptive statistics. The study established that there is a relationship between credit risk and the profitability of the bank. However, in as much as the bank make profits from credit awarded to customers, high credit risk can lead to liquidity of the bank. The study found out that the bank has some strategies for mitigating credit risk such as Board of Directors approving credit risk policies, repayment ability as the major factor that determine the amount to lend to customers, growing deposit to maintain loan to deposit ratio and internal audit. However, credit quality reports are not prepared, credit risk assessment is carried out annually which is not enough, training on credit risk management are rarely conducted and the bank does no use credit referencing in awarding credit to customers. The study recommends that credit quality reports should be prepared monthly, credit risk assessment should be carried out regularly, credit referencing should be used in awarding credit to customers and credit risk officers should be taken for more training, workshops, short courses and seminars to better understand the ever-changing economy market.MUNENE DERRICK KURIA Download
EFFECT OF EXPANSION ON PERFORMANCE OF COMMERCIAL BANKS: A CASE OF KENYA COMMERCIAL BANKPERFORMANCE OF COMMERCIAL BANKSThis study aimed to determine the effect of expansion on the performance of commercial banks: a case of Kenya Commercial Bank. The research objectives were to determine the effect of acquisition on earning per share, mergers on liquidity, strategic alliance on gearing ratio of the Kenya Commercial Bank. The instrument used to gather information was the document analysis guide. A total of 3 tables were used to get the number of mergers, acquisition, strategic alliances of Kenya Commercial Bank from the year 2010 to 2016 also the value of earning per share, mergers and strategic alliance. The data was analyzed using tables, graphs. The study concluded that there is a positive relationship between expansion strategies and performance of commercial banks. POWA IMONA SASKIA Download
INFLUENCE OF PRACTICAL WORK ON THE MASTERY OF THE BIOLOGY SUBJECT IN PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS, IN DAGORETTI SUB – COUNTY, NAIROBI COUNTYpractical work on the mastery of the biology subjectThis study analyzed the influence of practical work on the mastery of Biology subject in public secondary schools in Dagoreti Sub-Country, Nairobi County. The study was based on three objectives specifically; To find out whether the attitude of the learners towards practical work contributes to the mastery of Biology Subject, to investigate how the attitude of teachers towards Biology practical work influences mastery of Biology Subject, to investigate whether practical work contributes in improving students’ interest towards Biology. This research adopted the quantitative research paradigm particularly the cross-sectional survey method in obtaining quantitative data. 87 students and 11 teachers were randomly sampled from three schools in Dagoretti Sub-county. Data was collected through administration of questionnaires to the respondents and were analyzed by means of the SPSS lay out and presented using frequency tables, bar charts and percentages. The findings of this study disclosed that practical work has a considerable influence on the mastery of the Biology subject. It showed that students and teachers generally have a positive attitude toward biology yet students fail sometimes to decipher the relationship between theory and practical. The study further disclosed that laboratories were available in schools but were not used adequately, furthermore the time allocated for practical lessons was enough yet the respondents demanded for more time and finally in as much as skills are emphasized in practical lessons, the research unveiled that teachers tended to emphasize more on basic process skills over integrate process skills. This study will offer a framework in which teachers could re-evaluate their instructional strategies during practical work for the enhancement of effective teaching and learning. To achieve this teachers need to make the students more aware of the roles theory and practical play as part of a whole in the biology syllabus, more laboratories need to be built in schools and adequate time allocated for practicalYAO ARISTIDE - GHISLAIN Download
EFFECT OF FRAUD MANAGEMENT ON FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE OF MEDICAL INSURANCE FIRMS IN KENYA. A CASE OF AAR MEDICAL INSURANCE COMPANY.FRAUD MANAGEMENT ON FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE OF MEDICAL INSURANCE FIRMSIncidences of fraud have continued to settle comfortably in the medical insurance companies. Poor managerial strategies and polices has been the cause of medical insurance company losses of substantial amounts of money to settling fraud claims. This necessitated a case study of the AAR medical insurance company of Kenya. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of fraud management on financial performance of medical insurance firms in Kenya. A case of AAR medical insurance company. The study was guided by the following objectives: To find out the effect of individual subscriber fraud on financial performance of medical insurance firms; To find out the effect of Health care provider fraud on financial performance of medical insurance firms and to suggest mitigation measures against medical frauds in medical insurance firms. The study used descriptive survey design and adopted the quantitative approach. The study enlisted 7 respondents from the fraud management department of the AAR insurance company. Questionnaires was used to collect quantitative data. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25 was used to get descriptive statistics. The study established that there have been cases of individual subscribers’ fraud. However, among the group of fraud that the company experiences, is health provider fraud while non-disclosure of prior ailments is the major fraud committed by the individual subscriber. However, there is no software that can professionally detect fraudulent activities and the company does not use IT system in receiving fraudulent claims. Furthermore, the survey findings revealed that the Insurance Regulatory Authority is not doing enough to combat insurance fraud. The study recommends that computerized (IT) systems be used in handling of fraud claims. The Government of Kenya through the Insurance Regulatory Authority should do a follow up review of how medical insurance companies are managing fraud and the Insurance Fraud Investigation Unit (IFIU) should employ a proactive means of helping medical insurance company handle fraud.REBECCA THUONY ARECH Download
FACTORS INFLUENCING THE USE OF FIELDWORK METHOD IN THE TEACHING AND LEARNING OF GEOGRAPHY IN PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN NGONG SUB- COUNTY, KAJIADO COUNTY.Fieldwork method in the teaching and learning of geographyThe study examined the factors influencing the use of fieldwork in the teaching and learning of Geography in public secondary schools in Ngong Sub- County, Kajiado County. The objectives of this study were: To investigate the extent to which fieldwork method is used in the teaching and learning of Geography in secondary Schools; to find out the perceptions of teachers and students towards fieldwork method in the Teaching and learning of Geography, and to identify the challenges that faces fieldwork method as a method used in the teaching and learning geography in Secondary Schools. To achieve these objectives, the researcher administered questionnaires to the students and teachers from three selected schools in the study area. The students were sampled randomly, while the teachers were purposively sampled. The responses were analyzed and presented in figures and tables. The findings showed that, majority of public secondary schools from the study area, have knowledge about fieldwork. In those schools, students are taken for fieldwork once a year, and topics that make part of Physical Geography are studied. The findings also presented a high appreciation and preferences of fieldwork method from the respondents. However, the lack of enough funds, top the list of challenges which hinder the effective use of fieldwork method. Therefore, the researcher recommended that, the Government should sponsor schools, with a school bus at least, to facilitate the use of fieldwork. He also recommended proper planning in by the schools administration, so as to provide adequate time for these field exercises. Furthermore, the researcher suggested areas for further study that include: Contributions of fieldwork on the academic performance of Geography Students in Public Secondary schools; and the role of school administrations in geographical fieldwork method use in Public Secondary schools.KABALISA THEOGENE Download
EFFECTS OF TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLES ON SERVICE DELIVERY IN THE PUBLIC SECTOREffects of Total Quality Management principles on service deliveryTotal quality management is a tool used by organizations with its core values centered on continually improving the quality of its product and services, and the quality of its processes, to meet and exceed customer expectations. The purpose of this study was to analyze Total Quality Management Principles and how it improves service delivery in the public sector. The specific objectives of this study were to examine how process improvement as a principle of TQM affects service delivery; to establish whether employee involvement as a principle of TQM affects the delivery of services, to determine how working in teams as a principle of TQM affects the delivery of services and to establish how continuous improvement as a principle of TQM affects the delivery of services in the public sector. The research study was carried out at National Hospital Insurance Fund. The study was of benefit to the management so as to improve the organization’s process of management and also the quality of service delivered. The study used the descriptive research design this is because it helped facilitate a general understanding and the interpretation of the problems. The target population was 150 respondents who were selected through random sampling. The data was collected using self administered questionnaires which were both open minded and close ended. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics using SPSS software and presented in pie charts and tables. The following were the key findings: Employee involvement is very essential to the organization as employees opinions help contribute to the sharing of ideas that help improve processes and service delivery. Secondly it is process improvement that lists all possible causes to a problem and some of its effects and coming up with new and useful ideas to sort out the particular problem that helps improve the processes to enable improved service delivery. Thirdly it is continuous improvement that seeks to note what is needed by the organization and what is not needed by the organization to ensure continuous improvement of functions that ensures overall customer satisfaction through improved service delivery. Fourthly it is the presence of teamwork which is essential to the organization and ensures creative ideas are shared and effectively used which helps foster flexibility and responsiveness especially to respond to change which genuinely pleases customers who enjoy improved service delivery. The study further recommends extensive research involving other companies of a different nature for extensive and further research.GATHII KEVIN KARICHO Download
EFFECTS OF CLASS REPETITION ON PUPILS PERFORMANCE IN PUBLIC PRIMARY SCHOOLS IN KAJIADO WEST SUB-COUNTY, KAJIADO COUNTY, KENYA.EFFECTS OF REPETITION ON PUPILS PERFORMANCE The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of class repetition by pupils in public primary schools in Kajiado West sub-county, Kajiado County, Kenya. The study objectives were; to investigate effect of class repetition on academic achievement, investigate effect of class repetition on schooling; establish effect of class repetition on school operations and the possible ways in which class repetition can be reduced. Cross-sectional survey research design was used. The target population of the study were all public primary schools pupils in Kajiado West County which are estimated to be about 50400 pupils. Simple random sampling technique was used to select public primary schools that will form the sample. The data collection instruments used in this study was two separate questionnaires for pupils and head teachers. The first objective was to investigate effect of class repetition on academic achievement. The findings of the study indicated that class repetition do not necessarily lead to academic achievement. The second objective was to investigate effect of class repetition on schooling. The study shows that there is a negative association class repetition and schooling. The third objective was to establish effect of class repetition on school operations. The study shows that class repetition affects school operations negatively. Therefore there is a negative association between class repetition and school operations. The forth objective was to investigate the effect of class repetition and its possible solutions. The response shows that both teachers and pupils almost had the same suggestions on how to reduce class repetition which is easy and convenient to practise. Based on the findings the study concluded that class repetition do not necessarily lead to academic achievement. The study concluded that there is a negative association between class repetition and schooling, negative relationship between class repetition and school operations. Finally, the study concluded class repetition can be reduced hence the result is positive. The study recommended that pupils to be consulted whether they are willing to repeat class voluntarily instead of forcing them to repeat. Pupils should be provided with quality education so that they can perform well at the first appearance instead of repeating to attain good grades. Teachers, head teachers and parents to support those pupils who have repeated through guiding and recognition of their efforts. JAJI LORNA Download
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of class repetition by pupils in public primary schools in Kajiado West sub-county, Kajiado County, Kenya. The study objectives were; to investigate effect of class repetition on academic achievement, investigate effect of class repetition on schooling; establish effect of class repetition on school operations and the possible ways in which class repetition can be reduced. Cross-sectional survey research design was used. The target population of the study were all public primary schools pupils in Kajiado West County which are estimated to be about 50400 pupils. Simple random sampling technique was used to select public primary schools that will form the sample. The data collection instruments used in this study was two separate questionnaires for pupils and head teachers. The first objective was to investigate effect of class repetition on academic achievement. The findings of the study indicated that class repetition do not necessarily lead to academic achievement. The second objective was to investigate effect of class repetition on schooling. The study shows that there is a negative association class repetition and schooling. The third objective was to establish effect of class repetition on school operations. The study shows that class repetition affects school operations negatively. Therefore there is a negative association between class repetition and school operations. The forth objective was to investigate the effect of class repetition and its possible solutions. The response shows that both teachers and pupils almost had the same suggestions on how to reduce class repetition which is easy and convenient to practise. Based on the findings the study concluded that class repetition do not necessarily lead to academic achievement. The study concluded that there is a negative association between class repetition and schooling, negative relationship between class repetition and school operations. Finally, the study concluded class repetition can be reduced hence the result is positive. The study recommended that pupils to be consulted whether they are willing to repeat class voluntarily instead of forcing them to repeat. Pupils should be provided with quality education so that they can perform well at the first appearance instead of repeating to attain good grades. Teachers, head teachers and parents to support those pupils who have repeated through guiding and recognition of their efforts.EFFECTS OF FRENCH LANGUAGE ON LEARNING The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of French language on learning of English language among French speaking students in institutions of higher learning in Lang’ata Division, Nairobi County. The study was guided by the following objectives: To evaluate how French pronunciation affects the learning of English language; To examine how French spelling affects the learning of English language; To establish how French vocabulary affects the learning of English language; To determine how French grammar affects the learning of English language and; To assess how direct translation of French phrases into English affects the learning of English language. The study used descriptive design and questionnaires were used to collect data from respondents. The data was analyzed and presented using tables, graphs and pie charts. The study established that French language has a major influence on learning of English language. French pronunciation, spelling, vocabulary, grammar and direct translation were noted to have either negative or positive influence on learning of English language. English spelling system was found to be confusing especially inconsistencies between spelling and pronunciation. It was also established that French vocabulary is useful to Francophone students learning English. French orientation causes wrong choice of tenses when writing English sentences while Francophone students are always tempted to use French grammatical rules in English. Direct translation of French phrases to English was noted to have a negative impact on written English as most Francophone students decode information first in French before translating it into English. The study recommends that parents and guardians should take their children for English classes at a tender age as a way of getting them exposed to the language early in their lives. Lecturers teaching Francophone students English should also try to learn French so as to have an understanding of how to effectively handle the language needs of these students. Lecturers should expose students to a variety of English materials; encourage them to speak in public, in group discussions and in debates. Students should inculcate a positive perception and attitude towards English language. Students should also read widely, write a lot in English and speak more with English speakers while Institutions of Higher learning should be well equipped with adequate and up to date English learning and teaching resources including language laboratories. ABDOU RAKIB Download
AN INVESTIGATION INTO THE FACTORS INFLUENCING READING CULTURE, IN PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS, IN DAGORRETI, SUBCOUNTY, NAIROBI COUNTYFactors influencing reading culture in pulbic secondary schoolsThe goal of this study was to explore the factors influencing reading culture, in public secondary schools, in Dagoretti, sub-county, Nairobi. The study is guided by the following aims:  To examine the perception of students towards avid (enthusiastic) reading  To establish the role of parents in encouraging reading culture  To determine the role of teachers in enhancing reading culture among secondary school students  To examine the role of availability of reading resources in promoting a reading among Secondary school students In carrying out this study, questionnaires were administered to 100 students, 10 teachers and three librarians. The data gather from the respondents were analysed and interpreted. The target population comprised of three secondary schools of form three and four. The study revealed that the role of parents and teachers encourages and enhances reading culture hence, the teachers are committed in their profession. And most especially the availability of resources used in secondary schools. The research accepts that reading is very essential in all round development of the learners, as it is made up of techniques and processes that can be used for developing the various methods that involve vocabulary development and other areas of academic training. Claiming to the above findings, the researcher recommends that the role of teachers in enhancing reading culture should be very much considered with commitment. The availability of reading resources in secondary schools and the perception or passion of students towards reading culture should be view as an important target for developing knowledge, attitude, and skills. ATAKWU ISRAEL DAVID Download
EFFECTS OF POVERTY ON ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF PUBLIC PRIMARY SCHOOL PUPILS IN NZAMBANI SUB-COUNTY, KITUI COUNTYEFFECTS OF POVERTY ON ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE Education is believed to have the ability to open opportunities for a brighter future. However, it continues to elude many children especially those from low income households. It is for this reason that the researcher embarked on a study to establish the effects of poverty on academic performance of primary school pupils in Nzambani Sub-County, Kitui County. The study was guided by the following objectives: To examine how economic factors, affect academic performance of primary school pupils Nzambani sub-county, Kitui County; To investigate the influence of diseases on academic performance of primary school pupils Nzambani Sub-County, Kitui County; To determine the effects of food insecurity on academic performance of primary school pupils Nzambani sub-county, Kitui County and; To find out the effect of cultural factors on academic performance of primary school pupils Nzambani sub-county, Kitui County. The literature review has shown that poverty has adverse effects on academic performance. The methodology employed by the study was quantitative method. The study enlisted a sample of 128 participants which comprised 116 pupils and 12 teachers. Pupils were selected through random sampling while teachers were selected through purposive sampling method. The study concluded that economic factors affect students’ academic performance. Students from lower income households have poor learning environment which negatively impacts on their academic performance due to due to lack of school necessities. On how diseases influence students’ academic performance, the study concluded that diseases influence students’ academic performance of students negatively. On the influence of food security on students’ academic performance of students, the study concluded that proper nutrition is essential for children’s academic performance since it results to improved cognitive development of students and that hungry children cannot concentrate in class and was absent most of the times. The study also concluded retrogressive cultural practices such as early marriages, female genital mutilation and excess home chores lead to poor academic performance among students. The study recommends that the national government should ensure that the students in primary school get a better conducive learning environment by getting medication and food to eat as well as getting rid of retrogressive cultural factors. Kathumo Susan Ndumi Download
The role of prefects in enhancing discipline in secondary schools in KenyaPrefects role in enhancing disciplineThis study was conducted with the purpose of establishing the role of prefects in enhancing discipline in secondary schools. It was done in Ngong Division of Kajiado District. It was guided by research questions which helped in collecting information about the role prefects played in enhancing discipline among learners in secondary schools, the challenges prefects faced in executing their work and the measures taken by the school administration to overcome such challenges and thus support the work of prefects in secondary schools. The target population of this investigation was the public and private secondary schools in Ngong Division. Enoomatasia and Olooleiser secondary schools were the sample schools which is a representative of the other schools in Ngong Division. The sample population included forty (40) students who were selected randomly from Forms three and four (4). In each school, two (2) teachers were selected and among those selected was the principal and the vice or deputy principal. The findings of the data collected were presented in the form of frequencies, percentages, tables and charts. The research revealed that the role of prefects is very significant in enhancing discipline in secondary schools. The study also established that teachers and prefects are models of good behavior to learners and fellow students. This is because the teachers and prefects are often compassionate and caring to the learners and always made sure that a favorable environment of learning was created alongside order and full class control. It was also found out that there was insufficient support for prefects from the school administration and that prefects were not given enough power to discipline fellow students. Prefects were also not trained and organized for workshops and seminars on school discipline and management. The researcher came up with a conclusion that prefects played a very significant role the management of schools as far as discipline is concerned in secondary schools in Ngong Division of Kajiado District. EMMANUEL TIYDZE Download
Effects Of Reading Culture On The Performance Of Secondary School Students In Kiswahili In Menara Zone, Kisumu CountyReading Culture On The Performance Of Secondary School Students In Kiswahili.The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of reading culture on the performance of secondary school students in Kiswahili in Menara Zone, Kisumu County. This study was guided by the following four main objectives: i. To establish the attitude of students towards Kiswahili. ii. To find out whether there are adequate reading resources for Kiswahili. iii. To look for ways of improving the reading culture among students in Kiswahili. iv. To determine ways of motivating students in cultivating a reading culture for Kiswahili so as to improve their performance. Simple random sampling was done in the selection of schools and out of a total of about fifty schools in the zone, only six schools were selected for the study. Similarly, the group of students selected out of the total number that exists was a hundred and twenty, through random sampling. The study used simple random sampling and purposive sampling to select students, their teachers. Purposive sampling was done so as to give a wider picture of reading culture in small schools where resources are few, medium schools where resources are moderate and big schools where they have more resources. The sample comprised of a hundred and twenty students in Form 3 and Form 4 from the six selected schools in Menara Zone. Each school provided twenty students to be included in the study. The reason as to why the senior students (Form 3 and Form 4) were included in the study is because they have formed a consistent pattern of reading. Another category of the sample comprised of twelve Kiswahili teachers from the six schools, with each school providing two Kiswahili teachers for the study. The last category was made up of six head teachers from each of the six selected schools in Menara Zone. For all the categories, questionnaires were used as an instrument of collecting data. The findings indicated that students have a negative attitude towards Kiswahili and not much has been done to motivate them to improve their reading culture in Kiswahili so as to boost their performance. However, the researcher recommended various ways of addressing this issue, of improving the reading culture in Kiswahili among the students. Looking at the adequacy of reading materials, it is only one or two of the selected schools that are actually working extra hard on having adequate reading materials. Similarly, the researcher recommended a workable plan that can help to solve this challenge. In determining ways of motivating students in cultivating a reading culture for Kiswahili so as to improve their performance, the findings were not equally encouraging. As a result, the researcher outlined the ways forward to confront the setbacks. OPIYO SARAH ACHIENG’ Download
FACTORS INFLUENCING THE CHOICE OF SOURCE OF CAPITAL IN MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM-SIZE ENTERPRISESChoice of source of capitalIn Kenya, there are about 2.2 million micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises (Strategic Business Advisors [Africa] Ltd, 2007), of which 88% are non-registered. Of this non-registered group, only 23% have bank accounts, and only 10% have ever received credit from any formal source. MSME’s face many constraints, the lack of appropriate financial products and services in variably appears in surveys and analysis as one of the leading hurdles to realizing growth. Therefore this study seeks to establish factors influencing the choice of source of capital in MSME’S. The general objective of the study was to establish the factors influencing the choice of source of capital in MSME’S. The study adopted a mixed quantitative and qualitative design to describe the factors influencing choice of source of capital in MSM’S. Forty (40) of the total population of MSME’s who had consistently operated for more than five years were randomly sampled and subjected to this study. Quantitative data collected was analyzed by the use of inferential statistics and presented through percentages and frequencies. This study finds that whether SMEs can provide collateral or guarantee is a decisive factor, factors such as share ring of information between the MSME’S and the various creditors , trans action cost, cost of credit play an important role. Most of SMEs are in growth phrase, with small or medium size, relating to choice of source of entrepreneurial finance are the same for all SMEs regardless of their ability to obtain market information with regard to sources of capital. This study is faced with the problem of generalizing the research findings to all the MSME’s in Kenya, therefore other researchers may focus on the supply side factors influencing choice of source capital of by MSME’s that MSME’s have poor credit risk mitigation measures.DANIEL KANGE’THE NJOROGE Download
THE INFLUENCE OF TEACHER MOTIVATION ON TEACHING AND LEARNING IN PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN NYERI MUNICIPALITY, NYERI COUNTYTeacher motivationThe study examined “The Influence of Teacher Motivation on Teaching and Learning in Public Secondary Schools in Nyeri Municipality,Nyeri County”. It involved three public secondary schools and it was guided by four research objectives: to investigate whether salary as a form of teacher motivation affects the performance of students, to explore the role of high incentives as a form of motivation to teachers on students’ performance, to find out the effects of working conditions for teachers as a motivator on students’ performance in public secondary schools, to suggest other possible measures of motivating teachers. In order to attain these predetermined objectives, the study used questionnaire to collect data which were distributed to the students and teachers as well as interview schedule for the teachers. Teachers and Form Four students from three selected public secondary schools were sampled using simple random method to make the sample size of 125. Five sections made up the questionnaire used to collect data from the respondents: demographic information, salary as a motivator, role of high incentives, working conditions and other measures to be taken. Relevant questions to the research were designed into two main types, namely closed ended questions and open ended questions. The questionnaire return rate was 71.2 % of the sample size for students, 12% for the teachers and it was out of their responses that the study drew inferences from the findings. The quantitative data from the questionnaire were analyzed, presented and interpreted using IBM SPSS (version 21). The data provided through open ended questions and the interview schedule were also coded to support the quantitative information. The study revealed that both intrinsic and extrinsic rewards such as better housing and remuneration, promotion, conducive working environment, feasible workload, adequate teaching and learning resources and opportunities for advancement would positively influence teachers’ motivation hence, teachers’ and students’performances.The study recommends that the Teachers Service Commission should increase teacher’s salaries and standardize it. The school administration should provide enough teaching and learning resources through cost sharing with the parents. The Government should be fair in equally treating the employees in all sectors thus making them receive benefits that will increase physical comfort. Head teachers should be given proper job descriptions by their employer which will help them give clear directions to the teachers.KAGUAMBA MARY WANGARI Download
THE INFLUENCE OF SPORTS ON DISCIPLINE IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN KAJIADO SOUTHThe influence of sports on discipline in secondary schoolsThe purpose of this study was to establish the influence of sports on discipline in secondary schools in Kajiado South. The study used descriptive design and adopted mixed research design. A sample of 40 respondents comprising students and teachers was used. The study found out that, indeed sports plays a positive role in curbing indiscipline in secondary schools. It concluded that many secondary school students have a positive attitude towards sports and therefore participates on weekly basis. However, the varieties of sports on offer in the curriculum and the time allocated to play are inadequate. Students who are actively involved in sports were found to be also disciplined as sports promotes self-discipline, enhance teamwork spirit, promote life skills and enable students to release tension, lower aggression and chances of indulging in crimes. However, sport facilities are inadequate and in bad condition to effectively serve the sporting needs of students in secondary schools. The variety of sports in the curriculum should be increased to broaden the participation of students. School administrators have also neglecting sports in favour of academics. The study recommends schools to motivate students to participate actively in sports by organizing frequent inter schools competitions and award participators. School administrators should also provide adequate facilities, trainers and allocate enough time for sports, while the government should increase funding for sports in schools and set sports standards to be followed by each secondary school in the entire country. FAITH ASWANI Download
Effects Of Teacher-Student Classroom Interaction On Students’ Academic Performance In Public Secondary Schools In Ngong Sub-County Kajiado County Teacher-Student Classroom Interaction Teacher-student classroom interaction is an important aspect that reinforces and regulates the teaching and learning process. This study, therefore, investigates its effects on students’ academic performance. This study aimed to establish how classroom, interactive teaching methods and conducive classroom environment influences students’ academic performance. The researcher used the survey design. The study was conducted in public secondary schools in Ngong Sub-County Kajiado County. The instruments used to collect data were questionnaires for both students and teachers. The study used a sample which was 30% of the whole population and which was selected randomly. The sample size of 147 respondents comprising of 141 students and 6 teachers was used. The researcher then analysed data using SPSS (version 21). The analysed quantitative data was presented using frequency tables, percentages, bar graphs and pie charts. Qualitative data was as well used so as to give the back born to the study. The interpretations and recommendations were based on the research findings and the research objectives. The findings showed that classroom interaction facilitates easy learning in students and boost student’s academic performance. Teaching methodology used in the classroom should be a means that fosters and nurtures learning through interaction and development of students’ academic performance. The conducive classroom environment is essential for any effective classroom interaction to take place. The attitude of both students and teachers play a vital role in creating a conducive classroom interaction.Moffat Phiri Download
Effects of using Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) in the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics in Institutions of Higher Learning in Lang’ata Division, Nairobi, County.Effects of using Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) in the Teaching and Learning The purpose of this study was to investigate effects of using ICT facilities in the teaching and learning of mathematics in the institutions of higher learning in Lang’ata Division, Nairobi County. The study used cross sectional survey design where simple random sampling was used to sample three institutions of higher learning for the study. The sample size of the study was 85 mathematics students and 10 lecturers for the three sampled institutions. The study found that internet connection and the up-to-date ICT facilities are the challenges for both lecturers and students despite the availability of ICT facilities. It also revealed that students’ performance better mathematics and understand mathematics concepts when ICT facilities are used in the teaching and learning of mathematics. It indicated that the relationship between lecturers-students has improved. Therefore, students are prepared for their future career orientation when ICT facilities are used in the teaching and learning of mathematics. From the findings, the researcher recommended that government should provide ICT facilities from primary schools up to university level, so that mathematics students and lecturers in the institutions of higher learning are familiar with ICT operations. It also recommended that Ministry of Education, curriculum and syllabus developers should provide means and ways to integrate ICT facilities in the teaching and learning of mathematics. The institutions of higher learning leaders in Lang’ata Division must also ensure that quantity and quality ICT facilities are provided and maintained. They should also employ trained mathematics lecturers with ICT knowledge. MANIRAKIZA Paulin Download
The Influence Of Teacher Motivation On Teaching And Learning In Public Secondary Schools In Nyeri Municipality, Nyeri CountyInfluence Of Teacher Motivation On Teaching And Learning The study examined “The Influence of Teacher Motivation on Teaching and Learning in Public Secondary Schools in Nyeri Municipality,Nyeri County”. It involved three public secondary schools and it was guided by four research objectives: to investigate whether salary as a form of teacher motivation affects the performance of students, to explore the role of high incentives as a form of motivation to teachers on students’ performance, to find out the effects of working conditions for teachers as a motivator on students’ performance in public secondary schools, to suggest other possible measures of motivating teachers. In order to attain these predetermined objectives, the study used questionnaire to collect data which were distributed to the students and teachers as well as interview schedule for the teachers. Teachers and Form Four students from three selected public secondary schools were sampled using simple random method to make the sample size of 125. Five sections made up the questionnaire used to collect data from the respondents: demographic information, salary as a motivator, role of high incentives, working conditions and other measures to be taken. Relevant questions to the research were designed into two main types, namely closed ended questions and open ended questions. The questionnaire return rate was 71.2 % of the sample size for students, 12% for the teachers and it was out of their responses that the study drew inferences from the findings. The quantitative data from the questionnaire were analyzed, presented and interpreted using IBM SPSS (version 21). The data provided through open ended questions and the interview schedule were also coded to support the quantitative information. The study revealed that both intrinsic and extrinsic rewards such as better housing and remuneration, promotion, conducive working environment, feasible workload, adequate teaching and learning resources and opportunities for advancement would positively influence teachers’ motivation hence, teachers’ and students’performances.The study recommends that the Teachers Service Commission should increase teacher’s salaries and standardize it. The school administration should provide enough teaching and learning resources through cost sharing with the parents. The Government should be fair in equally treating the employees in all sectors thus making them receive benefits that will increase physical comfort. Head teachers should be given proper job descriptions by their employer which will help them give clear directions to the teachers. KAGUAMBA MARY WANGARI Download
Analysis Of Cultural Differences On Team Work Performance In An Organisation A Case Of Marist International University CollegeAnalysis Of Cultural Differences On Team Work Performance Culture has diverse meanings, in simple terms or rather the layman’s language we may say that it is a people’s way of living. In life’s existence we do have 2 types of culture, namely; Personal culture – this entails an individual’s way of living and General culture- this is with reference to a mass of people with similar cultural backgrounds. The researcher had Individual perceptions, Language differences and Nationality as general objectives for the study. With the use of the objectives the researcher has analyzed the challenges that come about teamwork performance with the diversity in the school. The topic in question tends to provide a solution to the problem that organizations may face or rather may be encountering as a result of diversity in the culture of the employees and students .Most organizations, well point of correction, all organizations have different departments assigned to different tasks for efficient operation of the organization, this departments may also be termed as teams. It is not likely that all personnel working under one department have similar cultural background hence the study helps us find ways to get all these people with different cultures but from one department have positive conflicts as well as positive outputs. EKRAH SHIYAYO SHINALI Download
Elements Of Extensive Reading And L1 In Students’ English Essays:A Case Study Of Students In Ngong, Kajiado County.Extensive Reading And L1 This study analyses the elements of extensive reading and effects of L1 in students’ English essay. The research focuses on English language teachers and from three and four students randomly sampled. The research findings indicated that extensive reading culture affects students’ ability to express themselves in essay writing in English language. It also shows that L1 is mainly manifested in students’ English essay as direct translation. Using Coder’s (1967) Error Analysis Theory, the study shows that students’ errors in English essays mainly includes: tenses, constructions and subject-verb agreement. The students’ problems in essay writing are mainly attributed to students’ related factors like lack of understanding of English concepts, limited vocabulary and lack of regular practiceMWAMBA CHOMBA VICTOR Download
THE ANALYSIS OF THE EFFECT OF INTEGRATED ENGLISH ON THE PERFORMANCE OF ENGLISH: A Case Study of Nembu Girls High School in Nairobi CountyEffects of integrated EnglishThis project is a case study, conducted within a paradigm of action research of the performance of English in Kenyan National Examination. Its aim is to investigate the effect of the integration of English language and literature on the performance of English. The case study is placed in context through a consideration of educational change in performance of Nembu Girls High School. The case study is also contextualized at an international level through a survey of the theory and practice of an integrated approach to the teaching of English language and literature to ESOL students. A survey of the literature, mainly in the last twenty-seven years, reveals a growing interest in this approach. An attempt is then made to encapsulate this research in the form of giving the benefits of integrating English language and literature. The case study subsequently attempts to test the validity of these claims. The case study is presented as a process involving statement of the problem, literature review, the research design and methodology, findings and evaluation of its efficacy by the researcher. In line with methodology of action, questionnaires are used to gather data. The analysis of this data is both quantitative and qualitative. In keeping with the philosophy of action research and current educational practice, an attempt was made to incorporate the act upon the insights of students and teachers. The conclusion of the project is partly stated in terms of good performance: an attempt is made to assess the suitability of the integrated approach with regard to its fitness of and for purpose. It is concluded that a number of contextual factors, such as frequent use of kiswahili by students, lack of language awareness and occasionally updating of teachers teaching methodology. The iv case study is also assessed in terms of its contribution to other research in the field, and the personal development of the researcher. The findings of the study are context specific for Nembu Girls High School: consequently, no claim is made that they are generalisable to all other context or schoolsTYOKOR EMMANUEL TOR Download
Effects of digital banking service on customers satisfaction on SaccoBanks and bankingSacco’s have been forced to deleverage and identify alternative sources of value as a result of increased regulations and competitive challenges. This has led to the introduction of digital banking where technology is mostly embraced while carrying transactions. However, customers are still waiting for this new banking experience as a revolutionary transformation that will bring many new features, including anytime and anywhere banking, ultra-fast response times, and omnipresent advisors. This study purposed to investigate the effect of digital banking service on customer satisfaction of a Sacco case of Waumini Sacco in Nairobi. Three objectives that guided the study: To ascertain the types of digital banking tools used that affect customer satisfaction,To determine the benefits of digital banking service on customers satisfaction, To establish how accessibility to digital banking affects Customer Satisfaction. The target population for the study was Marist staff members who are customers of Waumini Sacco and descriptive survey design was done and data was collected using questionnaires that were distributed to gather primary data. Analysis was undertaken with aid of Statistical package for social science (SPSS) software where both descriptive and correlation analysis were performed to determine if there was any relation between digital banking service and customer satisfaction of waumini Sacco. The data collection was analyzed using both qualitative and quantitative methods. Quantitative data was used to obtain descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentages and standard deviation, while qualitative method was used to analyze the open ended question and descriptive statistics. Recommendations arising from the study are; in order to have faster processes in digital banking, there is need by banks to invest more on robust reliable systems to reduce incidents of failed transactions and transactional errors in ATMs, Mobile banking Sacco’s need to come up with an application that can be used to enhance digital banking which will be considered safe and private in order to boost the operations, availability and accessibility of digital banking.AUDRINE GIFT WAFULA Download
Factors influencing the academic performance of boys in secondary schools in Ngong division, Kajiado countyacademic performance of boys The needs of the boy child have been relegated to the back seat for many years as more focus is directed to uplifting the girl child in all fronts. It is for this reason that a study focusing on the boy child education was necessary. The purpose of this study was to establish the factors influencing the academic performance of boys in secondary schools in Kajiado County. The study was guided by the following objectives: to find out whether peer pressure influences the academic performance of boys in secondary schools in Kajiado County; to examine the nature of the school environment in influencing academic performance of boys in secondary schools in Kajiado County; to investigate the behavioural problems in influencing the academic performance of boys in secondary schools in Kajiado County; to determine whether literacy skills influence the academic performance of boys in secondary schools in Kajiado County. The study adopted quantitative research method and enlisted 87 participants who were randomly selected. Descriptive analysis of the data was computed in terms of item analysis using frequencies and percentages. The findings were presented using tables and diagrams. The study established that peer pressure has the potential to influence the academic performance of boys either negatively or positively. The study concluded that many schools that were involved in this study offered equal opportunities to both girls and boys in equal measure although boys are likely to be suspended from school compared to girls due to their naturally mischievous behavior. This calls for involvement of boys in programs such as mentorship to empower them academically. The study recommends empowerment of the boy child in all spheres including mentorship and life skill programs in order to improve their academic performance and make them responsible citizens.AGNES MIRIAM OJUNG’A Download
Effects Of Corporate Social Responsibility Levels On Financial Performance: A Comparison Study Of Family Bank And Equity BankCorporate Social Responsibility Levels On Financial Performance: CSR is an important element of Banks activities. However, some firms do not consider CSR as a predictor of financial performance. It is in the light of this assertion that the researcher decided to undertake this study. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to explore the Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility Levels on the Financial Performance. The study was guided by the following objectives: To determine effect of CSR economic level of responsibility on financial performance; to examine the effect of CSR legal level of responsibility on the financial performance; to establish the effect of CSR philanthropic level of responsibility on the financial performance and to examine the effect of CSR ethical level of responsibility on the financial performance. The study was grounded on the following theories: Stakeholder Theory, Slack Resource Theory and Agency Theory. A literature review was carried out from a variety of sources especially from empirical studies which established some literature gaps that needed to be filled by the current study. Two banks namely; Equity Bank and Family Bank were used for the study. Established that factors such as interest rates, government change of policy and competition negatively affects the ability of banks to participate fully in CSR activities. The study concludes that increasing CSR activities are a desirable function as it predicts increase in profits. The study recommends that governments should reduce taxes to make it easier for the banks to participate in CSR activities. EMMA MUTHONI WAMBUI Download
The Employee Attitudes On Health And Safety Measures In The Manufacturing Sector The Case Of Sumaria Industries LimitedEmployee Attitudes On Health And Safety Measures The attitudes of employees on health and safety and reported incidences and accidents is not only important to Sumaria Industries Limited but also organizations related to it. The study purposes to show how safety and health measures affect the attitudes of employees towards their safety in an organization. The study investigates how safety training of employees has an impact to the organization or to determine whether safety programs and policies at hand have an impact. The study covers issues on employees’ attitudes towards health and safety and the incidences or accidents reported. The study also provides a brief literature review and conceptual framework on an assessment of employee attitudes on health and safety measures in an organization. Organizations need to be concerned with employee’s health and safety and ensure that the employees work in a good environment in an effort to reduce accidents. The research design that was used is qualitative. The population was the low cadre employees of Sumaria Industries: Industrial Area. The sampling method was used to select a number of individuals from the population. The data collection tool used was questionnaires. The data was analyzed and presented using frequency tables and charts. The results were positive as the organization generally promotes health and safety measures which in-turn positively affected the employee attitudes on matters of safety and health at the workplace.EMMANUEL EVARIST SILAYO Download
THE CHALLENGES FACING TEACHING AND LEARNING OF PHYSICS IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN NGONG DIVISION KAJIADO COUNTYTeaching and learning of physicsPhysics is considered a difficult subject among secondary school students. This informed the researcher’s decision to carry out this study. The purpose of this study was to examine the challenges facing teaching and learning of physics. It was guided by the following objectives: To examine the inadequate of resources in teaching and learning physics in secondary schools; To investigate whether teachers’ capacity is a challenge in teaching and learning physics; To establish whether learners’ attitude is a challenge to teaching and learning physics and to look at what extent the pedagogical approaches affects the teaching and learning physics in secondary schools in Ngong Division of Kajiado County. The study used descriptive survey design and adopted the quantitative approach. The study enlisted 121 respondents comprising 119 students, 7 teachers and 3 head teachers drawn from Ngong Division, Kajiado County. Statistical Programme for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 22 was used. The study established that most schools have some basic teaching and learning resources such as physics laboratories, atlases, apparatus, first aid box and charts; which most teachers were frequently making use of. The study recommends that students should be exposed to interactive method of learning physics self-motivations and work hard, schools should equip the physics laboratories with adequate teaching and learning resources, parents should support the schools financially and materially while the government should increase budgets for schools. JAMES ODO Download
Ethical Practices In Inventory Management In Public Institutions In Kenya (A Case Of Kenyatta National HospitalEthical Practices In Inventory Management A growing number of public institutions are failing in their different tasks, duties and activities and this has been caused by the lack of proper ethical practices, procedures and guidelines in carrying out their operations in the environment. Inventory management in these public institutions has been facing numerous challenges due to lack of ethics in how stock or inventory operations are managed within these institutions. Unethical practices have been rampant in many public institutions. This has affected profitability, efficiency and value creation in these institutions in different ways. Despite the fact that many public institutions are usually monitored, controlled and managed by different bodies and operate under different regulations and code of ethics, there are many unethical practices which are continually taking place in these institutions. This has been facilitated by the fact that many of these institutions are failing in their management, code of ethics as well as in their control systems. This study was seeking to address this issue fully and extensively for the success of these institutions specifically when it comes to inventory management. The purpose of this study was to look deeply on the issue of ethics in inventory management in public institutions. This study was basically trying to look deeply on how profitability, efficiency and value creation are affected by ethical practices when it comes to inventory management in public institutions. Data was collected using questionnaires, one on one interview and I also used document analysis guide with the respondents of this study and it was then analyzed using descriptive statistics. After the data analysis the information was then presented using tables, graphs, pie charts and data management software’s such as MS excel tables. The data for this research study was collected from respondents who were selected from the Kenyatta National Hospital offices which this study used as its case study to illustrate how unethical practices in inventory management are evident in public institutions. From this population the researcher was able to come up with an effective sample that was used as the respondents of this research study. These were able to provide the data and information that the researcher was looking for, to be able to meet the objectives of this study as well as the research questions which this study was seeking to answer. As a conclusion the study was then be able to recommended and suggest ways in which public institutions can improve on their inventory management with regard to ethical practices. The researcher also recommended other areas where research needs to be done on this topic on ethics in inventory management in both public and private institutions. MBUGUA CAROLINE WANGUI Download
FACTORS AFFECTING THE PERFORMANCE OF SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTREPRISES (SMEs): CASE OF SELECTED BARBER SHOPS IN LANGATA SUB-COUNTY, NAIROBI COUNTY.Financial perormance of small and medium enterprises (SMEsThe study analyzed the factors affecting the performance of Small and Medium Enterprises focusing on select barbershops in Lang’ata constituency. The study was based on four objectives namely: To establish the effect of entrepreneurs’ individual innovativeness on the performance of barbershops, to examine the effect of Government policies and regulations on performance, to establish whether entrepreneurial characteristics affect performance and whether technological changes affect the performance of barbershops in Lang’ata. The research adopted qualitative and quantitative research methods where research design on 3 select barbershops were purposely selected from a population of 20 barbershops in Lang’ata. The data was collected through administration of questionnaires to managers and owners of the select barbershops and an interview conducted on one of the three select barbershop owners. Data collected was analyzed using descriptive statistics with the aid of Statistical Package of Social Scientists (SPSS) and Microsoft Excel worksheets. Presentation of the data was done using pie charts, frequency tables, bar graphs and percentages. It was disclosed from the findings that individual innovations play a pivotal role in the performance of SMEs as being creative helps a business grow. It was also affirmed from the study that Government policies and regulations towards SMEs negatively impacts them and that the measures set in place are stringent to the businesses hindering growth and performance. Performance is highly influenced by entrepreneurial characteristics such as gender, age, previous work experience and the relevant skills required to manage and run the business. The study further disclosed that technological changes are vital and important in the successful running and performing of an SME. This study offers a basis in which barbershop businesses and SMEs in general evaluate their management strategies and methods of operations in order to improve performance MOSES GACHERU MACHARIA Download
ANALYSIS OF THE FACTORS INFLUENCING STUDENTS’ ENROLMENT IN PHYSICS IN PRIVATE TERTIARY INSTITUTIONS IN LANG’ATA DIVISION: A CASE OF TWO PRIVATE TERTIARY INSTITUIONS Selection of physics in private tertiary institutionsThe study sought to examine the factors influencing students’ enrolment in physics in private Tertiary institutions in Lang’ata Division. The study objectives were: to find out the extent to which interest of students in physics influence enrolment, to examine the role of teaching methodology in low enrolment in physics, to examine the role of parental influence in students’ enrolment in physics, to find out the extent to which availability of teaching and learning materials influence enrolment in physics, to find out the influence of students’ prior achievement in physics in enrolment, to find out the extent to which career related choices influence enrolment in physics, to examine the role of students’ motivation in low enrolment in physics, to establish ways of improving enrolment of physics in Tertiary institutions. To ascertain the necessary data for the study, 25 respondents composed of 20 physics students and 5 physics lecturers, were sampled using purposive sampling technique. The study employed two data collection instruments, the semi-structured interview guide and focus group discussions. The semi-structured interview was designed to collect both quantitative and qualitative data from the student and lecturer respondents. The focus group discussion was used to collect qualitative data from students. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), version 17.0, was used to analyze the quantitative data while the qualitative data was organized according to themes and used to support the quantitative figures. The study found that students’ interest, students’ prior achievement in physics, students’ personal motivation, students’ career choices, teaching methodology and parental influences influence students’ enrolment in physics in Tertiary institutions. The study also found that low enrolment could be improved through motivating and encouraging students especially those in the secondary schools.TELEWAH MICHAEL Download
An Investigation Of Factors Cause Girl Drops Out In Public And Private Secondary Schools. A Study Of Bukoba District In TanzaniaFactors that Cause Girls to Drop out of schoolThe purpose of the study was to investigate the factors causing girls students drop out in both public and secondary schools in Bukoba District in Tanzania. The research was guided by the objectives formulated by the researcher. The research used both quantitative and qualitative data. The target population in which the researcher generated the results included secondary school teachers and students. Ten teachers and sixty students from each school were inquired. The total sample population was one hundred and forty who gave information that was needed by the researcher. Teachers were chosen randomly. Questionnaires were used as instruments for collecting data. Data was therefore analyzed and presented in the form of frequency tables, charts and graphs. After analysis the researcher came up with the following major findings: in public and private secondary schools, girls drop out of school results from pregnancy which is caused mainly by sexual harassment, either by boys, male staff and their peers in the surrounding environment. There were other many causative problems which include parents’ financial constraints. The research contends that addressing the key problems can lead to lasting solutions in resolving this problematic issues and subsequently empowering the girl child in pursuing further studies, boosting self esteem and preparing for a good future in promoting development in the country. The research revealed that the factors causing girls drop out in school are still dominant in Tanzania especially in Bukoba District. The researcher realized that students were not aware that Government’s laws and rules protect girls from factors causing dropout in education. Some Recommendations were made regarding the solutions to improve or to reduce factors causing girl child dropout in education.FAUSTINA KOKULINGILIRA MARTIN Download
Factors Affecting Debt Recovery In Micro-Finance Institutions (A Case Of Sidian Bank, Thika)Debt Recovery In Micro-Finance InstitutionsThis study sought to determine the factors affecting debt recovery in micro finance organizations .As Microfinance Institutions become larger and more sophisticated; they experience debt recovery barriers and should therefore be more conscious in employing debt recovery policies. MFI’s with strong debt recovery policies which include risk management, valid collateral and qualified professional employees maintain quality loan portfolios, avoid liquidity crises, and reduce the risk of loss caused by human error. These policies are crucial actors that MFI’s have to handle them effectively in order to promote business continuity. Despite the strict debt recovery guidelines and operational policies set by management to regulate the activities of the credit operations and to manage the credit risk of the institution, yet, they continue to battle with low debt recovery. The objectives of the study was to find out which risks affect debt recovery and how those risks can be managed, how the level of professional qualification and employee’s competency affected debt recovery and to what extent lack of collateral/security affected debt recovery in microfinance institutions. The purpose of the study was to find out the factors affecting Sidian bank Kenya, in debt recovery and how they can be minimized. This research used mixed research design by the use of primary , secondary data and document analysis guideline which was obtained from self-administered questionnaires, published journals of Sidian Kenya, website and books. Data collected was analyzed by the use of tables and graphs. This therefore creates areas for further research in the single factors and how each of them can be avoided by taking some precautions hence facilitating the overall growth in MFI’s. NJUNGE OLIVE NJERI Download
Effects of teacher attrition on the performance of students in public secondary schools in Homabay District ,Homabay CountyTeacher attrition Teacher attrition is a significant problem facing schools, with a large percentage of teachers leaving the profession within their first few years. Given the need to retain high quality teachers, research is needed to identify those teachers with higher retention rates. Teachers play a significant role in students’ performance. Due to teacher attrition, the performance of students often decline in KCSE. This study sought to examine the effects of teacher attrition on the performance of students in public secondary schools in Homa-bay district, Homa-bay County. The objectives of the study were: To establish the causes of teacher attrition among the public secondary school teachers in Homa-bay district in Kenya; to establish the aspects of career path development that influences the teacher attrition in Homa-bay district; to explore how the conditions of workplace influence teacher attrition in Homa-bay district; to determine the effects of teachers’ job satisfaction on teacher attrition in Homa-bay district. A descriptive research design was used in the study. A sample population of 42 respondents was selected through simple random sampling in the three public secondary schools in Homa-bay district. Data was collected through structured questionnaires administered to the teachers and the students. The validity of the questionnaires was ascertained by reviewing the questionnaires. Data analysis involved the use of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The questionnaires were analyzed using descriptive statistics and presented in form of frequency tables, pie-charts and bar graphs. The findings indicated that teacher attrition has a lot of effect on students’ performance. The study recommended that there is need for shifts in education policy in order to reduce teacher attrition in public secondary schools in Homa-bay district and the entire nation. OKECH MOSES ONYANGO Download
Factors Affecting Integration Of Social Media In Teaching And Learning In Private Institutions Of Higher Learning A Case Study Of Marist International University CollegeIntegration Of Social Media In Teaching And Learning The purpose of this study was to examine the factors affecting the integration of social media in private institutions of higher learning. The study addressed issues such as the level of use of social media, perception of students and learners towards social media, social media use, competency level of learners and lecturers and challenges facing integration of social media in teaching and learning. The study used descriptive design and specifically the survey method. A total of 37 students and 3 lecturers were randomly sampled to represent the target population. The study established that social media can be incorporated in teaching and learning of the English Language since it is a popular mode of communication. The study noted that most students are avid users of social media where they access information from sites such as YouTube, WhatsApp and other social networking media. Both the learners and the lecturers were also found to have a positive perception towards social media whereas social media was found to have the potential to positively impact on the academic life of the learners. Most students and lecturer were found to be competent in the use of social media as they had a working knowledge of how to use social media for academic purposes. The fear of technology, exposure to online predators and likelihood of seeking inappropriate content was found to deter students and lecturers from exhaustively using social media. The study recommends that students and lecturers should endeavor to use social media for positive academic pursuit as most of the learners waste a lot of time accessing inappropriate content that distracts them or even spoil their morals. Both students and lecturers should keep on appraising their knowledge of the new and emerging technologies to enhance their sharing ability through social media.DUNCAN KANYI WANGUI Download
EFFECTS OF STUDENTS’ MOTIVATION ON LEARNING ENGLISH AS SECOND LANGUAGE IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN NGONG SUB-COUNTY, KAJIADO COUNTYStudent motivation on learning English as second motivationThis study examined “the effects of students’ motivation in learning English as the second language in secondary schools in Ngong sub-county, Kajiado County.” The questionnaires to this study were: the effects of students’ motivation on learning English language in secondary schools, the ways students should be motivated to learn English as second language, motivation affects students ‘attitude toward learning English, motivation affects performance in English, the challenges faced by students ‘motivation in relationship with learning English language and the possible solutions to those challenges. To respond these questions, the researcher administered questionnaires to students and to English teachers from three selected schools in the study area. The students were sampled randomly while teachers were sampled purposively. The target population in this study was 110 students and 7 teachers which made the total of 117 population. The findings showed that there are effects of motivation in learning English as the majority of respondents affirmed. Those are being interested to learn more, performance and to be satisfied in learning. They also revealed that different ways to motivate learners are appreciated like teachers ‘self confidence, availability of adequate teaching and learning resources, availability of students’ willingness in learning and conducive school environment. Motivation affects their attitude toward English in practice by speaking, do assignments, reading on their own time. Again, there are effects of motivation in performance by knowing the importance of English, more practice, self confidence and self esteem, change negative attitude toward learning. However, the high number of learners recognized that they face various challenges in learning English like lack of understand the concept in English subject, lack of enough practice, negative attitude by influence of peer pressure who have negative attitude in learning, inadequate teaching and learning materials, lack of interest and willingness to learn. According to the teachers’ opinions, learners think seriously learning English for exams, inadequate teaching and learning materials as set books, lack of interest and willingness to learn, using mother tongues and mixing English and Kiswahili as one language at school, learners miss classes because of lack of school fees or late of payment. Therefore, the researcher recommended that the government, curriculum planners and teachers should put emphasis on relating English to actual reality in the life of people. Therefore teachers should link the course to the reality, and having many seminars of English about the changes of reality of the living and share experiences on how to motivate students. Learners should be aware of usefulness of English in learning for communication, administration and different businesses that they can be interested to learn it well. For further studies, researcher suggested these areas: effects of rewards and punishments in learning English, effects of self esteem in learning English, effects of attitude toward English, the role of parents or guardians to motivate students and the role of peers in learning English. NIRAGIRE STEPHANIE Download
Influence of student - centred learning on academic performance in public secondry schools in Ngong sub - county, Kajiado countyStudent centred learning This study analysed the influence of student–centred learning (SCL) on academic performance in public secondary schools in Ngong Sub–County, Kajiado County. The study concentrated on four research questions from which the researcher formulated the research instruments: 108 questionnaires were distributed; 90 questionnaires for students and 18 questionnaires for teachers. The researcher sampled three public secondary schools. The questionnaires were administered to three categories of participants: Form three and Form four students and teachers of the sampled secondary schools in general. The questionnaires were derived from the following research questions: What teaching methods are in the classroom in public secondary schools? To what extent does student-centred influence academic performance in public secondary schools? What impact does group discussion have on academic performance in student-centred learning environment? What instructional are used in public secondary schools that promote student-centred leering? The study was divided into five chapters; each chapter was divided into sub-sections and topics. Chapter one focused on the general view of the research topic and explained the key concepts used in the study. This chapter highlighted the statement of the problem and the significance of the study. Chapter two reviewed related literature with regard to the research topic. Chapter three exemplified the methodology conducted by the researcher for data collection and analysis. The researcher used simple random sampling method to procure an equal chance of inclusion of the participants. Chapter four analysed the data collected with the aid of Scientific Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The data were analysed descriptively. Finally, chapter five presented the summary, recommendations and areas of suggestions for further study. The findings of this study showed that student–centred learning (SCL) has a great influence on academic performance because of the teaching methods used in student-centred learning (SCL) such as group discussion, storytelling among others positively affect students’ academic performance. The findings also disclosed that as students discuss in small groups, they learn from and one another. They are motivated because of the harmonious relationships between them and the teachers. The findings also indicated that students gain confidence, communicative competence and interpersonal skills as they interact among themselves. The recommendations of the study were: Meaningful learning is most likely to occur when students are actively engaged with a variety of learning tasks. Teachers are recommended to use different teaching methods that would engage students to learning actively such as small group discussion, field trips, role play etc. Teaching and learning environment should include active learning experiences, teacher-student and student-student interactions. Head teachers of Public Secondary Schools and even Private Schools are encouraged to establish a programme team to produce a self-evaluation document containing management and quality assurance, desired learning outcomes a learning activities, assessments and professional development of teachers. Teachers are recommended to have positive attitude towards student-centred learning (SCL) and teaching methods.HARRY DEBLEH NYANTI Download
Analysis of socio-cultural factors affecting school completion in public secondary schools in Nyancha Division, Rorya District, TanzaniaSocio-cultural factors affecting school completion - TanzaniaThe study aimed at analyzing the Socio-cultural factors affecting school completion in public secondary schools in Nyancha Division, Rorya District-Tanzania. The study was based on the following objectives: To find out the effects of poverty on students’ school completion; to examine the role of initiation rites on students’ school completion; to assess the effects of language on students’ school completion and finally, to suggest possible measures of resolving the challenges affecting school completion in Public secondary schools in Nyancha Division. Survey design was used due to its reliability and ability to produce statistical information that could be analyzed. Questionnaires were used for both students and teachers. The study used a sample which was (31%) of the whole population and which was selected randomly. The sample size of 90 respondents comprised of 80 students and 10 teachers was used. The data collection was conducted within a period of three weeks. The researcher then organized and analyzed data using SPSS (version 21). The analyzed quantitative data was presented using frequency tables, percentages, bar graphs and pie charts. The qualitative data was used to support the quantitative data. The interpretation and recommendations were based on the research findings and the research objectives. The study found that, these public secondary schools had high school incompletion rates; in addition to that, they were middle class level Public Secondary Schools. This was attributed to the albatrosses factors including; parents poor financial status, low level of parents’ education, every family member being assigned a role to play, multi-ethnic and multilingual aspects. The study recommended that, the government should put some emphasis on supporting the public secondary schools by improving the infrastructure, provision of facilities together with adequate and qualified teaching staff. Without these interventions, learners may fail to complete their studies and in the long run fail to participate effectively in national building. The school administration, the parents and students should positively support the government to realize it goals in education. KULINDUKA PATRICK NANGALE Download
The influence of social media on the writing skills of students in public secondary schools in Kajiado North Sub-County, Kajiado County, KenyaInfluence of social media on the writing skills of studentsEnglish language is one the commonly used language in the world today. However, the emergence of social media platforms has changed how people write. It has greatly influenced the use of Standard English in writing. Hence, the purpose of this study was to explore the influence of social media on writing skills among secondary school students. The study used quantitative methods approach and adopted the survey research design. The study enlisted 36 students and 9 teachers drawn from three schools in Kajiado North Constituency. The sample was selected through stratified, simple random and purposive sampling techniques. Questionnaires were used to collect quantitative data. Statistical Programme for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 21 was used to get descriptive statistics. The study established that majority of students in the secondary schools are frequent users of the social media platforms. Although social media has great potential to improve students’ use of English language, most students use non-standard language while using the platform. Social media has a negative influence on students’ writing skills mainly due to the tendency to use abbreviations and ungrammatical words which if used in academic writing would lead to poor scores. The study recommends that secondary should strive to integrate social media in teaching and learning in order to utilize the potential of such media while students should strive to use standard language while using social media. This can only be achieved through guided social media use so that teach pay more attention in guiding students on how to use social media because no matter what, students will always access and use social media.KITHIA GRACE KOLA Download
SELECTION OF PREFECTS IN PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS: WHAT IS THE DILEMMA?Dilemma in selection of prefects in public secondary schoolsSelection of prefects in public secondary schools always attract vested interests from principals and teachers on one side and the students on the other side of the divide. The school administration worries that if students are let free to select school prefects the end result may be compromised in favor of students. On the other hand students would like to own the process and be able to vote for prefects they deem right to lead them. Increased awareness among students about their rights has escalated the clamor for freedom to elect their own leaders. This kind of situation has been a source of conflict between the two parties resulting to a lot of jittery, sometimes destruction of school property and loss of life. It is in light of this stalemate that the researcher wanted to delve deeper into the situation and find solutions that can help calm the situation. The title of the study is ‘Selection of Prefects in Public Secondary Schools: What is the Dilemma?’ The study sought to find out how prefects are selected, the criteria used, those who are involved, challenges encountered and eventually look for possible solutions. Research Methodology: The research method used was descriptive survey design. The target population was 126. The sample population was 28 (22%) of the total population. It comprised of students from forms 3 and 4, teachers and the principals. Data was collected with the use of structured questionnaires and interview guides and analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), Version 21. Findings: Response rate was 100%. Both genders were fairly represented at 50% male and 50% female. It was established that the procedure used to select prefects does not involve students directly. It is between willing individual student and the teachers who vet the names presented. The final say on who becomes a prefect is entirely upon teachers. Majority (96%) of the respondents prefer students participating in the process of selecting prefects. Attributes required to be prefects includes leadership ability, good character, being responsible, maturity, organizational skills, being visionary and proactive. Among challenges encountered included mistrust between teachers and students, lack of leadership qualities among student nominees, students not being involved in selection of prefects and prefects being given too much unnecessary powers. Recommendations: Students, teachers and principals need to work closely together to come up with acceptable prefects. Principals and teachers should provide the necessary resources and time to students to be able to conduct free and fare elections. Prefects nominated through the student leadership body should be vetted by teachers to make sure only the best ends to the ballot box. Students should be encouraged to take up leadership roles in secondary schools as a way of preparing them for future leadership. Students should elect the prefects they want, teachers should vet and induct the selected prefects while principals should endorse and give responsibilities. Elected prefects should be educated on leadership, guidance and counseling skills to be able to handle fellow students with sensitivity. Prefects selected should not be given too much power and privileges to the detriment of other students OCTAVIANO KANDUMBU Download
EFFECTS OF SCHOOLS’ ENGLISH LANGUAGE SPEAKING POLICY ON PERFORMANCE OF STUDENTS IN ENGLISH AS A SUBJECT IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN LANGATA SUB-COUNTY, NAIROBI COUNTY, KENYASCHOOLS’ ENGLISH LANGUAGE SPEAKING POLICY ON PERFORMANCE OF STUDENTSThe purpose of this study was to investigate effects of schools’ English language speaking policy on performance of students in English as a subject in secondary schools in Langata Sub-County, Nairobi County. Objectives of the study were: to find out the extent to which schools English Language speaking policy affects the performance of students in English Language in Langata Sub-County; to investigate the effects of attitude of learners towards school’s English Language speaking policy on their performance in English in Secondary Schools in Langata Sub-County; to assess the influence of first language (L1) on the learning of English as a second Language in Langata Sub-County and to determine the influence of Sheng Language on the performance of students in English Language in Langata Sub-County. The study adopted a quantitative paradigm and used cross-sectional survey design. The sample of the study consisted of 89 respondents. The study revealed that the schools’ English language speaking policy has a positive impact in that it helps students to improve their spelling, vocabulary, punctuation, pronunciation in a positive way. The study also noted that students who have a positive attitude towards English are likely to perform well in the subject while students who are attentive in English classes also perform well in examinations. The study recommends that students should inculcate a positive attitude towards English language and teachers of in general. Teachers should come up with teaching methods that are interactive to ensure that students are given an opportunity to practice the schools’ English Language speaking policies. Parents should also encourage their children to regularly communicate in English especially when not in school. RAPHAEL KENNETH TIME Download
ATTITUDES TOWARDS THE ADOPTION OF E-LEARNING IN THE KENYAN EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM: A CASE STUDY OF MARIST INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, NAIROBI.Internet in education --KenyaThe use of electronics is central to many higher education teaching and learning strategies, but academic staff often negatively receives the adoption of new technology, although enthusiastically embraced by students. It has long been questioned whether universities and colleges will meet the needs of shifting knowledge-based societies and increasingly diverse student populations. The purpose of this study was to investigate the attitudes towards the adoption of e-learning in the Kenyan educational system: A case study of Marist International University College, Nairobi. The objectives of the study were as follows:  To determine the understanding of e-learning among the academic staff and students of MIUC.  To determine the adoption levels of e-learning among the academic staff and students.  To examine MIUC academic staff and students‟ attitudes toward e-learning.  To determine the relationships between attitudes and the adoption of e-learning. The study used descriptive survey design method. Simple random sampling was used to select 77 students. Five academic staff and the Deputy Principal Academic were involved in the study. Data was collected from the students using questionnaires that had both closed-ended and open-ended items, and an interview guide was used to collect information from the academic staff. The results were statistically analyzed with SPSS. The findings of the study revealed that the academic staff and students of Marist International University College had positive attitudes towards e-learning. In addition to traditional education (classroom learning), they have adopted new methods of learning through the use of educational technology (e-learning). However, many academic staff and students are still yet to fully make use of the features of e-learning offered by MIUC due to lack of interest, basic infrastructure and trained personnel.OKEBARAM CHIDINMA SAMUEL Download
ROLE OF MICRO FINANCE INSTITUTION IN THE GROWTH OF SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTREPRISES (SMEs): A CASE OF KENYA WOMEN FINANCE TRUST (KWFT).Micro finance institutionsThe need for economic growth has never been so important than today in the 21st Century. The world over and Kenya in particular has seen an increase in terms of numbers of microfinance institutions. The rise of microfinance movement has increased living standards of many people including women of KWFT a corporation that has empowered and provides a source of living for them. The research was on Role of Microfinance Institutions in the Growth of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). The objectives included: to establish whether training by KWFT contributes to SMEs growth, to understand if credit provision by KWFT to their clients enhanced the growth of SMEs and to establish whether the savings mobilization approach used by KWFT contributes the growth of SMES. The research made use of both quantitative and qualitative approaches where the collection of data was made through the use of structured questionnaires. Considering the finding, it was clear to majority of the respondents’ value training which enhances their capabilities to promote growth of SMEs which should be organized often with some level of flexibility to meet the needs of the clients. Training programmes as suggested in the findings should be held within areas that are reachable and appropriately timed, designed to have positive effects on business growth. It can be said that financial institutions such as KWFT enhance enterprise growth. It is clear (31 percent of the respondents) that there is some positive change in the number of SMEs in sales volume, market share and profitability.NKONINA KENNEDY KAPANTE Download
FACTORS CONTRIBUTING TO POOR PERFORMANCE OF GEOGRAPHY IN PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN ENELERAI ZONE, NAROK SOUTH SUB- COUNTY, KENYAPOOR PERFORMANCE OF GEOGRAPHY IN PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLSThe purpose of this study was to investigate the factors contributing to the poor performance of Geography in public secondary schools in Enelerai zone, Narok South Sub-county, Kenya. The objectives of the study were to find out how the attitude of students towards Geography contributes to the poor performance of Geography, to ascertain how teaching methodologies employed by teachers contribute to the poor performance of Geography, to investigate how availability and adequacy of instructional resources contribute to the poor performance of Geography and to proffer possible solutions to improvement in students’ performance in Geography in secondary schools in Enelerai zone. The study adopted quantitative paradigm and specifically made use of cross-sectional survey research. The study targeted 9 public secondary schools and 3 schools were selected using cluster sampling procedure. Simple random sampling was used to select 46 Form Three students and 6 teachers. Questionnaires were used to collect data which were analyzed using SPSS version 21. The data were presented using pie-charts, bar graphs and frequency tables. The study established that performance of Geography was as a result of interplay of factors such as the common use of lecture method in teaching Geography, unavailability and inadequacy of resources and negative attitude of the female students. The study recommends that the Ministry of Education revise the Geography syllabus because it has wide content, school administrators ensure instructional resources are adequate and readily available for both the students and teachers and teaching methodology should be diverse to improve the students performance in Geography.RHEMA-THEOPHORUSA C. CHELULE Download
INFLUENCE OF SCHOOL CULTURE ON STUDENTS’ PERFORMANCE IN KENYA CERTIFICATE OF SECONDARY EDUCATION EXAMINATIONS: A CASE OF ALLIANCE HIGH SCHOOLSchool culture The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of school culture to students’ performance in K.C.S.E in Kenya, with special reference to Alliance High School in Kikuyu District. The study sought to answer the following research objectives: 1. To investigate the role of the school leadership in shaping the school culture 2. To find out the students’ perception of their school culture. 3. To determine the relationship between school culture and the student’s academic performance in Alliance High School. The study used a survey design. The target population included the Principal and the students. The sample comprised 120 students and the Principal. For the students, stratified and simple samplings were used and data collecting instruments included questionnaires and interview schedule. Only one school was targeted for the whole study. The data collected were organized and analyzed using frequencies and percentages with the aid of SPSS and MS Excel. The findings indicated that the Principal/ head teacher played an important role in students’ attitude towards education. The teachers’ and fellow students’ support and encouragements helped build a conducive school culture. The findings also indicated that students developed positive attitudes towards education due to the influence they received from the stakeholders. The study also found that parents/ guardian participation in school activities had great influence on students’ academic achievements. The study recommended that the Ministry of Education provide quality education, equip schools with necessary facilities to enhance teaching and learning. To the school administration, xiv the recommendation was that they should boost the academic morale in teachers and students alike, build warm relationships among the stakeholders, empowering both students and teachers by giving them responsibilities and also by building trust in the subordinates including parents. Furthermore, the study recommended that teachers should build a good relationship with the students to reduce gap between them, identifying students with learning difficulties and finding time and ways of helping them. It would also be important to encourage students to trust and help one another in all challenging issues, teachers to be punctual in all school activities so that they can be the models to the students and giving of positive feedback to the students. In that way, the students will be motivated. About the students, the study recommended that the students be empowered with leadership skills and experiences, they should have self discipline leading to responsible behavior and should give due respect to the teachers and the administration.REUBEN BANDA Download
ROLE OF QUALITY ASSURANCE OFFICERS IN ENHANCING QUALITY EDUCATION IN NAIROBI COUNTY KENYAEducational accountability Despite the QASOs being given targets in terms of the numbers, they are required to assess in a given performance period they have always failed to meet the targets supervision of secondary schools is not adequately performed by school inspectors and that the factors affecting supervision are of concern. Members of directorate are expected to visit schools regularly, conduct seminars and in service courses for teachers, promote advisory services among other activities. Nairobi County has been of great concern among the stakeholders. Many questions have been raised regarding the role of QASOs in enhancing teachers’ effectiveness in order to improve academic performance in secondary schools. The main objective of the study was to find out the role of QASOs in enhancing quality education in Nairobi County, Kenya. The study specific objective were to; determine the role played by QASOs in school inspection; determine the preparedness of QASOs in enhancing quality education; establish the administrative factors that affects the level of performance of QASOs; establish the effects of staffing levels on the performance of QASOs; examine how the work environment influences the level of performance of QASOs and determine the frequency of QASOs visits to schools. The research adopted descriptive design. Simple random sampling was used to sample 26 teachers from secondary schools in Nairobi County. Systematic random sampling was used to select 26 secondary schools from 85 public schools in Nairobi. Therefore, the sample size included 26 teachers, 26 head teachers and 20 QASOs officers. Questionnaires were used as the primary data collection instruments which were self-administered to the respondents. Secondary data was obtained from journals, internet, and text books. Even with the efforts made for instance in training appointed qualified personnel and providing necessary materials in strengthening the department, it’s still wanting. vi The study concluded that QASO officers play key role teachers in curriculum implementation during schools inspection. QASO officials advises the staff concerning the relevant curriculum for the school and assisted teachers in enhancing quality .The level of preparedness of QASOs in enhancing quality education contributed greatly towards guiding QASO officials on how to advise teachers’ implementation of better education quality standards. The study recommendations were that QASO officials should visit schools regularly, conduct seminars and in service courses for teachers, promote advisory services among other activities. QASO officers should improve in assisting teachers in curriculum implementation and increase the rate of schools inspection. QASO should always advice the staff on relevant curriculum for the schools and assist teachers in enhancing quality and QASO officials should properly plan their school visits and set clear objectives.CHEPKEMOI MERCY Download
FACTORS AFFECTING PREPARATION OF BUDGETS ON SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES IN KENYA: CASE OF KAREN WARDBudgeting in small and medium enterprises in Kenya In the current economic climate, SMEs are starting to pay more attention to efficient management of resources and, for this purpose, use budgets as tools for financial management at company’s level and at the level of the main types of company’s activities. So, the budget is the most important tool in conducting any activity successfully. A budget is the tool by which a company’s management translates into action the corporate strategies and quantitative mission statements. The study established the factors affecting preparation of the budgets in the Small and Medium Enterprises in Karen, Kenya. The study aimed to evaluate the effects of financial knowledge on preparation of budgets in SMEs, to determine the effects on the preparation of budgets SMEs, to analyze the effects of the spending habit on the of budgets in SMEs, to assess the effects of nature of business on the preparation of budgets in SMEs. To solve the problem of lack of proper budgeting processes among SMEs in Karen there was need to first establish factors behind the poor budgeting process. Descriptive research design was used, with Target population of 498 SMEs, and Stratified random sampling was employed in selecting the sample and the sample size of 150 SMEs which represented 30% of target population. Data was analyzed using mean, weighted mean, correlation and regression analysis which were represented in graphs, tables. The study concluded that SMEs need financial knowledge in order to prepare budgets that can be helpful in controlling their business resources, also debts in business greatly affects the preparation of budgets among SMEs. Further the study recommended that SMEs should find ways of raising business capital such as through friends, fund raising, investments, donors and financial institution, also Seminars, conference, clubs, government and academic institutions need to educate business operators and individual who are aspiring to be entrepreneurs the importance of budgeting, how to prepare budget and what to be considered when preparing budget.JANETRIX NEKESA WAFULA Download
KUTATHMINI VIPENGELE VINAVYOCHANGIA MWELEKEO HASI MIONGONI MWA WANAFUNZI WA SHULE ZA UPILI KUHUSU LUGHA YA KISWAHILI: UTAFITI MAALUM KATIKA KAUNTI YA KISUMU TARAFA YA WINAMNegative attitude towards Swahili language in secondary schoolsKazi hii imetathmini vipengele vinavyochangia mwelekeo hasi miongoni mwa wanafunzi wa shule za upili kuhusu lugha ya Kiswahili, katika Kaunti ya Kisumu Tarafa ya Winam. Utafiti huu una sura tano. Katika sura ya kwanza, utafiti huu umeshughulikia utangulizi wa kazi unaohusu dhana na hali ya lugha ya Kiswahili. Aidha, sura hii imejikita katika malengo ya utafiti, maswali ya utafiti na umuhimu wa utafiti huu. Sura hii vilevile imejumuisha misingi ya kinadharia hasa nadharia ya utabia na nadharia ya ubeberu wa lugha ambazo zilielekeza utafiti huu. Sura ya pili ya utafiti huu imeeleza yaliyoandikwa kuhusu mada pamoja na tafiti nyinginezo. Mtafiti aliweza kufahamu aliyoyashughulikia na yale yaliyopatikana kuhusu mada ambayo yaliufaa kikamilifu utafiti huu. Sura ya tatu imefafanua mbinu za utafiti wa vifaa vilivyotumika. Mbali na kueleza jinsi data zilivyochanganuliwa, utafiti huu ulitumia hojaji ya wanafunzi na ya walimu pamoja na mbinu ya mahojiano ili kuthibitisha mwelekeo wa wanafunzi kuhusu lugha ya Kiswahili. Sura ya nne imeelezea ufasili na uwasilishi wa data pamoja na uchanganuzi wake. Katika sura hii, grafu, majedwali na michoro ya pai chati mbalimbali imetumika kuwasilisha data husika. Sura ya tano imeshughulikia muhtasari wa matokeo ya utafiti, hitimisho na mapendekezo ya utafiti zaidi. Utafiti huu umependekeza mbinu zitakazotumiwa ili kuondoa mwelekeo hasi miongoni mwa wanafunzi kuhusu lugha ya Kiswahili katika Kaunti nyinginezo. PRAXIDES IDA AWINO Download
INFLUENCE OF PRACTICAL WORK ON THE TEACHING AND LEARNING OF CHEMISTRY IN PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN NGONG SUB-COUNTY, KAJIADO COUNTYTeaching and learning of chemistry This study analyzed the influence of practical work on the teaching and learning of chemistry in public secondary schools in Ngong Sub-Country, Kajiado County. The study was based on six objectives namely; to find out whether the attitude of the learners towards practical work contributes to the teaching and learning of chemistry, to investigate how the attitude of teachers towards teaching chemistry practical work influence teaching and learning of chemistry, to find out teachers’ and students’ opinions towards the aims of chemistry practical work, to investigate whether practical work contributes in improving students’ interest towards chemistry, to examine the quality of laboratory materials used in the school chemistry laboratories and to find out whether the time provided for chemistry (frequency of) practical work in schools is enough. This research adopted the quantitative research paradigm particularly the cross-sectional survey method in obtaining quantitative data. 57 students and 8 teachers were randomly sampled from three schools in Ngong. Data were collected through administration of questionnaires to the respondents and were analyzed by means of the SPSS lay out and presented using frequency tables, bar charts and percentages. The findings of this study disclosed that practical work actually has a considerable influence on the teaching and learning of chemistry. It showed that students and teachers generally have a positive attitude toward chemistry yet students fail sometimes to decipher the relationship between theory and practical. The study further disclosed that laboratories were present in schools yet were not used adequately, furthermore the time provided for practical lessons was enough yet the respondents demanded for more time and finally in as much as skills are emphasized in practical lessons, the research unveiled that teachers tended to emphasize more on basic process skills over integrate process skills. This study will offer a framework in which teachers could re-evaluate their instructional strategies during practical work for the enhancement of effective teaching and learning. To achieve this teachers need to make the students more aware of the roles theory and practical play as part of a whole in the chemistry syllabus, more laboratories need to be built in schools and adequate time allocated for practical lessons.BERINYUY HANS BURINYUY Download
FACTORS AFFECTING SAVING BEHAVIOR AMONG STUDENTS IN HIGHER LEARNING INSTITUTIONS: CASE OF JOMO KENYATTA UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE AND TECHNOLOGY NAKURU TOWN CAMPUSSAVING BEHAVIOR AMONG STUDENTS The purpose of this study was to investigate effects of saving behavior among students of higher learning institutions at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology. Specifically the objectives of the study were: to determine the effect of financial literacy on saving behavior among students in higher learning institution, to find out the effect of parental socialization among students in higher learning institutions, to establish the effect of peer influence among students in higher learning institutions and to assess the effect of self control on saving behavior among students at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology Nakuru town campus. The research employed descriptive research design. The study’s target population was students at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology Nakuru Town Campus had a total of 2007 students under the three major departments which included Education, Business Commerce and Information Technology.The study used closed and open ended questionnaires as data collection instruments. The sample of the study consisted of 105 respondents. From the findings the study concluded that effective debts and expenditures management contribute to good saving behavior, while parental socialization on saving behavior among students the study revealed parents rarely advise students on the importance of saving which contribute to prudent savings patters. The researcher concluded that students’ saving behavior is usually influenced by their friends because majority of the students fail to control themselves from unnecessary spending. The study recommends that Parents should play an important role in facilitating their children saving behavior by engaging their children at a young age, credit institutions should develop financial products according to needs and preference of students and policy makers should come up with incentives to encourage students saving which can be to reward or promote those students who save. ROSEMARY MUNAGARIZI ALUDA Download
ANALYSIS OF FACTORS AFFECTING STUDENT LEADERSHIP IN PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN NGONG DIVISION, KAJIADO COUNTY.FACTORS AFFECTING STUDENT LEADERSHIP The Research aimed at giving the analysis of the factors affecting student leadership in public Secondary schools in Ngong Division, Kajiado County. The study was guided by some formulated research questions in relation with the research topic on factors affecting student leadership in Secondary schools, some challenges facing student leaders, teachers influence, peers influence and how the school culture can affect the execution of duties of student leaders in public secondary schools. Therefore, the Researcher employed a mixed and purposive research design to ensure that the targeted population in both schools of Kibiko and Ooolua stood the equal chance of participating in the study. Purposive sampling was employed in order to target the student leaders, teachers and school principals of the both schools. Nevertheless, the total targeted population included 70 Respondents. From 70 Respondents, 52 were students, 8 student leaders, 8 teachers and finally 2 school principals. The researcher intended to involve students of form 2 to form 4 because of their wider experience of secondary school life but more importantly the researcher assumed that at this stage, teachers start to expose students to leadership responsibilities. Certainly,68 Respondents answered and gave feedback to the questionnaire that was used to collect data. Therefore, the collected data was then analyzed, organized and arranged according to each research question and presented using frequency tables, pie charts and bar graphs. The results showed that several factors determine student leadership in secondary schools. The findings indicated that peers and teachers affect positively or negatively student leadership in secondary schools. All the teachers Respondents, students and principals agreed that teachers and peers play a vital role in shaping leadership qualities among students. The study showed that motivation, school culture and parents to affects the well being of students holding leadership roles in secondary schools. In other words, the study concluded that teachers should involve students in selection of their representatives and also motivation of student leaders is very important in secondary schools. DAKA JOSEPH Download
FACTORS AFFECTING TEACHING AND LEARNING OF HISTORY IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN NGONG SUB- COUNTY, KAJIADO COUNTYTEACHING AND LEARNING OF HISTORY History subject is one of the most important subjects taught in schools. However, it’s teaching and learning is affected by a myriad of factors. Hence, the purpose of this study was to investigate the factors affecting teaching and learning of history in secondary schools in Ngong Sub-County, Kajiado County. The study was guided by the following objectives: To examine the influence of teaching methodology on teaching and learning of History in Ngong Sub-County; To analyze the influence of teaching and learning resources on teaching and learning of history; Examine the influence of students’ attitude towards history on teaching and learning of History in Ngong Sub-County; To evaluate the influence of future career opportunities on teaching and learning of history in Ngong Sub County. The study adopted descriptive survey design where 96 respondents were sampled. Self-administered questionnaire was used to collect quantitative data. The study established that students’ and teachers’ attitude towards history subject was positive. For instance, teachers like teaching and learning of history in their schools while students also like the subject, have interest in teaching and learning of history and were always were looking forward to attending the next history lessons. Most teachers were using effective teaching methods that were responsive to the needs of their students such as making good use of teaching and learning resources, regularly marking students’ assignments and had adequate knowledge content of history subject. Most schools had adequate history teachers and text books for teaching and learning of history according to the teachers. Adequate teaching and learning resources have a profound influence in teaching and learning of history while teaching and learning of history influences students’ career choices. The study concluded that teaching and learning of history influences students’ career choices. The study recommends that the Ministry of Education, Schools and Students essential roles to play to ensure effective teaching and learning of history. JULIUS KANGO BONGKISHERIE Download
FACTORS AFFECTING TEACHING OF STUDENTS WITH HEARING IMPAIRMENT IN INCLUSIVE SECONDARY TABORA-REGION TANZANIATEACHING OF STUDENTS WITH HEARING IMPAIRMENTThe purpose of this study was to establish the factors affecting teaching of students with hearing impairment in inclusive secondary schools. The study was guided by the following objectives: To analyze the effect of the levels of training among teachers in teaching students in inclusive secondary school in Tabora region-Tanzania; To establish the effect of hearing aids in teaching impaired students in inclusive secondary school in Tabora region-Tanzania; To investigate the effect of parents attitude in teaching of students with hearing impairment in inclusive secondary school in Tabora region-Tanzania. The study adopted survey design with quantitative approach. The study enlisted 100 respondents comprising 3 Head teachers, 21 parents, 16 teachers and 60 students drawn from secondary schools in Tabora region, Tanzania. The study established that most teachers dealing with the hearing-impaired students were not adequately trained to handle them. Teaching of these students was also hampered by inadequate teaching and learning resources, lack of adequate hearing aids, discrimination and stigmatization of hearing impaired students. The study recommends that the government deploys adequate trained teachers to handle students with special needs and allocate adequate teaching and learning resource.HILALIUS J. LOMANDO Download
FACTORS AFFECTING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF EDUCATIONAL POLICIES FOR BASIC EDUCATION FOR ALL IN NOMADIC AREAS: A CASE OF MOYALE SUB-COUNTY, MARSABIT COUNTY.MPLEMENTATION OF EDUCATIONAL POLICIES FOR BASIC EDUCATION This new study examined the factors affecting the implementation of educational policies in nomadic areas of Moyale sub county in the light of Kenya’s domestication of Education for All (EFA) which the government discussed and committed itself at various world conferences. The research investigated different factors that affect the implementation. It looked at the programs geared towards achieving EFA such as Free Primary Education, boarding schools, school feeding programs and bursaries. These and other features of EFA are discussed as they are meant to provide a feasible route for educating nomads. The research used a mixed methods approach to collect data using semi-structured interviews designed for nomadic parents, focus group discussions with education officials and teachers, and a questionnaire for nomadic students in secondary schools. The research instruments were designed to find out the challenges, perceptions, preferences and policies concerning nomadic education from 150 purposively selected individuals comprising interview guides to district Education officers, Districtofficer and parent; Questionnaires and focus group discussion participants’ guides. The findings from the field illustrate how those factors affect the implementations of basic EFA. Informants cited the accessibility to the nearest school, attitude of parents, tribal conflict and low income of the parents among other issues as the inhibiting factors affecting the implementation of formal education in nomadic area. If total participation is required, the main issues arising are the need to change the existing facilities, educating the communities about the need for education and strengthen legislation for compulsory education while on the other hand improving the infrastructure for nomadic people. In this way, education can be provided that respects the nomadic lifestyle. The research concluded by proposing a multifaceted approach to the education of nomads. However, mobile schools with a non-formal curriculum package may be an especially attractive option due to expected suitability in nomadic setting and their relatively low cost, given expected financial constraints. It also recommended that further research beconducted to explore nomadic friendly learning programs before the implementation of any of these recommendations.   MARY NASIBO THOMAS Download
Factors Affecting The Performance Of Small And Medium Entreprises (Smes): Case Of Selected Barber Shops In Langata Sub-County, Nairobi CountyThe Performance Of Small And Medium Entreprises (Smes)The study analyzed the factors affecting the performance of Small and Medium Enterprises focusing on select barbershops in Lang’ata constituency. The study was based on four objectives namely: To establish the effect of entrepreneurs’ individual innovativeness on the performance of barbershops, to examine the effect of Government policies and regulations on performance, to establish whether entrepreneurial characteristics affect performance and whether technological changes affect the performance of barbershops in Lang’ata. The research adopted qualitative and quantitative research methods where research design on 3 select barbershops were purposely selected from a population of 20 barbershops in Lang’ata. The data was collected through administration of questionnaires to managers and owners of the select barbershops and an interview conducted on one of the three select barbershop owners. Data collected was analyzed using descriptive statistics with the aid of Statistical Package of Social Scientists (SPSS) and Microsoft Excel worksheets. Presentation of the data was done using pie charts, frequency tables, bar graphs and percentages. It was disclosed from the findings that individual innovations play a pivotal role in the performance of SMEs as being creative helps a business grow. It was also affirmed from the study that Government policies and regulations towards SMEs negatively impacts them and that the measures set in place are stringent to the businesses hindering growth and performance. Performance is highly influenced by entrepreneurial characteristics such as gender, age, previous work experience and the relevant skills required to manage and run the business. The study further disclosed that technological changes are vital and important in the successful running and performing of an SME. This study offers a basis in which barbershop businesses and SMEs in general evaluate their management strategies and methods of operations in order to improve performance.MOSES GACHERU MACHARIA Download
An Investigation Of Factors Contributing To Poor Performance In Kiswahili In Bumula Sub-County, Bungoma County.Factors Contributing To Poor Performance In Kiswahili The study was to carry out an investigation on the factors contributing to poor performance in Kiswahili in Bumula sub-county, Bungoma County. The objectives were; Establish teacher related factors on poor performance in Kiswahili. Determine how the available teaching and learning resources in teaching Kiswahili and Establish the Student related factors that influence poor performance in Kiswahili. To achieve the research objectives, the researcher employed survey design. Among the 10 secondary schools, 3 were randomly sampled; one girl’s schools, one boy’s school and I mixed school. 97 respondents were randomly drawn from a population of 323 persons in the three chosen educational secondary schools. Four categories of respondents were involved in the research; Kiswahili students, Kiswahili teachers, Heads of Kiswahili Departments and Principals. Three types of instruments were used to collect relevant data for the study from the four categories of respondents. Data were then analyzed using SPSS. It was presented using frequencies, bar graphs and charts. The study found that: Learners and teachers have a low attitude towards Kiswahili as they prefer using English. Secondly, the school languages policies allocate English four days in a week while Kiswahili only a single day. Thirdly, shortage of teaching and learning resources especially electronics contribute to poor performance. Next, teachers do not mark class assignments rather they prefer oral answers as the learners themselves do the marking and lastly schools do not provide in-servicing course s to equip the teachers with new skills thus contributing to poor performance. It was concluded that teachers, learners and shortage of teaching and learning resources contributes to poor performance. Basing on the research findings, the researcher made the following recommendations: The government should play a key role to solve the stalemate of teaching and learning resources. There is need to sensitize the parents, stakeholders and the community at large on the provision of adequate teaching and learning resources in schools. The government ought to source for funds from donors, well-wishers and Non-Governmental Organizations to ensure diversity in the provision of teaching and learning materials. This will supplement insufficient annual funds released by the government for equipping the library with Kiswahili books and electronics. The school management teams (SMTs) should supervise and ensure Kiswahili teachers attend classes on time to ensure the forty (40) minutes allocated for the lessons especially in Kiswahili, the students are well engaged. This will lead to improved performance in Kiswahili. The school administration should hire competent teachers and put elaborate structures meant to reward students who excel in Kiswahili. The school should ensure that Kiswahili teachers attend in-servicing courses to ensure that they are updated with the current issues pertaining Kiswahili and as a way of polishing their skills. JUMAH A. BERNARD Download
Analysis Of Factors Influencing Consumer Preference In The Hospitality Industry In Nairobi Kenya, Case Of Eka HotelConsumer Preference In The Hospitality Industry This study is about factors influencing consumer preferences in the hospitality industry with a case of Eka Hotel, Nairobi. It concentrated on five objectives which were; determining the role of advertising, effect of location, effect of pricing, effect of services and effect of special offers and loyalty programs. The target population was the hotel managers and three managers out of them were sampled based on judgmental sampling, and questionnaires were directed to them. The findings of the study are that advertising has a major role in influencing consumers’ choice, similarly the location of the hotel also plays a vital role in affecting the choice of consumers. The study also found out that pricing, the availability of services/facilities and also offering special offers and loyalty programs helps in getting new clientele and also helps in customer retentionHUSSEIN HAKIMI Download
Factors Influencing Learning Environment In Public Primary Schools In Langata Division, Nairobi CountyLearning Environment In Public Primary Schools The purpose of this study was to investigate factors influencing Learning Environment in public primary schools in Langat’a Division, Nairobi County. The following objectives guided the researcher: to establish an extent to which school physical facilities influence learning environment in public primary schools; to determine ways in which teacher/pupil ratio influence learning environment in public primary schools; to investigate the influence of instructional resources in the learning environment in public primary schools; to find out how teacher preparedness influence the learning environment in public primary schools.The study used cross sectional survey design where simple random sampling was used to sample three public primary schools, for the study. Simple random sampling was used to determine the participants of the study from the three schools. The researcher through the use of random numbers selected 30% of participants from the sampled schools. Data was collected through the use of questionnaires. The findings showed that majority of the public primary schools have good physical facilities. It was also noted that despite the fact that most of the schools have physical facilities, toilet tissues were not provided. Findings also revealed that teacher/pupil ratio, were within the acceptable limits. It was also noted that most of the schools had enough instructional resources despite the fact the government does not provide instructional resources to the schools. It was therefore concluded that most of the primary schools had facilities which facilitated in teaching and learning environment. However, instructional resources were not provided to the schools. The study recommended that the Ministry of Education, should take the responsibility of providing instructional resource materials to public primary schools. The school head teachers of public primary schools in Langat Division, Nairobi county must ensure that quality school learning environment is provided to pupils so as to stimulate the learning environment.NDAPISHA FRANCIS Download
Factors Influencing Performance In Chemistry Paper Three In Secondary Schools Within Nkaimurunya Location, Kajiado County.Performance In Chemistry Paper Three In Secondary Schools The study aimed at investigating, Factors influencing performance, in chemistry paper three in secondary schools within Nkaimurunya location, Kajiado County. The locality has been facing a continued low performance in chemistry continuously for the last five years. This has made it to be an area of interest in research as what may be the genesis of the bad performance. The study was based on three main objectives; Firstly, to identify factors that contribute to poor performance in chemistry paper three in secondary schools within Nkaimurunya location, secondly to explain the procedure of conducting practical work in secondary school chemistry, thirdly to find out possible solutions to the factors affecting learners in chemistry practical in secondary school in Nkaimurunya location. The researcher used descriptive survey design. The survey design employed systematic and random sampling procedures. It involved the chemistry teachers, Head of Departments and students from form three from the selected schools The instruments used were structured questionnaires involving both open and close ended questions and interview guides The study established several ways of improving Chemistry performance in secondary schools. They included increasing the resources for student’s use such as the revision books, laboratories’ equipment and the chemistry teachers. The study recommends that students, lecturers and management of secondary schools have a critical role to play in order to improve the academic performance in Chemistry. WILLIAM KUTWA ESIKOTE Download
Factors Influencing Students’ Attention Span Among Public Secondary Schools In Ngong Sub-County In Kajiado County, KenyaStudents’ Attention Span The purpose of this study was to look at the “Factors Influencing Students’ Attention Span among Public Secondary Schools in Ngong Sub-County, Kajiado County.” The study was guided by the following research objectives: to examine the trend of students’ attention span among Secondary School Students in Ngong Sub-County, Kajiado County: to determine how a teacher’s methodology influence attention span among Secondary School Students in Ngong Sub-County, Kajiado County; to investigate student’s perception of the subject influence on attention span among Secondary School Students in Ngong Sub-County, Kajiado County; to find out if student’s sitting location can influence attention span among Secondary School students in Ngong Sub-County, Kajiado County. The study was based on a quantitative research paradigm. The researcher used questionnaires to collect data from the students and teachers in three randomly selected Secondary Schools from the study area. The study used 30% of the population sample which was selected randomly. A sample of 150 students and 9 teachers were used in this research. The data collected was conducted to achieve the set objectives. The collected data was organized and analyzed using Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS). The analyzed data was presented using tables, bar charts and pie charts. Interpretation and recommendations were based on the research findings. The research found that, majority of the students do not have problems with paying attention in class. The teachers have an important role I enhancing students’ attention span. Since most teachers are not familiar with the problem of attention span the following recommendations were made; that teachers need to undergo further in service workshops and seminars to acquire necessary skills on building up of students’ attention span. Teachers should use a variety of instructional strategies and these should be changed approximatelyKUDAKWASHE BLESSED VAMBE Download
Factors Influencing Students’ Career Aspirations In Public Secondary Schools In Kajiado County, Ngong Sub-CountyStudents’ Career Aspirations The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors influencing students’ career aspirations in public secondary schools in Ngong Sub-County. The study sought to answer the following research objectives: to investigate parental influence on students’ career aspirations, to determine how peer influence affects students’ career aspirations, to establish the extend at which gender influence career aspirations and to find out how the job market influence students’ career aspirations. The study used a descriptive design. The target population included students and teachers from three selected secondary schools in Ngong Sub-County. The sample comprised of 85 students and 14 teachers. Questionnaires were used for both students and teachers in order to obtain the information needed. The collected data was organized and analyzed using frequencies and percentages with the help of SPSS which is presented in chapter four. The findings indicated that 95.3% of parents do not want their children to become just housewife or husband, but to have good and brighter future. The study Showed that 94% of parents do encourage their children on their career choices. The study also showed that peer influence, gender and job market do influence students’ career aspirations in many other waysLAWRENCE WONIPOKUEH DOE Download
FACTORS INFLUENCING STUDENTS’ ENROLMENT IN HISTORY IN TERTIARY INSTITUTIONS. A CASE STUDY OF TANGAZA, MARIST AND CUEA IN THE LANGATA DIVISION OF NAIROBI COUNTYSTUDENTS’ ENROLMENT IN HISTORY IN TERTIARY INSTITUTIONS.The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors influencing students’ enrolment in history in tertiary institutions. A case study of Tangaza, Marist and CUEA in the Langata division of Nairobi County in Kenya. The study was guided by the following objectives; to find out the extent to which peer influence enrolment in the subject of history, to examine the role of parents in the enrolment in the subject of history, to find out the extent to which interest of students in the subject of history influence enrolment, to find out the extent to which career choices influence enrolment in the subject of history and to establish ways of improving enrolment in the subject of history in tertiary institutions. The study used questionnaires, interview guides and focus group discussion as instruments data collection. The study used 86 sample size for students and 6 for lecturers. The researcher explored that students’ enrolment in history was influenced by career related choices, students’ interest and peer influence. However, parental influences had no impacts on students’ enrolment in history. The researcher also found that government sponsorship can be one of the way to improve students’ enrolment in the subject of history in the tertiary institutions.ASANTE JOSEPH Download
Factors Influencing Students’ Study Habits In Public And Private Secondary Schools In Ngong Sub-County, Kajiado County Students’ Study Habits Broad and deep study habit is beneficial to students and all other individuals in the community. The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors influencing students’ study habits in public and private secondary schools in Ngong sub-county, Kajiado county. Questionnaires were employed to collect data and information of this study. The study found that majority of the students have time to study on their own and most of them agreed that study habit is important and they value it. Majority of the students live in conducive home environment. There are well equipped libraries in schools both private and public schools. Students have studied for and during an examination. Parents support their children in their studies. Students did not study to receive a reward such as praise from their parents and teachers and others have studied hard to avoid being punished by their parents and teachers. Majority of students lack motivation to study apart from their academic materials. Majority of teachers agreed that forming a study habit is important in students’ life. Teachers have positive towards students’ study habits and support their students in their studies. They teach only what is examined for students to pass examination. Teachers are role models of their students towards study habits and use electronic gadgets to access educative materials to enhance study habits of their students. Students should read widely and other materials apart from their academic course but not just to limit themselves in cramming what will be examined. This will enhance their knowledge and to develop good study behaviours. An organized timetable will help students to avoid time-wasting. Students should be to be taught time management skills so that they can use their time properly. GUERADI TOUR-HALI TAKAKI Download
Factors Influencing The Improvement Of Quality Education Among Pastorolists In Public Secondary Schools In Kajiado East Sub-County.Improvement Of Quality Education Among Pastorolists The purpose of the study was to investigate the factors influencing the improvement of quality education among pastoralist in public secondary schools in Kajiado East Sub-County. The study was guided by the following objectives; to establish how households’ economic status influences provision of education for pastoralists’ children in public secondary school in Kajiado East Sub-County; to determine the extent to which teaching/learning resources affect the performance of students in Kajiado East Sub-County; to examine the extent to which availability of qualified teachers affect the performance of the students in Kajiado East Sub-County; to establish the extent to which drought influence provision of physical needs of the students in public secondary schools in Kajiado East Sub-County. The study adopted the Structuralism theory and applied descriptive survey research design. 94.8% of the population was used as sample to participate in the study. The target population was 4 Principals, 10 Teachers, 36 Parents and 81 Students. The sample totals were 4 Principals, 8 Teachers, 36 Parents and 80 Students The research findings reveal that majority of Principals and Teachers are males indicating there is no gender balance. Further findings reveal that frequent drought and conflicts have an effect on contact time. The Pupil book ratio is mainly one to five, showing acute shortage of learning materials in schools. The study established that there was a teacher shortage because most classes have an enrolment of forty pupils and above. The study also established that drought has an influence on pupils’ physical needs due to its impoverishing effect on families. The study concluded that teachers need motivation in order for them to work in the pastoralist areas and that drought has serious effects on the physical needs of the learners. The study recommended that the government through the Ministry of Education should allocate more funds for the provision of teaching/learning resources to enable effective learning and employ enough teachers. In addition, the School Feeding Programme should be revived. The study suggests that a further research should be carried out on contribution of school feeding program to improve efficiency in education through retention. KOINATO K. KERINA Download
Factors Influencing The Perfomance Of Comercial Banks Of Kenya Case Of Equity Perfomance Of Comercial Banks Of Kenya The increased incidence of bank failure in the recent period generated the current literature on quality of bank assets and also emphasized good governance as means of achieving banks objectives. The research study considered the factors influencing the performance of commercial banks of Kenya case of equity banks of Kenya the main objective of the study was to Debt to Equity proportion, amount of debt influence, capital employed influence performance of commercial banks at Equity bank in Kenya. The researcher used one bank which is equity bank as the target population. Target population was arrived at through use of stratified sampling technique. Secondary data was collected from equity banks. This was achieved by a comparing a data set from financial statement of equity banks. Data was analyzed using a Statistical Package For Social science (SPSS).The study used descriptive survey research design. The researcher used both regression and correlation analysis in order to manipulate numerical data collected from annual reports of banks sampled. The study findings was to determine the factors affecting the performance of private commercial banks. The response rate was representative. Descriptive and inferential statistics have been used to discuss the findings of the study. The ANOVA test was also used further to give the level of significance of the variables and showed the relationship among them through the coefficients matrix. The study concludes that debt to equity proportion influence the performance of private commercial banks in Kenya to a great extent. A high debt to equity makes the banks potentially generate more earnings than it would have without. The bank ensures that its debt to equity ratio is at acceptable levels all the time. The study further concludes that the amount of debt influences the performance of private commercial banks. The study also concludes that capital employed influence the performance of private commercial banks in Kenya to a great extent. The amount of capital employed by a bank determines its ability to finance its operations while invested resources create value for the banks. The capital employed determines the banks’ assets for its operations. The study recommends that private commercial banks should work towards ensuring the debt to equity ratio is always at the levels which enable the bank to make the maximum possible profits. Private commercial banks should create mechanisms to allow the bank offer loans but should however have measures to prevent bad debts. The shareholders of private commercial banks need to ensure that their banks are well-capitalized since it has been shown that capital influences their performance. NIYITEGEKA MARIETTE Download
Factors Influencing The Selection Of Mathematics As An Area Of Specialization: A Case Of Marist International University College.Selection Of Mathematics As An Area Of SpecializationThe study was carried out in Marist International University College, which is a constituent college of the Catholic University of Eastern Africa. It investigated the factors influencing the selection of mathematics as an area of specialization; and was guided by the following objectives:  To determine whether the students’ interest influences the selection of mathematics.  To assess whether good performance in mathematics influences the selection of mathematics.  To identify other possible factors influencing the selection of mathematics as an area of specialization. The researcher used survey design. The target population included both mathematics students and lecturers. The respondents were sampled using simple random sampling and purposive sampling methods. Data collection instruments included questionnaires only. The sample population of 36 respondents was made up of students from different African Countries and all lecturers were from Kenya. These persons were subjected to questionnaire, which was the only instrument for data collection. The data collected were then analyzed using frequencies and percentages in the tables, pie charts and lines with the help of SPSS (17.0). The findings indicated that most of students select mathematics as an area of specialization because of interest and good performance in mathematics; other factors included the student’ parents, teachers, mathematical ability and high demand for mathematics lecturers in the Universities. In conclusion, the researcher made the following recommendations: First of all, Kenyan ministry of education should assure that mathematics teachers at the elementary level are well equipped and able to handle this subject; this will help students to develop interest in mathematics at higher level of education.Secondly, MIUC’s management board was recommended to encourage both mathematics and science students and lecturers to love these subjects as areas of specialization; for leadership tomorrow, depends on how students are educated today, especially in mathematics, sciences and technology. At last other researchers were recommended to continue investigating upon other areas left out by this research such as:  To investigate the extent to which the Kenyan’ ministry of Education is involved in promoting mathematics and sciences in the Country.  To investigate on the factors influencing female students in selecting science oriented subjects in Kenyan public Universities.  To find out the factors contributing to the high demand for mathematics and sciences lecturers in Universities in Nairobi County. BUNDU KALUMBI JEAN-CLAUDE Download
FACTORS INFULUENCING REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT INDUSTRY IN KENYA (THE CASE OF THINDIGUA LOCATION KIAMBU COUNTY)REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT Real estate industry is recognized globally for taking a critical role in social, political and economic development. The real estate industry plays primal role in providing employment opportunities, enhancing income distribution and alleviating poverty all over the world. However, the real estate industry in Kenya continues to fail to fulfill this fundamental role due to a number of unique factors that affect investment in the sector. The aim of this study was to analyze the factors influencing investment in real estate industry in Kenya. The factors identified in the study include Government regulations, mortgage finance and marketing. This study focused on Thindigua in Kiambu County which has experienced a property boom with the demand for rental residential houses rising by the day. This study used mixed design methodology as it sought to evaluate the views of many Kenyans who are not able to afford their own homes. Primary data was also collected through field research. Questionnaires and interviews were used to collect data. They were administered on face to face basis as well as on drop and pick basis. The researcher also interviewed the directors and staff of the real state firms operating within Thindigua in Kiambu County as well as their clients where was necessary. The study concludes that, In order to encourage more investors in the real estate industry, institutional policies such as licensing, registration requirement, product standards and certification and infrastructure policies including utility development and land policies should be streamlined and centralized to encourage more investors. ERICK MUTUMA KIMATHI Download
Factors That Leads To Poor Performance Of Chemistry In Kakuma Refugee Secondary SchoolPoor Performance Of Chemistry The purpose of this study was to establish the factors that lead to poor performance of chemistry in Kakuma refugee camp secondary school. The study adopted a mixed research design, involving both quantitative and qualitative research. A sample of 120 respondents comprising students, teachers and Lutheran World Federation members was used. The study found out that most of the students do not perform well in Chemistry, despite the fact that students are aware of the importance of chemistry to their everyday life. The students in Kakuma secondary schools are faced by a myriad of challenges such as poverty, inadequate facilities, poor school managements and lack of qualified teachers. The study recommends the need for reforming the schools by employing adequate and qualified teachers and the need for creativity in improvising the equipments and delivery of chemistry content. The schools should also be equipped with adequate, up to date teaching and learning resources including equipping the laboratories to be able to adequately handle the required experiments. JAMES MACHAK CHANY Download
EFFECTS OF EDUCATIONAL FIELD TRIPS ON ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF SECONDARY SCHOOL GEOGRAPHY STUDENTS IN LANGATA SUB-COUNTY, NAIROBI COUNTYEDUCATIONAL FIELD TRIPS ON ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE The purpose of this study was to explore the Effects of Educational Field Trips on Academic Performance of Secondary School geography Students in Langata Sub-County, Nairobi County. The study was guided by the following objectives: To explore the effectiveness of fieldwork as a teaching method; to determine the perception of students and teachers towards fieldwork and to explore the factors that hinders the effective use of fieldwork. The study was informed by the empiricism theory that give preferences to learning through senses and experiences. This study adopted a quantitative research design and specifically the survey design. The sample size was made up of 69 participants who comprised of 61 students and 8 teachers who were randomly drawn from Lang’ata Sub-County, Nairobi County. The study established that fieldtrip is an effective method of teaching and learning geography in areas such as rocks, minerals, volcanoes, faulting, tourism, agriculture, rivers and fieldwork as it complements what is taught in class. The study concludes that most students enjoy going for fieldtrips. However, the study concludes that fieldtrips are expensive to conduct and time consuming. The study recommends that schools should find a ways of subsidizing the cost of fieldstrips to ensure that all students are able to participate. CHIFUNDO BENDICTO NKHOMA Download
IMPACT OF THE BAN OF PRIVATE TUITION ON TEACHING AND LEARNING OF MATHEMATICS IN PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS: THE CASE OF THREE SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN LANG’ATA DIVISIONEffects of the ban of private tuition on teaching and learning of MathematicsABSTRACT The study sought to find out the effects of the ban of private tuition on teaching and learning of Mathematics in public secondary schools in Lang'ata Division. Three public secondary schools; Raila Educational Centre, Karen ‘C’ Secondary School and Olympic High School were randomly sampled. The study objectives were: to determine the extent to which the ban of private tuition of Mathematics is operational in secondary schools in Lang'ata Division, to find out the negative effects of the ban of private tuition on teaching and learning of Mathematics in Secondary Schools in Lang'ata Division, to ascertain the positive effects of the ban of private tuition of Mathematics on students and teachers in secondary schools in Lang'ata Division, to establish appropriate measures to mitigate the negative effects of the ban of private tuition in secondary schools. To ascertain the necessary data for the study, 142 respondents composed of 129 students, 10 Mathematics teachers and 3 Deputy Principals, were sampled using simple random sampling technique for the students and purposive technique for the teachers and Deputy Principals. The study employed two data collection instruments – questionnaire and interview guide. The questionnaires were designed to collect both quantitative and qualitative data from the student and teacher respondents. The interview guide, on the other hand, was used to collect qualitative data from the Deputy Principals. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), version 17.0, was used to analyze the quantitative data while the qualitative data was organized according to themes and used to support the quantitative figures. The study found that private tuition was operational in public secondary schools in Lang'ata Division even though it has been banned. The study also showed that the ban on private tuition discouraged absenteeism among students, reduced fatigue among teachers and provided students with sufficient time for personal study and research. However, the ban on private tuition brought about non-completion of Mathematics syllabus, low performance of students and has denied teachers the opportunity of earning supplementary income. The findings further showed that parents’ involvement in their children's education, effective use of time by students and teachers' motivation could help reduce the adverse effects of the ban. From the findings, the study recommended that parents and guardians should step up their supervisory roles towards their children; the Ministry of Education should also consider and put in place incentive packages for mathematics teachers; and Mathematics teachers should give students sufficient assignments to engage them.KRAMO ERIC Download
PERCEPTION TOWARDS STUDYING HISTORY IN PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN RONGAI SUB-COUNTY IN KAJIADO COUNTY, KENYAPERCEPTION TOWARDS STUDYING HISTORY IN PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLSThe purpose of this research was to investigate the Students’ Perception towards Studying History in Public Secondary Schools of Rongai sub-county in Kajiado County. The study was guided by the subsequent objectives: to examine the trend of Students’ enrollment in History, to investigate the extent to which career choices influence students to embark on History subject, to access the Role of Parents in the enrolment of History subject and, to explore the perception of Students towards History. The study was based on two theories: The Expectancy theory which was developed by Victor Vroom, and Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs theory. The study enlisted 144 respondents comprising of 132 students, 12 teachers from 3 schools that were randomly selected. Questionnaires were administered to collect quantitative and qualitative data and Statistical Program for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used to get descriptive statistics. The study concluded that there’s an increase in the Students embarking on History and Government in the recent years which was not the case some years back, Students enroll in History due to future employment, parents don’t influence their children in the selection of the subject such as History, career choices and future employment was seen as the primordial factor that gear Students to opt-in history, history is viewed as a very simple subject. The study gave the following recommendations: there must be some forms of boosting the Students on the benefits for studying History such as an offering a wide range for employment to those doing History, the wide range on the remuneration or salaries between a specialized teacher in History and those in Science field should be shortened, parents are supposed to be the ones to build in the mind of their children the importance of learning History followed by teachers in the school and the syllabus of History taught in Secondary Schools in Kenya, should be revised.ANTÓNIO MAVEZE ARMANDO Download
INFLUENCE OF PEER PRESURE ON STUDENTS’ ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE IN PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN SUNA EAST DIVISION-MIGORI COUNTYInfluence of peer pressureThis study aimed at investigating the influence of peer pressure on students’ academic performance in public secondary schools .The general questions of the study were to find out: The extent to which a study habit affect student performance, The extent to which absenteeism from school affects student performance, The extent to which drug abuse affect performance and how selection of the subjects affect student performance. The study involved 82 respondents who were randomly sampled using probability and non-probability sampling. The study used mixed research design. The study found out that peer pressure has the ability to influence students’ academic performance in public secondary schools through a number of ways such as changing opinions and ideologies through reading. Peer group in school allows the child to learn a host of skills; group interactions, conflict resolution, and trust building, among others. Negative peer influence was also found out to affect the youth as they develop for instance; peer rejection in early childhood and early adolescence was a good predictor of academic problem later. Negative peer influence has been witnessed in public secondary schools through poor performance in Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education for many years. The study recommends that the government should put stringent rules and measures to come up with remedies to the problems of drugs in high schools and the society as a whole. Teachers need to be close to students, journey with them and give them directions especially those who are addicted to drugs and alcohol. They should sensitize them about the dangers of drugs. Schools should strive to acquire relevant and up to date textbooks and reference materials to facilitate teaching and learning so that students can develop interest in selecting subjects without being influenced by their peersJULIET ORICHE Download
APPRAISAL OF PEACE EDUCATION IN PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN MARSABIT CENTRAL DISTRICT, MARSABIT COUNTYPEACE EDUCATION The purpose of the study was to appraise Peace Education in Secondary Schools in Marsabit Central District. The objectives of the study were to examine the Rationale of Peace Education, to establish the content of Peace Education materials, to indentify ways of promoting Peace Education in Secondary Schools and to find out challenges faced by teachers in the implementation of Peace Education. The researcher used descriptive survey research design. The researcher applied both simple random sampling and stratified random sampling. The target population included the secondary school students, teachers and the Principals/Deputy Principals. An interview schedule was administered to the area education officer. The questionnaires were constructed and distributed to the candidates that form the respondents. The three selected schools include: Daka Baricha Mixed Day Secondary Schools, Marsabit Boys and Moi Girls. The study found out that Peace Education as a subject on its own is very vital. It inculcates a culture of peace in the school environment. Moreover, learners should be taught relevant concepts as far as content of Peace Education is concerned. It was also noted that there are so many ways of promoting Peace Education in a secondary school. These include ball games, creating school family with children from different backgrounds. However, various challenges were faced by the teachers in the implementation of Peace Education in the Secondary Schools. These include shortage of Peace Education materials, limited time to teach it as a subject on its own and lack of trained personnel to teach it.GALGALLO KARU SOSPETER Download
An investigation into causes of gender variation in the performance of geography in some selected co-educational schools in Keroka division, Kisii countyCauses of gender variation in geography performance This study was to carry out an investigation on causes of Gender Variations in the Performance of Geography in Co-Educational Secondary School in Keroka Division, Kisii County. The objectives were; to identify learner-related factors that lead to gender variations in the performance of geography and to find out the extent to which school-related factors lead to gender variations in the performance of geography in Secondary Schools. To achieve the research objectives, the researcher employed survey design. Among the 8 co-educational secondary schools, 3 were randomly sampled; two public and one was private. Ninety respondents were randomly drawn from a population of 320 persons in the three chosen co-educational secondary schools. Three categories of respondents were involved in the research; geography students, students not taking geography and geography teachers. Three types of instruments were used to collect relevant data for the study from the three categories of respondents. Data were then analyzed using SPSS. It was presented using frequencies, bar graphs and charts. The study found out that: First and foremost, female students are allotted more house chores and have poor study habits. Secondly, teachers show preference to male students and so tend to ignore girls. Thirdly, geography content is complex for some girls; especially statistical methods, rocks and physical geography. Next, teachers prefer Socratic Method of teaching which provides the girls with little opportunity to express their views; and lastly, schools do not provide opportunities for field study hence, leading to girls’ loss of interest in the subject. It was therefore concluded that geography is gender sensitive. Basing on the research findings, the researcher made the following recommendations: parents should allot duties to their children in a balanced manner; Students should seek for advice from their teachers to develop ways of good study habits; the school administrators should provide the students with opportunities for field study as a source of motivation in the learning of Geography. The Ministry of Education should restructure the Geography curriculum so that the learners may develop positive attitude towards the subject. ONGAKI K. ESTHER Download
Social And Economic Factors Influencing Solid Waste Disposal In Kware Informal Settlement.Social And Economic Factors Influencing Solid Waste Disposal The purpose of this study was to investigate the social and economic factors influencing solid waste disposal in kware, Ongata Rongai. The research was guided by the following objectives : To examine the influence of awareness levels on solid waste disposal in Kware slum, Ongata Rongai ;To determine the influence of security level on solid waste disposal in Kware Slum, Ongata Rongai ;To find out the influence of poverty on solid waste disposal in Kware slum, Ongata Rongai ;To examine the influence of enforcement of county bylaws on solid waste disposal in Kware slum,Ongata Rongai. The study adopted descriptive research design. . The study target population for this study were residents of Kware slum while the study target men and women aged between 20-60 years of age who are official residents of all villages in Kware Slum, from where a sample of 100 residents was drawn using random sampling method. The findings of the study revealed that lack of awareness, insecurity, poverty, and weak city by-laws promotes solid waste disposal among residents in Kware. The study recommends that From the findings it was noted that even though residents of Kware have basic education, they were ignorant of the importance of proper solid waste disposal. HALIMA AHMED HAWI Download
Factors Influencing Learning Environment In Public Primary Schools In Langata Division, Nairobi CountyLearning Environment In Public Primary Schools The purpose of this study was to investigate factors influencing Learning Environment in public primary schools in Langat’a Division, Nairobi County. The following objectives guided the researcher: to establish an extent to which school physical facilities influence learning environment in public primary schools; to determine ways in which teacher/pupil ratio influence learning environment in public primary schools; to investigate the influence of instructional resources in the learning environment in public primary schools; to find out how teacher preparedness influence the learning environment in public primary schools.The study used cross sectional survey design where simple random sampling was used to sample three public primary schools, for the study. Simple random sampling was used to determine the participants of the study from the three schools. The researcher through the use of random numbers selected 30% of participants from the sampled schools. Data was collected through the use of questionnaires. The findings showed that majority of the public primary schools have good physical facilities. It was also noted that despite the fact that most of the schools have physical facilities, toilet tissues were not provided. Findings also revealed that teacher/pupil ratio, were within the acceptable limits. It was also noted that most of the schools had enough instructional resources despite the fact the government does not provide instructional resources to the schools. It was therefore concluded that most of the primary schools had facilities which facilitated in teaching and learning environment. However, instructional resources were not provided to the schools. The study recommended that the Ministry of Education, should take the responsibility of providing instructional resource materials to public primary schools. The school head teachers of public primary schools in Langat Division, Nairobi county must ensure that quality school learning environment is provided to pupils so as to stimulate the learning environment.NDAPISHA FRANCIS Download
Effects Of Non-Standard English On Student Performance In English Language In Secondary Schools In Uriri Constituency, Migori CountyNon-Standard English On Student Performance The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of Non-Standard English on students’ performance in English Language in secondary schools in Uriri constituency. Objectives of the study were to identify the characteristics of Non-Standard English used by Learners’ in English Language in Uriri Constituency; examine if there is an effect of Non-Standard English on learners’ performance in English Language; find out the extent to which Non-Standard English affects performance in English Language; investigate if the use of East African English contributes to Non-standard English used by learners’ in English Language and assess the influence of first language of the learning of English as a second language. The study adopted a quantitative paradigm and used cross-sectional survey design. The sample of the study consisted of 58 respondents. Questionnaires were used to collect data from respondents which were analysed and presented using frequency tables and pie charts. The study revealed that the characteristics of Non-Standard English could be noticed in errors in English Language and lack of fluency and accuracy of teachers in English. Listening, Writing, Reading and speaking skills were significantly affected by the components of East African English and the influence of First Language on the learning of English as a Second Language thus a negative effect on the performance in English language. The study recommends that all stakeholders should focus on all the macro-skills of English language for good performance. FIONA AKOTH OLUNJA Download
FACTORS INFLUENCING BURSARY ALLOCATION TO STUDENTS IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN NGONG DIVISIONScholarships - KenyaThe purpose of this Study was to examine the factors influencing bursary allocation to Students in Secondary Schools in Ngong Division. The aspects of concern were investigated through six research questions. These include: To what extent does the selection of Constituency Bursary Committee (CBC) Members influence bursary allocation to Students in Secondary Schools in Ngong Division? To what extent do the selection criteria of bursary beneficiaries influence bursary allocation to Students in Secondary Schools in Ngong Division? How does the political patronage influence bursary allocation to Students in Secondary Schools in Ngong Division? How sufficient do the bursaries award are for the intended purposes? To what extent does gender consideration influence bursary allocation to Students in Secondary Schools in Ngong Division? What are the possible strategies that can be adopted to improve the allocation of bursary to Students in secondary schools in Ngong Division? The study adopted survey design. Questionnaire was used to collect data from the respondents. The questionnaire was condensed categorized and mathematically analyzed and presented in frequencies, percentages and bar graphs. The data collected were analyzed using SPSS. The major findings were the influences by politicians during selections of CBC members and beneficiaries, during allocation of bursaries, deviation of CBC Members from the CBF guidelines, consideration of orphans and Students from poor households as the most needy beneficiaries, influence of tribalism and nepotism, briberies, fraud, lack of transparency and accountability, influence of inadequate funds, bursary awards help needy Students to remain and complete school, reduce dropout rate of the needy Students and reduction of fees balances of the needy Students. The Study made the following recommendations: increase of the funds, bursary responsibilities should be withdrawn from politicians, the funds should be channeled through the Schools, Schools should be involved in bursary process, and adoption of appropriate strategies of allocating the bursaries for improvement and surveillance committees of career professionals should be formed to oversee the progress of Secondary School Education Bursary Fund (SSEBF) awards.NWODO ELIAS CHUKWULOBE Download
Effects of non-standard english on students performance in english language in secondary schools in Uriri constituency,Migori countyEffects of non-standard english on students performance in english languageThe purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of Non-Standard English on students’ performance in English Language in secondary schools in Uriri constituency. Objectives of the study were to identify the characteristics of Non-Standard English used by Learners’ in English Language in Uriri Constituency; examine if there is an effect of Non-Standard English on learners’ performance in English Language; find out the extent to which Non-Standard English affects performance in English Language; investigate if the use of East African English contributes to Non-standard English used by learners’ in English Language and assess the influence of first language of the learning of English as a second language. The study adopted a quantitative paradigm and used cross-sectional survey design. The sample of the study consisted of 58 respondents. Questionnaires were used to collect data from respondents which were analysed and presented using frequency tables and pie charts. The study revealed that the characteristics of Non-Standard English could be noticed in errors in English Language and lack of fluency and accuracy of teachers in English. Listening, Writing, Reading and speaking skills were significantly affected by the components of East African English and the influence of First Language on the learning of English as a Second Language thus a negative effect on the performance in English language. The study recommends that all stakeholders should focus on all the macro-skills of English language for good performance.FIONA AKOTH OLUNJA Download
The Influence Of Methods Of Teaching Business Studies On Students’ Performance In Public Secondary Schools In Ngong Sub-County, KajiadoMethods Of Teaching Business Studies The purpose of this study was to explore the influence of the methods of teaching business studies on students’ performance in public secondary schools in Ngong Sub-County, Kajiado. The study was guided by the following objectives: To investigate the effects of discussion method on students’ academic performance in public secondary schools in Ngong Sub-County, Kajiado; To examine the effects of demonstration method on students’ academic performance in public secondary schools in Ngong Sub-County, Kajiado; To determine the effects of questioning method on students’ academic performance in public secondary schools in Ngong Sub-County, Kajiado; To find out effects of lecture method on students’ academic performance in public secondary schools in Ngong Sub-County, Kajiado. The study adopted survey design to help in assessing people’s attitudes, beliefs, feelings, behaviors and lives. The study sampled 150 students and 15 teachers. The study established that teaching and learning resources affects the performance of students in business studies and that the business teachers were striving to use a variety of teaching methodologies when teaching business studies which were found to resonate well with most of the students. Both teachers and students were found to have a positive attitude towards business studies and that teaching and learning resources affects students’ performance in business studies. The study recommends that the government should make business studies compulsory and equip the schools with adequate resources including qualified and adequate teachers. NDIM GILBERT NDZICHIA Download
Teaching of speaking skills to learners with communication difficulties in secondary schools in Mbeere North district,Embu County,KenyaTeaching of Oral communicationThe purpose of this study was to investigate the teaching of speaking skills to learners with communication difficulties in Mbeere North District Embu County. Objectives of the study were to identify problems encountered by teachers in teaching pronunciation to learners with communication difficulties in Mbeere North, Embu County, Kenya; establish difficulties of teaching fluency to learners with communication difficulties in Secondary Schools in Mbeere North, Embu County, Kenya; identify the problems encountered by the teachers in teaching of grammar to students with communication difficulties in Secondary Schools in Mbeere North, Embu County, Kenya.; identify the problems encountered by the teachers in teaching of vocabulary to students with communication difficulties in Secondary Schools in Mbeere North, Embu County, Kenya and identify possible solutions to problems encountered by teachers teaching speaking skill to learners with communication difficulties. The study adopted a quantitative paradigm and used cross-sectional survey design. The sample of the study consisted of 63 participants who teachers teaching speaking skills from form one to four. Questionnaires were used to collect data from participants, which were analysed and presented using frequency tables and pie charts. The study revealed that it was evident that teachers encounter problems in teaching pronunciation, fluency, grammar and vocabulary to learners with communication difficulties as they tend to omit, add or substitute sounds or letters at the beginning, middle and at the end due disruptions of the flow and rhythm. The study recommends that all stakeholders should focus on appropriate measures to help teachers teaching speaking skills to learners with communication difficulties like teachers to have adequate skills to handle these learners.NJERU STEPHANINA KARIMI Download
Assessment of methods used to teach drama in secondary schools in KenyaMethods used to teach drama in secondary schools in KenyaThe study assessed methods used to teach drama in secondary schools in Kenya and it used the case study of Kajiado County. It involved two schools: Oloolua and Kibiko secondary schools. It was guided by three research objectives: to identify methods used to teach drama in secondary schools, to find out whether there are challenges faced by teachers in teaching drama and to examine whether the methods used are effective in teaching drama as a performed art. In order to attain these objectives, the study used questionnaire which were distributed to students and teachers from the two selected schools. For students, two year groups (Forms three and four students) were sampled using random stratified method to make the sample size. Four sections made up the questionnaire used to collect data from the respondents: Demographic Information, existence of drama in schools, methods used to teach drama and attitudes towards drama as a genre of literature. Relevant questions to the research were designed into two main types, namely closed ended questions and open ended questions. The questionnaire return rate was (77.5%) of the expected sample size for students while for teachers the return rate was (83.3%) and it was out of their responses that the study drew inferences from the findings. The quantitative data from the questionnaire were analyzed, presented and interpreted using SPSS (version 20). The qualitative data provided through open ended questions were used to support the quantitative information. The study revealed that Literature was being taught in the schools. There were teachers for literature who were supposed to teach drama too. Two methods were identified as practical methods that can enhance the learning of drama in secondary schools: discussion and role play methods. These methods were more preferred to others because they involve students v and teachers in the teaching and learning experiences. However, inquiry and field trip methods were mentioned too. Despite the assertion that the methods mentioned above would make the teaching and learning of drama effective, it was disclosed to the researcher that the techniques used to introduce even to teach drama were not appreciated by students. Furthermore the study revealed that students were not motivated to study drama. Challenges faced during the teaching and learning of drama in classroom were stated by respondents. They included: lack of teaching material (textbooks) and scarcity of time. The fact of not involving students in performance as part of drama, as well as lack of motivation to learn the subject were found out to be among challenges that were encountered during drama sessions. Finally, the study established that despite challenges encountered during drama sessions in schools, students are disposed to learn it. It was discovered that drama was liked to be taught because as respondents argued, it is important to life both inside and outside the school premises. Thus, they would like to have means that involved them in live performance so that drama might shift to be viewed as a practical and educative discipline rather than a theoretical discipline.NDAHAYO SIXTE Download
Home Factors Influencing Learner’s Academic Peformance In Day Secondary School In Ngong-Sub CountyHome Factors Influencing Learner’s Academic Peformance The purpose of this study was to investigate how home factors influence learner’s academic performance in day secondary schools in Ngong Sub-county. The specific objectives added were to establish the influence of parents’ level of education; Socio-economic status of parents; Parents professional qualifications and home chores on learner’s academic performance in day secondary schools in Gong Sub-county. Statistical Programme for Social Science (SPSS) version 22 was used to get descriptive statistics. The study used descriptive survey design and adopted the quantitative and qualitative approach as a research design. The study targeted three-day secondary schools with a population of 120 students and 6 teachers. The study findings indicated that educated parents assist their students in doing their school work. Parents’ socio-economic status influences the student’s academic performance. Professional parents participate better in academic performance and understand the importance of academics better. Teachers perceived that parents contribute to students’ participation in home chores. More time is spent on home chores than on school work. There should be a research on the other home base factors affecting students’ academic performance in public day secondary schools since this study only focused on four factors. N’GUETTIA KOUASSI KOSSONOU M Download
ANALYSIS OF SOCIO-CULTURAL FACTORS AFFECTING SCHOOL COMPLETION IN PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN NYANCHA DIVISION, RORYA DISTRICT, TANZANIASocio-cultural factors affecting school completion - TanzaniaThe study aimed at analyzing the Socio-cultural factors affecting school completion in public secondary schools in Nyancha Division, Rorya District-Tanzania. The study was based on the following objectives: To find out the effects of poverty on students’ school completion; to examine the role of initiation rites on students’ school completion; to assess the effects of language on students’ school completion and finally, to suggest possible measures of resolving the challenges affecting school completion in Public secondary schools in Nyancha Division. Survey design was used due to its reliability and ability to produce statistical information that could be analyzed. Questionnaires were used for both students and teachers. The study used a sample which was (31%) of the whole population and which was selected randomly. The sample size of 90 respondents comprised of 80 students and 10 teachers was used. The data collection was conducted within a period of three weeks. The researcher then organized and analyzed data using SPSS (version 21). The analyzed quantitative data was presented using frequency tables, percentages, bar graphs and pie charts. The qualitative data was used to support the quantitative data. The interpretation and recommendations were based on the research findings and the research objectives. The study found that, these public secondary schools had high school incompletion rates; in addition to that, they were middle class level Public Secondary Schools. This was attributed to the albatrosses factors including; parents poor financial status, low level of parents’ education, every family member being assigned a role to play, multi-ethnic and multilingual aspects. The study recommended that, the government should put some emphasis on supporting the public secondary schools by improving the infrastructure, provision of facilities together with adequate and qualified teaching staff. Without these interventions, learners may fail to complete their studies and in the long run fail to participate effectively in national building. The school administration, the parents and students should positively support the government to realize it goals in education.KULINDUKA PATRICK NANGALE Download
FACTORS INFLUENCING A HEALTHY READING CULTURE IN PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN TULIA ZONE, KITUI COUNTYFactors influencing a healthy reading culture Broad and deep reading culture is beneficial to students and all other individuals in the community. It is the policy of Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) that every secondary school in Kenya schedules a reading lesson every week for students to improve their reading habits. The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors influencing a healthy reading culture in public secondary schools in Tulia zone, Kitui County. The study used stratified sampling, simple random sampling and purposive sampling methods in identifying 102 respondents of this study. Questionnaire, interview guide and Focused Group Discussions were employed in soliciting data and information of this study. The study found that books and other reading materials are not available, accessible and affordable to most students in public secondary schools. Teachers, however, are not role models of reading since they rarely visit the libraries during their free time, weekends and during holidays. Despite that the KICD requires that schools allocate a reading lesson every week, because of overemphasis on examinations, students read only during examinations time. It was established that students do not find reading pleasurable vis-a-vis social media. This study concluded that Kenyan curriculum is limited in scope because examinations are overemphasized. The study, therefore, recommends that the Kenya National Library Services should expand and subsidize its services to the rural areas so that children from poor background could access such reading services. The parents and guardians too should balance household chores and the study time for their children. The teachers should visit the libraries and read more materials apart from course books in preparation for lessons. Teachers should also ensure leisure reading during the reading lesson which intrinsically motivates students. Students should be involved in activities like essay competitions, debates, science congress among other clubs. Timetable will help the students to avoid time wasting therefore students should be taught time management skills. ESTHER M. MUSEWA Download
EFFECTIVENESS OF INTERNAL CONTROL SYSTEM IN SAFEGUARDING INVENTORIES: A CASE OF SELECTED SUPERMARKET IN NAIROBI COUNTY, KENYAInventory control in supermarketsThe purpose of the study is to investigate effectiveness of internal controls system in securing inventories; this will be conducted in major supermarkets in Nairobi County, Kenya. Internal control systems play a very critical role in the attainment of organizations goals and objectives. Introduction and implementation of such internal controls in all areas of an organization may only be useful if it attains the required level of effectiveness. Inventories are the biggest element of concern in most organizations since they hold lot of capital in it. This study sought to assess the extent to which the internal procurement control systems are effective; establish the effectiveness of internal stores control systems; determine the effectiveness of the internal stock distribution systems and also to assess the effectiveness of managerial internal control systems. A total of 944 employees from all the five supermarkets who are involved in the procurement, storage, distribution and management of inventory were taken for the study’s target population. The sample size of 94 employees was selected using stratified sampling method as study’s respondents. Structured questionnaires were used as tools for collecting data and were distributed to the respondents with the approval of the relevant authorities. All questionnaires were administered personally by the researcher and the respondents were given one week to fill them. Correlation and regression analysis were used to establish the relationship between the different components of the internal control systems and the effectiveness in safeguarding inventories. Data was presented using tables, charts and graphs. From the findings, internal procurement control, stores controls, stock distribution control and managerial internal control policies were effective in safeguarding inventories at the selected supermarkets. The study recommends for consideration of internal control systems as part of safeguarding and inventories. LUCY WAIRIMU MUKURURO Download
THE EFFECTS OF MICRO-FINANCIAL INSTITUTION INDICATORS ON THE PROFITABILITY OF DEPOSIT TAKING IN MICROFINANCE INSTITUTIONS: A CASE OF FAULU KENYAIndicators on the profitability of deposit taking microfinance institutionsThe main objective and purpose of this study was to establish the effects of micro-financial institution indicators on the profitability of deposit taking in micro-finance institutions. The study sought to determine the effects of micro¬-financial institution indicators on the profitability of deposit taking in micro-finance institutions. Specifically, this study examined client poverty, outreach, financial sustainability, collective performance and how they affect the profitability of deposit taking micro finance institution. The research design adopted in this research was a mixed design., data was collected from faulu Kenya. The target population in this study was 3branches of faulu Kenya with 100 responders consist of staff members, assistant managers and managers. The data collected was analyzed using statistical package for social scientists (SPSS). Regression analysis was used to estimate the relationship between micro-financial institution indicators and the profitability of deposit taking micro-finance institution. For this research proposal to be successful in finding the most suitable results the following variables or objectives will be used in carrying out the research. These objectives were used as a guide and gave direction to this study. These variables were outreach, client poverty level, collecting performance and financial sustainability. IRADUKUNDA BENIMANA MARTINE Download
MOTIVATION OF UNIVERSITY STUDENTS TOWARDS A CULTURE OF READING. A CASE OF THE CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF EASTERN AFRICAReading Interests - Universities - Kenya The purpose of this study was to investigate the motivation of university students towards a culture of reading, in the Catholic University of Eastern Africa. The study was guided by the following objectives: to determine the attitude of students towards a culture of reading, to identify the factors influencing the motivation of students towards a culture of reading, and find ways of improving the culture of reading among the university students. The study used simple random sampling and purposive sampling to select the sample among the students in the Education. The sample comprised of 80 students and one librarian. For the students, questionnaires were used as an instrument for data collection while an interview guide was used to collect information from the librarian. The findings indicated that students are motivated to read and have a positive attitude towards a culture of reading. However, the study found out that the factors that affect the motivation of students towards a culture of reading are information technology in form of social media, overloaded curriculum, and the culture of reading for exam purposes. The study recommended that parents and teachers should lay a firm foundation for their children when they are young. School administrations to ensure schools libraries are well stocked with books, the government to ensure establishment of public libraries in all counties and to subsidize the cost of books. The students should develop intrinsic motivation and positive attitude towards a culture of reading. MERCY W. MWANIKI Download
Analysis of factors that influence students' performance in mathematics in secondary schools in Kajiado North Sub-CountyFactors influencing students' performance in mathematicsThis research project aimed at analyzing the factors that influence the students performance towards mathematic in secondary schools in Kajiado North sub-county. The study focused on four research questions, which are firstly talked about students’ attitudes towards mathematics. Secondly, spoke about socio-economic factors that affect student performance in mathematics. Thirdly is talked about the challenges that the students face in school in learning mathematics. And the last one told about the possible recommendation to improve the students’ performance in mathematics. These questions were reviewed and indicated that students’ performance in mathematics in secondary schools has been poor for many years in this sub-county. Despite the various attempts by the Ministry of Education to put in place measures such as in-servicing mathematics teachers through strengthening of mathematics project, review of the syllabus and subsidizing fees for the students; the KCSE mathematics mean score has remained consistently poor for this sub-county. Thus, this study designed to analyze the factors that influence the students’ performance towards mathematics. Research Methodology of the study was systematic and random sampling procedure was used; four secondary schools were selected among the 33 secondary schools in this district. In every school, mathematics teacher, and students were targeted for data collection. The sample of the study comprised of 62 students, 8 mathematics teachers. Pilot study of instruments was done by cronbach’s alpha on liker scale on questionnaires to check reliability. Collected data were coded using code book and analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively. Qualitative analysis involved making inferences from mathematics teachers and students. Data were analyzed using measure of central tendency such as mean and mode. The study used questionnaires to collect primary data from the respondents. And the data was analyzed using Statistical package for social Science (SPSS). Further, the findings were presented using tables, bar graphs, pie-charts and percentages; and it was discovered that there are factors that influence students’ performance in mathematics in secondary school in Kajiado North sub-county. Therefore, in order to improve that performance, the schools should provide the teachers who are specialist and have the all requirements in teaching mathematics including the teaching methods the guidance and counseling in studying this subject; the schools and the mathematics teachers should have direct communication to the students’ parents to follow up the students’ improvement in mathematics.Ramarolahyflavien, Modeste Download
Effects of bookkeeping on financial stability of catholic institutions:A case of cottolengoinstitutions in East AfricaEffects of bookkeeping on financial stabilityThe study was carried out to investigate effect of bookkeeping on financial stability of Catholic Institutions: a case of Cottolengo Institutions in East Africa. The research objectives were to determine the effect of cashbook, journal entries, ledger accounts and to evaluate the effect of vouchers on financial stability of Cottolengo Institutions in East Africa. The instrument used to gather information was a questionnaire. A total of 30 Cottolengo members who are involved in money recording and keeping were taken for the study’s target population. The census method was used since the target population was small. Structured questionnaires were used as a tool for collecting data and were distributed to the respondents with the approval of the relevant authorities. All questionnaires were administered personally by the researcher and the respondents were given two weeks to fill them. The data was analyzed using statistical descriptive methods, SPSS was used to analyze the data inform of frequencies, percentages, tables and graphs. The study concluded that recording and maintaining of records is very essential in any organization for it helps in report preparations and for future reference. The study recommended that the institution should arrange for the seminars, workshops and other kinds of trainings which will give knowledge on bookkeeping and also on report preparation. MARETE LUISA MAKENA Download
MANAGEMENT CHALLENGES IN QUALITY SERVICE DELIVERY IN TANZANIA BANKING SECTOR: A CASE OF CRDB BANK PLC.Quality service delivery in Tanzania banking sectorThe purpose of this study was to investigate the management challenges in quality service delivery in Tanzania banking sector: a case of CRDB Bank PLC. The study adopted a descriptive research design and the target population comprised 130 employees of CRDB Bank PLC working at the bank’s office in Shinyanga Town. A stratified random sampling technique was used to select 65 employees as the sample size. Primary data was collected using questionnaires. Descriptive statistical methods were used to analyze the data. The study findings showed that the quality service delivery systems adopted by the bank were effective. The management challenges that affected delivery of quality services in the bank included: organization structure, management and leadership styles, quality service delivery systems, customer demographics, organizational employee culture, training and development practices, and new technology adoption. The study recommended that the bank should first upgrade the quality delivery systems by implementing the latest and more recent quality management systems such as ISO 9000 systems. The bank management should also continue to train employees either on the job or through attending seminars.ERIC FREDDY SHOO Download
AN INVESTIGATION INTO THE FACTORS AFFECTING THE TEACHING OF SEX EDUCATION IN PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN NGONG SUB-COUNTY, KAJIADO COUNTY, KENYA.Teaching of sex educationSex education is important for the development of students. However, its being affected by series of factors, therefore the overall aim of this research is to make an investigation into the factors affecting the teaching of sex education in Public Secondary Secondary Schools in Kajiado Sub-county. The study was guided by the three research objectives; To know whether Culture and Religion affects the teaching of sex education in Public High schools in Kajiado County, Ngong Division, 2. To find out if the perception of teachers towards sex education affects the teaching of sex education in Public High schools in Kajiado County, Ngong Division, 3.To find out if teaching resources affects the teaching of sex education in Public High schools in Kajiado County, Ngong Division The study adopted a quantitative data analysis. The population for the study was teachers and students in Kajiado sub-county in Nairobi. The research adopted a random sampling technique on a target population of 3 schools. Sample size of 40 teachers and 147 students was drawn from the teachers and the students from forms three and four. Primary data was collected by use of questionnaires. The study generated quantitative data, which was coded and entered into Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS Version 22.0) and analyzed using descriptive statistics. The study noted that sex education in public secondary schools is being faced by a myriad of challenges ranging from oppositions from different cultural and religious backgrounds, lack of adequate teaching and learning resources to the negative perceptions of teachers. The study recommends that teachers, school administration and the government have a critical role to play in order to reduce these challenges facing teaching of sex education in public secondary schools.INYANG MAGNUS OSIM Download
Vipengele Vinavyoathiri Wanafunzi wa Shule za Upili za Umma Katika Kujieleza kwa Lugha ya Kiswahili: Gatuzi la Kajiado KaskaziniCommunication Skills - descriptiveMradi huu umeangazia vipengele vinavyoathiri wanafunzi wa shule za upili za umma katika kujieleza kwa lugha ya Kiswahili katika Gatuzi la Kajiado Kask azini. Utafiti huu umehusisha sura tano. Katika sura ya kwanza utafiti huu umeshughulikia utangulizi wa kazi unaohusu dhana ya lugha kwa ujumla vilevile kujieleza kwa lugha ya Kiswahili. Aidha, sura hii imefafanua malengo ya utafiti, maswali ya utafiti huku ikieleza umuhimu wa utafiti huu. Sura hii pia imehusisha misingi ya kinadharia kwa kuhusisha nadharia ya utabia na ya mawasiliano. Nadharia ya mawasiliano inaimarisha uwezo wa kuwasiliana miongoni mwa watu.Nadharia ya utabia kwa upande wake inaeleza jinsi tabia inavyoweza kujengwa mathalan tabia ya kujieleza kwa ufasaha. Sura a pili imeshughulikia masuala yaliyoandikwa kuhusu vipengele vinavyoathiri wanafunzi wa shule za upili za umma wakijieleza kwa lugha ya Kiswahili. Masuala haya yalimfaa mtafiti hasa kwa kuangazia baadhi ya maoni ya waandishi tofauti tofauti kuhusu ukuruba wa lugha na kujieleza. Sura ya tatu imfafanua mbinu za utafiti na vifaa vilivyotumika mbali na kueleza jinsi data zilivyochanganuliwa. Hojaji mbili zilihusishwa katika utafiti huu ambapo hojaji ya wanafunzi ilitumika kuthibitisha madai ya walimu waliohojiwa. Sura ya nne imeangazia ufasili wa data pamoja na uchanganuzi wake. Katika sura hii majedwali, grafu na michoro ya pai chati imetumika kuwasilisha data zilizokusanywa nyanjani. Sura ya tano imeshughulikia muhtasari wa matokeo ya utafiti, hitimisho na mapendekezo ya utafiti zaidi.IGNATIUS MUKUNZA KIDAHA Download
FACTORS AFFECTING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF EDUCATIONAL POLICIES FOR BASIC EDUCATION FOR ALL IN NOMADIC AREAS: A CASE OF MOYALE SUB-COUNTY, MARSABIT COUNTY.IMPLEMENTATION OF EDUCATIONAL POLICIES FOR BASIC EDUCATIONThis new study examined the factors affecting the implementation of educational policies in nomadic areas of Moyale sub county in the light of Kenya’s domestication of Education for All (EFA) which the government discussed and committed itself at various world conferences. The research investigated different factors that affect the implementation. It looked at the programs geared towards achieving EFA such as Free Primary Education, boarding schools, school feeding programs and bursaries. These and other features of EFA are discussed as they are meant to provide a feasible route for educating nomads. The research used a mixed methods approach to collect data using semi-structured interviews designed for nomadic parents, focus group discussions with education officials and teachers, and a questionnaire for nomadic students in secondary schools. The research instruments were designed to find out the challenges, perceptions, preferences and policies concerning nomadic education from 150 purposively selected individuals comprising interview guides to district Education officers, District officer and parent; Questionnaires and focus group discussion participants’ guides. The findings from the field illustrate how those factors affect the implementations of basic EFA. Informants cited the accessibility to the nearest school, attitude of parents, tribal conflict and low income of the parents among other issues as the inhibiting factors affecting the implementation of formal education in nomadic area. If total participation is required, the main issues arising are the need to change the existing facilities, educating the communities about the need for education and strengthen legislation for compulsory education while on the other hand improving the infrastructure for nomadic people. In this way, education can be provided that respects the nomadic lifestyle. The research concluded by proposing a multifaceted approach to the education of nomads. However, mobile schools with a non-formal curriculum package may be an especially attractive option due to expected suitability in nomadic setting and their relatively low cost, given expected financial constraints. It also recommended that further research be conducted to explore nomadic friendly learning programs before the implementation of any of these recommendations.MARY NASIBO THOMAS Download
INFLUENCE OF A LEADERSHIP STYLE ON PERFORMANCE OF AN ORGANIZATION: CASE STUDY OF PINNACLE PROJECTS LIMITEDLEADERSHIP STYLE An organization is considered to be effective if it finds a balance between the demands of various stakeholders (owners, employees, customers, community) and the needs of the employees. An appropriate leadership style can influence and ensure the prosperity and the economic growth of both the organization as well as the employees. The aim of this paper was to explore the impact of the dominant leadership style present within Pinnacle Projects Limited (PPL) and its effect on the organization’s performance. This study covered a sample population of 30 employees’ within Pinnacle Projects Ltd and utilized a sampling technique where the entire target population formed the sample size of the study. Primary data was collected using questionnaires as the main data collection tool. Findings were analyzed using spreadsheets and present in the form of table s and charts so as to enable easy understanding of the data. RICHARD KAMAU KURIA Download
INFLUENCE OF STUDENTS’ ABSENTEEISM ON ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE IN PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN BUDALANG’I SUB-COUNTY, BUSIA COUNTYSTUDENTS’ ABSENTEEISM The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of students’ absenteeism on academic performance in public secondary schools in Budalang’i Sub-County, Busia County. The study was guided by the following research questions: What are the environmental factors causing school absenteeism? What are the home factors causing school absenteeism? What are the school factors causing school absenteeism? What is the relationship between school absenteeism and academic performance? How can the phenomenon of school absenteeism be curtailed? The study enlisted 113 participants who were randomly sampled and used Descriptive survey design. It established that absenteeism is a critical issue in secondary schools in Budalang’I Sub County. It recommended that parents should be paying school fees on time and make sure that ailing students are taken to hospital and back to school immediately. They should also stop overburdening students with home chores such as cooking, fetching firewood and taking care of animals. They should also follow up the academic matters of their children at school on regular basis. The government should make roads more accessible to schools. It should offer bursaries to needy students from poor backgrounds while guidance and counseling services should be offered to students especially on the importance of attending school regularly. Secondary school education should be made free in order to eliminate the problem of lack of school fees. Schools should strive to have up to date learning facilities like libraries as well as sporting facilities to enhance student retention while ensuring that there is harmony between parents, teachers and students. Schools should also offer lunch to students and sanitary towels to the female students. They should also establish health centres within school compounds to facilitate prompt treatment of minor diseases instead of sending such students home to seek treatment. The day schools should be converted into boarding schools to eliminate the challenges of transportation to and from school. The school management and community should work hand in hand to enforce school attendance and ensure that school rules are not very strict to the students Students should avoid negative influence from peer pressure and carry out circumcision ceremonies when schools are closed. They should also adhere to school rules while class teachers should improve communication with students while ensuring that absentees are disciplined. ADONGO M. FRIDA Download
The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of students’ absenteeism on academic performance in public secondary schools in Budalang’i Sub-County, Busia County. The study was guided by the following research questions: What are the environmental factors causing school absenteeism? What are the home factors causing school absenteeism? What are the school factors causing school absenteeism? What is the relationship between school absenteeism and academic performance? How can the phenomenon of school absenteeism be curtailed? The study enlisted 113 participants who were randomly sampled and used Descriptive survey design. It established that absenteeism is a critical issue in secondary schools in Budalang’I Sub County. It recommended that parents should be paying school fees on time and make sure that ailing students are taken to hospital and back to school immediately. They should also stop overburdening students with home chores such as cooking, fetching firewood and taking care of animals. They should also follow up the academic matters of their children at school on regular basis. The government should make roads more accessible to schools. It should offer bursaries to needy students from poor backgrounds while guidance and counseling services should be offered to students especially on the importance of attending school regularly. Secondary school education should be made free in order to eliminate the problem of lack of school fees. Schools should strive to have up to date learning facilities like libraries as well as sporting facilities to enhance student retention while ensuring that there is harmony between parents, teachers and students. Schools should also offer lunch to students and sanitary towels to the female students. They should also establish health centres within school compounds to facilitate prompt treatment of minor diseases instead of sending such students home to seek treatment. The day schools should be converted into boarding schools to eliminate the challenges of transportation to and from school. The school management and community should work hand in hand to enforce school attendance and ensure that school rules are not very strict to the students Students should avoid negative influence from peer pressure and carry out circumcision ceremonies when schools are closed. They should also adhere to school rules while class teachers should improve communication with students while ensuring that absentees are disciplined. CLASSROOM MOTIVATIONAL STRATEGIES The purpose of the study was to determine the influence of classroom motivational strategies on learners’ academic performance: the case of Buuri Location in Meru County. The study was guided by the following objectives; to find out whether classroom motivational strategies are used in Buuri location, to find out how classroom motivational strategies affect learners’ academic performance, to explore how the classroom motivational strategies are implemented in schools within Buuri Location, to analyze the learners’ attitudes towards the classroom motivational strategies. The study was based on the Two Factor theory of motivation by Fredrick Herzberg of 1957 which helped in the analysis of the influence of classroom motivational strategies on the learners’ academic performance. The researcher employed the descriptive survey design, systematic technique to obtain students sample and convenience sampling method for the teachers. The sampled students were 63 while the teachers were 10. Questionnaires were employed as instruments for data collection for both the teachers and the students. The reliability of the study was achieved by computing the consistency of the obtained results using Cronbach’s Alpha. The validity of the instruments was achieved through the assistance of the supervisor. The researcher obtained the research permit from the University’s academic office. The elicited data was coded and processed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and summarized by use of frequencies, distribution tables and percentages. To arrive at a descriptive and meaningful analysis of the results, the processed data was presented by the use of frequency tables, pie charts and bar graphs. The study concluded that the classroom motivational strategies have a vast influence on the learners’ academic performance. The researcher advocates the implementation of the positive classroom motivational strategies that motivate the learners and heighten their academic performance. Furthermore, the study accentuates that the negative classroom motivational strategies should be prohibited because they demotivate the learners and making them achieve poor academic performance. GITIRIKIA MARY KARIMI Download
INFLUENCE OF ELECTRONIC MEDIA ON THE ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF STUDENTS IN PRIVATE SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN LANG’ATA SUB-COUNTY, NAIROBI COUNTY, KENYAELECTRONIC MEDIA ON THE ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE Electronic media has become a major driving force among youth and the society in general that has resorted to using social networking to drive their agenda in all spheres of life. It is in this respect that the study embarked on establishing the influence of electronic media on the academic performance of students’ in private secondary schools in Lang’ata sub-county, Nairobi County, Kenya. The study was guided by the following objectives: To assess the influence of electronic media on students’ class concentration; To determine how the time spent on electronic media influences academic performance in private secondary schools in Lang’ata sub-county, Nairobi County in Kenya; To determine how electronic media influences students’ moral behavior; To assess challenges of electronic media on students’ academic performance; To proffer plausible solutions to challenges of electronic media on students’ academic performance in private secondary schools in Lang’ata sub-county, Nairobi County, in Kenya. The research design adopted by the study was quantitative method. The study sampled 60 participants comprising both students and teachers who were randomly drawn from secondary schools in Lang’ata Sub-County. Questionnaires were used to collect data while Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 21 was used to get descriptive statistics. The study established that despite electronic media being a tool that can be used positively in teaching and learning, most students use the media for non-academic matters which are time wasting, distractive and degrades their moral behaviour. The study recommends that schools should put measures in place to control excessive use of the internet in schools. Furthermore internet enabled gadgets should be restricted from getting into schools.STEPHEN WANJALA WANDABUSI Download
INFLUENCE OF HOME ENVIRONMENT ON ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF STUDENTS IN PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN KASARANI SUB-COUNTY, NAIROBI COUNTY, KENYAHOME ENVIRONMENT ON ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE Parents play a crucial role in the academic affairs of their children. However, sometimes this role is not very evident. Hence, the purpose of this study was to explore the home environmental factors affecting the academic performance of students in public secondary schools in Kasarani Sub-County, Nairobi County. The study was guided by the following objectives: To determine the influence of parents’ economic status on students’ academic performance; and to establish how parents’ involvement in their children school affairs influences students’ academic. The study was grounded on Social Theory and adopted the descriptive survey design. It enlisted 160 respondents who were sampled through Simple Random Sampling. The study established that most parents of the students under study were poor hence could not afford quality education for their children which was likely to undermine their academic performance. The study also noted that when family income is increased, students’ achievement is also highly likely to increase possibly due to the fact that such families are in a position to provide most of the required necessities to succeed in school. The study also noted that most parents follow up the academic affairs of their children at school which is a predictor of good academic performance of the students as observed by (87.5%) who were in agreement that parental involvement in children’s learning activities influences their level of achievement. There was strong agreement by 100% that close parental supervision and monitoring of student academic progress predisposes them to perform better in school. The study recommended that families should strive to improve their parenting skills by setting rules communicating regularly with schools and setting high aspirations for their children PERTET PRISCILLA Download
INFLUENCE OF PARENTAL ACADEMIC BACKGROUND ON STUDENTS’ ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE IN PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN NGONG DIVISION, KAJIADO COUNTYParental academic backgroundThe purpose of the study was to investigate the Influence of Parental Academic Background on Students’ Academic Performance in Public Secondary Schools in Ngong Division Kajiado County. The study was based on four objectives namely; to find out the influence of parents’ level of education on students’ academic performance in public secondary schools in Ngong Division; to determine the impact of home environment on the students’ academic performance in public secondary school in Ngong Division; to find out how parents being role models for their children’s education affect their academic performance in public secondary schools in Ngong Division; to establish the extent to which parental involvement in school activities of their children influence the students’ academic performance in public secondary schools in Ngong division. Questionnaires were used to collect data on students’ performance. The population included students, teachers and principals. A total of 88 students (boys and girls) of Form Three and Four of secondary schools were taken as respondents; 15 teachers (males and females) were part of the population and also 3 principals (males and female) were part of the population. Data collected were analyzed using SPSS, MS Excel, and presented using frequency tables, percentages, and figures. The result showed that the parental academic background had greater influence on the academic performance of the students. In addition it was also observed that students from higher educated parents had higher probability of scoring higher than students from less educated parents. It was recommended among others that parents should be involved in the academic life of their children. It was also recommended that there was a need for parents to boost their educational level.JOHN ROBERT Download
INFLUENCE OF MOTHER TONGUE ON KISWAHILI PERFORMANCE IN PUBLIC DAY SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN LOITOKITOK SUB-COUNTY, KAJIADO COUNTY.INFLUENCE OF MOTHER TONGUE The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of mother tongue on Kiswahili performance in public day secondary schools in Loitokitok Sub-county, Kajiado County. The study was guided by the following objectives: To determine the prevalence of the use of mother tongue; To determine perception of teachers and students on the influence of mother tongue on performance of Kiswahili; To find out the measures to be taken to curb the use of mother tongue in schools; To find out challenges mother tongue bring about to students in the process of learning Kiswahili and to find out strategies that should be used to improve the performance of Kiswahili. The study was underpinned on the Acculturation Theory. The study used quantitative methods approach and adopted survey research design. The study enlisted 90 participants drawn from public day secondary schools in Loitokitok Sub-County, Kajiado County that were selected through stratified, simple random and purposive sampling techniques. Questionnaires were used to collect quantitative data. The study established that the prevalent of mother tongue in schools in Loitoktok Sub-County is high and is perceived to be negatively affecting the performance of Kiswahili. The study recommends that students should be encouraged to use Kiswahili even when they make mistakes, schools should form Kiswahili clubs, organize frequent Kiswahili debates, take students for tours to Swahili speaking communities, reward best Kiswahili performers while teachers should make teaching Kiswahili more interesting. MENKO C. MORAA Download
THE INFLUENCE OF PARENTAL PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND ON STUDENTS’ CAREER CHOICES IN PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN NGONG DIVISION, KAJIADO COUNTYPARENTAL PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND ON STUDENTS’ CAREER CHOICES The purpose of this study was to assess the influence of parental profession background on career choices among secondary school students in Ngong Division, Kajiado County. The following objectives guided the researcher: to assess the extent to which parental professional background influences the career choice of secondary students; to find out whether students’ subjects of choice suit their aspirations and aptitudes; and to find out whether secondary school students are able to choose their prefered careers independently. This study used a survey design where purposive and simple random samplings were used. The researcher purposively picked out Oloolua secondary school and forms threes and fours. On the other hand, simple random sampling was used to determine the participants for the sample from these two classes. The researcher, through the use of random numbers, selected 30% of students from each identified forms, data were collected through the use of questionnaires. The findings of the study presented the influence of parental professional background on students’ career choices in two perspectives. On the first hand, students who chose careers related to the occupations of their parents did so because their parents were role models in their careers, earned decent salaries and had the financial means to support their children in their career aspirations. On the other hand, those who wanted to pursue entirely different careers stated that their parents’ occupations were demeanering in terms of socio-economic rewards and that they had different career interests and abilities. Students indicated that their subject choices suited their career aspirations and aptitudes, and made their career choices independently. The study recommended that the government should increase funding to public secondary schools so as to create a rich teaching-learning environment where students explore their talents and skills. Education stakeholders should enrich the school environment with activities that bring about self-realization in the life of the learner. Parents should provide their children with spiritual, moral and financial support, and respect the freedom and independence of their children in career decision processes. Lastly, Students should take active part in mentorship, guidance and counseling services, and co-curriculum activities so as to know themselves bette MOFFAT JACKSON MBAMERA Download
INFLUENCE OF PARENTING ON STUDENT’S BEHAVIOUR IN PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN NGONG SUB-COUNTY KAJIADO COUNTYPARENTING ON STUDENT’S BEHAVIOURThe aim of carrying out this research was to find out the influence of parenting on students’ behavior in public secondary schools in Ngong Sub County. The study was guided by four specific objectives. The first one was to find out If parents as role models to their children contribute to student’s behavior. The second one was to investigate how parental supervisionmonitoring contributes to student’s behaviour. The third one was to establish whether parenting styles affects students behaviour and finally, to find out the extent to which single parenting affects students behaviour in public secondary schools in Ngong Sub County. The study used questionnaire to collect primary data from the respondents. The data was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The study revealed that parents failure to be role models to their children contribute to students behaviour. Parents who engages in alcohol and substances abuse impart the same behaviour to their children and the children are likely to engage in deviant acts in school. While parents who do not take drugs serve as role models to their children because children learn a lot from their parents. Therefore, Parents should be role models to their children and find time to discuss behaviour problems with their children. It was also established that inadequate parental supervisionmonitoring affects students behaviour in the sense that when parents do not know where their children are, what they do and whom they mingle with, the children are likely to associate with deviant peers. Therefore, parents should monitor the activities of their children so as to reduce their access to deviant peers. The findings also discovered that single parenting affects students behaviour. Students from single parents have high rate of depression compare to those living with their two parent and are likely to experience teenage pregnancy and school drop out because there is only one parent to support and monitor them. Similarly, majority of the parents used authoritative and authoritarian parenting style and they help student to adapt well in school. The study recommendended the following: Parents should be role models to their children, have time to talk to them about problem behaviour and its effects so as to prevent them from involving in in deviant behaviour.There should be consistent supervision, monitoring and discipline by parents so as to prevent students from involving with deviant peers. Parents should adopt both authoritative and authoritarian parenting styles since they have positive effect on students’ adaptation in school. Guidance and counselling unit should be established in all public secondary schools to help children with behaviour problemNNOHAM UZOCHI ANDREW Download
IMPACT OF LEARNER MOTIVATION TO THE LEARNING OF LITERATURE IN PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN LANG'ATA SUB-COUNTY: NAIROBI COUNTYImpact of learner motivation to the learning of literatureThis study aimed at finding out the impact of learner motivation to the learning of literature in public secondary schools in Lang'ata sub-county: Nairobi County. It has been observed that learner motivation is a need to be attended to in order to enhance the learning of literature in public secondary schools. Therefore, it is imperative to study factors that affect motivation of learners of which self-interest and attitude; teaching methodology; and teaching and learning resources cannot go unmentioned and which this work addressed in particular. To facilitate this research, two public secondary schools were randomly selected and questionnaires were issued to the literature teachers and students. A total of 64 respondents composed of 4 teachers two from each school and 60 students 30 from each school participated. Survey research design was employed. Tables and figures were used to present the analyzed data. From the research, the following were the findings: There is strong self-interest and positive attitude of learners towards literature. This is shown through the graphs and tables where learners reveal their love for literature and take it as their best subject, they like reading many novels and they study literature not because it is compulsory but because they like it. This means that literature would be studied by the majority even when it is made optional. There were few students having negative attitude towards literature. Learner motivation that come with the teaching methodologies such as assignment, group discussion, classroom drama and demonstration were found to be used in the teaching of literature which may have a positive effect when it comes to the learning of literature. However, field trip was less considered in the teaching and learning of literature in the schools. Teaching and learning resources was found to be a contributor to learner motivation and have an impact to the learning of literature. The availability and adequacy of literature textbooks help learners to do their assignments well without disturbance and easy access. However, no much importance was put on the use of television, computers and internet which would motivate learners more and have a positive impact on the learning of literature. The study recommended the following: Students should be motivated and encouraged and make them know that literature is not difficult to study. Teachers should be given workshops and seminars on modern ways of teaching literature that can motivate learners, and put much importance on field trips. Teachers should give a lot of importance on the use of technological resources such as television, computers and make use of available internet in teaching literature because these are resources that are relevant today, hence motivation in learning literature.GODFREY YOHANE KADZUWA Download
INFLUENCE OF PARENTS’ INVOLVEMENT IN SCHOOL MANAGEMENT ON STUDENTS’ ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE IN PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN KAKAMEGA COUNTYPARENTS’ INVOLVEMENT IN SCHOOL MANAGEMENT This study investigated the influence of parents’ involvement in public secondary school management on students’ academic performance in Kakamega County, Lugari District. Specifically, the study sought to establish the role played by the parents in the management of school finances and students’ discipline; and the influence of this role on the students’ academic performance. Data was collected from four public secondary schools, which were randomly selected. In these schools, teachers and students responded to questionnaires whereas head teachers, parents and members of Parents and Teachers’ Associations were interviewed. The findings were that the parents in Kakamega County have not been involved in the management of school finances, which has led to financial resources constraints and, consequently, impinged on the students’ academic performance. It was also established that nevertheless, the parents have been involved in the management of students’ discipline. It was therefore, concluded that parental involvement in the management of school discipline should be complemented with participation in financial management if good academic performance is to be realised. Subsequently, the study recommends that the managers of the schools in Kakamega County encourage the parents of their students to be involved in the financial management of the schools. MINAYO SNIDER Download
INFLUENCE OF SCIENTIFIC CALCULATORS ON TEACHING AND LEARNING OF MATHEMATICS IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN GATUNDU NORTH, KIAMBU COUNTYINFLUENCE OF SCIENTIFIC CALCULATORS ON TEACHING AND LEARNING OF MATHEMATICSCalculators are an important tool for carrying out various calculations in mathematics. The purpose of the study was to examine the influence of scientific calculator technology in teaching and learning of Mathematics in secondary schools in Gatundu North, Kiambu. The study was guided by the following objectives: To examine the perception of students towards Mathematics; to explore teachers’ teaching methodology; to establish the resources availability and use and to suggest the best methods of easing teaching and learning of Mathematics. The study adopted quantitative approach and specifically the descriptive survey method. The study sampled 68 participants comprising 66 students and 2 teachers. The researcher’s self-designed questionnaire vetted by supervisors was used to collect data and descriptive analysis such as percentage and frequencies were used to capture the participants’ responses on use of calculators. SPSS software package was employed to aid the analysis. Validity was ensured with the help of the researcher’s supervisors, researcher’s own reflection and peer scrutiny while reliability of instruments was tested through piloting. the study established that most students perceive mathematics to be easy, to have a wide range choice of career choices and that students who spend more time studying Mathematics perform well in the subject and that calculators help students to perform well in Mathematics. The study established that most teachers show students techniques of handling Mathematics questions using calculators. Most teachers are well trained in their profession and had confidence in their area of specialization and they had passed well with good grades at the university and therefore uses varied methods of teaching. Similarly, most of the teachers attend Strengthening of Mathematics and Science Secondary Education Programs (SMASSE) which is an indication of well grounded teachers in science subjects. Most students have calculators that were provided by their parents. Computers, laptops, tablets, phones, projectors and the internet are some of the new and emerging technologies currently being used in the field of Mathematics. The study recommends that students should have a positive attitude towards Mathematics; they should do more exercises, engage themselves in group discussions, and attend Mathematic symposiums and seek regular assistance from teachers.STEPHEN KIMANI Download
CHALLENGES FACED BY STUDENTS IN THE PROCESS OF LEARNING ENGLISH LANGUAGE IN PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN KIGOMA REGION, TANZANIAChallenges faced by students in the proces of learning english languageThe purpose of this study was to investigate challenges faced by students in the process of learning English language in Public secondary schools in Kigoma Region, Tanzania. The study used simple descriptive survey research design. The researcher used the quantitative research paradigm. The target population comprised 320 form three students in the sampled Kigoma Region Public Secondary Schools. The findings of this study were the following. Code- mixing: English is mixed much with Kiswahili during English lessons, lack of competent teachers to teach English language lessons. Teachers responsible for teaching English language lessons are not formed to teach it. They teach English due to lack of teachers of English who can teach it, there is also lack of enough books of English in the library for the students to have more exercises and read ahead of their teachers, Kiswahili language is the most competitor of English language in Tanzania; therefore students tend to speak more Kiswahili than English in the school compound and in their classes, all these minimize the proper learning of English language. The study recommended that there is a need for in-service training programs for teachers of English language, which would refresh the teachers and update them with current trends in English language. The Teacher Service Commission should employ more teachers of English and send them to teach English Language in different schools. Language policies in all the schools should be stream lined and measures put in place to address the usage of Kiswahili language and other vernacular languages in the classrooms and the school compound. Schools should establish well stocked library and resources centre. This would solve the challenge of shortage of English books as well as teaching and learning resources. A reading culture should be enhanced in schools by exposing students to reading more novels and set books not necessarily for examination purposes but to improve on their pronunciation of English words and their ultimate performance in English. English teachers should be creative and innovative in their methods of teaching in order to make presentation of English language lessons more appealing and interesting to the learners. ISIDORE MUTUNGU KATABE Download
Role of Internal control systems toward the effectiveness of internal audit in private universitiesInternal control systemsInternal Audit is the independent examination of and an expression of opinion on the financial statement of an enterprise by an appointed auditor in pursuance of that appointment and in compliance with any relevant statutory obligation within the organization. This project aims at identifying the role of internal control system towards the effectiveness of internal audit in private Universities, a case of Marist International University College. The study exploited information by the help of primary data from questionnaires distributed to the respondents. However, both purposive and simple random sampling was used in sampling. In all five respondents were sampled from the forty (40) respondents under review. The data gathered was analyzed and interpreted by the help of percentages and frequency tables. The study concludes that, control environment is related to the effectiveness of internal audit in private Universities. The effectiveness of internal audit depends on the presence of strategic objectives, integrity and ethics, top management support, as well as clear organization structure. The study also concludes that control activities affect the effectiveness of internal audit in private Universities. The physical control over vulnerable assets signifies there of presence of control activities. Accurate and timely recording of transaction and events ensure control activities. Access restriction to financial and accounting resources and records also indicate control activities. Segregation of duties and proper execution of transaction and events facilitates good control activities. Separate evaluation of internal control enhances the effectiveness of internal audit. It is also concluded that monitoring influences the effectiveness of internal audit in private Universities. Ongoing evaluation by management ensures internal audit effectiveness. External audit also enhances effectiveness of internal audit. Periodic evaluation of internal audit is made in carrying out their regular duties. Monitoring provides assurance that the findings of audits and other reviews are promptly determined while close supervision of internal audit staff may lead to internal audit effectiveness.Manyaga, Godson Download
Effects of interest rates capping on financial performance of the mortgage firms in Kenya: A case of Housing Finance Company of KenyaInterest rates capping and financial performanceInterest rates play an important role in an economy. The CBK interest rate policy is an important tool in the management of affairs in the mortgage sector of the Kenyan economy that provides housing in the country. Following interest rates capping law in 2014 questions have been raised as to the actual effect of this law in the economy, this study sought to determine the effect of interest rates capping on financial performance of the National housing company. The study adopted a census survey research design targeting secondary data from the financial performance records of the housing finance company from the year 2014 to the year 2019. In addition more data was sought from CMA to facilitate this study. The data was collected from CMA library and Central Bank of Kenya. The data collected was analyzed using ANOVA and multiple linear regression analysis was conducted at 95% confidence level. The study established a positive correlation between interest rates capping and financial performance of Housing Finance Company. This results were attributed to rise in demand for mortgages however operational efficiency and financial exposure were key concerns for the mortgage lender. The study concludes that the amount of mortgage advanced by mortgage firms would lead to a high financial performance (EBIT) as it raises the revenue thereof. On the other hand, interest rate would positively relate with financial performance till it starts discouraging borrowings owing to increase in the cost of mortgage due to operational inefficiency. The study recommends that the government of Kenya should cap interest rates on mortgages to ensure increase in mortgage uptake and thus improve financial performance of mortgage firms, however, mortgage firms while operating under the interest rates cap should take appropriate measures to reduce cost of mortgage borrowing, and increase demand for mortgages to improve their financial performance. Further studies should be conducted on the effect of a free interest regime on financial performance of mortgage firms given that the interest rates capping law has now been lifted for us to understand both sides of the coin.ROSE GESARE OMBAKI Download
Influence Of Selected Social Media Platforms On Teaching-Learning Process Within Lare Sub-County Secondary Schools, Nakuru County.Selected Social Media Platforms On Teaching-Learning Process This work targeted to find out how social media can at times affect teaching and learning within secondary schools located in Lare Sub-County of Nakuru County. The researcher had a short experience of students and teachers using and misusing cell phones within the area. After consulting people and available reading materials, the researcher did not find any work that focused specifically on the area of study of this project. The platforms that were considered are WhatsApp, YouTube, Facebook and short messaging services. Five teaching and learning methods also featured. These are library research, classroom presentation, lecture, use of resource person, and field trips. The independent variable were social media accessibility and usage while the dependent variables were preferences for selected teaching and learning methods. A total of two hundred questionnaires from teachers and students were collected and analyzed using statistical package for social sciences. In addition data was collected using sixteen short interviews. Random sampling method was used to pick the respondents. This was basic research that adopted a mixed method paradigm. Some objectives like determining the attitude of respondents towards social media employed quantitative method. Qualitative inquiry was employed, for example, in determining the extent to which teaching-learning inputs and outputs can be attributed to social media. Studies similar to but not exactly this have been carried elsewhere in the past but they did not provide a clear picture of how social media is affecting Lare Sub-County secondary schools’ teaching-learning process today. The findings of the research showed that teachers and learners generally have a positive attitude towards social media but are finding it a challenge to use social media platforms in teaching and learning.GERALD KARIUKI KAMAU Download
INFLUENCE OF SOCIO-ECONOMIC STATUS ON KCSE PERFORMANCE OF STUDENTS IN PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN NYAMIRA SOUTH SUBCOUNTY, NYAMIRA COUNTY; KENYASOCIO-ECONOMIC STATUS ON KCSE PERFORMANCEThis study investigated the influence of socioeconomic status on KCSE performance in public secondary schools in Nyamira South Sub-county, Nyamira County. Specifically, the study sought to establish the influence of socio-economic status on performance of students, the relationship between SES and performance and what can be done to improve performance. Data was collected from four public secondary schools which were randomly selected. In these schools, principals, teachers and students responded to a questionnaire. The research was guided by the theory of organization in which the school was viewed as a system. The tenet of holism and reductionism was used. However, in the view of holism, it was difficult to administer it fully because of the limitations of this study and therefore all school elements were not involved as it was limited to students and teachers. The findings were that the parent’s level of education did not influence the student’s academic performance. However the role of parental involvement in child’s education was found to have a great influence on student’s academic performance. It was found that financial resources influenced the performance of students greatly. Financial support influenced student’s performance greatly as parents who would not pay school fees on time and give their childrenMANYISA DISMAS MOKUNYO Download
ANALYSIS OF THE INFLUENCE OF TEACHING AND LEARNING RESOURCES ON THE ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF STUDENTS IN PHYSICS IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN MBOONI DIVISION, MAKUENI COUNTYTHE INFLUENCE OF TEACHING AND LEARNING RESOURCES ON THE ACADEMIC PERFORMANCEThe purpose of this Study was to establish the influence of Teaching and Learning Resources on the Academic Performance of Students in Physics in Secondary Schools in Mbooni Division, Makueni County. The Study sampled 64 respondents using both random and purposive sampling method. The study established that most Teachers have little experience in teaching Physics having taught for only 0-3 years. This could negatively undermine effective teaching of Physics. Generally, Physics resources were found to be inadequate in terms of laboratories, equipment, textbooks and library resources while teaching and learning resources are rarely updated and this implies that the Schools are using outdated teaching materials. Both Teachers and Students revealed that Physics Practical classes are normally conducted in groups of 7-8 Students. However, most of the Physics Teachers have physics syllabus and they make use of them. The study therefore recommends that school administration, Parents and Government should build more laboratories and adequately equip them with up to date equipment and facilities. Adequate and up to date Physics textbooks should be provided including trained Physics Teachers while laboratory equipment should be taken care of to ensure they last and serve Students for many years. Libraries should be equipped with adequate, relevant and up to date reading materials to be able to support teaching and learning in Secondary Schools while adequate time should be allocated for Physics lessons to give Students ample time to practice. Lastly, Small groups should be encouraged when conducting Physics practical sessions.MWANZIA NANCY MWENDE Download
INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY ADOPTION IN IMPROVING TEACHING AND LEARNING IN MARIST SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGOINFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY ADOPTION IN IMPROVING TEACHING AND LEARNING This research assessed the level of Information and Communication Technology in improving teaching and learning in the Marist Secondary Schools of the Democratic Republic of Congo. The purpose of the study was to shade light on the way ICT is being implemented and how this is used to improve teaching and learning. The study examined the perception of principals, teachers and students about ICT in teaching and learning, the skills and knowledge of ICT among the target population and its use in improving teaching and learning. While identifying the ICT tools used by the target population, it also identified the challenge faced by ICT adoption and possible solutions to solve them. Six research questions were used to guide the study and three hypotheses were formulated and tested. It also adopted Rogers’ diffusion theory of innovation and the TPACK theory developed by Koehler and Mishra. In a descriptive study, the use of a convergent parallel mixed method was adopted to conduct the study. The target population included 7000 students, 367 teachers, seven principals selected from the seven Marist secondary schools in DRC and the coordinator for the Bureau for Marist Schools; from which a sample of 378 students, 50 teachers, the seven principals and the coordinator of the Marist school were selected to participate in the study. To select a representative sample of participants the study used the stratified, systematic random and purposive sampling techniques. Data was collected using questionnaires, interview guide and observation check list. An adequate consultation of expert and peers as well as the Cronbach alpha test was used to insure the validity and reliability of the instruments. Data was analysed using both qualitative and quantitative techniques. The study revealed that principals, teachers and students have a positive perception of ICT adoption in improving teaching and learning. Principals had good skills to huddle office work by ICT tools but teachers were poorly skilled and students were familiar with ICT tools but not fully using them for learning purposes. ICT infrastructure were adequate but limited to office work, making insufficient and poor utilisation of ICT tools to be among the challenges facing ICT adoption in MSS, alongside unreliable electricity, lack of training for teachers and poor guidance of students in ICT use. The study also established younger and highly qualified teachers had better skills in ICT and male students were more skilled than female. But teachers who had poor skills in ICT were more positive that ICT adoption can improve teaching and learning. It has recommended to MSS to have a common ICT strategic plan, acquire ICT tools for teachers and students and train its teachers in acquiring ICT skills to gain confidence in using the available tools and the others which will be acquired in the classroom.Br. SAFARI KABWIKA RICHARD Download
INFLUENCE OF TEACHING METHODS IN GEOGRAPHY ON THE ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS IN NGONG SUB-COUNTY KAJIADO COUNTYTEACHING METHODS IN GEOGRAPHY ON THE ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS Geography teachers play an important role of imparting geographical knowledge and practical skills to students. Their teaching methods are therefore critical in determining whether the students excel in Geography or not. The purpose of this study therefore was to investigate the influence of teaching methods in Geography on students’ academic performance. The study was guided by the following objectives: influence of group work teaching method on students’ academic performance in geography in Ngong Sub-County, Kajiado County; to investigate the role of active participation teaching method on students’ academic performance in Geography in Ngong Sub-County, Kajiado County; To find out the influence of animation teaching method on Geography students’ academic performance in Geography in Ngong Sub-County, Kajiado County; To explore the influence of demonstration teaching method on students’ academic performance in Geographys Ngong Sub-County, Kajiado County. The study adopted descriptive survey design in order to provide a comprehensive analysis of the research problem. The target population was 479 from where a sample of 155 was drawn. The sample was drawn from 3 schools sampled from three zones that represented Ngong Sub-County. Self-administered questionnaire was used to collect the quantitative data. Statistical Programme for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25 was used to get descriptive statistics. The study established that teaching methods affect academic performance of students in Geography. The most popular teaching methods applied in the schools under study were both active participation and a combination of a variety of methods which were found to be more effective in enhancing teaching of geography and learners’ positive outcome. Active Participation method was the most preferred method of teaching among teachers Group work method was also a popular method. However, most teachers rarely uses animation method despite its immense benefits to the learners. The study recommends that the school administration should enhance classroom supervision to ensure that teachers effectively deliver geography content using appropriate methods.   NOBRERT NDILON Download
INFLUENCE OF THE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT ON STUDENTS’ ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE IN DAGORETTI SOUTH CONSTITUENCY, NAIROBI COUNTYLEARNING ENVIRONMENT ON STUDENTS’ ACADEMIC PERFORMANCELearning environment is very important in determining learners’ outcome. Unfortunately, learners are faced with a myriad of challenges some of them directly related to the learning environment. The purpose of this study therefore was to investigate the influence of learning environment on students’ academic performance. The study was guided by the following objectives: To determine the extent to which physical classroom environment affects student’s academic performance in Dagoretti South Constituency; To establish how learning resources affects student’s academic performance in Dagoretti South Constituency; To establish how school library influence student’s academic performance; To find out the relationship between academic performance and student’s academic performance in Dagoretti South Constituency. The study adopted survey design to help in assessing people’s attitudes, beliefs, feelings, behaviors and lives. The study sampled 76 respondents comprising of 6 teachers and 70 students. However, 62 respondents managed to participate. Statistical Programme for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25 was used to get descriptive statistics while data from open ended questions was analyzed using thematic analysis. The study revealed that generally, most schools had adequate physical facilities to facilitate teaching and learning. However, classes were not adequate to accommodate all the students and the libraries did not have adequate resources. The study recommends that the school administrators, the government, parents and students should strive to ensure that the school environment is optimized for effective teaching and learning. NJUAKOM AUGUSTINE Download
INFLUENCE OF SINGLE MOTHERHOOD ON SECONDARY SCHOOL TEENAGERS’ DELINQUENCY IN LANG’ATA SUB- COUNTY, KENYA: PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL INTERVENTIONINFLUENCE OF SINGLE MOTHERHOOD ON TEENAGERSA well-functioning family structure is very important in creating responsible teenagers in the society. It is anticipated that children who experience parental separation are on the average worse off socially than their peers in intact families. Hence, the purpose of this study was to explore the influence of single motherhood on secondary school teenagers’ delinquency in Lang’ata Sub-County, Kenya. The study was guided by the following objectives: To examine the relationship between teenage anti-social behavior and single mother parenting style in Lang’ata Sub County, Kenya, particularly in terms of addiction to drugs, theft, truancy and aggressiveness. In addition, the study explored psycho-spiritual interventions that could be used to address the problem of delinquency among teenagers from single motherhood in Lang’ata Sub County, Kenya. The study is informed by two theories namely: Attachment Theory and Structural Family Theory. The reviewed literature demonstrated that teenagers from single mother families are susceptible to anti-social behaviour such as drug abuse, truancy, stealing and aggression. The study adopted a quantitative survey research design. The target population was 352 participants drawn from secondary schools in Lang’ata Sub-County. A sample of 107 respondents was recruited comprising of 101 students and 6 teachers. Descriptive statistics based on frequencies, percentage and calculating the mean average and standard deviation with help of SPSS version 21 was used to conduct the data analysis. In addition, Pearson correlational statistics was used to explore if there were significance influence of single mothers parenting style on teenagers’ anti-social behaviour. The findings revealed that there is a significant relationship between teenagers’ anti-social behaviour and single mothers’ parenting style. Specifically, the findings for single mothers’ influence on teenagers’ tendency to abuse drugs presented an r= 0.208 at p<0.05 indicating a positive correlation. Equally, the findings for the influence of single mothers on teenagers’ school absenteeism reflect an r = .270 at p <0.05 indicating that there is a significant correlation of single mothers’ influence on teenagers’ experience of truancy. In addition, the findings revealed that single mothers parenting style impact on teenagers’ theft behaviour as the results portrayed an r =.107 as against the recommended threshold of p <0.05. The findings for single mothers influence on teenagers’ behaviour of aggressiveness presents an r = .0.65 against the recommended threshold of p <0.05 indicating that teenagers’ exhibition of aggressive behaviours are influenced by single mother parenting style. Furthermore, the findings for the role of psycho-spiritual therapy in assisting teenagers who exhibit anti-social behaviour portrayed an r = .411 at p < 0.000, which implies that psycho-spiritual counsellors are needed in the treatment of teenagers’ delinquency. These findings have implications for single mothers who ought to be vigilant by offering close supervision to their teenage children in order to guide them from making unnecessary mistakes in life and as such avoid developing anti-social behaviours. The ministry of education should also establish support programs aimed at assisting teenagers from engaging in illicit behaviour. Similarly, school administrators and teachers should pay special attention to teenagers from single mother families and provide them with ample opportunity to share their feelings without being judged negatively by others. The study also recommends that the services of psycho-spiritual counselors should be enlisted in offering help to teenagers including single mothers.MOSES KAWA Download
EFFECTS OF CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES ON STUDENTS’ DISCIPLINE IN SCHOOLS IN KIKUYU SUB-COUNTY, KIAMBU COUNTY EFFECTS OF CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES ON STUDENTS’ DISCIPLINE The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of co-curricular activities on students’ discipline in Kikuyu Sub-County, Kiambu County. It was guided by these research questions: How does participation in co-curricular activities influence how learners use their leisure time? Do co-curricular activities contribute to character formation of learners? and Does participation in co-curricular activities affect learners’ teamwork spirit in Kikuyu Sub-county, Kiambu County? The study adopted descriptive survey design. It targeted a population of all students and teachers in public secondary schools in Kikuyu from where the sample of 105 was drawn. Self-administered questionnaires were used to collect the quantitative data. The study established that most students were frequently participating in sports which they considered a healthy way of using their leisure time. The co-curricular activities were found to help learners develop self-esteem, self-control, teamwork, good behaviour, healthy competition and self-socialization. Similarly, it was found to help learners avoid negative behavior such as premarital sexual behavior, negative peer influence and drug abuse. Instead, such learners were found to develop self-esteem, self-control, good behaviour, healthy competition and self-socialization. The study recommended that schools should allocate adequate time for co-curricular activities while the Ministry of Education should allocate adequate budgets for co-curricular activities. ANN NJOKI NJIRU Download
THE INTEGRATION OF TEACHING RESOURCES IN ENHANCING TEACHING AND LEARNING OF HISTORY IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS IN NZAUI SUB-COUNTY IN MAKUENI COUNTYINTEGRATION OF TEACHING RESOURCES IN ENHANCING TEACHING AND LEARNING Education is a fundamental human right, and a key input in production and development of an economy. This explains why countries worldwide plan for and increase budgetary allocations to fund various educational programs each financial year. There is however concern on the quality of education offered and performance of students in national examinations. The purpose of this study was to examine the integration of teaching resources in enhancing the teaching and learning of history in public schools in Nzaui sub-county, Makueni County. To find out how teachers of history utilized various instructional resources. It also focuses on availability of instructional resources for teaching history in some Public Schools of Nzaui Sub-county in Makueni County; will be chosen as the location of the study because it has the highest number of schools in the Sub-county. Four objectives were formulated to guide the study. The researcher will sample eight teachers from each school who will be teaching history. The total population will be 150 students in form four and form three from Public Schools in Nzaui Sub-county and eight teachers. The instruments used for the data collection will be questionnaires and interview guide. Two questionnaires will be used, one for teachers and the other one for students. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version; the analyzed data is then presented using frequency tables, means, percentages, pie charts and bar graphs. The data will be analyzed using descriptive statistics, mainly frequencies, charts and percentages. VERONICA MWENDE MUTHOKA Download
Factors Influencing Use Of Geography Instructional Resources In Teaching And Learning Geography In Public Secondary Schools In Karachuonyo West DivisionFactors Influencing Use Of Geography Instructional Resources The purpose of this study was to investigate factors influencing use of Geography instructional resources in teaching and learning Geography in Public Secondary Schools in Karachuonyo West Division. It was guided by the following research questions; what are the factors affecting the use of instructional resources in the teaching of Geography? What are the instructional resources needed in the teaching and learning of Geography in public secondary schools? What suggestions are there to improve on the use of instructional resources in public secondary schools? The study engaged descriptive cross-sectional survey design. The design used since it enabled the researcher collects data across the sampled population using the same instruments at the same time. The targeted population of the study was 206 respondents from 5 selected public secondary schools. However, the study sample size was 50 respondents which comprises of 5 school principals, 1 DQASO, 14 Teachers and 30 students. The independent variables are students’ attitudes, attitude, access or instructional knowledge, time and technical support. Dependent variable was instructional resources used in teaching and learning Geography. Data was collected using questionnaires and interview guide respondents were; School principals, Teachers and Students. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version software was used to analyse descriptive and quantitative data. The findings of the study were that the attitude of teachers and students toward teaching and learning Geography affect teaching style in such a way that it brings out difference in student outcome in terms of academic performance in Geography. Also, they help the learner to acquire and strengthen skills in reading, observing, listening and communicating. The technical support such as use of computer in teaching geography has improved new visualization techniques which inter improved teaching techniques and this enhance academic performance among student in different types of secondary schools in Karachuonyo West Division. The study further revealed that teaching and learning resources such as text books, maps and diagrams, magazines were frequently used while internet and radios were rarely used secondary schools in Karachuonyo West Division and this has improved performance in Geography. The study recommended that teachers should be involved in the development of the resources to be used in Geography curriculum. This enhances the utilization of the available resources as teachers feel that they are part of the curriculum formulation. Secondly, secondary school principals should assist teachers in the facilitation of field studies to break monotony of class room teaching. A Field study outside classroom enhances learning outside the class room; reduce of the number of topics to be covered in Geography hence proper utilization of the available resources. secondary schools in Karachuonyo West Division should also adopt the use of computer aided technology for effective delivery of Geography as this enhance understanding of Geography among students and provision of teaching and learning resources to enhance effective implementation of Geography curriculum. LAVENDER ODHIAMBO Download
The effects of asset liability management (ALM) on performance of commercial banks in KenyaAsset-liability management--Commercial banks in KenyaThis research sought to establish the effects of asset liability management in commercial banks in Kenya. It is well known that banking sector plays a major role in the country's economic development. The mangers strive to maintain the balance between asset and liability which is important when making concrete decisions in financial institutions. The researcher used 10 banks which represented 23% of the target population. This target population was arrived at through use of stratified sampling technique, where the banks were grouped into three categories; large, medium and small. Therefore, the researcher used various determinant of the ALM to show its significance and effects in commercial banks in Kenya. The determinants include bank size, leverage ratio, and Liquidity risk and banks capital base. Secondary data from ten commercial banks was collected. This was achieved by comparing a data set from financial statement of commercial banks within a period of 5 years. Specifically the researcher sought to establish the effects of bank size, leverage, liquidity risk and banks’ capital base on the performance of the commercial banks in Kenya. Data was analyzed using a Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) and MS-Excel. The study utilized stratified survey research design. Descriptive, correlation and regression methods of data analysis were used to analyze techniques. From the findings obtained from the adjusted R squared, based on the study showed a variation of performance of commercial banks in Kenya due to variations in assets and liabilities. The research revealed that asset liability management influence performance of commercial banks in Kenya. The study too revealed that there was a strong positive relationship between asset liability management and performance of commercial banks. There is need for commercial banks to use asset liability management tools so as to be safe during financial crises and increase their profitability regardless of prevailing economic challenges.ALEXANDER KYALO MUTETI Download
ROLE OF CRE IN THE MORAL FORMATION OF SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS IN DAGORRETI SUB- COUNTY, NAIROBI COUNTYChristian Religious education and moral formation of studentsABSTRACT The moral standing and general conduct of the Kenyan secondary school student in the wider society has been dropping in the recent past. The morals of the secondary school graduates in colleges and society do not reflect the acquisition and practice of values learnt through Christian Religious Education (CRE). This study will therefore, be designed to assess the role of CRE in the transmission of moral formation to the learners in secondary schools. The objectives of the study will be: to establish the effectiveness of secondary school CRE syllabus in the transmission of moral formation to learners; to find out how moral beliefs of CRE students are expressed in their behavior; to establish the methods that CRE teachers use to transmit moral formation to secondary school students; and to establish the views of both teachers and students concerning the role of CRE subject in the development of moral formation in secondary schools. The study will be guided by two theories; elaboration likelihood theory of persuasion that explains how attitudes are formed and changed and Kohlberg’s theory of moral reasoning. The study will use descriptive survey design. The study will be conducted in Nairobi Sub-county in Nairobi County in Kenya. The target population for the study will be the 28 secondary schools in Nairobi Sub-county. The eligible respondents will include 56 CRE teachers, 28 heads of discipline and 1180 Form III students in the 28 secondary schools making a total of 1264 possible respondents. Simple random sampling will be used to select the 142 respondents who will participate in the study. Information will be collected by use of self-administered questionnaires and face-to-face interview. The data will be analyzed using frequency distribution tables, percentages, and bar graphs. KASEMBI PERIS MUTETHYA Download
AN INVESTIGATION OF THE CHALLENGES FACING SMALL-SCALE WOMEN ENTERPRISES IN NGONG TOWN, KAJIADO NORTH SUB-COUNTY, KENYACHALLENGES FACING SMALL-SCALE WOMEN ENTERPRISESThe purpose of this study was to examine the non-financial challenges faced by women in SMEs in Ngong Town, Kajiado North Sub-County, Kenya. Qualitative research approach was applied in the study and the interviewing method was used to collect relevant data from the participants. The interview was used to collect in-depth responses from participants regarding the research question, what non-financial challenges do women in SMEs in Kajiado town face? A sample of five women in SMEs was selected. The responses show that apart from financial constraints, women in SMEs face the challenge of discrimination, harassment by town/city council officials, multiple responsibilities, and competition from mini-supermarkets. The study recommends policy initiatives to resolve the challenges faced by women in small and medium business enterprises. PINTO AGISO ANNET Download
Analysis of challenges encountered in teaching and learning of integrated English in public secondary schools in Nairobi countychallenges encountered in teaching and learning of integrated EnglishThis study analysed the challenges encountered in teaching and learning integrated English in selected Public secondary schools in Nairobi County. The research objectives were; to examine and establish the effects of techniques (skills) of teaching Integrated English; the role of instructional resources; the teachers and learner's attitude and the effects of teaching methodology in teaching and learning of integrated English. The target population involved form one and two students, teachers and heads of department of English. The researcher used cluster sampling and systematic random sampling in the study. Questionnaires and interview schedules were used to collect data. The information obtained was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) to arrive at frequencies and percentages presented in form of tables, graphs and charts. The findings from the study reveal that there are no varieties of teaching techniques; there was inadequate resources for teaching; methods for teaching integrated English were inadequately applied; there was confusion and insufficient knowledge in using techniques, methods and resources; some pupils have negative attitude towards learning English; the teachers of English found integrated approach a problem due to different areas of interest. The study recommended that the administration and ministry of Education should provide enough teaching resources such as integrated English texts books, well- equipped library in schools; the ministry of Education to provide in-service training of teachers of English on the use of integrated approach and update on the techniques and methods used in teaching English. Finally, teachers of English should motivate pupils on the importance of learning and speaking English in schools.NDUNG’U SERAH NJERI(SR.) Download
EFFECTS OF COVID-19 ON THE GAP BETWEEN THE RICH AND POOR PEOPLE, A CASE OF KAWANGWARE INFORMAL SETTLEMENT, NAIROBI CITY COUNTYEFFECTS OF COVID-19 ON THE GAP BETWEEN THE RICH AND POOR PEOPLESince late 2019, the COVID-19 pandemic has spread quickly and widely across the globe has had profound repercussions on livelihoods. In most nations, the global economic decline induced by the pandemic, as well as the spread of the epidemic itself, has intensified existing socioeconomic disparities. The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of Covid-19 on the gap between the rich and poor people in Kawangware informal settlement, Nairobi City County. Specific objectives guiding the study included; to examine the effects Covid-19 on the livelihood of the rich and poor people, to assess the effects of Covid-19 on health services accessibility between the rich and the poor to find out how Covid-19 has impacted education attainment between the rich and the poor and to determine the strategies put in place to mitigate the impact of Covid-19 between the rich and the poor in Kawangware informal settlement, Nairobi City County. The study was underpinned on two theories namely; Susceptible-Infected-Recovered (SIR) Epidemiological Models and Conflict theory. Descriptive research survey was used by the researcher because allows collection of data from a large population in time. The design had the potential to obtain information that describes the existing phenomena well. A sample of 80 respondents was randomly chosen and included in the study. A semi structured questionnaire was used to collect data from respondents. The study found out thatcovid-19 has widened the livelihood gap between the rich and the poor; covid19 has perpetuated health disparity between the rich and the poor in terms of access to healthcare services. Covid-19 has disadvantaged the poor who cannot access and afford online learning. Youth empowerment as a strategy can be used to reduce the gap between the rich and the poor during the covid-19 pandemic era. The study recommended socioeconomic empowerment, introduction of mobile clinics and expanding of online learning as some of the strategies to bridge the gap between the rich and the poor in Kawangware informal settlements.JOSEPH MBURU NYAGA Download
CHALLENGES OF STRATEGY IMPLEMENTATION IN SOCIAL SECURITY INSTITUTIONS: A CASE STUDY OF NSSFStrategy implementation in social security institutionsThe current study is an assessment of challenges of strategy implementation social security institutions a case study of National Social Security Fund. The study adopted a descriptive case study research design. The population of the study was 1660 employees of NSSF. Sampling targeted 10.4 percent of the total population of employees. Stratified random sampling was used to select the 173 employees from three strata namely, top management, middle management and junior officers. The study adopted a descriptive case study research design. Data was analyzed by the use of descriptive statistics and inferential analysis. Specifically, means, frequencies and percentages were used. Factor Analysis and Correlation analysis was used to extract the relevant factors and their relationship with strategy implementation. The findings presented in tables, figures and graphs. Findings indicated that the organization leadership at NSSF is not effective and this may have led to poor strategy implementation. The culture at NSSF was not conducive for strategy implementation and this may have led to poor strategy implementation. The organization structure at NSSF was inconsistent with strategy implementation and this may have led to poor strategy implementation. The management of organization resources at NSSF is not effective and this may have led to poor strategy implementation. The organization politics at NSSF are not conducive for strategy implementation and this may have contributed to the poor implementation of strategy.SHARON KIRIMI KINYA Download
EFFECT OF CASH FLOW MANAGEMENT ON FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE OF COMMERCIAL BANKS IN KENYA. A CASE STUDY OF KENYA COMMERCIAL BANK.CASH FLOW MANAGEMENT Numerous studies by various scholars have tried to establish a correlation between cashflows and profit in firms. There are those that believe that the more there is cash flow, the more the likelihood that a firm will make a profit. There are also those that refute this claim. This study report focuses on establishing this link between cash flows and profitability in a firm. The research is conducted on Kenya Commercial Bank (KCB). KCB is among the best performing financial institutions in East Africa and serves as an excellent object of focus as such. It aims at finding out the role of investment cash flow and operating cost cash flow in determining the profitability of an institution. The objectives of this study are: to find out the extent that operating cash flow affect the financial performance of KCB and to determine the impact of finance cash flow on the financial performance of KCB. One of the theories in play is the Keynesian theory which stipulates the reasons as to why companies hold cash. Another theory employed is the free cash flow theory which relates surplus cash after investment and financial performance. The main assumption of this study is that the data and the conclusions arrived at for KCB reflects on all other commercial institutions. The study utilizes a descriptive research design. Secondary sources of data have been utilized to gain data for the analysis of the performance of KCB. Data collected reflects a period of five years from 2016 to 2020, a time frame sufficient to draw adequate conclusions from the data. Lastly, a compelling conclusion arrived at based on the data reflects the standing of the position of the report on the relationship between profitability and cash flow in an institution. Recommendations to address the shortcomings of the findings serve to guide any researcher in terms of areas that need further research. MALIONGO ELECTINE ASHIAMA Download
THE EFFECTS OF FAMILY BACKGROUND ON CAREER CHOICES AMONG PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS IN KAJIADO NORTH SUB COUNTY, KAJIADO COUNTY, KENYAFAMILY BACKGROUND ON CAREER CHOICES This study examined the effects of family background on career choice among public secondary school students in Kajiado North Sub County, Kajiado County. The study was guided by the following objectives: To determine the extent to which the socio-economic status of the parents influence the career choice of students in secondary schools, to examine the relationship between the level of education of parents and the career choice of students in secondary school, to explore how the personality of the student affects the choice of career of secondary school students, to find out if the size of the family influences the choice of career of secondary school students. The study was guided by the Social Learning Theory. The sampling technique used to select the 10 schools was purposive sampling. In each school, simple random sampling was used to select respondents out of the enrolled form three students. A sample of 84 students was drawn from 10 schools in Kajiado North, Kajiado county. Questionnaires were used as the instruments for data collection. Simple tables were used to present the analysed data. Results from the study showed that family background factors influence the career choices of students in Kajiado North. These factors include the parents’ level of education, the family size, the personality and the socio-economic status of the family. The study recommended that parents should take time to discuss with children different career choices. It also recommends that parents should not persuade their children to take careers that they do not want because their values and expectations influence the career choice to a more significant extent.PAULINE SABINA ONYANGO Download
INFLUENCE OF DRUG ABUSE ON STUDENTS ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE IN LANGATA SUB COUNTY NAIROBI COUNTY IN KENYADRUG ABUSE ON STUDENTS ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE Drug abuse has become a major challenge among the youth worldwide. The accessibility, affordability and consumption of abused drugs by the youth have attracted a great concern among the stakeholders in the education sector. Problems which are created by its uncontrolled use cannot be ignored. Evidence from around the world reveals that there is an upward trend in the abuse of drugs amongst the young people. There is limited documented data on the impact of abuse of drugs on academic execution. Thus the purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of drug abuse on students’ academic performance in Langat a sub-County Nairobi County. The study was guided by the following objectives: To establish causes of drug abuse on students in Langat a sub county Nairobi county, to explore the extent in which students abuse drugs in Langat a sub county Nairobi county, to examine the effects of drug abuse on students’ academic performance in Langat a sub county Nairobi county. The researcher adopted descriptive survey design. The target population constituted of 46 public secondary schools, 46 principals, 212 teachers, 318 form 3 students. Random sampling was used to select the desired respondents that were 3 principals, 80 form 3 students 7 teachers. The study used questionnaires as instruments of data collection which was valid. The data collected was analyzed through statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) the response rate was 100% where the findings showed that alcohol was the most commonly abused drug in our schools. Guidance and counselling and banning smoking in secondary schools were captured as mitigating factors. The study recommended School administrators should come up with guiding and counselling team so that they can guide students’ things like how to control peer pressure effects of drug abuse, Parents or guardians should accept responsibility to ensure that the student attends school and that school staff are notified of behaviour change and absences, Parents or guardians should not give students a lot of pocket to the students. When students are given excess money they may end up buying drugs, serious war should be declared against those making the drugs available to students and strict measures should be taken against the sellers of prohibited drugs so as to clamp down their activities across the country among others. LUMUNYENYI SHAMALA PETER Download
INFLUENCE OF SCHOOL CULTURE ON STUDENTS’ PERFORMANCE AT KENYA CERTIFICATE OF SECONDARY EDUCATION (KCSE) IN PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS TURBO SUB -COUNTY, UASIN GISHU COUNTY, KENYA.SCHOOL CULTURE ON STUDENTS’ PERFORMANCE Performance in secondary schools in Turbo sub county in the past years has been on decline. The stakeholders have been on the run to establish the causes of such performance. Therefore, the current study is in the line of digging deeper to understand the real cause of students not performing well in their studies. The aim for the study was to find out the effects of different types of cultures carried out in different school on students’ performance in KCSE examinations in Turbo sub county Uasin Gishu County. For the effectiveness of the study, the following objectives guided the study. These objectives are: To assess forms of organizational culture practiced in secondary schools in Turbo Sub- County Uasin- Gishu County; To examine the effects of prize giving for good academic performance to students in Turbo Sub- County Uasin- Gishu County; To investigate the extent to which school vision, mission and values influence students’ performance in KCSE examinations in Turbo Sub-County, Uasin- Gishu county; To investigate the effects of school norms and rituals on students’ performance in Turbo sub county Uasin Gishu county. The study adopted descriptive survey design and was guided by Scheim 1996 and Trompenar’s 1998 theories on school organizational culture. Target population was 12 secondary schools and the sample size used was 3 secondary schools with three school principals, 24 teachers and 180 form four students. Each one of the sample size represented 30% of the total target population according to the Mugenda and Mugenda’s (2003) observations of sample size being 30% of total population if the target population is less than 1000. The split half techniques and Spearman order rank technique correlation coefficient was used to establish the reliability. Quantitative data organization was done using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Majority of the schools practiced organizational culture, more specifically students having access to the academic materials and teachers together with students being emotional stability. At the same time no single school was practicing dictatorship in discharging their duties. On the question about motivation, it was observed that almost all schools were not motivating both teachers and students. This was therefore contributing to poor performance amongst students in the schools under study. At the same time on the school mission, vision and values the researcher observed that all schools were practicing it. And lastly, school norms and routines are of big impact on student’s activeness and presence in school. School games and P.E makes most students active and also maintains their performance in class. MOSES ETSABO HOSEA Download
INVESTIGATION ON FACTORS CONTRIBUTING TO VOILENT CONFLICT OF PASTORALISTS COMMUNITIES IN MARSABIT COUNTY, KENYAINVESTIGATION ON FACTORS CONTRIBUTING TO VOILENT CONFLICT OF PASTORALISTS COMMUNITIES In Marsabit County, pastoralist‟s conflict is not something unusual but a perennial issue. The purpose of the study was specifically set to find out causes of conflicts among the pastoralist communities in Marsabit. The study explored how factors like scarce natural resources, proliferation of fire arms, culture and local politics ignite conflicts among pastoral communities of Marsabit; namely between the Gabra and the Borana communities. The research objectives was; to establish the influence of natural resources on conflicts in Marsabit, to determine influence of porous border on conflicts, to establish ways in which culture influence conflicts and to determine how local politics influence conflicts between the Gabra and the Borana communities in Marsabit County. A descriptive survey was adopted to collect information, summarizes, present and interpret for clarification purposes, and this enabled investigation into the subject under study. For the purpose of this study respondents were drawn from two divisions (Gadhamoji and Turbi) with a total population of over 15,000. A location from each was selected through simple strata and random selection since both of the conflicting group, that is the Gabra and Borana live in the selected divisions and locations. Simple strata was helpful as it ensures inclusion in the sample of sub group which otherwise was to be omitted entirely by other sampling methods because of small numbers in the population. A sample size of 384 was considered for the study and random probability procedures were used to select the sample size and sampling procedures. The advantage of this random method was that every member of the population stood an equal chance of being picked, Mugenda & Mugenda (2003). A questionnaire and interview guide was used to get data from herders, politicians and village elders. The researcher used both the qualitative and quantitative data analysis techniques. Quantitative data was analysed using descriptive statistics and presented in form of percentages and frequencies while qualitative data was analysed narratively based on various study themes, the findings were; majority of the respondents indicated that lack of enough resources over which pastoralists compete prompt them to fight. Easy access of legally condemned weapons has also been intensifying pastoralists standoff. Conservative cultural practices where successful warriors are praised and rewarded have been scaling pastoralists conflict. Struggle for political supremacy was identified to have been increasing magnitude of pastoralists conflict. The study concluded that competition over limited natural resources as major cause of pastoralists conflict, where easy flow of weapons through physically porous border, culture praise and reward warriors and struggle for political supremacy also identified as factors that scale up rate of pastoralists‟ conflict in Marsabit. The study recommends for sharing of available resources, proper manning of country‟s borders to control arms flow, community elders to own peace initiatives with noble aim to unite different ethnic groups, and politicians to avoid inflammatory remarks. The study suggest for further study to be conducted on other causes of pastoralists conflict.AMINA EDIN KALLA. Download
SOCIAL-CULTURAL PRACTICES AND GENDER BASED VIOLENCE AMONG YOUNG WOMEN IN KERICHO.SOCIAL-CULTURAL PRACTICES AND GENDER BASED VIOLENCE The purpose of this study was to investigate social-cultural practices and gender based violence among young women in Kericho County; To describe the socio-cultural practices among Kipsingis women in Kericho; To assess the presence and extent of gender-based violence among Kipsingis women in Kericho; To identify the socio-cultural practices that promote gender-based violence among young women; To suggest strategies of addressing Gender Based Violence among young women. The study adopted descriptive survey method. The target population was 1300. The sample size comprised of 10 teachers, 10 parents, and 20 students. The study established that socio-cultural factors have impact on effect of gender-based violence on agricultural livelihood activities of women. It is recommended that eradication of structural inequality against women through promotion of equal access to opportunities, assets, resources and rights. SHARON.C.LANGAT Download
AN ANALYSIS OF THE CHALLENGES FACED BY STUDENT TEACHERS FROM HIGHER INSTITUTIONS OF LEARNING DURING TEACHING PRACTICE, A CASE OF MARIST INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, KAREN NAIROBI KENYAChallenges faced by student teachers during teaching practiceABSTRACT Teaching practice is one of the main aspect of teacher trainee, during teaching practice a teacher is given an opportunity to put in practice what they have learnt. However, student teachers encounter various challenges during teaching practice. The study investigated, the challenges faced by Marist International University College student teachers during teaching practice, focusing on the fourth year students of (2019- 2020) academic year. The research questions that guided this study were what are the school environmental challenges during teaching practice exercise? What are the supervisory challenges during the teaching practice exercise? What are the challenges associated with instructional materials during teaching practice exercise? What are the challenges associated with classroom management during teaching practice exercise? The sample of the study comprised a hundred and six Student teachers who have successfully finished their teaching practice at Marist international University College, focusing on fourth year students and eight teachers from the schools the student teachers always go for teaching practice. The study further used the survey design which included the student teachers. It used the simple random sampling technique where questionnaires were prepared to gather information from the student teachers. The researcher analyzed the collected data based on the responses which were gathered. Tables and pie charts were used to present the collected data through the use of SPSS software version 21. Some of the challenges were environmental, supervisory challenges, classroom management and challenges associated with instructional materials. The study therefore recommends that student teachers should be involved in programs such as mentorship to empower them in their career as well as preparing them to the field of teaching. RODAH JELANGAT Download
The Impact Of Parental Involvement In Children’s Academic Performance In Public Secondary Schools In Ngong- Sub County- Kajiado KenyaImpact of Parental Involvement In Children’s Academic PerformanceTHE ABSTRACT This study examined the impact of parental involvement in their children’s academic performance. Parents are an important component in the education of their children. However, some parents tend to neglect their roles and leave it to the teachers. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to find out the level of parents’ involvement and its effect on their children academic performance in public secondary schools in Ngong Sub-County Kenya. The study was guided by the following objectives: to find out the level of parents’ involvement in students’ academic learning process; to establish whether home environment affect academic performance of children and to find out the effects of parental involvement in the academic performance of children. The study was informed by the Epstein theory that explains how parental involvement affects child’s academic performance. The research design adopted by the study was descriptive survey design that used questionnaires to gather data. The study enlisted 121 respondents comprising 3 teachers and 118 students drawn from Ngong Sub-County. This study established that most parents were actively involved in their children’s school activities which was important in improving students’ academic performance by putting efforts to check their children’s academic work, following up the academic progress of their children by going for progressive reports and helping teachers to discipline their children and by giving them enough time to study at home. The study also established that most students came from homes with conducive environment for study and had parents. The study noted that most parents were mindful about their children in terms of motivating them, providing school materials, paying school fees on time as a way of supporting their children’s learning. The study recommended the government authorities should make policies that ensure there is collaboration between parents, teachers and students as a way of addressing education sector holistically while parents should strive to provide the required necessities for their children to ensure that they are comfortable and ready to learn. Students should make efforts to concentrate on their education and liaise with parents and teachers whenever there are issues that need to be addressed while teachers should be approachable to students to make it possible for them to share their grievances. Teachers should work in tandem with parents and students to enhance studies.ELIA BAULENI MADIMBA Download
EFFECTS OF STUDENT-TEACHER RELATIONSHIP ON THE STUDENTS’ ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE IN PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN NGONG-SUB COUNTY-KAJIADO COUNTY, KENYATeacher-student relationshipsABSTRACT Teacher-student relationship plays a vital role in the learning and teaching process. Very often students who perceive student-teacher relationship in a negative way tend to perform much poorly compared to those who look at relationships between teacher-student from a positive angle. Therefore, this prompted the researcher to carry out a study on the effects of positive teachersstudent relationships on the student academic performance of students in secondary schools in Ngong Sub-County, Nairobi County. The study was guided by the following objectives: to find out the level of communication between teachers and students in class, to examine the perception of students and teachers towards their relationship and to establish the extent to which student-teacher motivation influence academic performance. The study used descriptive survey design and adopted the quantitative approach. Three secondary schools were sampled in this study with a total sample size of 120 students, 6 teachers. Respondents were selected using simple random sampling method and purposive sample method for teachers. Questionnaires were used to collect data and statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used to analyze quantitative data. Both teachers and students expressed that there is a positive relationship between teachers and students. The findings revealed that students perform positively in academics due to good level of communication between teachers and students, good perception of teachers and students towards their relationship and student-teacher motivation towards academics. Basing on the findings the researcher made recommendations which include: awareness to the school authorities about the importance of teachers establishing good and healthy relationships with their students by the Kenyan government through her ministry of education. Both public and private schools should organize seminars concerning the importance for teachers to develop good and health relationship with students and its effects on the academic performance. Student leaders should frequently remind their fellow students about the importance of establishing good relationship with teachers.CELESTINO NGONJO Download
INFLUENCE OF THE USE OF FACEBOOK AND WHATSAPP ON THE COMMUNITY LIFE OF RELIGIOUS IN THE CATHOLIC DIOCESE OF DAPAONG –TOGOSocial media and community life among religious people in togoThis Research was on the Influence of the Use of Facebook and WhatsApp on the Community Life of the Religious in the Catholic Diocese of Dapaong –Togo. The study adopted the Embedded mixed methods research design. The objectives of this study are: to determine the implications of Facebook usage on the spiritual life of the Religious in the community, to ascertain the Effects of WhatsApp usage on the social life of the Religious in the community, to discuss the challenges of social media usage in the community; and to identify ways of establishing authentic community life among the Religious. The target population was the religious men and women in Dapaong Diocese including Sisters, Brothers and Priests giving 142 people. The sample size determination adopted the Yamane’ formula. The sample size was 105 of which 82 were through questionnaire and 23 for interview using simple random sampling method techniques. The data collection was done through a questionnaire, and semi-structured interview. The analysis of the results was done in relation to the research objectives. For quantitative questions, the researcher used frequencies, tables and diagrams. Quantitative data was analyzed effectively using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25.0. The qualitative data was drawn from the interview guides. The interview was presented in narrative form using the research objective themes. The findings indicated that the Religious use Facebook and WhatsApp and spend more time on the social media though they never miss community prayer due to social media. Facebook and WhatsApp had a positive impact on the social life of the religious. Its challenging effects is that it encouraged individualism, isolation and lack of face-to-face conversations as many tend to engage more on their phones. The community recreation time was affected too. The challenge of using Facebook and WhatsApp is on limiting the use but this can be managed by community prayer, spiritual direction, recollections, retreats, silent time and counselling to balance the use of social media. YARG SALYA MOYGUEBATE JOSEPH Download
AN INVESTIGATION OF CHILD RIGHTS AND SAFEGUARDING MEASURES IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN DAGORETTI SUB-COUNTY NAIROBI COUNTY, KENYASafeguarding Children RightsABSTRACT The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child which guarantees children rights in matters that affect them was ratified by Kenya in 1990. The purpose of the study was to investigate the child rights and safeguarding measures in secondary schools in Dagoretti Subcounty-Kenya. Four research objectives guided the researcher namely: To explore the extent of child rights awareness in secondary schools; to determine the commonly types of abuses encountered by children in secondary schools; to find out the influence of children’ rights awareness on students’ academic performance in secondary school, to examine the safeguarding measures put in place to protect child rights in secondary schools. The study was based on two theories: The motivation and Dynamic awareness theories. The study used a descriptive survey design to collect the data; the sample was purposive. The study targeted 3 secondary schools, 3 principals, 18 teachers and 132 students. The data collection instruments used included questionnaire for teachers and students and an interview guide for the principals. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 25 Computer Package and excel and presented using frequency tables and percentages, tables and diagrams. From the analysis the study found out the following: there is child rights awareness among various stakeholders in secondary schools though the awareness level varies from each stage. Children rights are observed in all secondary school. The documents that advocate for child rights were considered unfamiliar to the respondents. There are abuses of child rights in some schools though this was rejected by teachers. Respondents strongly believe that awareness of Child rights has an influence on academic performance of the students. Ways of enhancing safeguarding measures and protection were recommended as school level. However, the lack of sensitization of Child rights, personnel who is trained in Child rights, lack of signs and posters all around the school contributed to the low of child right awareness. Therefore, researcher recommends that the Ministry of Education provide regular seminars and workshops to the teachers and principals to update them on the issues concerning respect of the Child rights in schools and provide copies of the children act to schools and update students on recent developments on Child rights, the Techers training Agency should ensure teachers are trained to work effectively and share information with social workers and other public services staff concerns with Child rights. Principals on their part should make efforts in acquiring information on Child rights issues and be in position to educate their students and teachers from time to timeIGNACE MBARURAMYE Download
EFFECTS OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE ON LEARNERS’ ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE IN MBEERE NORTH SUB-COUNTY, EMBU COUNTYDomestic violence and learners academic performanceABSTRACT Domestic Violence is a critical aspect of dysfunctional behaviors in learners. Researchers have identified a negative association between domestic violence, academic progress, and appropriate classroom behavior. At the forefront of this issue is the harsh reality of the transferred behaviors from the family and community atmosphere into the classroom environment. Exposure to domestic violence among learners is one critical issue that needs to be addressed in order to fully comprehend the dynamics involved and their impact on the learning process. This study therefore aimed at exploring the effects of domestic violence on learners’ academic performance in Mbeere North Sub-County, Embu County. The study was anchored on two theories: Family systems theory by Dr. Murray Bowen (1974) and effective school model theory by Larry Lezzote (1982). The researcher was guided by the following objectives; to assess the effect of parent abuse/ violence on learner’s academic performance, to determine the effect of psychological torture on learner’s academic performance, to establish the effect of sexual abuse on learner’s academic performance, and to evaluate the extent to which physical abuse affects learner’s academic performance in Mbeere North Sub-County, Embu County. The descriptive research design was used to carry out this study. The target population of the study was the principals, teachers, and students of the 47 public secondary schools in Mbeere North Sub County. A Stratified random sampling technique was employed in this research to select a sample of 5 (10%) secondary schools in Mbeere North Sub-County. Within the bounds of this articulation, questionnaires were employed to obtain and analyze quantitative data. They were administered by use of a drop-off and pick-up later method to the sampled respondents. Quantitative data was presented in tables and figures. The collected data was analyzed by way of descriptive statistics in terms of tables and figures. The findings of the study disclosed that parental abuse/ violence affects learners’ academic performance, psychological torture affects learners’ academic performance, sexual abuse affects learners’ academic performance and physical abuse affects learners’ academic performance. Drawing from the findings and conclusion of the study, the researcher recommended that there is an increased need for collaborative consultation between caregivers and school administrators to infuse family stability and the utilization of community resources into the academic environment. NGOROI PATRICK MUKUNDI Download
CHALLENGES FACED BY THE STUDENTS IN THE USE OF ICTs IN UNIVERSITY TEACHING AND LEARNING: A CASE STUDY OF TANGAZA COLLEGE, NAIROBI-KENYAUse of ICT for teaching and learningABSTRACT The speedy growth in information and communication technologies (ICTs) in the recent past and its integration in the process of teaching and learning presents to modern university students some challenges. Right now, this new invention is placing new demands on both lecturers and students of our time. ICTs have provided many opportunities for those in educational system to expand their worldview and equip the learners with life-long ICT skills. For this reason, ICTs are playing a major role in the future planning of institutions of higher learning. However, we cannot deny the fact that ICTs are also posing some challenges to the university students in our modern era. This is because the inclusion of ICT technologies in education came up recently in the university system of teaching and learning. Both lecturers and students who were used to old systems of teaching and learning are now finding it difficult to cope with these new inventions. The main purpose of this study is to establish the challenges faced by the students in the use of ICT resources in university teaching and learning: a case study of Tangaza College. The study was guided by the following three research objectives:  To establish how the availability and accessibility of ICT resources in Tangaza College cause challenges to the students.  To establish how laid down policies in the use of ICTs in Tangaza College create challenges to the students.  To establish how lecturers’ use of ICTs in Tangaza College pose challenges to the students vi Some of the challenges that students face in the use of ICTs in teaching and learning at Tangaza College were discussed in this study. Forty (40) students and six (6) lecturers were selected using simple random sampling and they responded to the questionnaires that were made up of both close-ended and open-ended questions. The researcher used a survey design in the collection of data and it was statistically analyzed using Statistical Package For Social Sciences (SPSS ) computer programme. The findings of the study reveal that there is inadequate supply of ICT resources which poses challenges for both lectures and students. From the data collected, both lecturers and students expressed their concern that there is a great need to increase the number of ICT resources in the College. On the other hand, it seems there are no clear functional policies known by both lecturers and students, in the use of ICT resources. According to the data available, most lectures and students expressed their views, that they were not involved in the making of the policies. The management was encouraged to involve both lecturers and students in the making of such policies, since they are the key players in the process of teaching and learning. The lecturers’ use of ICTs also poses challenges for the students. This is because some lectures are not willing to embrace the new ICT resources in teaching and learning, and they are also not undergoing regular in-service training which was to help them to cope with the constant changes in ICT technologies.AGUMA BERNARD MESHACH (FMS) Download
THE ANGLOPHONE CRISIS AND MENTAL HEALTH OF YOUNG PEOPLE OF BAMENDA CITY COUNCIL IN THE NORTH WEST REGION OF CAMEROONAnglophone Crisis in Cameroon and mental health of youthAbstract This research was on the Anglophone crisis and the mental wellbeing of young people of Bamenda city council in the North west region of Cameroon. The main objective was to explore the influence of the Anglophone crisis on the mental wellbeing of young people in the Bamenda City Council area of Cameroon. The study was informed by the social conflict theory of Karl Marx and the researcher used concurrent nested design to identify the types of war trauma, to explore the prevalence of generalized anxiety and major depressive symptoms, to examine the symptoms of general post-traumatic Stress disorder, and to establish the various psycho-social support and other forms of interventions for the young people of Bamenda city council in Cameroon. The target population was 3000 young people aged 15-30 living in the three municipalities that make up the Bamenda city council of Cameroon. The sample size was 314. A simple random sampling technique was used to sample 300 participants for the quantitative data, and a purposive sampling technique was used to select 14 participants for the qualitative interview schedules. Data were collected using diagnostic instruments designed from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder (DSM-5), for the quantitative data and semi-structured interview guides for the qualitative data. Data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Science (IBM SPSS Version 25) for the quantitative data and thematic approach for the qualitative data. The findings of this study revealed that the level of traumatic exposure is high (64%) and there was a very high prevalence of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) symptoms (79%) and major depressive symptoms (71%) among young people in the Bamenda City Council area of Cameroon. The study established that a majority of young people (70%) were already manifesting symptoms of general post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and the crisis had put most of the residents in abject poverty, mental anguish, and a sense of meaninglessness. The findings raised a serious concern for the lack of professional psychological support for young people affected by the socio-political crisis in Cameroon.SHUFAI EVARISTUS MBIYDZENYUY Download
AN INVESTIGATION INTO FACTORS AFFECTING PERFORMANCE IN BUSINESS STUDIES IN KCSE IN NGONG SUB-COUNTY, KAJIADO COUNTYAcademic performance in business studiesTHE ABSTRACT The purpose of the study is to investigate the factors affecting performance in Business studies in Ngong Sub-County, Kajiado County. The study was guided by the following objectives: To find out if the teachers and students’ attitude affect performance of Business Studies in KCSE; To establish whether teaching and learning methodologies affect performance of Business Studies in KCSE; To determine whether the availability of the teaching and learning resources affect performance of Business Studies in KCSE? The study adopted descriptive survey design. The target population consisted of 3 secondary schools in Ngong Sub-County, 12 Business Study teachers and 300 students. They were sampled using both stratified sampling and purposive methods. Data was collected using questionnaires. The study established that most students liked studying business studies while teachers were friendly and competent to teach the subject. The also revealed that the most preferred method of teaching was question and answer method and teachers always gave adequate assignments. The study also revealed that teachers uses the internet, fieldtrips, charts and resource persons to deliver content for business studies. The study recommends that the Ministry of Education should provide adequate budget to finance both human and materials resources to the schools. OKECHUKWU FRANKLIN Download
AN INVESTIGATION INTO FACTORS AFFECTING PERFORMANCE IN BUSINESS STUDIES IN KCSE IN NGONG SUB-COUNTY, KAJIADO COUNTYAcademic performance in business studiesTHE ABSTRACT The purpose of the study is to investigate the factors affecting performance in Business studies in Ngong Sub-County, Kajiado County. The study was guided by the following objectives: To find out if the teachers and students’ attitude affect performance of Business Studies in KCSE; To establish whether teaching and learning methodologies affect performance of Business Studies in KCSE; To determine whether the availability of the teaching and learning resources affect performance of Business Studies in KCSE? The study adopted descriptive survey design. The target population consisted of 3 secondary schools in Ngong Sub-County, 12 Business Study teachers and 300 students. They were sampled using both stratified sampling and purposive methods. Data was collected using questionnaires. The study established that most students liked studying business studies while teachers were friendly and competent to teach the subject. The also revealed that the most preferred method of teaching was question and answer method and teachers always gave adequate assignments. The study also revealed that teachers uses the internet, fieldtrips, charts and resource persons to deliver content for business studies. The study recommends that the Ministry of Education should provide adequate budget to finance both human and materials resources to the schools. OKECHUKWU FRANKLIN Download
FACTORS INFLUENCING THE TEACHING AND LEARNING OF GEOGRAPHY IN PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN NGONG DIVISION, KAJIADO COUNTYTeaching and learning of geographyTHE ABSTRACT Geography is facing the problem of identity and recognition as a useful academic discipline in many countries. It is considered a less important discipline, to some extent, it is taught by unappropriated methodologies and it lacks up to date and adequate teaching and learning resources in secondary schools. This informed the researcher’s decision to carry out this study. The purpose of the study was to examine the Factors Influencing the Teaching and Learning of Geography in Public Secondary Schools. It was guided by the following objectives: to assess the methodologies used in the teaching and learning of Geography in public secondary schools; to examine the up-to-date and adequacy of teaching and learning resources used to teach Geography; and to evaluate the perception of students and teachers towards Geography in Public Secondary Schools. The study used descriptive survey design and adopted the quantitative approach. The study enlisted 110 respondents comprising 100 students, and 10 teachers drawn from Ngong Division, Kajiado County. Statistical Programme for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 24 was used to analyse the data. The study established that most schools have some basic teaching and learning resources such as Geography maps, the glob, textbooks, atlases, and charts; which most teachers were frequently making use of during the teaching and learning of Geography. The study recommends that students should be exposed to interactive method of learning Geography such as filed trips, use of resource persons and out of classroom observations and School Administrators to ensure awarding the best performing student in Geography to keep Geography an interesting subject. Meanwhile the School Administration in collaboration with the Government need to build Geography laboratories in schools so as to provide a conducive environment for learning and doing some practical work in Geography.GOLDEN TATI Download
EFFECTIVENESS OF THE ALTERNATIVE METHODS OF REINFORCING DISCIPLINE AMONG STUDENTSAlternative methods of reinforcing discipline among studentsABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to find out the effectiveness of the alternative methods of reinforcing discipline among students in public secondary schools in Dagoretti Sub-County, Nairobi County. The objectives were: to explore the effectiveness of guidance and counseling in reinforcing discipline in Dagoretti Sub-County secondary schools; to examine the effectiveness of positive reinforcement techniques in reinforcing discipline in Dagoretti Sub-County secondary schools; to investigate the effectiveness of alternative disciplinary measures in Dagoretti Sub-County secondary schools; and to survey the effectiveness of the techniques of setting rules and expectations in reinforcing discipline in Dagoretti Sub-County secondary schools. The study employed the descriptive survey design, which is concerned with generalized statistics that result when data is extracted from respondents. The study went in line with the work of Burrhus Frederic Skinner, who was an American psychologist and behaviorist who came up with a theory of operant conditioning. This theory stresses that, through operant conditioning, behavior that is reinforced or rewarded will likely be repeated, while behavior that is punished will occur less frequently. The target population was comprised of teachers and students in public secondary schools in Dagoretti Sub-county, Nairobi County, with 16 teachers and 145 students. The instruments of data collection were questionnaires, which were distributed with respect to the gender of the respondents. Data was analyzed using statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Both qualitative and quantitative data were collected using the questionnaires. To illustrate the study's findings and identify general trends, descriptive statistic was used. Charts, graphs, and pie charts were used to summarize the quantitative data. The study discovered that schools use a variety of punishment tactics to instill discipline. The success of these measures varies per school and also by the type of offense committed. Manual punishment was successful for minor infractions, whereas suspension, exclusion, guidance and counseling, peer mediation, and teacher-student conferences were all effective for major infractions. In addition, the study found that the Ministry of Education should hold in-service training for teachers on a regular basis to keep them abreast with up-to-date skills of reinforcing discipline.DUHIRWE JEAN NEPOMSCENE Download
EFFECTS OF FAMILY BACKGROUND ON SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTSACADEMIC PERFORMANCE IN MWINGI CENTRAL SUB-COUNTY, KITUI COUNTY-KENYAEFFECTS OF FAMILY BACKGROUND ON SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS ACADEMIC PERFORMANCEEducation is anultimate human right, and a key input in fabrication and development of an economy. This elucidates why countries worldwide plan for and increase budgetary allocations to fund various educational programs each financial year. There is however concern on the family background and performance of students in public secondary schools. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of family background on the students’ academic performance in public schools in Mwingi Central Sub-County, Kitui County-Kenya. To find out how parents education level affected students’ performance. It also focuses on family size and parents’economic status assome factors affecting students’ performance in Public Schools in Mwingi Central Sub-county in Kitui County. Mwingi Central Sub-County was chosen as the location of the study because it has the highest number of schools in the County. Four objectives were formulated to guide the study. The researcher sampled 3 teachers from each school. The total population was students from Public Schools in the area and 30 teachers. The instruments used for the data collection was questionnaires and interview guide. Two questionnaires were used, one for teachers and the other one for students. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version; the analyzed data is then presented using frequency tables, means, percentages, pie charts and bar graphs. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, mainly frequencies, charts and percentages. Study established family structure and family social economic status affected student academic performance. Number of children in the family didn’t affect the performance though birth position did. Study recommended that parents should be informed on importance of providing their children with necessary leaning resources. Government through ministry of education and constituency development fund should enhance issuance of bursaries since it will help reduce time spend on the roads by students going home for fees. This will maintain good students’ performance.SILAS VUNDI MWANGANGI Download
AN INVESTIGATION INTO THE INFLUENCE OF PEER PRESSURE ON STUDENTS’ ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN NGONG TOWNSHIP, KAJIADO COUNTY.THE INFLUENCE OF PEER PRESSURE ON STUDENTS’ ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE Secondary school students have higher tendency to experience peer pressure in school. Peer pressure is viewed using three objectives: major means of peer communication, effects of peer pressure and extent of peer pressure on students. The researcher conducted the survey among the students in the Senior High School with 168 respondents who completed the survey. Quantitative data were processed by using SPSS. The result would show the correlation between the perceived levels of peer pressure in terms of social connection, use of phones, curiosity, and low grades. Generally, students are expected to face the effects of peer pressure optimistically to cope up the negative impact of peer pressure in their studies. It is unfortunate that they may lack some of these skills. Students may use positive or negative approach towards peer pressure. Teachers may guide and help students in facing the problems, but the students have to get their acts work for them for a successful academic performance.OSUJI MODESTUS ONYEDIKACHI Download
INVESTIGATION OF FACTORS AFFECTING THE PERFORMANCE IN CHEMISTRY AMONG STUDENTS IN PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN DAGORETTI SOUTH CONSTITUENCY, NAIROBI KENYAFACTORS AFFECTING THE PERFORMANCE IN CHEMISTRYThe performance of the Chemistry in Kenya Certificate Secondary Education (KCSE) national examination has been reported to be on a downward trend which is quite worrying. The trend has been observed countrywide in both private and public secondary schools. The purpose of the study was to investigate the factors affecting the performance of students in chemistry in public secondary schools in Dagoretti South Constituency, Nairobi County, Kenya. The factors analyzed included: students’ attitude towards learning, school environmental factors that influence students’ performance in Chemistry, examining teacher-related factors that affect the performance of Chemistry students, and identifying home environmental factors that influence performance in Chemistry. A descriptive survey research design was used, and a quantitative approach was adopted during data analysis. The study used 137 participants which were comprised of 118 forms three and four students, 14 teachers, and 5 principals or HoD’s drawn from public secondary schools in Dagoretti South Constituency, Nairobi. Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSSversion 25) was used to analyze the data collected from the target population. Findings of the study indicated that factors affecting the performance of chemistry in public secondary schools in Dagoretti South Constituency were the attitude of students towards chemistry which had 97.1%, poor teacher-centered methodsused by chemistry teachers had 62.1% mainly from the students' respondents, 54.6 % were convinced that most schools had insufficient physical facilities, lack of learning and teaching materialshad the support of mean percentage of 60.3%, the high teacher-student ratio was supported with a mean percentage of 43.2% while the 41% of the respondents remained undecided.It was also found thatteachers’ qualifications and workload had nothing to do with the poor performance, this is because teachers never commented on these two items hence the study established that the two do not affect the performance. The study recommends that students should be encouraged to develop positive attitudes towards chemistry subjects. Chemistry teachers should use modern methods of teaching, such as the use of computers, to motivate and sustain students' interest in chemistry. Chemistry teachers should organize motivational talks that would help to alleviate the negative attitude towards chemistry among students. Principals and heads of science departments need to involve teachers in solution-oriented activities to help raise the standards of chemistry in the schools. School administration should be on hand to inform or involve parents in supporting their children at home. The study also recommended that parents should support their children by buying learning and study materials required by the students. The school administration should provide adequate learning materials, adequate physical facilities, and modern learning equipment such as computers and projectors for the lessons, and encourage teachers to use charts when teaching some complex topics. A well-equipped science room or a laboratory needs to be made available to enhance the teaching of practical lessons.JOSEPH PETER KONDWERANI Download
THE INFLUENCE OF SCHOOL-RELATED FACTORS ON STUDENTS’ CLASSROOM CONCENTRATION LEVELS IN PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN NGONG DIVISION, KAJIADO COUNTY-KENYASCHOOL-RELATED FACTORS ON STUDENTS’ CLASSROOM CONCENTRATION LEVELSConcentration level is one of the vital factors that affect the academic achievement of students in schools. It’s defined as the ability to psychologically focus in a particular direction for a specified length of time. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of school-related factors on students’ classroom concentration levels in Public Secondary Schools in Ngong Division, Kajiado County, Kenya. This study was guided by the following objectives: To investigate the effect of teaching methodologies on students’ concentration levels in Public Secondary Schools in Ngong Division, Kajiado; To determine the effects of the school’s physical environment on students' concentration levels in Public Secondary Schools, Ngong division, Kajiado-county; To find out the effect of the school timetable on students’ concentration levels in public secondary schools, Ngong division, Kajiado-county. The study was based on Abraham’s hierarchy of needs and the humanistic learning theory that was developed by Carl Rogers and James Bugental in the early 1990s. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. The target population was all the 27 Secondary schools from which a sample of 3 Public Secondary Schools were chosen. There were 12 teachers and 120 students, making a total of 132 respondents. For the students, the study used stratified sampling, and for the teachers, the study used purposive methods. Data was collected using questionnaires. The study used the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 21 to analyze the data, in which frequencies and percentages were used. Tables and charts were used to present the results. The study came to the following conclusions: Students enjoy classes, and teachers used a variety of teaching approaches that encouraged classroom concentration levels. Teachers use various methodologies, which include group discussions, demonstration methods, and the use of examples, which make students understand better and provide encouraging feedback as well. The study gave the following recommendations: Administrators need to ensure that classrooms have a conducive environment for learning. They should provide ventilators, proper lighting, and noise-reduction facilities to ensure that both students and teachers are able to concentrate. Teachers spend most of their time with students at school, and they are some of the most important determinants of whether students will excel in their studies or not. They should, therefore, make use of a variety of teaching methodologies for effective teaching and learning and to ensure maximum student concentration. They should make learning lively and interesting to enhance student concentration. They should also strive to create a good relationship with students in such a way that they are approachable, friendly, and consultable when the need arises.MUCHIMA TAL ANTÓNIO KASOMBO Download
Kidnapping for Ransom and The Psycho-Spiritual Well-Being of Victims in Karenbana Parish, Kontagora Diocese, NigeriaKidnapping for RansomABSTRACT Kidnapping in Nigeria, since the late 90s, has become increasingly worrisome and like a wild fire, it seems to be ravaging towns and cities. It has become a way of extorting monies resulting in great crushing impact on the psycho-spiritual wellbeing of the victims. This research examined kidnapping for ransom and the Psycho-Spiritual wellbeing of the victims in Karenbana Parish of Kontagora, Diocese, Nigeria. This was made possible based on the following objectives: To assess the prevalence of kidnapping for ransom; to examine level of psycho-spiritual well-being of victims of kidnapping for ransom; to assess the relationship between kidnapping for ransom and the psycho-spiritual well-being victims; and to identify psycho-spiritual coping strategies for victims of kidnapping for ransom in Karenbana Parish, Kontagora Diocese. The theories for this research were Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and William Glasser’s Choice theory. Convergent Parallel mixed method design was used in order to determine kidnapping for ransom and the Psycho-Spiritual wellbeing of the Victims in Karenbana Parish of Kontagora Diocese, Nigeria. The target population was be 17,000 according to the Annual Diocesan Statistics at the December, 31, 2020 comprising of men, women and youth/children out of which 391 was selected as sample size by means of the simple random sampling method for quantitative data and 15 participants by purposive sampling method for qualitative data from the sample size. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 21 was used for coding of the data; the data was analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics of Pearson’s correlation coefficient. The Qualitative data were obtained through interviews and analysed using content analysis according to general categories or themes then summarized and presented in form of narratives and direct quotations. The findings reveal that 94.5% of the respondents agree that kidnapping has been rampant in their area, which means there is a high rate of kidnapping for ransom. The research also revealed that 86.7% of the respondents believe that God loves them and cares about them, which shows a high level of psycho-spiritual well-being. The findings of the study show that there a moderate relationship between Kidnapping for ransom and Psycho-spiritual well-being of victims, where Pearson’s correlation coefficient of two variable was r= .377**, which means that kidnapping has impacted moderately on the psycho-spiritual wellbeing of victims in Karenbana Parish of Kontagora Diocese. The study shows that prayer, counselling and other positive psychology therapies can help victims of kidnapping for ransom. The study will be beneficial to Government, the Church, and the local community and for psycho-therapists who would engage in helping the victims. It has added knowledge to the existing knowledge on kidnapping for ransom and the psychological wellbeing of victims.MUSA DOGMO SEBASTINE Download
INSTITUTIONALIZATION AND PSYCHOSOCIAL WELL-BEING OF CHILDREN IN GUILOUNGOU CENTRE, BURKINA FASOINSTITUTIONALIZATION AND PSYCHOSOCIAL WELL-BEING OF CHILDRENAlthough the general tendency is toward deinstitutionalization, children's institutionalization remains an important option of caring for orphans and vulnerable children. The present study aimed to explore Institutionalization and Psychosocial Well-Being of Children in Guiloungou Centre, Burkina Faso. The following objectives served as a guide for the research: to assess the level of psychological well-being, to determine the level of social well-being, to examine the influence of caregivers on the psychosocial well-being and to identify the possible welfare improvements of children living in Guiloungou centre, Burkina Faso.Erik Erikson's psychosocial theory and John Bowlby's attachment theory served as the grounds for this research. The target population consisted of 32 children and 11caregivers from the Guiloungou centre, Burkina Faso. The study used the census method to include the entire population in the research. The researcher used a case study design with a qualitative method. The study employed observations, focus group discussion, interviews and documents consultation to collect data. The data collected were analyzed thematically according to the objectives. From the psychological perspective, institutionalization was a place of self-acceptance, resilience, personal growth, autonomy, and happiness.From the social point of view the findings showed that the children had social adjustment, social support, education,and were playing together. The findings also revealed that the caregivers were expressing motherhood towards the children. They were also available and caring people. Lastly the study found that what improved the children's psychosocial wellbeing in institution was: parental availability, goal oriented life, God-oriented life, prayerful life and the institution's environment. Thefindings of the study were useful to discover potential ways of caring for orphans and vulnerable institutionalized children's psychosocial well-being. The findings equally offered to the institution a better understanding on the care of the orphans and vulnerable children. The findings equally offered the institution a better understanding of the care of orphans and vulnerable children.OUEDRAOGO PAKINSWINDE ELISABETH Download
THE EFFECTS OF HOME BASED FACTORS ON ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE IN DAY SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN MASABA NORTH, NYAMIRA COUNTYEFFECTS OF HOME-BASED FACTORS ON ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE THE ABSTRACT The purpose of the study is to investigate how home-based factors have influenced the academic performance in day secondary schools in Masaba north, Nyamira County. The study was guided by the following objectives: To establish how parents level of education influences students’ academic performance; To determine how parents’ income influence students’ academic performance; To examine the extent to which parenting style influences students’ academic performance in day secondary schools in Masaba North Sub-County. The study adopted descriptive survey design. The target population consisted of 5 day secondary schools in Masaba North Sub-County, 450 Form 3 students and 56 teachers. The study used a sample of 155 respondents comprising 135 students and 20 teachers who were sampled using both stratified sampling and purposive methods. Data was collected using questionnaires. The study established that there was a strong correlation between a parents’ level of education and students’ academic performance. The better a parent is educated, the better the affairs of the student and their ultimate academic performance. The educated parents are more receptive to the needs of students than the uneducated ones. It also revealed that although students from well to do families are able to achieve better academic progress, the economic background of a parent does not necessarily determine students’ academic performance. The study also revealed that a positive parenting style that has love, affection and support is a predictor of a better academic performance. The study recommends that parents should strive to provide resources necessary for students to perform better in school while the government should provide adequate resources to secondary schools to ensure that students from financially constraint families are not disadvantaged. ELIZABETH BOSIBORI NYAKUNDI Download
THE INFLUENCE OF SCHOOL-BASED FACTORS ON STUDENTS’ ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF GEOGRAPHY IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN NGONG DIVISION, KAJIADO COUNTY, KENYA.SCHOOL-BASED FACTORS ON STUDENTS’ ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF GEOGRAPHYGeography is regarded to be one of the important academic disciplines world-wide. Its general objective in some countries is to achieve Sustainable Developmental Goals (SDGs) for economic growth. As a discipline, Geography offers various career opportunities in the society. For one to achieve these career opportunities, one has to pass the subject with good grades. For a number of years, Geography has been one of the subjects that students have not been performing well in secondary schools worldwide. This prompted the researcher to study some of the factors that might have contributed to poor academic performance of students in Geography. The purpose of the research was to study the influence of school-based factors on students’ academic performance of geography in secondary schools in Ngong division, Kajiado county, Kenya. It was guided by the following objectives: to find out the influence of teaching and learning resources on the students’ academic performance of Geography in secondary schools; to examine the influence of teacher adequacy on the students’ academic performance of Geography; and to evaluate the perception of students and teachers towards Geography in Secondary Schools. The study used descriptive survey design and adopted the quantitative approach. The study enlisted 125 respondents comprising 113 students, and 12 teachers drawn from Ngong Division, Kajiado County. Statistical Program for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25 was used to analyze the data. Thematic structure was equally used to analyze the opinions of the respondents. The study established that most schools have some basic teaching and learning resources such as Geography maps, the library, and textbooks which most teachers and students used during the teaching and learning of Geography. Similarly, the study also established that most schools had Geography teachers who were qualified. The study recommended that students should be working hard and improve their attitude towards Geography. Through such actions they will improve their academic performance in the subject. The study recommended that teachers and administrators take students for field trips so that they learn from experience. Geography teachers were recommended to be awarding the best performing students in Geography to motivate others and keep Geography an interesting subject. The study also recommended that School Administration in collaboration with the Government need to build Geography laboratories in schools so as to provide a conducive environment for teaching and learning. The study concluded that the Government should train many Geography teachers and motivate them through promotions.KAFATSA ANDERSON MPHATSO Download
EFFECTS OF ABSENTEEISM ON STUDENTS’ ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE IN PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN KAJIADO NORTH CONSTITUENCY, KAJIADO COUNTY, KENYA.ABSENTEEISM ON STUDENTS’ ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of students’ absenteeism on academic performance in public secondary schools in Kajiado North Constituency, Kajiado County. The study was guided by the following objectives: To explore the major causes of student’s absenteeism. The effects of students’ absenteeism and to explore the measures that can be taken to curtail students’ absenteeism in Kajiado North Constituency. There were 143 participants who included students and teachers randomly and purposively sampled.It established that absenteeism is a critical issue in secondary schools in Kajiado North Constituency in Kajiado County. The study established that most of the students miss school because they do not have school fees and recommended that the ministry of education should be in a position to give bursaries to manage the financial status of the public schools. It was also established that students miss school due to inability to pay transport hence cover a long distance walk. Making public school boarding would therefore be a great way to solve transport issues. The study established that students do not attend school because of unhealthy challenges such as stress, and medical challenges, this therefore called for the need to have guidance and counseling sessions to help learners know ways to cope with different circumstances hence avoid missing school. The study also showed that students miss school because of poor learning environment through bullying, unequal treatment, unfriendly teachers which make students avoid attending lessons. The collaboration of the teachers and parents to give conducive learning environment was a solution recommended by the study. Because of the causes leading to absenteeism, it was established that students do not achieve their academic objectives as they should.FLORENCE ANNE NECHESA Download
COVID-19 LOCKDOWN AND PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL WELL-BEING OF WOMEN IN THE CATHOLIC DIOCESE OF IJEBU-ODE, NIGERIA COVID-19 LOCKDOWN AND PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL WELL-BEING OF WOMEN The Covid-19 pandemic affected people globally. It has created a lot of setbacks to different countries, organizations and individuals. The wave of Covid-19 pandemic has impacted fear, anxiety, and concern to different professions without unraveling the circumstances around the virus. Thus, this research examines covid-19 lockdown and psycho-spiritual well-being of women in the Catholic Diocese of Ijebu-Ode, Nigeria. The following objectives guided the study: to establish the prevalence of Covid-19 lockdown in Ijebu-Ode Diocese; to explain the implications of Covid-19 lockdown on the lives of the catholic women of Ijebu-Ode Diocese; to investigate the effects of lockdown on the psycho-spiritual wellbeing of the catholic women of Ijebu-Ode Diocese; and to identify the strategy used to cope with the lockdown. The study intended to adopt parallel convergence design, where both qualitative and quantitative data was collected at the same time. The target population will be 1700 women. A sample size of 324 got through simple random sampling method techniques was used. The data collection was done through open and closed ended questionnaire, and an in-depth interview guide administered to the participants. While the questionnaire was used as instrument to obtain the quantitative data, the interview guides were used to get information for a few selected leaders among the catholic women. The researcher used descriptive and inferential analysis to analyse the quantitative data while qualitative data was collected and analysed with the aid of the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), version 21. Having looked into the foregoing, the findings were: In Nigeria there was a reactive instead of proactive strategy by the Nigerian Government in the handling of Covid-19 even after there was a constant global update by the World Health Organization (WHO), thus, negatively affecting the psycho-spiritual welfare of women in the Catholic Diocese of Ijebu-Ode, Nigeria. Notably, measures were used in the fight against covid-19 which included: Social distancing, regular hand washing, Use of alcoholic sanitizers and a host of others.SIMON OLADEHINDE MAYUNGBE Download
ADUNGA ELIAS OCHIENGEXAMINATION MALPRACTICEExamination malpractice is a burning issue in which all academic researchers must take it into consideration. The research was an investigation on causes of examination malpractice among secondary school students in Butula sub county, Busia County in Western Kenya. The study was guided by the following research objectives; to establish various forms of examination malpractice; to investigate on the causes of examination malpractice and to establish various ways of curbing examination malpractice. The study employed descriptive survey research design. The study targeted form 3 and form 4 students, 1133 students, 362 teachers from all secondary schools in Butula sub county and all the 27 principals of secondary schools in Butula Sub-County. The sample size included 113 students and 33 teachers including 3 principals accounting to 36 teachers. Probability sampling technique was used in which stratified sampling method was followed in which the targeted population was divided into strata. Questionnaire was the most efficient instrument for data collection in this research. The questionnaires included; for teachers and for the students. . Statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) (version 20) was used in data analysis. Tables, percentages and figures were used to present the analyzed data. The findings of the study revealed that, poor time management, carrying phones into the examination room, impersonation and cheating were some of the forms of examination malpractice that prevailed in Butula Sub County. Causes of examination malpractice as revealed by the study included; relaxed examination supervision in which students were able discuss or use illegal material carried in the examination room, short intervals of examination, inadequate facilities in schools', ranking of students and student’s psychological satisfaction' facilitated examination malpractice, frequent counselling on the dangers of examination malpractice should be done to both teachers and students, strict examination supervision, parents following up their children performance and advising them accordingly, changing of the curriculum among others were the ways of controlling examination malpractice among students in Butula Sub County. The study also recommends that , the government should enhance the capacity of KIE to design and distribute reading material , journals, magazines and tapes to schools with information sensitizing them on the importance of examination ethics both internal and external examinations, increase its annual budget allocation on education to accommodate construction of additional facilities such as spacious classroom to ensure that there is enough space and venues for students during exams thereby avoiding congestion that leads to examination malpractice. The education administrators should ensure that students are adequately prepared in advance for examinations with issues such as syllabus coverage checked, enough revision and psychological preparation for examinations to ensure a cheating free exam environment. More teachers should be employed and evenly distributed in all under staffed schools to provide for manageable teachingADUNGA ELIAS OCHIENG Download
INSTITUTIONAL CHALLENGES FACING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF CHILD RIGHTS AND PROTECTIVE SERVICES IN ONGATA RONGAI KAJIADO NORTH SUB- COUNTY.IMPLEMENTATION OF CHILD RIGHTS AND PROTECTIVE SERVICES This study was about the institutional challenges facing the implementation of child rights in Kajiado North Sub County, Kenya carried out in 2019. The specific objectives of the study included examining the influence of institutional culture, financial status of institutions, staff capabilities and communication in the institutions on the implementation of child rights. It proceeded on the basis that children have been deprived their rights including right to life and survival, right to development, right to participation and right to protection while in different institutions especially governmental and non-governmental organizations. It sought to establish factors that hinder the implementation of child rights such as organizational culture, organizational financial status, the role of staff capabilities and the organizational communication and identify possible ways to solve the challenges. The research employed exploratory research design and used both qualitative and quantitative research procedures. The study employed the use of questionnaires with both structured and unstructured questions, to gather as much information as possible, while making it easier for data analysis. The study targeted children of aged 10- 18 years, institutional administrators and staff. Key informants were also involved in this study. Simple random sampling technique was used to sample and comprised of 40 children and 15 institutional staff. Purposive sampling was used to select 5 institutional administrators and 10 key respondents. This gave a sample size of 70 respondents. After collection, quantitative data was analyzed quantitatively and qualitative data qualitatively using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The results were presented in frequency distribution tables, pie charts and bar graphs. Direct reporting and narration was also done for the qualitative data. The results of analyzed data confirmed that the organizational culture affected the effectiveness of the services in terms of staff motivation, overregulation, conflicts with the management and high employee turnover. The financial status affected the implementation of children rights in terms of inadequacy in infrastructure, inadequate funding, and irregular funding among others. On the role of staff capabilities, the staff was inadequate, and mostly composed of the middle class. On communication, barazas and public forums were found to be better than other forms of communication, despite the fact that it inconvenienced most of the recipients, and that there was to be another way of convening the forums. The researcher concluded that institutional culture, staff capabilities, institutional financial status and institutional communication influenced the implementation of children’s rights in child rights institutions. The researcher recommended sustainability programs in order to supplement the funding it received from donors and other sources; motivation of staff to ensure that service delivery was more effective; longer employee retention to enable the employees get used to doing the work and even device new ways of doing things; internal and external assessment to ensure that there was sanity with regard to the usage of available funds and collaboration with the government for efficiency in implementation of child rights in these institutions. The researcher further suggested that researchers interested in the field were to study on the intervention measures to the institutional challenges facing the implementation of children rights in Kajiado North Sub County and the role of the county government in addressing children rights in Kajiado County.DAISY NAFULA NYANGA Download
ROLE OF MOBILE PHONE DATA IN DEVELOPMENT OF SMEs IN NGONG TOWN KAJIADO COUNTY, KENYAMOBILE PHONE DATA IN DEVELOPMENT OF SMEs The global business environment is tremendously changing encompassing myriad of dynamisms driven by the increasingly changing innovations in the area of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). As a result of the significant innovations that have taken abyss in the business environment, the rules of doing business have significantly been modified. In the modernized information and communication age, there is rapid growth in mobile phone use as a significant component of this vital catalyst of the economic growth globally. In the wake of these important changes, it is undeniable that SMEs play an important role in advancing economies including the Kenyan economy. That notwithstanding the SMEs faces a mix of opportunities and challenges that could steer or impede respectively their performance of this important role in the economy. It is against this background that this research sought to identify the key success factors for SMEs and how they can leverage on the mobile phone use to enhance their competitiveness in this epically competitive globalized business environment. The research seeks to answer the questions and consequently achieve the objectives outlined in the introduction chapter. A case study of SMEs offering financial services within the Ngong town will be used for the purpose of the research. Seven SMEs were selected as sample elements through a purposive sampling technique. Data collection was done mainly through questionnaires and was analyzed through Excel statistical applications which included measures of central tendency and regression analysis. The research found that the number of mobile phone uses, the frequency of their use and the support facilities and activities offered by SMEs have a significant positive impact on the critical success factors. In addition, the research identified provision of support facilities, staff training, customer training and promotional activities are important in enhancing the effective contribution of mobile phone uses on the success of the SMEs.RODGERS KIPROTICH TARE. Download
AN INVESTIGATION ON FACTORS INFLUENCING THE STUDENTS’ CHOICE OF GEOGRAPHY SUBJECT IN PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN LONDIANI LOCATION , LONDIANI SUB COUNTY, KERICHO COUNTY.STUDENTS’ CHOICE OF GEOGRAPHY SUBJECTIndecision about the choice of subjects has always been a problem among Secondary school students in Kenya Secondary Schools. When it comes to humanities with good background, students still need make decisions themselves on areas they are keenly interested in. This research study aimed at investigating on the factors influencing the students’ choice of Geography subject in Kenya’s Secondary Schools a case study in public secondary schools in Londiani location, Londiani sub county, Kericho County. The study adopted a descriptive survey design .The population for this study was drawn from form three, form four students and teachers and a sample size of 123 students and 4 teachers from the three selected schools .Data was collected by use of questionnaires and interview schedules. Data was coded and entered into Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS) and analyzed using descriptive statistics.The study found that curriculum had an influence in the students’ choice of Geography .It further revealed that Geography syllabus is wide and abstract .However with positive attitude the students enjoys learning Geography due to the scope and diversity. Secondly, institutional factors also influences the student’s choice of Geography. Thirdly, Parents and peer play a great role in the student’s choice of subject. Fourthly gender variation as a factor influencing the students’ choice of Geography and Lastly Students career aspirations that they strive to achieve in life with regard to their next course of study in the university. The study recommends that schools should offer career guidance to their studentsIVINE CHEPKIRUI MARITIM Download
SOCIOECONOMIC FACTORS INFLUENCING SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL AT TOI MARKET AS AN INFORMAL SETTLEMENT.SOLID WASTE DISPOSALThis research had the purpose of finding out, 'Socioeconomic factors affecting solid waste disposal at TOI market as an informal settlement’. The objectives of the study were to: examine influence of literacy levels on solid waste disposal, to assess how attitude and behavior influence solid waste disposal and to examine the influence of enforcement of county bylaws and garbage collectors on solid waste disposal .To achieve these objectives the research adopted the Taro Yamane method to select a 100 traders out a total of 5000traders, stratified sampling was used to Classify the traders into 4 major groups .Simple random sampling was also used to collect a total of 5 garbage collectors each from each solid waste firms. Using questionnaires the researcher was able to acquire information relevant to the study. The data was analyzed using spss and presented using charts, table and graphs. The study found that most garbage Collectors are not efficient in their jobs majorly because they lack the necessary equipment, lack of motivation because of the large piles of garbage and insufficient funding from the government to carry out their activities. It was also found that most traders at the market are not educated and hence they don't know the effects of improper dumping to the environment and lastly there were insufficient dumping sites and this leads to improper dumping on undesignated land. From the findings the researcher made the following recommendations ; The government needs to set aside enough areas for dumping garbage/ come up more efficient ways of disposing garbage, the government needs to come up with ways to ensure the community is sensitized on effects of improper dumping, the government needs to provide enough funding to ensure the garbage Collectors perform their work efficiently and lastly come up with bylaws that bar people from disposing garbage improperly.SIFUNA JANELYNE NEKOYE Download
INFLUENCE OF PARENTAL ADVOCACY ON ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF PUBLIC DAY SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN EKERENYO SUB-COUNTY, NYAMIRA COUNTYPARENTAL ADVOCACYThe study adopted a descriptive research design. The target population of the study comprised of all form three and form four students in secondary schools in Ekerenyo Sub-County, Nyamira. The instrument used to collect data was a questionnaire. Data was analyzed using quantitative statistics. The difference in the level of academic attainment between students whose parents were involved and those who were not involved was presented. All these were presented using tables and graphs with the aid of SPSS. This research sought to examine the influence of parental advocacy on academic performance of public day secondary schools in Ekerenyo Sub-County. Theories show that cooperation at parental level leads to high achievement in academics. The research shows minimum involvement. This also shows there is no early influence on learners towards attaining early academic success. The result is low academic performance at a higher level, in this case secondary level schooling. The study revealed that to a greater extent, parents convey attitudes about education to their children during out-of-school hours. The study finds out that income level is positively related with students academic performance. From the study there is a strong positive relation between parents income and performance of students. Increase in parents social-economic improves students academic performance. From the findings, 76% mean response agree that parental monitoring, attitude, setting of rules and regulations influences student’s performance. Parents are therefore recommended to monitor their student’s behavior and activity, set rules and regulations and create positive attitude towards education. Students whose parents are in good formal employment exhibit higher academic attainment than those parents practicing nomadic, peasant and non-employed. In addition, closer stimulating and responsive parental involvement leads to children staying longer in school, positively influences their career choices and progression and academic development values. It also leads to students’ school readiness, adjustment as well as socio-emotional development of the children. These result in increased interaction with learning, hence increased academic performance.MERCILINE KEMUNTO MINCHA Download
AN INVESTIGATIONONFACTORS INFLUENCING SELECTION OF GEOGRAPHY STUDIES IN KENYA SECONDARY SCHOOLS, A CASE OF MOGOTIO SUB- COUNTY BARINGO COUNTYFACTORS INFLUENCING SELECTION OF GEOGRAPHY STUDIES Selection of geography as one of the subjects pursued by a student in the past years has been affected in either way. The study sort to investigate factors influencing selection of Geography in Kenya secondary schools, a case of Mogotio sub- county Baringo County. The study was guided by the following research objectives; to establish how career aspiration affect the selection, to establish the influence of teaching and learning resources on students’ selection of geography, to assess the influence of gender stereotypes on students’ selection of geography, to investigate the influence of teacher related factors, e.g teachers’ competence on students’ selection of business studies. The study employed descriptive survey research design. The study targeted 10 schools, 501 students, and all the teachers of geography and all the 10 principals in public secondary school in Mogotio sub- county Baringo County. However, the sample size included 151 students, 6 teachers of geography. Purposive sampling technique was used to allocate and sample the schools to participate in the study. Simple random sampling technique was also used to select the 151 participating students. All 6 teachers of geography were selected purposively from public secondary schools in Mogotio sub- County participating in this study.Questionnaires were used to collect data. These included; the teachers’ questionnaire and the students’ questionnaire. Statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version 21 was used in data analysis. Tables and figures were used to present the analyzed data. The findings of the study revealed that, teaching and learning resources were inadequate and hence affected students’ selection of geography. The study also revealed that the influence of gender stereotypes had an effect on selection. Similarly, teacher related factors had a statistically influence on students’ selection of the subject. The study also recommends that, Principals should intensify the routine checking of professional records by teachers of geography. This is to ensure adherence to the requirements of the professional records. This will ensure relevant content are taught leading to a positive effect in selection of the subject. CAROLINE JEPKOGEI RUTO Download
THE PERCEPTION OF STUDENTS TOWARDS THE STUDY OF CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS EDUCATION IN PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN LANG’ATA SUB-COUNTY, NAIROBI COUNTY.PERCEPTION OF STUDENTS TOWARDS THE STUDY OF C.R.EThe study of Christian religious education is critical in many ways including: enabling one to understand about own religion as well as that of others thus enabling one to embrace different opinions and views of life, it is also a career subject, it equips the learner with an understanding of God, the learner acquires life skills to handle challenges in life and provides answers to various mysteries of this world, Et cetera. These reasons alone therefore cements the primary focus of this research project which is to investigate studentsperception towards the study of christian religious education in Lang’ata sub-county Nairobi county. This study was thus cantered on the following objectives: To assess the perception of students towards studying CRE as a subject in Public Secondary schools in Lang’ata Sub-County, to evaluate the attitude of students towards the study of Christian religious education in Lang’ata Sub-county and its impact to identify measures that can be taken to mitigate negative perception towards the study of CRE in Public Secondary Schools in Lang’ata Sub-County and to determine the demographic of the students involved in the study. The study adopted a quantitative approach and enlisted three hundred and ninety six participants who were randomly selected. The study employed use of descriptive analysis of data that was computed in terms of item analysis using frequencies and percentages. The findings are presented through tables and figures. The study establishes a majority positive perception towards study of Christian Religious Education in Lang’ata Sub- County by all the participants. All the schools in the area of study offered CRE. The study recommends that CRE be accorded same attention, funding and status as other disciplines such as the sciences.TIMOTHY MUNENE KIJOGI. Download
FACTORS CONTRIBUTING TO SCHOOL DROPOUT OF PUPILS IN PUBLIC PRIMARY SCHOOLS IN OCUA LOCALITY, CHIURE DISTRICT, CABO DELGADO PROVINCE, MOZAMBIQUESCHOOL DROPOUTThe purpose of this study was to investigate the factors contributing to school dropout of pupils in public primary schools in Ocua locality, Chiure district, Cabo Delgado province inMozambique. It was guided by these objectives: To examine how family economic background (poverty) contributes to school dropout of pupils in Ocua locality, Chiure district, Cabo Delgado province , find out on how early marriages and pregnancies influences school dropout of pupils in Ocua locality, Chiure district, Cabo Delgado province ,to investigate how attitudes of the family towards education contributes to school dropout of pupils in Ocua locality, Chiure district, Cabo Delgado province , and to explore the effects of initiation rites and its contribution to school dropout of pupils in Ocua locality, Chiure district, Cabo Delgado province . The targeted population for this study were the pupils and teachers in 3 public primary schools in Ocua locality, Chiure district, Cabo Delgado province . From the total number of 7 primary schools in this Constituency, three zones were purposively selected which produced a sample of 100 respondents. Regarding early marriages and pregnancies, the study established that the community.The findings of the study revealed that family economic background (poverty), early marriages and pregnancies, negative attitude of the family towards education as well as initiation rites significantly contributes to school dropout. The study recommended that the Ministry of Education (MOE) should come up with policies and strategies to improve pupils' school retention. The study concludes that most of the families of learners under study were economically poor which negatively affected the smooth learning of learners. The study also concludes that early marriages and early pregnancies were rampant and were pushing learners out of school to go and get married. The problem of early marriages and early pregnancies was exacerbated by the learners' desire to abandon school to indulge in search of livelihoods.The study also concludes that negative attitude of the family towards education was encouraging school dropout. The study concludes that most parents are not interested in the education affairs of their children as they rarely have regular conversations concerning the studies of their children. The study also concludes that The study concludes that initiation rites were encouraging learners to drop out of school as they were adversely interfering with the smooth running of learners. They keep the children out of school for the period of the ceremonies as well as instilling backward doctrines rendering them to lose interest in continuing with school.ZENA MANUEL Download
FACTORS AFFECTING THE EXPANSION OF SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTREPRISES (SMEs): CASE OF PRIVATE SCHOOLS IN ONGATA RONGAI - KAJIADO COUNTYExpansion of SMEs in Rongai, Kajiado Expansion of Private Schools in Rongai, KajiadoABSTRACT The study analyzed the factors affecting expansion of Small and Medium Enterprises focusing on private schools in Ongata Rongai Kajiado County. Then study was based on three objectives namely: To establish whether entrepreneurial characteristics affect expansion of private schools, to examine how resources affect expansion of private schools and to determine if the government is involved in expansion of private schools in Ongata Rongai Kajiado County. The research adopted both qualitative and quantitative research paradigm adopting a case study research design 10 schools were purposely selected from a population of 55 schools in Ongata Rongai Kajiado County. Data was collected through administration of questionnaire to managers of private schools and interviews conducted from two owners. Data was analysed using SPSS layout and presented using frequency tables, bar charts and percentages. The findings of this study disclosed that the owner’s skills and characteristics played a great role in expansion of education business. The study further disclosed that proper utilization and management of resources increased the ability of a school to expand and the government had a big role to play in registering and monitoring private school business. This study will offer a basis in which private school businesses and SMEs in general will evaluate their management operational strategies in order to aid expansion of their businesses. To achieve these owners and managers of private schools will need to establish clear strategic goals, objectives and put down a business plan that will serve as reference and a blue print. CATHERINE MUTHEU MUUMBI Download
PREVALENCE OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AMONG WOMEN IN BABA DOGO WARD, RUARAKA CONSTITUENCY, NAIROBI COUNTYDomestic violence - Kasarani, Nairobi CountyCitation: Wangari, J. (2021) Prevalence of domestic violence among women in Kasarani Ward, Nairobi County. Marist International University College. ABSTRACT The study investigated the prevalence of domestic violence among women in Baba Dogo Ward, Ruaraka Constituency, Nairobi County. The study was guided by the following objectives: To identify the major causes of domestic violence in Kasarani ward, Nairobi County; To establish the various forms of domestic violence in Kasarani ward, Nairobi County; To investigate the effects of domestic violence in Kasarani ward, Nairobi County. It was underpinned on the Social Learning Theory and Reality therapy model. The target population was 103 comprising women in the area, health providers, abused survivors, leaders and the general population of Kasarani Ward from where a sample of 103 was drawn using the census method. The study revealed that drunkenness, past history of violence, infidelity or unfaithfulness, gender inequality, stress and frustration, drug abuse, low level of education, cultural beliefs and economic difficulties are some of the factors likely to trigger domestic violence. It was also established that prevalence of physical abuse was common in Baba Dogo Ward, Ruaraka Constituency, Nairobi County and that emotional violence is not taken seriously in that community where most women use verbal violence while many men use their financial capabilities to control their partners. It was noted that people experiencing domestic violence are likely to suffer from post-traumatic disorders, severe body injuries and bruises, abuse of alcohol and substances, depression, miscarriages, separation, divorce and low self-esteem. The study recommended that the government and non-governmental agencies should educate families about the causes, forms and effects of domestic violence and therefore take precautions to avoid the abuses by seeking guidance and counselling services whenever they notice signs of domestic violence. JENIFFER WANGARI Download
EFFECTS OF GENDER STEREOTYPING ON ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE IN MATHEMATICS AMONG STUDENTS IN PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN KAJIADO NORTH SUB-COUNTY, KAJIADO COUNTY.GENDER STEREOTYPING This study sought to investigate the effects of gender stereotyping on academic performance in Mathematics among students in public secondary schools in Kajiado North Sub-County, Kajiado County. The study was guided by the following research questions:What is the prevalence of gender stereotyping in Mathematics in public secondary schools? What are the most common types of gender stereotyping in Mathematics in public secondary schools? What is the attitude of learners towards Mathematics from a gender perspective in publicsecondary schools? What is the role of cultural practices in enhancing gender stereotyping in Mathematics in publicsecondary schools?This study employed a descriptive research design and quantitative approach. A purposive sampling technique was used to select 16 teachers while random sampling was used to selects 119 students. The researcher used questionnaires to collect data from the respondents. The analysis for the data collected was done using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 21 to get the descriptive statistics.The findings of the study revealed that gender stereotyping contributes to low performances in Mathematics due low confidence that students have. It also found that the society plays a vital role in promoting gender stereotyping in Mathematics which leads to students avoiding science-related courses. The study recommended that students should boost their self-esteem so that they can have confidence in themselves which will ultimately improve their academic performances and explore their talents and abilities to do other relevant things in their lives. It was also recommended that teachers should view students as equals without brassiness to enhance good performance for students. The study also recommended that the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) should incorporate into the curriculum topics on gender stereotyping, problems associated with it and how to solve them MUNGAI SAMUEL MBUGUA Download
Factors Affecting Customer Loan Defaults Within Commercial Banks in Nairobi: A Case Study of Equity Bank, Dagoretti BranchCustomer Loan DefaultsThe purpose of this study was to investigate factors affecting customer loan defaults within commercial banks in Nairobi with reference to Equity Bank Kenya, Dagoretti branch. The study achieved its purpose through four objectives namely; to examine whether loan factors have an effect on customer loan defaults, to determine the effects of borrower’s factors on customer loan defaults, to investigate whether lender’s factors do affect customer loan defaults and to study the relationship between economic factors on customer loan defaults at Equity Bank. The study included staff of Equity Bank, Dagoretti Branch which included loan officers and credit administration officers. The target population included 20 respondents. The research design used in this study was descriptive statistics. The study reviewed relevant literature with the aim of establishing a gap which the research filled. The methods that were used to collect data were questionnaires and interview schedules. The study showed that there was a significant relationship between loan factors, borrower’s factors, lender’s factors and economic factors and customer loan defaults at Equity Bank. However, loan factors had an insignificant relationship with customer loan defaults. It was concluded that economic factors had a great effect on customer loan defaults at Equity bank. The study recommends that commercial banks should collaborate with Credit Reference Bureau and other credit organizations where references can be made before disbursement of a loan to the customer to ensure that there are no previous cases of default. The study also recommends that banks should focus on leading problem indicators like slow payment and late supply of information. Banks should not rely solely on lagging indicators, such as past due payments which is much later in the process and leaves the lender with fewer options correct the situation and help the borrower. The study recommends that banks should ensure that collateral pledged by a customer is protected and will not deteriorate because this will cost the bank money. Then, it must be sure that they have legal title to the collateral and are entitled to sell it. The study further recommends that there is also need for the Government to control the inflation rate in Kenya as there is some evidence to suggest that low inflation rate will lead to better performance of loans in Kenyan commercial banks.Hannah Wacu Wachaiyu Download
INFLUENCE OF PARENTAL ADVOCACY ON ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF PUBLIC DAY SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN EKERENYO SUB-COUNTY, NYAMIRA COUNTY PARENTAL ADVOCACY The study adopted a descriptive research design. The target population of the study comprised of all form three and form four students in secondary schools in Ekerenyo Sub-County, Nyamira. The instrument used to collect data was a questionnaire. Data was analyzed using quantitative statistics. The difference in the level of academic attainment between students whose parents were involved and those who were not involved was presented. All these were presented using tables and graphs with the aid of SPSS. This research sought to examine the influence of parental advocacy on academic performance of public day secondary schools in Ekerenyo Sub-County. Theories show that cooperation at parental level leads to high achievement in academics. The research shows minimum involvement. This also shows there is no early influence on learners towards attaining early academic success. The result is low academic performance at a higher level, in this case secondary level schooling. The study revealed that to a greater extent, parents convey attitudes about education to their children during out-of-school hours. The study finds out that income level is positively related with students academic performance. From the study there is a strong positive relation between parents income and performance of students. Increase in parents social-economic improves students academic performance. From the findings, 76% mean response agree that parental monitoring, attitude, setting of rules and regulations influences student’s performance. Parents are therefore recommended to monitor their student’s behavior and activity, set rules and regulations and create positive attitude towards education. Students whose parents are in good formal employment exhibit higher academic attainment than those parents practicing nomadic, peasant and non-employed. In addition, closer stimulating and responsive parental involvement leads to children staying longer in school, positively influences their career choices and progression and academic development values. It also leads to students’ school readiness, adjustment as well as socio-emotional development of the children. These result in increased interaction with learning, hence increased academic performance. MERCILINE KEMUNTO MINCHA Download
IMPACT OF FINANCIAL TECHNOLOGY ON CONTEMPORARY AUDITING PRACTICES. A CASE STUDY OF THE KENYA REVENUE AUTHORITYFINANCIAL TECHNOLOGY The main objective of the study was to examine the impact of financial technology on contemporary auditing practices in Kenya: A case study of Kenya Revenue Authority. The specific objectives were to identify the effects of internal audit system on contemporary auditing practices at Kenya Revenue Authority, to determine the effect of ICT system on contemporary auditing practices at Kenya Revenue Authority, and to establish the effects of management efficiency on contemporary auditing practices at Kenya Revenue Authority. This study examined the impact of financial technology on contemporary auditing practices in Kenya. The study will use Kenya Revenue Authority as a case study. The scope of the study will be defined by the specific objectives of the study. The study will target the management and employees of the finance and accounting department at Kenya Revenue Authority. The study established that variation in company performance existed as a result of changes in levels of audit services, internal controls and Company size. There was however no direct correlation between liquidity, Company size and financial performance. It was further concluded that there is need for auditors to be independent in personnel and activities of operation of the company in order beeffective. There is need for auditors, both external and internal to continuously update themselves with the changing times in terms of professional developments, standards and technologies to be effective. This is because applying their skills to crucial areas and building personal and internal Audit System increases their credibility and recognition when responding to client needs. This applauded process will make auditors become more valuable to stakeholders as they will have potential to enhance good governance and operational efficiency in the organizations they work for. A similar study should be done on Manufacturing Companies in Kenya and other sectors of the economy including government Ministries and Departments. A study should be carried out to establish the challenges that face audit profession especially regarding ethics and its association to top management and the professional and legal framework in which it operates. This will help in enhancing knowledge in this area which can give some insights into how it impacts governance, financial performance and overall operational efficiency. There is need for a study to be carried out to determine why some companies suddenly collapse after consistently reporting good financial performances in immediate precedingyears.ANN W.KABUGI Download
THE ROLE OF FORENSIC ACCOUNTING ON FRAUD DETECTION AND PREVENTION. A CASE STUDY OF BUNGOMA COUNTY -KENYAFORENSIC ACCOUNTING Whereas the problem of fraud is a global one, the rate and extent to which it is perpetrated in Kenya, particularly in the public sector, is quite high and alarming. Literature reveals that different fraud prevention and detection mechanisms are being adopted to combat the menace of fraud; forensic accounting techniques appears to be the most effective and are currently used in most developed countries of the world. However, the extent to which forensic accounting techniques are being applied in fraud prevention and detection in Kenya is not known. In addition, the intention to use forensic accounting services in the public service has not been investigated. The research is sought to examine Forensic Accounting Skills and Techniques in fraud investigation in both public and private sector in Bungoma County. The specific objectives were: To investigate the mechanisms of fraud prevention and detection, and their levels of effectiveness in Bungoma, to examine practitioners’ opinions and behavioral intention to use forensic accounting techniques in fraud prevention and investigation in Bungoma, to explore the level of awareness of forensic accounting techniques in Bungoma and to examine the readiness of learning institutions in taking up forensic accounting courses. The study involved the collection of quantitative data. These data were collected from four sets of populations; Anti-Corruption Agencies, finance students, academics from various institution and accounting practitioners in Bungoma County. The study methodology utilized both primary and secondary sources of data. The data generated for this study was analyzed with the aid of SPSS version 17.0. The study will try to identify role forensic accounting plays in fraud prevention and detection and how it aids in accountability some of such measures include internal controls, operational audits and corporate code of conduct. GEORGE LYSON OTIENO Download
THE IMPACT OF CAPITAL ADEQUACY ON THE FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE OF INSURANCE COMPANIES CASE OF JUBILEE INSURANCECAPITAL ADEQUACY FINANCIAL PERFORMANCEThe purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of capital adequacy on financial performance of an insurance company. The objective of this study is to determine the effects of liquidity, premiums and reinsurance dependence have on the financial performance of Jubilee insurance company. The regression technique was used with return on assets as the dependent variable and reinsurance dependence, premiums and liquidity on insurance company (from 2016-2020). The study analyzed secondary data from 5 years. The correlation coefficients and coefficient of determination were used to test whether the expected values of the quantitative variable within the predetermined variable differed from each other. The research findings of the study found out that liquidity, premiums and reinsurance dependence influenced profitability of the company. Reinsurance dependence and liquidity influenced profitability of the insurance companies positively, premiums influenced profitability of the insurance companies negatively. The study found out that the intercept was -9.783 for all the five years considered in the study. The three independent variables that were studied (liquidity, premiums and reinsurance dependence) explain a substantial 22.02 % of profitability of insurance companies in Kenya as represented by adjusted R2 (0.22027). The findings are useful to the finance managers who need to maintain an optimal capital adequacy, to the investors while choosing profitable insurance companies to make investment decision, to the policy holders on selecting insurance companies for risk management. In addition, research findings are useful to the insurance industry regulator for the purpose of regulating the insurance industry. CAROLINE MUTHONI WANJIRU Download
IMPACTS OF THE ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION IN TAX DISPUTES; A CASE STUDY OF TAXPAYERS WHO HAVE RESOLVED THEIR TAX DISPUTES WITH THE KENYA REVENUE AUTHORITY.TAX DISPUTESThe study sought to analyze the impacts of the Alternative Dispute Resolution in tax disputes. The study focused on small, medium and large taxpayers who had resolved their tax disputes with the Kenya Revenue Authority. The study was guided by the following objectives; to examine the impacts of the Alternative Dispute Resolution mechanisms in solving disputes, to determine the challenges faced by taxpayers and the Kenya Revenue Authority in solving tax disputes through ADR and to determine whether or not the ADR channels are adequate in solving tax disputes. The study collected data through questionnaires which were administered to 40 participants who had resolved their tax disputes with the KRA. The study used the objectives of the study to identify emerging issues and analyze them.The data generated was analyzed quantitatively. Completed questionnaires were analyzed through Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and presented through descriptive statistics such as frequency distribution tables, bar graphs, and percentages. The study also included the KRA ADR framework, statutes governing ADR, reliability of the ADR, challenges and benchmarked the Kenyan approach to international standards. The study found that ADR contributed adversely to the settlement of tax disputes between taxpayers and the Kenya Revenue Authority. Taxpayers were of the view that adoption of ADR in settling disputes saved on time and cost and brought earlier certainty to cases. Its effectiveness was evidenced by the increasingly received acceptance as evidenced by the increase in the number of parties seeking ADR process. Taxpayers also emphasized on the need for ADR sensitization and creation of a proper policy framework to ensure effective application of Alternative Dispute Resolution.FAITH MBETE Download
THE IMPACT OF COVID 19 PANDEMIC ON EMPLOYEE PRODUCTIVITY IN SELECTED PRIVATE UNIVERSITIES IN NAIROBI COUNTYCOVID 19 PANDEMIC ON EMPLOYEE PRODUCTIVITY The purpose of this study was to establish theimpact of COVID 19 pandemic on employee productivity in selected private universities in Nairobi County.The study was guided by the following objectives: To explore how working from home due to COVID 19 affected the productivity of employees in private universities in Nairobi County; To examine how reduction of workforce during COVID 19 pandemic affected productivity in private universities in Nairobi County; To investigate how COVID 19 pandemic affected the remuneration of workers in private universities in Nairobi County. The study was grounded on the Transactional Theory, Expectancy Theory and Equity Theory. The study used descriptive survey design and questionnaires to collect data from a sample of 93 respondents from a population of 298 staff drawn from private universities in Nairobi County. The study established that COVID 19 pandemic had profound effects on workers’ productivity. It forced most workers to work from home, where digital literacy, computer literacy and distractive poor working environment reduced workers’ productivity. The study also revealed that COVID 19 pandemic caused workers to be reduced drastically which resulted to more workload for the few who remained at work. The reduction in workforce had a negative effect on workers’productivity while uncertainty and anxiety about job security also reduced productivity. Workers’ remuneration was reduced as a result of reduced business revenues The study recommends that private universities should put in place policies that addresses working from home or hybrid working system.NYABOKE OKEIGA MAUREEN Download
EFFECTS OF MATHEMATICS’ TEACHING AND LEARNING RESOURCES ON STUDENTS ACADEMIC PERFOMANCE IN PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN TRANSMARA EAST SUB COUNTY, NAROK COUNTYMATHEMATICSThe purpose of the study was to establish the effects of mathematics’ teaching and learning resources on students’ academic performance in public secondary schools in Transmara East Sub County, Narok County. The study was guided by the following research questions: What types of mathematic teaching and learning resources are available in public secondary schools? What is the status of the mathematics teaching and learning resources? What is the extent of usage of mathematics teaching and learning resources? The study adopted descriptive survey design. The target population were the mathematics teachers and students of the schools in Transmara East Sub County from where a sample of 143 was derived. Self-administered questionnaires were used to collect data while Statistical Programme for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25 was used to get descriptive statistics. The study established that textbooks were the most common type of teaching and learning resources and most students were sharing mathematics resources because they were not enough. They also lack adequate mathematic teachers and up to date textbooks while their internet connections were slow. It was also revealed that most teachers were not using teaching aids and did not have well-equipped mathematics laboratories while half of the schools were lacking libraries. The study recommends that the government should allocate adequate budget to secondary schools to equip the mathematical teaching and learning resources.KIPLANGAT LEVI KOECH Download
EFFECTS OF INTEREST RATE CAPPING ON FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE OF COMMERCIAL BANKS IN KENYAINTEREST RATE CAPPING The purpose of the present study was to establish the effects of interest rate capping on financial performance of commercial banks in Kenya. It was guided by these objectives: To examine how central bank lending rates affect the financial Performance of Commercial Banks; To explore how bank lending rate affect the financial Performance of Commercial Banks; To explore how bank deposit rate affect the financial Performance of Commercial Banks. The study was grounded on the Theory of Financial Intermediation and the Modern Theory of Finance.The study adopted descriptive survey design, where a sample of 72 respondents was drawn from four major banks with 4.5 Billion US Dollars’ worth of assets. They included the Equity bank, Kenya commercial bank, NCBA and the Co-operative bank of Kenya. The study used questionnaires to collect data. The study established that theinterest rate capping reduced the demand and supply of money in the Central Bank and increased government borrowing instead. It also revealed that interest rate capping resulted to banks reducing their lending rates.The study recommended that both the government and the commercial banks should strive to make interest rates more affordable while encouraging creativity and innovation to remain profitable. SOLOMON NGUYO MWANTHI Download
ANALYSIS OF FACTORS INFLUENCING INCREASED CASES OF GENDER BASED VIOLENCE DURING COVID-19 WITHIN MUKURU KWA REUBEN IN NAIROBI COUNTYGENDER BASED VIOLENCEThe outbreak of COVID-19 was an unknown phenomenon that brought along different implications such as mental health breakdowns and increased forms of violence. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to establish the factors influencing increased cases of gender based violence during COVI 19 pandemic in Mukuru Kwa Reuben iu Nairobi County. The study was guided by these objectives: To establish the prevalence of gender based violence in Mukuru informal settlement during COVID-19; To analyze the causes for increased GBV with the emergence of COVID-19 in Mukuru informal settlement; To evaluate the effects of gender based violence during COVID-19 on women’s wellbeing in Mukuru informal settlement; To identify strategies to mitigate the high cases of GBV post COVID 19 in Mukuru informal settlement. The study employed descriptive survey design. The target population was 48920 from where a sample of 159 respondents was drawn. The study established that most people were aware about GBV in the area and the prevalence of GBV was high while cases of GBV increased during the period of COVID 19 pandemic. The study also revealed that that healthcare services were not easily available during the COVID 19 pandemic and that the lockdown was extremely stressful to many people, which resulted to an increase in the cases of GBV. Some of the strategies for mitigating GBV were creating awareness, counselling, family therapy, use of elders and punishing the offenders. The study recommends that anti-GBV policies need to be put in place, implemented and reinforced. ANGELA MURINGO MUGO Download
THE IMPACT OF ELECTRONIC BANKING ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION; A CASE STUDY OF NCBA BANKELECTRONIC BANKING CUSTOMER SATISFACTIONThe purpose of this study was to investigate theimpact of electronic banking on customer satisfaction; a case study of NCBA Bank.It was guided by the following research objectives; to establish the effect of internet banking on customer satisfaction in NCBA bank in Kenya, to determine the effect of automated teller machines on customer satisfaction in NCBA bank in Kenya, to evaluate the effect of mobile banking on customer satisfaction in NCBA bank in Kenya and to assess the effect of Point of sale service on customer satisfaction in NCBA bank in Kenya.The theory which guided this study was the theory of Web Service Quality andtheoryof Reason Action (TRA) which was written by Martin Fishbein and Icek Ajzen in 1967. The descriptive survey research design was used in this study where both quantitative and qualitative approaches were employed. The sample size of the study was 30 respondents. The study used questionnaires and interview guide to collect data from the respondents.Description statistics were used to summarize quantitative data into frequencies and percentages and tables, graphs and charts. Qualitative data was presented in narrative reports and the analyzed data enabled the researcher to come up with findings. The findings indicated that the effect of internet banking on customer satisfaction in NCBA bank in Kenya, internet banking satisfied customer in that the delivery of services is without errors, provision of service on time, electronic banking such as the use of ATM break down enhances confident of the customer with safety that their money is safely kept by the bank and Bank operators offer security to perpetuate rampant fraudulent which occurs at the ATM center points. On effect of Automated Teller Machines on customer satisfaction in NCBA bank in Kenya, ATMservicesare easy to use, accessible any time; customers are satisfied with the security of the ATM in NCBA bank. The security, user-friendly system, functionality and protection of ATMplay an important role in that it made settlement of bills safe, easy, saver and convenient in customers banking system. The effect of Mobile Banking on customer satisfaction in NCBA bank in Kenya was found to be high because the use of mobile banking makes customers transactions very fast, time saving, nice to use, level of quality of service is high, not complicated to use, does not demands a lot of effort and it is reliable. About the effects of Point of sale service on customer satisfaction in NCBA bank in Kenya, point of sale services inNCBA bank in Kenya have significant and positive association with customer satisfaction in that the responsiveness, reliability, tangibles, competence, assurance and empathy of the point of sale services have significant influence on customer satisfaction. The research recommended that due to low satisfaction with the service delivery speed, banks should reduce the waiting time in line and offer more services that can be done outside the branch. Therefore, banks should put the emphasis on online banking that apart from outside the branch may have application inside the branch. Thus, while waiting, customers would be able to observe different online content and customized offers as well as the information on customer’s savings, credit cards, customer’s loans calculators or similar financial products.TYRESE KIMANI Download
FACTORS AFFECTING TEACHERS' MOTIVATION IN PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN LANGATA SUB-COUNTY – KENYATEACHERS' MOTIVATIONTeacher Motivation plays a key role in Teachers’ performance. The research finds the Factors affecting teachers’ motivation in public secondary schools in the Langata sub-county. This study was majorly important because there are high rates of demotivated teachers in public secondary schools. The study focuses on the focuses in teachers’ motivation to improve their performance and produce quality teachers that will impress society at large. The following objectives guided the study; To identify the factors of motivation that can lead teachers Job Satisfaction in Secondary Schools in Langata Sub-county, to find out the Reward System and how it affects the teachers' motivation efficacy in Public Secondary Schools in Langata sub-county, to determine situational work factors on teacher in motivation in Public Secondary Schools in Langata sub-county and to suggestAdministrationstrategies for improving teachers Motivation and performance in Public Secondary schools in Langata Sub-county. The study targeted ninety teachers and three principals in public secondary schools in the Langata sub-county. The sub-county has three public secondary schools. Out of the three schools, one was used as the piloting, but still the three schools were used in the actual study.78 of the respondents participated in the study,and seventy-five teachers and three principals indicated that the return rates were fair. Questionnaires were used to collect data. A statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) was used for the qualitative data, and descriptive statistics were used, such as means frequencies and percentages. Percentages were used. The study found that teachers’ job satisfaction, reward system, work situational factors and organizational strategies affects teachers’ motivation and their performance of the teachers. The study also had recommendations made to the ministry of education, school administration and TeachersNAKUUM IRENE CHEPKOPUS Download
THE ROLE OF CRE IN CHARACTER FORMATION ON SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS IN MAKADARA CONSTITUENCY, NAIROBI COUNTYCHARACTER FORMATION The study investigated the role of CRE in Character Formation of Secondary School Students in Makadara Constituency, in Nairobi County. It was guided by these objectives: To investigate moral values acquired by CRE; to assess how CRE teachers influence the character formation of the learners; to examine the extent to which schools promote students’ attitude towards CRE as a subject and; to find out the problems encountered in teaching and learning of CRE in secondary schools. The study was guided by Kolberg’s theory of Moral Development to validate its findings. Also, the study employed descriptive survey design and in particular adopted the quantitative research approach. The target populations was Secondary School Students in Makadara Constituency from where a sample of 132 respondents was drawn comprising 12 teachers and 120 students. Self-administered questionnaires were used to collect data while Statistical Programme for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25 was used to get descriptive statistics. The study established that CRE subject and teachers helps to positively mold and enhance the character and behaviour of students as well as instill moral values to help them cope with life challenges and have self-respect, self-care and self-reliance. The study recommends that the stakeholders should endevour to provide adequate CRE teaching and learning resources as well as adequate trained CRE teachers. In addition, the findings of this study will triger the ministry of education to make religious studies compulsory to inculcate students’ moral values. ELIZABETH OSUKA Download
FACTORS CONTRIBUTING TO POOR PERFORMANCE IN BUSINESS STUDIES. A CASE STUDY OF SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN KAJIADO WEST, KAJIADO COUNTY.POOR PERFORMANCE BUSINESS STUDIESThe purpose of the study was to investigate into the factors contributing to poor performance in business studies in secondary schools’ students in Kajiado West, Kajiado County. The study objectives were: to find out the cause of poor performance in business studies, what are the Challenges behind the poor performance in business studies and which strategies can be used to curb poor performance in business studies among secondary school students in Kajiado West, Kajiado County. The study adopted mixed research design involving both quantitative and qualitative research. A sample size of 110 respondents was randomly selected in the chosen schools whereby 84 Business Studies students were selected and 30 Business Studies teachers also selected. Prior to the collection of data for the research, a review of related literature was done by the researcher. The findings revealed that there were numerous factors at home and at school continuing to poor performance of business studies among secondary school students in Kajiado West, Kajiado County. Key findings of this research suggests that the home environment of learners is not educationally encouraging due to poverty, which includes factors such as high unemployment ratio, parents level of education. In the school environment, the study showed the following causative factors; lack of resources, inadequate learner support materials, teacher experience, teacher ratio to students’ ratio, lack of resources, inadequate learning strategies, teachers’ qualifications and poor students’ attitude. As a result, the study concluded that both school and home factors should work together in order for good performance to be realized. These findings were represented in form of frequency tables, pie charts and bar graphs. Recommendations are supported and they include; provision of adequate teaching and learning resources such as relevant textbooks, qualified teachers and library to be improved in order to improve performance among students in Kajiado West, Kajiado County. MATIKO EVANS MARWA Download
EFFECTS OF MATHEMATICS TEACHING AND LEARNING RESOURCES ON STUDENTS’ ACADEMIC PERFOMANCE IN PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN TRANSMARA EAST SUB COUNTY, NAROK COUNTYMATHEMATICSThe purpose of the study was to establish the effects of mathematics’ teaching and learning resources on students’ academic performance in public secondary schools in Transmara East Sub County, Narok County. The study was guided by the following research questions: What types of mathematic teaching and learning resources are available in public secondary schools? What is the status of the mathematics teaching and learning resources? What is the extent of usage of mathematics teaching and learning resources? The study adopted descriptive survey design. The target population was all the mathematics teachers and all students in public secondary schools in Transmara East Sub County from where a sample of 143 was derived. Self-administered questionnaires were used to collect data while Statistical Programme for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25 was used to get descriptive statistics. The study established that textbooks were the most common type of teaching and learning resources and most students were sharing mathematics resources because they were not enough. They also lack adequate mathematic teachers and up to date textbooks while their internet connections were slow. It was also revealed that most teachers were not using teaching aids and did not have well-equipped mathematics laboratories while half of the schools were lacking libraries. The study recommends that the government should allocate adequate budget to secondary schools to equip the mathematical teaching and learning resources.KIPLANGAT LEVI KOECH Download
THE ANALYSIS OF THE FACTORS THAT AFFECT THE POOR PERFORMANCE OF KISWAHILI SUBJECT IN PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN DAGORETTI SUB – COUNTY IN NAIROBI COUNTYPOOR PERFORMANCE Kiswahili is one of the most important languages and a subject that helps in the development of most parts of Africa as a continent and other countries worldwide. Kiswahili language brings about changes to the society on various things which may include positive developments such as on telecommunication and curriculum development. The study focused on the analysis of the factors that affect the poor performance of Kiswahili subject in public secondary schools in Dagoretti sub – county in Nairobi County.The objectives of the study were: to analyze the factors leading to poor performance of Kiswahili subject in public secondary schools in Dagoretti Sub – county in Nairobi county, to identify the relationship between student’s attitudes and poor performance of Kiswahili subject in public secondary schools in Dagoretti Sub – county in Nairobi county, to identify the adequacy of teaching and learning resources in performance of Kiswahili subject in public secondary schools in Dagoretti Sub – county in Nairobi county. The study followed a descriptive survey design and the target population of all Kiswahili teachers in public secondary schools, all form three and four students studying Kiswahili. A sample of 120 students, 5 teachers was used. Questionnaires were used to collect data. Qualitative analysis was done through narratives and direct quotesand the quantitative analysis was done through the coding of information by use of Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS) and the outcome was submitted in table form.Drawing from the findings and conclusion of the study, the researcher recommended that there is need for exploration in student’s attitudes and how they affect the performance of Kiswahili at large SYLVESTER IVELIA MUYEKA Download
PUBLIC RESOURCE UTILIZATION AND EFFICIENCY OF SERVICE DELIVERY OF THE COUNTY GOVERNMENTS IN KENYA: A CASE OF MACHAKOS COUNTYPUBLIC RESOURCE UTILIZATION AND EFFICIENCY OF SERVICE DELIVERY Efficiency on service delivery is about those with authority being answerable for their actions to the citizens, whether directly or indirectly, and managerial efficiency on service delivery is about making those with delegated authority answerable for carrying out agreed tasks according to agreed criteria of performance. The interest in efficiency on service delivery within public sector reform is a desire to make public sector staff more accountable for their decisions and actions. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of public resource utilization on the efficiency of service delivery of the county governmentof Machakos. Specifically, the study sought to:establish the effect of equitable share utilization on the efficiency of service delivery of Machakos County Government, Kenya, determine the effect of own source revenue utilization on the efficiency of service delivery of Machakos County Government, Kenya, to assess the effect of donor funding utilization on the efficiency of service delivery of Machakos County Government, Kenya and investigate the effect of conditional grants utilization on the efficiency of service delivery of Machakos County Government, Kenya. The study additionallysought to determine the moderating effect of county service delivery principles on the relationship between public resource utilization and efficiency of service delivery of the county governmentof Machakos.The study was informed by PublicChoiceTheoryofBudget, The resource-based view theory and the Rostow-MusgraveModel. The study adopted a descriptive research design and targeted all the employees of Machakos County totaling to 1,950. The study used a simple random sampling of 10% of the total population yielding 195 respondents as the sample size. The study used both primary and secondary data. Primary data was collected using structured questionnaire, while secondary data gathered using data collection sheet. The collected data was analyzed with the aid of SPSS using both descriptive and inferential statistics. The study usedPearson correlationto show the association between the independent variables and the dependent variable. The results were presented in tables, charts and bars. It was established from the findings that; money set by national government wasn’t used effectively for the current expenditure and that the county government was striving to collect and prudently utilized it’s owned collected revenue. External donors were observed as the leading source of income for development and that the county rarely received the equalization funds disbursed on an annualbasis. The study recommends that the central government should monitor and evaluate the utilization of funds and disburse equalization funds timely. The county government on the other hand should uphold integrity in the utilization if funds and seek to generate more funds locally.KISUKO ANNE NDUNGE Download
THE PERCEPTION OF STUDENTS TOWARDS THE STUDY OF CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS EDUCATION IN PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN LANG’ATA SUB-COUNTY, NAIROBI COUNTY.CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS EDUCATION The study of Christian religious education is critical in many ways including: enabling one to understand about own religion as well as that of others thus enabling one to embrace different opinions and views of life, it is also a career subject, it equips the learner with an understanding of God, the learner acquires life skills to handle challenges in life and provides answers to various mysteries of this world, Et cetera. These reasons alone therefore cements the primary focus of this research project which is to investigate studentsperception towards the study of christian religious education in Lang’ata sub-county Nairobi county. This study was thus cantered on the following objectives: To assess the perception of students towards studying CRE as a subject in Public Secondary schools in Lang’ata Sub-County, to evaluate the attitude of students towards the study of Christian religious education in Lang’ata Sub-county and its impact to identify measures that can be taken to mitigate negative perception towards the study of CRE in Public Secondary Schools in Lang’ata Sub-County and to determine the demographic of the students involved in the study. The study adopted a quantitative approach and enlisted three hundred and ninety six participants who were randomly selected. The study employed use of descriptive analysis of data that was computed in terms of item analysis using frequencies and percentages. The findings are presented through tables and figures. The study establishes a majority positive perception towards study of Christian Religious Education in Lang’ata Sub- County by all the participants. All the schools in the area of study offered CRE. The study recommends that CRE be accorded same attention, funding and status as other disciplines such as the sciences. TIMOTHY MUNENE KIJOGI. Download
FACTORS AFFECTING SHARE PRICE OF LISTED COMPANIES AT NSE: CASE STUDY OF KCBSHARE PRICE OF LISTED COMPANIESA company's share price is a relative and proportional value of its worth. As a result, it only represents a percentage change in a company's market capitalization at any given time. This study sought to determine the factors that affect share price of listed companies at NSE, using KCB as the case study. To achieve the aim of the study, the study answered the following questions; what is the effect of profitability on share price of KCB? ; What is the effect of interest rate on share price? And, what is effect of share volume on share price? The study used descriptive research design. A correlation and causation research design was also adopted in the study. The study used secondary data collected from NSE of daily share prices of KCB as well as annual statements of KCB during the period of study. The collected data was coded in excel and then analyzed using SPSS. Data was presented in graphs and tables. The findings of this study indicated that profitability had causal relationship with share price, while interest rate and share volume had no causal relationship with share price of KCB. The study concluded that profitability has a positive impact on the share price of KCB while interest rate and share volume have no significant impact on the share price of KCB at NSE. The study recommends that KCB management should focus more on enhancing the profitability of the company since, profitability has a greater influence on the share price. In addition, The study suggest a research on similar topic but using more advanced test like the Phillips-Perron model, the Vector Error Correction Model and Johansen’s Multivariate Cointegration Model to determine whether there is cointegration between profitability, interest rate and share volume and share prices of listed banks in Kenya.RUKIYA HUSSEIN MUHAMUUD Download
FACTORS INFLUENCING THE CHOICE OF CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS EDUCATION BY STUDENTS AS AN EXAMINABLE SUBJECT IN PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN KAJIADO NORTH SUB COUNTY, KAJIADO COUNTY- KENYACHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS EDUCATIONThe purpose of the study was to determine the factors influencing the choice of Christian Religious education by students as an examinable subject in public secondary schools in Kajiado North Sub County, Kajiado County - Kenya. The following research questions guided this research: To what extent does the aspiration of students’ careers influence their choice of CRE as an examinable subject? How does the CRE teaching resource influence the selection of the subject as an examinable subject? Does parental guidance impact the students’ choice of CRE as an examinable subject? The study adopted the Descriptive research design. Purposive sampling and simple random sampling techniques were used in the study. The principals were selected purposively and given as the heads of the institutions, while teachers and students were randomly sampled. The sample for the study comprised of 3 principals, 12 CRE teachers and 120 students from 3 secondary schools. Questionnaires and interview guides were used for data collection. The findings of the study were that students’ career aspirations affect the choice of CRE, and the researcher recommended that students should not be influenced by other figures for them to go for CRE and yet they fail at the end. The study also found that teaching resources have no significant influence in the choice of CRE. The researcher recommended that the educational stakeholders should work together to make sure that the schools have the required learning resources. Finally, the study found that parental guidance has a great influence in the choice of CRE. The recommendation was that parents should consider the performance of their students and also work with the teachers for teachers knows the students' potential better.MAINA M. DANCAN Download
EFFECTS OF FOREIGN EXCHANGE RISK MANAGEMENT OF FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE OF COMMWERCIAL BANK; A CASE STUDY OF KENYA COMMERCIAL BANK (KCB)FOREIGN EXCHANGE RISK MANAGEMENTThe purpose of this study was to establish the Effects of Foreign Exchange Risk Management of Financial Performance of Commercial Bank. The study was guided by the following objectives: To find out the different methods of foreign exchange risk management used by Kenya commercial bank; To establish the relationship between foreign exchange risk and financial performance of Kenya commercial bank; To determine methods used by Kenya commercial bank to predict forex and manage the effect on financial performance. The study was grounded on the theory of Foreign Exchange Exposure Theory and Interest Rate Parity Theory. The study used descriptive survey design and questionnaires to collect data from a sample of 4 managers drawn from the Kenya Commercial Banks based in Karen.The study revealed that the Kenya Commercial Bank branches were mostly using close currency swaps and options as methods of foreign exchange risk management. It also established that liquidity risk is a sensitive area that was being mitigated and that all the bank branches were facing both internal and external financial risks. The study also revealed that the bank branches had adequate level of capital to enable them withstand risks and were performing financially well as reflected by their increased ROE and ROA over the years. The study recommends that banks should conduct frequent risk management assessments to mitigate against such risks.OTTYA WICKLIFE ONYANGO Download
INFLUENCE OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE ON STOCK RETURN OF COMMERCIAL BANKS LISTED AT THE NAIROBI SECURITIES EXCHANGECORPORATE GOVERNANCE ON STOCK RETURNThe main objective of the study was to examine the effects of corporate governance on stock return of commercial banks listed at the Nairobi Securities Exchange. Specific objectives of the study were; to determine the effects of information disclosure on the stock return among listed commercial banks in Kenya, to examine the effects of investor relations on stock returns among listed commercial banks in Kenya and to establish the effects of the management team on stock returns among listed commercial banks. This study was conducted in the month of July 2022 and addressed the influence of Corporate Governance on Stock returns of Commercial Banks Listed on the Nairobi Securities Exchange. It adopted a descriptive survey design in which data was collected from different commercial banks that are listed on the Nairobi Stock Exchange. The study utilized secondary data which was collected from the financial records of the banks. Team size and team composition have an influence on stock return. Information disclosure and investor relations do not significantly affect stock return. The study therefore concludes that only team size and team composition have an influence on stock return. Information disclosure and investor relations do not significantly affect stock return. This means that banks should only consider team size and team composition in making decisions about their team structures as these are the two variables that significantly affect stock returns. However, there may be other significant factors that affect stock return besides those used in the model. The research findings revealed that some banks who are members of NSE have not fully embraced corporate governance practices and these should be prevailed upon to ensure they fully comply with corporate governance guidelines. Although there is no empirical evidence to suggest that embracing corporate governance will itself improve stock returns, it is expected to combine with other factors to enhance a bank’s stock return in the long run.MARGARET WAITHERA NDITIKA Download
STRATEGIES USED BY SCHOOL PRINCIPALS IN MANAGING EXAMINTION MALPRACTICEIN MATAYOS SUB-COUNTY, BUSIA COUNTY- KENYAEXAMINTION MALPRACTICEThis studyinvestigated the strategies used by school Principals in managing examination malpractices in Kenyan Secondary School in Matayos Sub-County, Busia County. The research design used was descriptive survey design.Sample sizes of 11 Principals were selected from 11 public secondary school in Matayos Sub-County. The questionnaire return rate was high because the researcher visited schools in person and this contributed heavily to the success of this study. The study established that there was almost equal gender participation in the research but male Principals were more compared to female Principals. Using questionnaire, the researcher was able to collect relevant data pertinent to the study. Data were then analyzed using simple tables and presented in percentages. It was found out that majority of the of Principals agree that examination malpractices is common in all schools. Some of the forms used are smuggling of foreign materials, impersonation, giraffing leakage of examination materials and Mwakenya. The cause of examination malpractices are poor examination supervision, need for higher grades, societal grades, fear for failure lack of confidence and inadequate preparation among. Principals agreed to experience some challenges such as; over population, lack of cooperation among stakeholders, inadequate facilities, low supervision and lack of surveillance devices in examination rooms. From the findings the researcher made the following recommendations; There should be strict adherence to the examination rules, increase spacing which made other classes to be used, customized examination sheets, invigilators to be pooled across all departments, thoroughly searching before entering examination rooms, repeat classes due to cheating, surveillance installation in examination rooms, training teachers the importance of examination security and introduce guidance and counseling on need of honesty and integrity.MICHAEL NYEGENYE Download
THE PSYCHOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF COVID-19 AND PSYCHOLOGICALWELL-BEING AMONG YOUNG ADULTS IN ST. PAUL’S CATHOLIC PARISH OF NGONG DIOCESE, KENYAPSYCHOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF COVID-19 Coping withCOVID-19 experiences maybe challenging. This study aimed at exploring COVID-19 experiences and psychological wellbeing among young adults in St. Paul’s parish of Ngong diocese, Nairobi Kenya. The research was guided by the following objectivesassessing the perceived COVID-19 anxiety experiences, to evaluate the level of perceived COVID-19 stress, to determine the prevalence of the perceived COVID-19 loneliness and the psychological wellbeing among young adults.The research was guided by two theories namelyLogotherapy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Theories of Viktor Frankl, and Ellis. The study adopted concurrent triangulation design mixed method. The study employed census with the target population of 127 young adults as captured by the parish data base. Quantitative data was obtained using standardized scalesforGeneralized Anxiety Disorder GAD-7, Stress and lonelinessandpsychological wellbeing items on relationship with others, purpose in life and self-acceptance components. The purposeful sampling for qualitative data was used through semi-structured interviews with seven participants. The data collected wasanalyzed using SPSS version 23; Inferential and descriptive statistics: Bivariate, Chi-square Ordinal Regression and correlation was used to compare the distribution of different variables. The data was presented through frequencies, tables. Findings indicated that psychological well-being during the COVID-19 was maintained slightly above average on two domains that is relating with others (Mean= 2.82; SD= 0.46933), purpose in life (Mean= 2.7602; SD= 0.4452). However self-acceptance remained slightly lower than average (Mean= 2.1677; SD 0.53943). This implies that participants remained resilient during COVID-19 which is contrary to what was expected.This implies that the negative experiences that participants went through due to COVID-19 did not wear them down psychologically which could be attributed by strong coping mechanisms and high resilience levels. The finding of the study rejected the correction between psychological effects of COVID-19 and psychological wellbeing among young adults in St. Paul’s Catholic parish in Ngong diocese, Nairobi Kenya. It also highlighted some of the ways in which psycho-education; psycho-spiritual counseling and group support were preferred as significant measures in enhancing psychological wellbeing.The findings of the study will be of great value to the Bishop, priests and lay faithful of the Catholic diocese of Ngong, in maintaining and promoting good religious and psychological wellbeing among the young adults and the people of God in general.MORGAN MUSUKUMA Download
SCHOOL SHUTDOWN AND THE PSYCHOSOCIAL WELL-BEING OF SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS IN KUMBO TOWN, CAMEROONSCHOOL SHUTDOWN AND THE PSYCHOSOCIAL WELL-BEING This research assessed School Shutdown and psychosocial well-being of students, in Kumbo Town, Bui Division, North West Region of Cameroon. The objectives were: 1) to establish the experiences of secondary school students during school shutdown in Kumbo town. 2) To assess psychosocial well-being of secondary school students after school shutdown in Kumbo town. 3) To determine the relationship between school shutdown and the psychosocial well-being of secondary school students in Kumbo town. 4) To identify psychosocial coping strategies used by students to address school shutdown experiences in Kumbo town. The researcher used the embedded mixed method design. Quantitative and qualitative data collected concurrently, were used in describing effects of school shutdown on psychosocial well-being of students. The target Population was 629 students and staff of five Catholic schools that timidly resumed after shutdown. Sample size was 245, obtained through simple random sampling of 235students, and purposive sampling for 10 staff members. Data was collected through questionnaire and semi-structured interview guide. The data analysis tool (Statistical Package for Social Sciences [SPSS] version 25) was used, with analysis presented in frequencies, tables and percentages. Qualitative data was analyzed using content analysis where narrative themes were developed, guided by the objectives. Findings revealed that school shutdown experiences never negatively influenced the majority of participants. Students showed high levels of resilience regarding five of the six factors of Ryff’s overall psychological well-being scale. Relationship between school shutdown and psychosocial well-being of students,stood at r = 0.01, p= 0.004, which was weak, positive and significant. The Brief COPE inventory revealed students’ employment of approach coping mechanisms than the avoidant. Hence, school shutdown experiences negatively affected the psychosocial well-being of minority of students. Internal locus of control, parental support, community acceptance and efforts made by school authorities were factors responsible for high level of resilience.ANTHONY MAILIY MAILIY Download
SELF-CONCEPT AND CAREER CHOICEAMONG UNDERGRADUATESTUDENTS: A COMPARATIVE STUDY BETWEEN SELECTED PUBLIC AND PRIVATE UNIVERSITIES INIRINGA REGION, TANZANIACAREER CHOICEThe study exploredhow students’ self-concept domain affected the processof career choice among undergraduate students in Iringa region. This study, therefore, aimed to assess whether self-concept domains influence career choices among university students. The study was guided by four objectives: To determine the aspects of self-concept domain among undergraduate students in Iringa region; To examine whether there is a relationship between self-concept domain and career choice among undergraduate students in Iringa region; To examine the challenges encountered during career choice among undergraduate students in Iringa region; To identify the strategies to minimize challenges of career choice among undergraduate students in Iringa region. The study was guided by two theories; Social Cognitive Career Theory(Lent, Hackett and Brown, 1994) and Krumboltz Social Learning Theory of Decision Making (Krumboltz, Mitchell and Jonas, 1979). Mixed method was adopted, particularly convergent parallel research design, whereby Cross-sectional survey design for quantitative data and Phenomenological design for qualitative data. The target population consisted of 4408 undergraduate students.Both probability and non-probability sampling were used to get the sample size for the study. Thestudy consisted of 223 students from RUCU and 199 students from MUCE. Questionnaires were used to collect data from third year students and focus group discussion were used to collect data from second year students. Content validity and internal consistency of reliabilityensured the instruments are valid and reliable. Data analysis procedures were applied to both quantitative and qualitative data. All ethical considerations were observed before going for data collection. The findings revealed that many students had positive self-concept with high confidence which in turn helped them to make decisions with a number of students having negative self-concept which made them to have low confidence in decision making. Findings also showed that many students managed to choose career of their interest though some were forced to choose certain careers by parents or relatives and peer groups. In order to positively help students joining universities, the researcher gave recommendation to different stakeholders of education. To the government through the ministry of education recommended to prepare professionals to help students in career choice and improve environments, Higher Education Students’ Loans Board(HESLB) to minimize complains of loans, Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU) to respect students’ choice. Private university owners were recommended to ensure there isa conducive environment to students and workers. Recommendation was also made to parents, peer groups and students.DEMETRIUS NJIKU (FR) Download
EFFECT OF AGENT BANKING ON FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE OF MICRO FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS. A CASE OF KENYA WOMEN MICROFINANCE BANK.Agent banking Agent banking will enhance the access to financial services, and reduced expenses in rural regions. The study sought to establish the effect of agent banking on the financial performance of Kenya Women Microfinance bank. The research design used for this study was descriptive design. The target population was all branches of KWFT of Kenya, a sample of 2 branches in Kilifi County was considered. Data was collected by use of a questionnaire and secondary data. SPSS (Statistical package for social sciences) model was used in data analysis. The findings suggest that the regression model significantly predicts the dependent variable, implying that agent banking has a significant impact on the financial performance of KWFT. R2 is 1.000 in both return on asset and return on equity of year 2019 and 2018 which is higher than 0.5, although this show that there is a strong and positive relation between agent banking and financial performance through the variables but it was different in the year 2020 where there was negative relationship due to the loss of 1.5 billion Kenyan shillings which made a negative impact on return on asset and return on equity. The study conclude by saying that KWFT should adapt the new technologies being introduced in order to cope up with the fast changing technology and also increase the number of agents. The study therefore recommends that KWFT should recruits more agents so as to increase financial accessibility levels. KWFT should allow agents to be more financially inclusive; therefore the selection criteria of agents should be restructured so as to favor heavy cash operations in order to meet the demand of cash availability as well as handling large cash transactions. The study also recommends that, KWFT should improve customers’ perception by making more advertisements and also increase promotion activities of agent’s banking.MWANAASHA ATHMAN MOHAMED Download
INFLUENCE OF COVID-19 ON THE PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL WELLBEING OF THE CHRISTIANS OF OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE PARISH, ADAMS, NAIROBI COUNTY, KENYACOVID-19 This Research assessed the Influence of Covid-19 on the Psycho-Spiritual Well-being of the Christians of the Catholic Parish of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Adams, Nairobi County, Kenya. The study was supported by the logotherapy theory of Viktor Frankl. The objectives of this study were: to explore the prevalence of Covid-19 among the Christians of the Catholic Parish of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Adams, Nairobi County; to investigate the influence of Covid-19 on the psychospiritual wellbeing of the Christians of the Catholic Parish of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Adams; and to identify the strategies that are used in coping with Covid-19 among the Christians of the Catholic Parish of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Adams, Nairobi County. The study adopted an embedded mixed-method design. The target population was 1075 Christians of this parish. The sample size was 292 gotten through simple random sampling method techniques. The data collection was done through open and closed-ended questionnaires and a semi-structured interview guide. The quantitative data was analysed by employing descriptive statistics analysis using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 21.0 and presented in frequencies, tables, percentages, and pie charts. Qualitative data was analyzed effectively in a narrative form using objective themes. The Possible findings revealed that Covid-19 had both negative and positive influences on the lives of the Christians of the Catholic Parish of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Adams, Nairobi County, Kenya.AWUA TERLUMUN LAWRENCE Download
THE RISK FACTORS OF PSYCHOLOGICAL DISTRESS AMONG YOUTH INTERNALLY DISPLACED BY TERRORISM IN OUAHIGOUYA DIOCESE, BURKINA FASOPSYCHOLOGICAL DISTRESSThis thesis concerns the risk factors of psychological distress among youth internally displaced by terrorism in Ouahigouya Diocese, Burkina Faso. The objectives of this study are: To assess the prevalence of psychological distress among the youth internally displaced by terrorism in Ouahigouya Diocese, Burkina Faso, and to identify the risk factors of psychological distress among the youth internally displaced by terrorism in Ouahigouya Diocese, Burkina Faso, to examine the influence of the culture as a risk factor on the psychological distress of youth internally displaced by terrorism in Ouahigouya Diocese, Burkina Faso, to identify the psycho-spiritual strategies that can be used to manage the psychological distress of the youth internally displaced by terrorism in Ouahigouya Diocese, Burkina Faso. Robert Agnew’s General Strain theory was chosen to support the study. The convergent parallel design wasthe method chosen to inform the study.The target population was7,799,and the sample size obtained was 380 from Cochran's (1963) formula. Quantitative data collected from 380 participants simply and randomly selected, were analysed with SPSS V. 21, using standardized instruments (PCL-5: PTSD, GAD-7: Anxiety, PHQ-9: Depression, and an adapted instrument from a former student of PSI: Shufai Evaristus Mbiydzenyuy, FMS PSI/73/EM/19: risk factors). Semi-structured interviews framed the qualitative data collection for 14 participants purposively selected. Quantitative and Qualitative data were collected simultaneously, analysed distinctively, compared and merged at the interpretation. The study showed a moderate level of psychological distress in youth. As risk factors, the majority are affected by the different events of terrorist attacks. The study also showed no relationship between psychological distress and culture. As psycho-spiritual strategies, the study revealed that social coping skills are helpful for the youth. Spiritually, they feel supported by the Catholic Church, through healing prayers. However, there is a lack of psychological care. The study will benefit young people from Ouahigouya Diocese, in Burkina Faso and other countries, the priests, the social workers, mental health providers and researchers. It will enrich them with sound knowledge from fieldwork and contributeto the area of research.MARCELLIN WINDKOUNI OUEDRAOGO Download
EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE AND LEADERSHIP STYLES AMONG CATHOLIC PRIESTS IN UMUAHIA DIOCESE, NIGERIAEMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE AND LEADERSHIP STYLES Catholic Priests as Church leaders provide care for God’s people. To be an effective leader, the priest requires not only the traditional intelligence but also emotional intelligence.Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between emotional intelligence and leadership styles among Catholic Priests in Umuahia Diocese, Nigeria.The study was guided by the following objectives: To assess the level of emotional intelligence of Catholic Priests, to determine the leadership styles used by Catholic Priests, to establish the relationship between emotional intelligence and leadership styles among Catholic Priests, and to explore possible ways to enhance the emotional intelligence of Catholic Priests to improve on their leadership styles.The study was grounded on the Emotional Intelligence theory of Daniel Goleman and employed a quantitative approach, using the correlational research design.The target population was 119 priests residing and working in Umuahia Diocese, while the sample size of 92 priests was obtained using the simple random technique. Two standardized self-report questionnaires, the Self-Report Emotional Intelligence Test (SSEIT) and the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) were used as instruments of measure for the quantitative data. The Pearson’s correlation test was used to analyze the quantitative data with the aid of the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 21. The results of the study were presented using percentages, frequencies andcharts.The findings of the study showed a weak positive significant relationship between emotional intelligenceand transformational leadership style, democratic leadership style, and servant leadership style. There was no statistical relationship between emotional intelligence and transactional leadership style, and autocratic leadership style. However, a weak negative significant relationship exists between emotional intelligence and the lassiez faire leadership style. The study therefore concludes that emotional intelligence has a significant relationship with certain leadership styles, and that improving emotional intelligence will enhance leadership effectiveness.Based on the findings, the major recommendation of this study is that priests should consider the enhancement of their emotional intelligence through undertaking courses in EI and leadership, improving personal spirituality, and ongoing formation.UCHENNA KALU AGWU Download
ROLEOF COUNSELING ON DELINQUENCY AMONG STUDENTS IN SELECTEDSECONDARY SCHOOLS IN NGANDO, NAIROBI COUNTYCOUNSELING There is a growing concern with the growth and prevalence of delinquency among selected secondary schools in Ngando, Nairobi County. The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of counselling on delinquency among students in selected secondary schools in Ngando, Nairobi County. The study was guided by Self-Determination Theory of motivation by Edward Deci and Richard Ryan and employed an embedded mixed methods design. The research objectives assessed the prevalence of delinquency, explored the types of counselling used, examined the relationship between the types of counselling used and prevalence of delinquency andto identify effectiveness of psycho-spiritual strategies employed to enhance delinquency among students in the selected secondary schools, Ngando. The target population was 400 students and teachers while the sample was 200 respondents selected through random and purposive samplings methods. However, only 189respondents were able to participate.The researcher used both questionnaires and interview guides to collect data. The data collected wasanalyzed in relation to the research objectives.For the quantitative data, the researcher used frequency tables, Standard Deviations and Pearson Correlations. The qualitative data was presented in narrative form using the research objective themes. The study established that the most common forms of delinquent behaviors among students included violence, drug abuse, stealing, truancy and unhealthy indecent relationships while the most common types of counselling included individual counselling, group counselling and career counselling while family counselling was rarely used. The study also revealed that there was significant relationship between the different types of counselling and reduction of delinquent behaviors among students. The intervention measures such as psycho-spiritual counselling, role modelling, motivational talks; some light punishments were helping to reduce cases of delinquent behaviors among students in areas such as school dropout, truancy and had enhanced academic performance. The study recommended deployment of trained psychotherapists in secondary schools to reduce and treat cases of delinquent behaviors.CHARITY AMIEMITSEMHE OTONO Download
INFLUENCE OF HEALING MINISTRY ON PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL WELL-BEING OF CHRISTIANS AT THE MERCIFUL JESUS SANCTUARY OF RUHANGO, RWANDAHEALING MINISTRY This research was on the Influence of the Healing Ministry on the Psycho-Spiritual Well-Being of the Christians at the Merciful Jesus Sanctuary of Ruhango, Rwanda. The study was guided by James Fowler William’s Theory of Faith Development. It adopted a convergent design, mixed methods. The research objectives of this study are:to explore the Healing Ministry of physical and psychological suffering of Christians at the Merciful Jesus Sanctuary of Ruhango, Rwanda; to examine the effects of the Healing Ministry on improvement of life of Christians at the Merciful Jesus Sanctuary of Ruhango, Rwanda; to find outthe influence of the Healing Ministry on Psycho-spiritual well-being of the Christians at the Merciful Jesus Sanctuary of Ruhango, Rwanda; to determine at the possible ways to increase the well-being and faith of the Christians at the Merciful Jesus Sanctuary of Ruhango, Rwanda.The target population was102 Christians and among them, 81 participants were selected and composed the sample size. The data collection was done through a questionnaire, guided interview and focus group. The analysis of the results was done in relation to the research objectives. For quantitative questions, the researcher used frequencies, tables and diagrams. Quantitative data was analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences IBM (SPSS) version 26. The qualitative data was drawn from the guide interview and focus group. Both were presented in narrative form using the research objective themes. The findings showed that the Healing Ministry influences positively the psycho-spiritual well-being of Christians in the Sanctuary of Ruhango and it increases their faith.They indicated its importance in the life’s journey of human beings.JEAN MARIE VIANNEY NIZEYIMANA Download
THE EFFECT OF ISLAMIC FINANCING PRINCIPLES ON FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE OF BANKS IN KENYA: A CASE OFGULF AFRICAN BANKISLAMIC FINANCING PRINCIPLES Since the global 2007/2008 financial crisis, policymakers have sought to strengthen financial inter mediation that is performed by conventional banks and non-bank financial institutions. The aim has been to address the demerits and fault lines that helped trigger one of the most devastating financial crises in a century, and to enable a more inclusive, stable financial system that promotes stability as well as economic development and growth. Islamic finance offers major features consistent with these objectives. Islamic finance refers to financial services that conform to Islamic jurisprudence, or Shari’ah, which bans interest, speculation, gambling and short-sales; requires fair treatment; and institutes sanctity of contracts. And these principles hold the promise of supporting financial stability, since the key principle of Islamic finance is that financial institutions such as banks and insurance companies should share in both risks and rewards of the projects and loans they finance.This study is investigates the effect of Islamic financial principles on financial performance of banks. The study relied on secondary data to address the research objective.The findings expects to provide recommendation on the possible challenges facing Islamic commercial banks as well as possible policy recommendations. The target population for the study is the fully fledged Islamic bank, Gulf African Bank.A five year secondary data is collected and used for the four Islamic products including Murabahah, Musharakah, Mudarabah and Ijarah, as well as financial performance based on these products. Descriptive statistics generated the amount of various Islamic products and trends in financial performance The study findings indicated a notable offer of Islamic contracts within the periods 2015-2019. The amount of Islamic contracts fluctuated from one year to another with Murabaha contract being the highest and showing steady levels of uptake among the customers.SIRAJ HASSAN Download
EXPERIENCE OF SINGLE MOTHERHOOD IN INTERPERSONAL GROWTH AMONG SINGLE MOTHERS IN UMOJA EMBAKASI WEST SUB-COUNTY, NAIROBI KENYASINGLE MOTHERHOOD This study focused on the experience of single motherhood in interpersonal growth among single mothers of Umoja Embakasi West Sub-county Nairobi, Kenya. The resilience theory informed the study by Norman Garmezy and the self-determination theory of psychologists Edward Deci and Richard Ryan. The study objectives were to establish the attitude of the general population toward single motherhood by single mothers, assessment of the influence of culture on interpersonal growth for single mothers, determination of the challenges faced by single mothers and identification of strategies for enhancing interpersonal growth among the single mothers at Umoja Embakasi West Sub-county Nairobi. The researcher adopted a phenomenological design to capture the meaning the single mothers at Umoja give to the phenomena of single motherhood and interpersonal growth. The study used a homogenous population of Christian women at Umoja Embakasi West Sub-County Nairobi with a target population of single mothers. A snowball sampling method was adopted to get a sample size of 30 single mothers currently bringing up a biological or adopted child/ren. The researcher adopted a semi-structured interview guide for data collection through face-to-face interviews for 20 single mothers and a focused group discussion guide for ten single mothers. The collected data were transcribed, coded for themes and analysed thematically through content analysis based on the research objectives. The results revealed that single mothers are misunderstood, stigmatized, and rejected by the general population, limiting interpersonal relationships. Economic constraints and responsibilities of heading a family are among the significant challenges encountered by the single mothers at Umoja Embakasi West Sub-county Nairobi, Kenya.VERONICAH NJERI NJUGUNA Download
FACTORS INFLUENCING STUDENT’S CHOICE OF HISTORY IN PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN LONDIANI SUB-COUNTY,KERICHO COUNTY KENYAHISTORYThis study was carried out in Londiani sub-county Kericho county.It investigated on the factors influencing students’ choice of history in public secondary schools. The following were the objectives that guided the entire project: To examine the influence of student’s career aspirations on the choice of history, To find out the extent to which peer influences the students choice of history as a subject, to determine the extent to which personal intrests of students in history affect their choices,to examine the role of parents in students choice of subject of history as bwell as tso find out wether teaching methodologies determine the choice of history This research used survey design and the targeted ppopulation was included teachers of history and students.the sample consisted of 32 respondents whereby 24 were students, 6 were teachers and 2 principals.The participants were sampled using random sampling technique.Data collection instruments included the questionnaires.The study targeted all the publuc schools within Londiani sub-county hence the sample population was purposively selected. The data collected was analyzed using frequencies and percentages with the aid of SPSS.The findings indicated that there is a close relationship between the following factors : students career aspirations,teaching methodologies and the students personal intrests on the selection of history. This factors have a lot of influence on the choice of history according to the findings obtained.this findings also shows that peer groups and parental advice has a less influence in choosing subject expecially history.in conclusion the reseracher also noted that the availability of learning materials such as textbooks in the school affect students choices. Therefore the researcher recommends that the Ministry of Education should provide adequate and efficient teaching and learning resources in schools such as textboosks,personnel and financial resources so as to curb the challenges that the students and teachers are facing in the course of teaching and learning process.Teachers should adopt the teaching methods which are favourable and can meet the individual needs of the learners in the classroom. Teachers are recommended to use the learner centered approach becouse the main objective of teaching is to address the needs of the individual student hence the learner is the center of the learning process. DAISY CHEROTICH Download
THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN FINANCIAL INNOVATION AND FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE OF KENYA COMMERCIAL BANK (KCB).FINANCIAL INNOVATION AND FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE The purpose of this study was to establish a relationship between financial innovation and financial performance of Kenya commercial bank. Kenya commercial bank was selected because of its large employee base and the steady gradual financial growth. The variables of interest were; ATM adoption, mobile banking, internet banking and agency banking which were used to measure to what extent has financial innovation improved financial performance of the bank. Other variables such as return on asset (ROA), return on equity (ROE) were also used to measure financial performance of the bank. The study adopted a descriptive research design because it gives a researcher the ability to look at whatever they are studying in so many various aspects and can provide a wide range of view. The target population wasthirty eighty KCB bank branches in Nairobi region that offer supervision to the branch managers and employees. Qualitative and quantitative data was collected by use of questionnaires comprising both open and closed questions. Statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version 25 was used to analyze the collected data and present them in percentages and frequencies. The study findings indicated that there was increase on how financial innovation products influences financial performance of the bank on several aspects that help in establishing a significant and positive relationship between financial innovation and financial performance of KCB bank. Based on the findings, the study concluded that financial innovations positively affects financial performance. The study therefore, recommended that financial innovation information should be available to the regulatory and advisory bodies for guidance to the KCB bank on the need to create and employ sound strategies geared towards continuous embracing innovativeness. ABIERO ERICKSON Download
AN INVESTIGATION INTO FACTORS INFLUENCING STUDENTS’ PERFORMANCE IN BUSINESS STUDIES IN PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN EMURUA DIKIRR SUB-COUNTY, NAROK COUNTYBUSINESS STUDIES A number of factors affects performance in business studies. The study was to investigate these factors, which affect students’ performance in business studies in Emurua Dikirr Sub-County, Narok County. The study was guided by the following research objectives; to establish the influence of teaching and learning resources on student’performance in business studies, to assess the influence of administrative practices on students’ performance in business studies, to investigate the influence of teacher related factors on students’ performance in business studies.The study employed descriptive survey research design. The study targeted form 3students, 927 students, and all the 18 teachers of business studies and all the 12 principals in public secondary school in Emurua Dikirr Sub-County. However, the sample size included 93 students, 6 teachers of business studies and 4 principals of the participating schools. Purposive sampling technique wasused to allocate and sample the schools to participate in the study. Simple random sampling technique was also used to select the93 participating students. All the 4 principals and 6 teachers of business studies were selected purposively from public secondary schools in Emurua Dikirr sub-county participating in this study. Questionnaires were used to collect data. These included the principals’ questionnaire, the teachers’ questionnaire and the students’ questionnaire. Statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version 21was used in data analysis.Tables and figures were used to present the analyzed data. The findings of the study revealed that, teaching and learning resources were inadequate and hence affected students’ performance in business studieslargely. The study also revealed that the influence of administrative practices on students’ performance in business studies were strongly positive have effectsand similarly, teacher related factors had a statistically influence on students’ performance in business studies. The study also recommends that, principals should intensify the routine checking of professional records by teachers in business studies. This is to ensure adherence to the requirements of the professional records. This will ensure relevant content are taught leading to improved performanceDOMINIC KIPROTICH Download
FACTORS INFLUENCING REWARD MANAGEMENT AMONG SMALL AND MEDIUM SIZED ENTERPRISES IN KENYA: A CASE OF CAROGA PHARMA LTDREWARD MANAGEMENT The purpose of this study was to establish thefactors influencing reward management among small and medium sized enterprises in Kenya: A case of Caroga Pharma Ltd. The study was guided by the following objectives: to establish the effects of organizational culture on reward management at Caroga pharma Ltd; to find out the effect of performance management on reward management at Caroga pharma Ltd; to establish the effects of job design on reward management at Caroga pharma Ltd; to assess the effect of government policies on reward management at Caroga pharma Ltd.The study was underpinned on the theory of Visionary Leadership. It was also guided by a conceptual framework that showed the relationship between independent and dependent variables. The study employed descriptive survey design. The target population was 32 employees from Caroga Pharma Ltd. The sample size was 32 individuals who were selected using census design where the entire target population was taken for a sample since the target population was small and manageable. Self-administered questionnaires were used to collect the data. The study established that the organizational culture, performance management, job design and government policies had profound effect on the reward management at Caroga Pharma Ltd. The study recommended that the management of companies and the government need to come up with policies that reward management is effective in motivating workers to be more productive. HARUN MBURU MUIRURI Download
A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF PRE AND POST MERGER FACTORS ON FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE OF INSURANCE COMPANIES.A CASE STUDY OF ICEA INSURANCE FIRMPRE AND POST MERGERThe research was on a comparative study of pre and post-merger factors on financial performance of insurance companies in Kenya; a case study of ICEA insurance firm. The research objectives which guided this study were; to establish whether competitive advantage affects financial performance of insurance companies in Kenya, to establish whether operational efficiency affects financial performance of insurance firms in Kenya and to establish whether tax reliefs affect the financial performance of insurance firms in Kenya. This study was based on the synergy theory and efficiency theory.Synergy theory suggests that mergers and acquisitions occur widely because mergers are able to benefit the acquiring and target firms with synergies that enhance firm value in the longer term (Hitt et al., 2001) while efficiency theory which suggested that mergers can only occur when they are anticipated to generate enough realizable energy to make the agreement which is beneficial to both parties.Both quantitative and qualitative approaches were adopted in this study. The sample size populationof this study was 50 respondents comprising of29finance officers, 7 top management and 14 external auditors from four selected ICEA insurance firms. Data collection instrument that was used in this study was questionnaire for respondents.Questionnaire consisted of closed and open-ended questions. Respondents were selected using stratified random sampling technique.Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive analysis by using the Statistical Package for Social Scientist computer software. While qualitative data was analyzed using content analysis where responses were discussed based on the research questions of the study. The findings were discussed thematically as per the study research questions. The findings of this study were that competitive advantage affects financial performance of ICEA insurance firm in Kenya in that after merger the business expands, profitability increased, merger strategy put the ICEA insurance firm on a globalized scale and quality of service is created. The merger of the firmsalso creates more efficiency and monopolies hence an effect on competitive advantage and employees were given top priority during the merger. Operational efficiency after merger, ICEAfirms had enjoyed economies of scale efficiencies to reduce production costs, increase output, improve product quality, obtain new technologies and introduce new products hence improving financial performance of the ICEA insurance firm.About effects of tax reliefs on the financial performance ofICEA insurance firms, after merger ICEA insurance firmsenjoy the tax liability because of debt in tax deductible expenses. This helps increase profits as well as value of shares of the ICEA insurance firm. Tax loss carry-forwards also motivate mergers in that insurance firm. Tax advantages also arise in a merger when a target firm carries assets on its books with basis, for tax purposes, below their market value. The study recommended that more insurance firms in Kenya and beyond should seek to attain positive competitive advantage through consolidating their firms through the merger strategy. The study further recommends that for effective mergerfirm should have similar approach to rewards and promotions of its employees.LUCY NJERI NGA’ANG’A Download
FACTORS INFLUENCING STUDENTS’ PERCEPTION TOWARDS CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS EDUCATION IN LONDIANI SUB-COUNTY, KERICHO COUNTYCHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS EDUCATION The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors influencing students’ perception towards C.R.E among public secondary school students in Londiani Sub-County, Kericho County. The study was guided with the following objectives: to establish the perception of students towards C.R.E , to determine The study adopted quantitativemethod of study. A sample size of 99 respondents was randomly selected comprising of 9 C.R.E teachers and 90 students. The research design used was descriptive survey design. The questionnaire return rate was high and this contributed heavily to the success of this study. The study established that therewas almost equal gender participation in the research. Using questionnaire, the researcher was able to collect relevant data pertinent to the study. Data were then analysed using simple tables and presented in percentages. It was found out that majority of the of teachers agree that students have positive attitude towards C.R.E, the role of future C.R.E related career opportunities does not influence students’ perception towards C.R.E and that teachers’ methodology used such as learner centred, use of questions and answers and use of variety of learning materials does not influence negatively students’ perception towards C.R.E. Finally, the study found that parental influence on student perception towards C.R.E is high and this brings about a negative perception to students. From the findings the researcher made the following recommendations; Parents to take time to discuss with children about careers, parents not to persuade children to take subjects that they do not want, career guidance should be brought to give students guidance and motivation is needed by teachers to students about the important of C.R.E and other subjects.LANGAT DAISY CHEBET Download
THE CHALLENGES OF USING INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS IN TEACHING OF HISTORY IN TRANS MARA WEST SUB COUNTY, NAROK COUNTYHISTORYThe purpose of this study was to investigate the challenges of using instructional materials in teaching of history in Trans-Mara West Sub-County, Narok County. The study adopted quantitative method of study. A sample size of 87 respondents was randomly selected comprising of 7 history teachers and 80 students. The research design used was descriptive survey design. The questionnaire return rate was high and this contributed heavily to the success of this study. The study established that there were more female respondents compared to male respondents. Using questionnaire, the researcher was able to collect relevant data pertinent to the study. Data were then analyzed using simple tables and presented in percentages. We find out that majority of the of teachers and students agree that preparation is very important for the teacher before teaching using instructional materials. Finally, the study found that schools had insufficient instructional teaching and learning resources and financial constraints. From the findings the researcher made the following recommendations; government should support by giving instructional materials and by installing equipment’s sponsor some teachers for further training, make students use instructional materials frequently and create conducive environment for learning.CHRISTINE LEMISO Download
FACTORS AFFECTING TEACHING AND LEARNING OF CRE AMONG SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS IN MWINGI WEST-SUB-COUNTY, KITUI COUNTYCRE Christian Religious Education (CRE) is an important subject that helps to nourish students’ moral and spiritual development.Religious Education plays a greater role as a component of our education system. The Constitution of Kenya, various Education commissions that have been formed as discussed below emphasizes the need for Religious Education in the Curriculum at all levels of learning. This shows how important Religious Education is in the holistic development of learners and the society at large. However, the continued increase in enrolment in secondary schools has put pressure on the limited teaching and learning resources which is affecting the performance in CRE. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to Explore the Factors Affecting Teaching and Learning of CRE among secondary schools in Mwingi West Sub-County, Kitui county. The study is guided by the objectives on how teaching and learning resources, teaching methodology, learners’ perception and future career aspirations affect teaching and learning of CRE.The study participants included 288 students and 12 CRE teachers selected from 12 schools in mwingi west sub-county, kituiCounty. The researcher used questionnaires in data collection. Quantitative data was analyzed using the statistical packages for social sciences (SPSS). From the findings it shows that the perception of the students towards CRE was positive. They see CRE as an interesting subject and the parents play a major role on bringing their children on a Christian way.Finally, the students need more guidance on careers in their schools.From the findings the researcher made the following recommendations;Parents should bring up their children by teaching them Christian values, career guiders and counsellors should be invited in school to guide learners on careers related to CRE and teachers should develop different methodologies in teaching CRE to make it more interesting. LILIAN MAITHYA Download
EFFECTS OF ILLICIT DRUGS ABUSE ON STUDENTS’ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE INPUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN KAJIADO NORTH SUB COUNTY, KAJIADO COUNTY.ILLICIT DRUGS ABUSE This study aimed at investigating the effect of illicit drugs abuse on the academic performance of students in Kajiado North Sub-County. The objectives of the study were to; determine the commonly abused illicit drugs, establish the causes of illicit drugs abuse among students, determine the effects of illicit drugs abuse on academic performance and establish measures put in place to curb illicit drugs abuse in school. The study employed descriptive survey research design. Target population was 32 secondary schools in Kajiado North Sub-County. Simple random sampling technique was used to sample 11 secondary schools. Twelve form four students were sampled using class register from each of the 11 schools sampled. Eleven principals and 11 guidance and counseling teachers from each sampled school were also used as respondents. A total sample size of 154 respondents was used. The study used questionnaires to collect primary data. The data collected was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software program and presented using descriptive methods such as frequencies, means, standard deviation and percentages and presented as tables and figures. The study established that alcohol, bhang and tobacco were the most abused illicit drugs in secondary schools in Kajiado North Sub-County. Sources of drugsidentified were fellowstudents and small kiosksor shops in the schools’ neighbourhoods. Causes of illicit drugs abuse established were; peer influence, availability of money to buy illicit drugs and the family background. The study concluded that illicit drugs abuse among the students led to school drop outs, strained relationship with other students, lack of interest in studying, truancy, low concentration span and healthy problems such as anxiety, headaches, feeling sleepy and confusion leading to declining academic performance. Based on these findings, the researcher recommended that schools should develop an illicit drug policy, to create awareness of the effect of illicit drugs abuse among students and liase with all educational stakeholders so as to improve students’ academicperformance.Studentswhoareidentifiedas illicit drug abusers should not be expelled from schools but should be accepted in the community and be helped through guidance and counselling. Although the Ministry of Education has integrated illicit drugs abuse in some subjects, it should also consider developing a curriculum on effects of illicit drugs abuse. This will ensure that all students are informed about consequences of illicit drugs abuse in order to make informed judgments. The study suggests that further studies should be carried out on involvement of teachers and parents in curbing illicit drug abuse and students perception on strategies used by school principals.JENNIFER SABIRI OBIRI. Download
FACTORS INFLUENCING THE PERFORMANCE OF SMALL AND MEDIUM-SIZED ENTERPRISES IN NAROK TOWNSMEsThe SME sector contributes greatly to the economic growth and thus currently recognized and therefore there are high expectations of the SME sector. The purpose of this study was to establish factors influencing the financial performance of small and medium enterprises (SME) in narok town County, Kenya. To achieve this, the study was guided by four objectives which included: to assess the access between finance accessibility and the performance of small and medium sized enterprise in Narok town , to examine the access between staff education and the performance of small and medium sized enterprise in Narok town, to determine the availability between manageialexperience and the performance of small and medium sized enterprise in Narok town, to explore the availability between access to marketing information and the performance of small and medium sized enterprise in Narok town. The study adopted a descriptive research design. The study population was 140 SME Narok town, in Narok County. This study used simple random sampling to sample 30% respondents. The study used a questionnaire in order to collect data. The questionnaire had both open and close ended questions. The completed questionnaires were checked for completeness to ensure consistency. The data was then coded to enable the responses to be grouped into various categories. The findings were presented by use of tables. From the findings the study concluded that that regulatory and administrative environment cause major obstacles for SME Narok town to access financing. The study also concluded that credit and collateral policies did not allow SMEs to use certain assets as collateral since many a pastoralist there a only dependent on the cattle there don’t have proper collateral like title deed others document. The study concluded that access to information had been not given the same attention as other constraints to improve the performance of SME and those SMEs that made good use of structured marketing information services experienced higher business performance.NAMNYAK PANGAT Download
FACTORS INFLUENCING THE CHOICE OF GEOGRAPHY AS AN EXAMINABLE SUBJECT IN K.C.S.E LEVEL IN SUNA WEST SUBCOUNTY, MIGORI COUNTYGEOGRAPHYThe main reason as to why the research was conducted was to determine factors influencing the choice of geography as an examinable subject in k.c.s.e level in Suna West Sub-county. The study was conducted in Suna West Sub-county. It targeted form 3 students, geography teachers and head teachers in 12 public secondary school in the Sub-county. Due to limited time, the researcher sampled 4 public secondary schools to participate in the study. Random sampling was used in selection of the schools that participated in the study. The study proportionately sampled 72 students, 8 geography teachers and 4 head teachers. The total number of respondents for the study was 84. For data collection, questionnaires were used to gather the information from the students and the geography teachers. The information from the head teachers was collected through the interview schedules. The main findings of the study areas follows; Resource availability does influence enrolment in Geography subject greatly. Better equipped schools were found to have enrolled more students in Geography than those poorly equipped. Availability of enough teaching personnel in schools is a key factor to enrolment in geography as well. Based on these findings of the study, the study makes various recommendations to improve on the enrolment of students in geography. First there is need to improve the library facilities especially, schools need to be equipped with adequate books and reference with currents content. The study further recommends change of methodology in teaching; the syllabus should be made practical. Field work and field visit should be undertaken to enable the students sees the practicability of the theory. Since incentives give people the motive to work hard, head teachers should encourage students of geography to work by putting targets and rewards for the best performance.ONYANGO DANCAN Download
AN EXPLORATION OF THE FACTORS CONTRIBUTING TO DRUG ABUSE AMONG THE YOUTH IN MUMIAS, KAKAMEGACOUNTYDRUG ABUSE This project investigates factors contributing to drug abuse among the youth in Kenya; a case of Western Kenya Mumias Location. The project also: establishes the nature and extent of drug abuse and related issues among the youths; establishes the level and sources of knowledge and awareness on drug abuse and related issues among the youth; investigates demographic factors contributing to drug abuse; investigates social-cultural factors contributing to drugabuse;investigateseconomicfactorscontributingtodrugabusedrug abuse; interrogates the challenges faced against the fight of drug abuse; and recommends on how to curb and reduce drug abuse. In this project, I use an explanatory study design where a study was conducted in Mumias Location to establish factors contributing to drug abuse among youths in Kenya.The main findings of the study were: Demographic characteristics except gender do contribute to drug abuse in the area. Economic and social cultural factors also play a great role in influencing drug abuse in the area among the youth. Effects of drug abuse are diverse. They range from individual to societal effects such as poor health, poor personal hygiene, homosexuality, high school drop-out rate, high divorce rate, prostitution and increased crime. The main challenge facing the fight against drug abuse is corruption and lack of concern by the community in general. Suggested measures to fight the menace are to end corruption and focus on preventive education among the school-going youth. Though there are various factors leading to drug abuse, this study focuses on demographic factors, social-cultural, and economic leading to pervasiveness of the menace in Mumias community/Location. Basically there are various demographic factors contributing to drug abusesuchasage,occupation,religion,andmaritalstatus.Demographicfactorsalsoworkin close relationship with social-cultural factors such as one’s perceived respect by others, the social environment, peer pressure influence, social learning from parents, one’s culture and cultural believes, customs, norms and values. Economic factors also play a great role in determining one’s behavior especially in cases of deviance. One’s economic status may influence one’s indulgence in such activities. This study is, however, limited to the investigation of these factors and recommends the way forward in reducing or curbing drug abuse in MumiasLocation.LOICE KUTAI Download
HOME-BASED FACTORS INFLUENCING ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF SECONDARY SCHOOLS STUDENTS IN KILUNGU SUB-COUNTY, MAKUENI COUNTY.ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE I give gratitude and glory to Almighty God for His mercies and gift of healthy life. I take immense pleasure in thanking my supervisor, Madam Roxana Gathogo for her advice, guidance, motivation and support during the project development. Her guidance and advice always inspired me to seek more knowledge in solving all the challenges I faced throughout this project. Needless to mention all lecturers in the department for the role they played in moulding me to be what I am today. Words are inadequate in offering my thanks to my colleagues in class for their encouragement and cooperation in carrying out the proposal work. I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to my brother Stephen Peter, my father Peter and my mother Rabecca, other family members, friends and co-workers for their tolerance, blessings, moral and material support.May God bless you all.PETER ONESMUS KIOKO. Download
Women Table Banking Group Dynamics and Management in Ong’ata Rongai Township and its effect on women empowermentWomen Table Banking Group Dynamics The research is about women table banking group development and management in Ong’ata Rongai and its effect on women empowerment. Women table banking groups are self-help groups and micro-finance initiatives popular among women from lower socio-economic backgrounds where women save and borrow money easily without collateral. The research seeks to address the problems facing majority of the women table banking groups locallyand regionally. The group management, facilitation and development problems result in frustrations that sometimes break-up of the groups. The research aims atcreating awareness on group dynamics and identify strategies that would enhance facilitation and growth of groups to empower members and improve their living standards. The research employed qualitative method of research using 15 primaryparticipants who were interviewed from 5 groups arrived through convenience non probability sampling. Data was collection through face to face interaction and by telephone where COVID-19 was posed a challenge. The results indicate that groups experience conflict that arise as a result of lack of knowledge of group facilitation processes, leadership, unmet expectations and loan defaults among others. This has some effects on some extend in women empowerment. The results were analyzed thematically and seven themes identified as functions, group facilitation, leadership, eligibility, benefits, challenges/conflicts and training/capacity building as key factors that affect group performance. The significance of the study is to enhance the facilitation and management of table banking groups. The research concludes that women table banking groups are empowering forums for women from lower socio-economic backgrounds. However, for the groups to be more effective, they need to be well facilitated and managed. The study recommends training of group leaders to sharpen their managerial, leadership and facilitation skills. Further, all members need to have their capacity build on group facilitation to enhance group cohesion and in entrepreneurship skills to improve their standards of living.RITA.N. MUCHANGI Download
EFFECTS OF SACCO SOCIETIES REGULATORY AUTHORITY ON THE FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE OF SACCOS IN NAIROBI, KENYA.SACCO SOCIETIES REGULATORYThis study aimed to determine the effects of SACCOs societies regulatory on the financial performance of SACCOs in Nairobi, Kenya. The study was guided by the following objectives; to determine the effect of minimum capital requirements on the financial Performance of SACCOs in Nairobi, Kenya, to assess the effect of minimum liquidity requirements on the financial Performance of SACCOs in Nairobi, Kenya, to find out the effect of loan provisioning requirements on the financial Performance of SACCOs in Nairobi, Kenya and to determine the effect of minimum investment requirements on the financial Performance of SACCOs in Nairobi, Kenya. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design. The study targeted employees from the finance department in 10 SACCOs within Nairobi, County. The target population was 71 respondents. Qualitative data analysis involved the explanation of information obtained from the literature. This was done through discussion and explanation of study findings. Quantitative analysis was done for the numerical data obtained from the field. This was done using descriptive statistics with the help of Microsoft version of Excel. Measures of central tendency (mean) and measures of dispersion such as frequencies and percentages were used. Graphs, tables were used to represent the outcomes. The findings of the study indicated that on the effect of minimum capital requirements on the financial Performance of SACCOs in Nairobi, Kenya, the study found that the high minimum capital requirement has limited the number of institutions that seek licensing as SACCOs. On the effect of minimum liquidity requirements on the financial Performance of SACCOs in Nairobi, Kenya, the study found that the SACCO has increased the amounts of deposits available for its depositors. This therefore implies that since the firms are required to maintain a certain liquidity level, they On the effect of loan provisioning requirements on the financial Performance of SACCOs in Nairobi, Kenya, the study found that the Sacco has been able to formulate a loan provision requirement that has enabled it to maximize on performance, The regulations that were stipulated enabled the SACCOs to come up with loan provision On the effect of minimum investment requirements on the financial Performance of SACCOs in Nairobi, Kenya, the study found that the Sacco has a policy that regulates its investments made in line with SASRA regulation. On the performance of the SACCOs, the study found that the SASRA regulations affected the performance of the SACCOs by enabling them to increase their membership growth. Based on the findings of the study, the study recommends that; the Sacco should employ the SASRA regulations to enable them to adequately meet the core capital requirements; the SACCOs should strictly follow the SASRA regulations which will enable them to reduce the number of short term liabilities it offers in terms of loan. The Sacco should utilize the SASRA regulation to maximize on the number of total Loans. They can use the policy guided by the regulations to enable them identify the most suitable clientele and offer their services to potential clients who are assets and not bad debts. The SACCOs should utilize the SASRA regulations to formulate a policy that will enable them increase the assets of the SACCOs and their shareholders. PATIENCE WANGARI KAMAU Download
FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE STRATEGY IMPLEMENTATION INSOCIAL SECURITY INSTITUTIONS: A CASE STUDY OF NSSFSTRATEGY IMPLEMENTATIONThe current study is an assessment of challenges of strategy implementation social security institutions a case study of National Social Security Fund. The study adopted a descriptive case study research design. The population of the study was 1660 employees of NSSF. Sampling targeted 10.4 percent of the total population of employees. Stratified random sampling was used to select the 173 employees from three strata namely, top management, middle management and junior officers. The study adopted a descriptive case study research design. Data was analyzed by the use of descriptive statistics and inferential analysis. Specifically, means, frequencies and percentages were used. Factor Analysis and Correlation analysis was used to extract the relevant factors and their relationship with strategy implementation. The findings presented in tables, figures and graphs. Findings indicated that the organization leadership at NSSF is not effective and this may have led to poor strategy implementation. The culture at NSSF was not conducive for strategy implementation and this may have led to poor strategy implementation. The organization structure at NSSF was inconsistent with strategy implementation and this may have led to poor strategy implementation. The management of organization resources at NSSF is not effective and this may have led to poor strategy implementation. The organization politics at NSSF are not conducive for strategy implementation and this may have contributed to the poor implementation of strategy.COLLINS SANKALE Download
EFFECTS OF HIGH RATE OF UNEMPLOYMENT ON YOUTH SOCIALWELFARE IN EMBAKASI SOUTH SUB-COUNTY, NAIROBI CITY COUNTYUNEMPLOYMENT The purpose of this study was to establish effects of high rate of unemployment and crime rate to youth in Embakasi South Nairobi County, with the aim of identifying strategies to mitigate crime among the youth. The study objectives were to explore the extent that youth unemployment influences the crime rates in Embakasi South, establish the prevalence of youth unemployment, examine the factors that cause youth unemployment, determine the connection between youth unemployment and high crime rates, and to identify the best strategy to mitigate the high number of crime rates in Embakasi South. The foundational framework for this study is Merton’s (1938) Strain theory which argues that a discord between people’s goals and means results in criminality. Merton (1938) believes that people hold a universal social goal of attaining material wealth and success; and that there is inequality in achieving these goals – leading to strain. Individual propensity to commit crime can also be explained through Albert Bandura’s social learning theory. According to this theory, people learn to commit crime from one another by modelling their behavior, imitating them, or making observations. They look at the rewards and punishments brought by crime, and make a decision to either accept crime and pursue it for the rewards, or shun it to avoid the punishments. The research design involved a descriptive survey on a sample of 125 urban youth (both male and females) between the ages of 18- 35 years. Self-administered questionnaires were also used to collect data. The target population for this study was the urban youth (both male and females) between the ages of 18- 35 years who are living in Embakasi South. Purposive sampling technique was used in this study with a non- probability design. This sampling method was applied to select youths aged 18- 35 years in Embakasi South Constituency. The sample size used for this study was 125 people who were selected from urban youth in Embakasi South. The research tool used to obtain primary data was a questionnaire. During data analysis, quantitative data obtained from the questionnaires was analyzed by the use of descriptive statistics which included cross-tabulations, percentages frequencies and aided by the Statistical Program for Social Sciences (SPSS). The findings indicate that youth unemployment could influence the rates of crime in Embakasi South and welfare of youths. These findings are premised on the notion that youth unemployment forces people to use illegal means to achieve societal expectations. The study concludes that youths are attracted to criminal activities because of poverty. Job creation can therefore help decrease criminal activities among the youth. Education is one of the strategies that can help push youth away from criminal activities and create jobs for themselves. The study further recommends that the government could develop an integrated information system which captures the bio-data of all youth who are unemployed in Kenya and make deliberate move to help them create employment.SOMOW EBLA AHMED Download
FACTORS INFLUENCING DISASTER AID STRATEGIES IN KENYA: CASE OF KENYA RED CROSS SOCIETY BRANCHES IN NAIROBI COUNTY)DISASTER AID STRATEGIES Disaster management strategies are very important if the lives of individuals involved in accidents and other risky situations are to be saved in Kenya. Red Cross society plays an immense role during emergencies and disasters. In Nairobi County, there are continuous cases of accidents, where people have been taken to hospitals during emergencies. Although most of the hospitals have medical staff and are well equipped, patients end up succumbing to their injuries or deteriorating even while in hospital. This clearly indicates that disaster management strategies during emergencies are wanting. This has resulted in the researcher’s interest in carrying out the study on the factors influencing disaster management strategies in Kenya, a case of Kenya Red Cross Society branches in Nairobi County. The respondents constituted 60 staff members who included senior management, subordinate staff, and employees of Kenya Red Cross Society branches in Nairobi County. Nairobi County was chosen on the basis of proximity to the researcher. Questionnaires were used to gather primary data from all the sampled respondents in order to achieve the objectives of the study. The study found that the main factors that affected disaster management strategies were; availability of resources, employee training, government policy and disaster preparedness. The study concluded that notices could be disseminated through radio, TV, online networking and print media during emergencies and disaster to alert the Kenya Red Cross society. The study recommended that the management of the Red Cross Society in Kenya should seek to further set aside funds specifically for disaster management and this also ought to be done through awareness creation to the employees, informing them on steps to take when disasters occur. In addition the government should have proper regulations put in place to deal with disaster management and involve other organizations to ensure that they abide by the required rules and policies laid by the government.NAREYIAN MELODY KINA Download
RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PARENTAL NEGLECT AND CHILDREN’S SOCIAL-PSYCHOLOGY DEVELOPMENT IN NAIVASHA SUB-COUNTY KENYA.PARENTAL NEGLECT AND CHILDREN’S SOCIAL-PSYCHOLOGY DEVELOPMENTGlobally, reported cases of parental child neglect are between 25-50% of all children below eighteen years. neglect means the failure of a parent or other caregivers who have responsibility for a child to provide necessary clothing, shelter, food, medical care or supervision to the extent that the child’s safety, health, and well-being are endangered According to the statistics, it is evident that child neglect is an imminent global catastrophe. WHO also established that most female children who face neglect at childhood are likely to fall victim of the teenage pregnancy and the risk of teenage pregnancy rises with the number of adverse childhood experiences. Parental neglect does not only affect physical developments, but it leads to behavioral and emotional problems. Behavioral and emotional problems are categorized into externalizing and internalizing problems. In Naivasha Sub County in Nakuru County, there has been a disturbing rise in child neglect, leading to an outcry by the number of children dropping out of school. This has raised concern among the stakeholders of the Sub County such as Education Ministry, World Vision (sponsor), parents, teachers, politicians and religious leaders into raising concern over possible causes of teenage pregnancy in Naivasha Sub County. Thus, there is a need to investigate relationship between parental neglect and children’s social-psychology development in Naivasha Sub-County Kenya. The researcher employed a descriptive research design. The design was appropriate for this study because it allowed the researcher to obtain adequate and credible information on the subject without manipulating the subjects. The target population of this study was 5000 parents of the 6260 children in 78schools in Naivasha sub-county. The target population in this study comprised of parents ofchildren in the ages 4-7 years in public and private primary schools in Naivasha Sub-County. Data was gathered using questionnaires. The study findings indicated that alcohol was the most abused drug in the area, followed by miraa (khat), bhang and cigarettes in that order. The findings on parents’ involvement revealed that fathers participated more in pre-school activities that related to financial support and less in those that required them to sacrifice their time on children’s social-psychology development. Therefore, there is need to increase parents’ awareness on the importance of getting involved in children’s social-psychology development on and this could be done by encouraging parents to attend provide reading materials and reading the child. Further findings showed that parent’s education level was found to affect their involvement in their children’s social-psychology development. Most parents in Naivasha Sub-County were found to be learned and capable of supporting their children’s social-psychology development via reading and listening to them. The study also recommends that schools should develop platforms that will help improve fathers' homework supervision by starting up seminars for fathers that clarify the practice of assisting children’s social-psychology development.PAUL JOSEPH NYABWANGA Download
FACTORS THAT AFFECTING EMPOWERMENT OF WOMEN AND GIRLS IN KIBERA CONSTITUENCY MAKINA WARD NAIROBI CITY COUNTYEMPOWERMENT OF WOMEN AND GIRLS The purpose of the study was to establish the factors affecting empowerment of women and girls in Kibera Constituency Makina Ward Nairobi City County.The study was guided by these research questions: How does unemployment affect empowerment of women and girls? To what extent do cultural barriers affect the empowerment of women and girls in Kibera? What are the effects of gender inequality in regards to the empowerment of women and girls? The study adopted descriptive survey design. The target population was 50 from where a sample of 50 was derived. Self-administered questionnaires were used to collect data. The study established that most women were financially weak and were struggling to meet their financial obligations due to lack of employment and gender inequality. The study also revealed that gender stereotyping, early marriages and women oppression were negatively affecting women empowerment. Further, the study noted that women had fewer opportunities in life compared to men as they were paid lower wages compared to men, their rights were not being met, they were relegated to household chores while their empowerment policies were not being implemented. The study recommended that the government should come up with policies that empower women and make sure they are implemented.ELMA MUMBI Download
EFFECTS OF HOME ENVIRONMENT ON THE ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF DAY SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN MWALA SUB-COUNTY, MACHAKOS COUNTYHome environment and academic performance in Day secondary schools -- MachakosABSTRACT: Conducive home environment is likely to motivate students to concentrate on studies without distractions. However, students who are brought up in a home environment that is disruptive, chaotic and lacking some essential facilities are likely to be discouraged from effective learning. Therefore, the study set to investigate the effects of home environment on the academic performance of day secondary schools in Mwala Sub-County, Machakos County. The study was guided by the following objectives: To explore the role of family structure on students’ academic performance in Mwala Sub-County, Machakos County; To find out the role of parenting style on students’ academic performance in Mwala Sub-County, Machakos County; To investigate the influence of home chores on students’ academic performance in Mwala Sub-County, Machakos County and to interrogate the influence of parent’s level of income on students’ academic performance in Mwala Sub-County, Machakos County. The study was grounded on the Social Cognitive Theory of Albert Bandura. It adopted descriptive survey design approach. The population of the study was 408 from where a sample of 122 was drawn. Eventually, 107 respondents comprising of 98 students and 9 teachers were able to participate. Questionnaires were used to collect quantitative data. The study established that most students came from financially poor backgrounds and therefore could not afford most of the school requirements such as electricity, comfortable furniture and favourable reading environment at their homes. Students from single parent families were found to struggle to afford school which was hindering their academic progress due to absenteeism after being sent away to get school fees. Students coming from families with two parents were found to have high chances of having their parents follow up on their academic affairs. Parenting style and especially the authoritative style of parenting was found to be more supportive. The study recommends that parents should strive to have their children provided with school requirements such as school fees, uniform, stationery and follow the academic affairs of their children. ANNABEL WANZA MBITHI Download
The Challenges Facing Teaching and Learning of Poetry in Secondary Schools: A Case Study of Honorable John Njoroge Secondary School in Kasarani Constituency Nairobi CountyChallenges Facing Teaching and Learning of Poetry ABSTRACT This study investigates the challenges facing knowledge dissemination and acquisition among teachers and learners in poetry in Secondary schools and come up with possible remedies in to enhance efficient teaching and learning which would extrapolate into a better outcome. The study was guided by the following objectives: to investigate the challenges encountered in the teaching and learning of poetry in the classroom, to find out the best ways of teaching and learning poetry in secondary schools and to come up with ways to eradicate challenges facing the teaching and learning of poetry in secondary schools in Kenya. The study used simple descriptive design and employed both qualitative and quantitative approaches in the analysis of the findings. The target population constituted form three and form four students and also teachers. The researcher used questionnaire to collect the data for the study. To establish the validity and the reliability of the research instruments the researcher undertook a pilot study in two private schools. The researcher used SPSS technique and Microsoft excel in data analysis. The study established that the teaching and learning of poetry was facing challenges such as time constraints, inadequate teaching and learning resources, use of effort complex language in poems, poor pedagogical content and lack of regular practice were identified as some of the challenges. The study concluded that more teaching and learning resources need to be availed; more time should be allocated for the poetry classes and an improvement in the teaching and learning methodologies by the teachers. BILINGA DIID KOSI Download
Factors affecting selection of accounting information systems in institutions of higher learning. A case of Tangaza university collegeAccounting Information systemsAccounting Information Systems are important tools in any organization. Therefore, their selection is an important step in ensuring that the organization benefits from the best system that their money could acquire. Hence, the current study explores the factors to be considered when selecting an Accountant Information System. The study is guided by the following research questions: To examine how financial resources affect the selection of accounting information systems in institutions of higher learning; To investigate how personal preference affect the selection of accounting information systems and to find out whether technical ability affect the selection of accounting information systems. The study used descriptive survey method and collected data by administering questionnaires. The target population for this study was 5 staff working in both Finance and Procurement Departments at Tangaza University College. The study sampled a total of 5 participants. The study established that affordability, price, availability of financial resources, quality and affordability are important criterial to look at when selecting AIS. The study also noted that customizable, user friendliness, peers and technical support are important considerations when acquiring an AIS. The study established that availability of local technical support and training of staff are important aspects that need to be given due diligence when acquiring an AIS. Bampire, Beatrice Download
Investigating challenges faced by students in the process of learning Chemistry in public secondary schools in Dagoretti south constituency, NairobiEducation Learning chemistry subject Challenges students face Public secondary schoolsThe purpose of this study was “investigating the challenges faced by students in the process of learning Chemistry in Public Secondary Schools in Dagoretti South Constituency, Nairobi”. The study was guided by the following research questions: How does teaching methodology affect the process of learning Chemistry? How does teachers’ characteristic affect the process of learning Chemistry? To what extent do instructional materials affect the process of learning Chemistry? And how do students’ attitudes affect the process of learning Chemistry in public secondary schools in Dagoretti South Constituency, Nairobi? The study used descriptive survey research design and adopted the quantitative approach. The study used 125 participants which comprised of 119 students and 6 teachers in the subject (Chemistry) drawn from Public Secondary Schools in Dagoretti South Constituency, Nairobi. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25 was used to analyse the data collected from the target population. The study established that most schools have laboratories but do not carry out Chemistry practical regularly, have libraries but the students do not have access/make use of them regularly and teachers make use of improvisation when apparatus are not available. The study recommends that students should be mentored to develop positive attitudes, good reading culture, which will make them understand the concepts in Chemistry; Chemistry teachers should make effort to further their studies and make use of group discussion from time to time. It has also recommended that the parents should support their children by buying the study materials, which may be required by the students. The school administration should provide adequate learning and teaching materials like computers for projection of the lessons, encourage the teachers to make use of charts when teaching some topics that need displaying of the information, organise in-service training from time to time for the teachers in order to prepare them well for current learning processes in Chemistry. Also, the administrators should motivate the students through positive reinforcement by rewarding the best students in the subject. Finally, the study recommends that the Government through the Ministry of Education should increase budgetary allocation for schools and employ more Chemistry teachers to commensurate the vast number of students studying Chemistry in the schools. Nwatu, Jude Chidiebere Download
Causes of poor performance in biology subject in selected public secondary schools in Langata sub- county nairobi, KenyaEducation Biology subject Causes of poor performanceThe performance of biology subject in the national examination in Kenya have continuously posted poor results over the years. This study finds out the causes of poor performance in biology in the selected Public secondary schools in Langata Sub-County, Nairobi County. The objectives of the study were to examine the influence of the attitudes towards performance of biology subject, to determine the impact of teaching methods on academic performance in public secondary schools; to evaluate the availability and useof instructional materials in teaching biology and its impact on performance; and to determine future carrier aspirations and it influences on students’ academic performance in biology in Public secondary schools. Questionnaires were administered to students, teachers and interview guide to the principals within the three selected schools in the area. The students were sampled randomly while the teachers and the principals were purposively sampled. The responses were analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences(SPSS) and presented in figures and tables using percentages. The findings showed that students who have positive attitudes towards biology perform better in the subject while students who have negative attitudes towards biology perform poorly because they lack interest. Classroom participation was poorly managed by teachers and students, majority of the teachers used teachers- centered method of teaching. Most students share biology textbooks which means they are not enough biology textbooks in the schools. The schools did not have adequate instructional materials, they were insufficient laboratory equipment, insufficient teaching and learning materials, amount of content and time allocated were the factors that causes poor performance in biology. Students not interested in biology related careers do not put much effort in biology. Some students are motivated by parents and mentors who work in biology related careers, the study also established that some learners are not aware of their future careers. The study recommend that the Government should provide all the resource material needed for teaching and learning biology such as textbooks, projectors, well-equipped biology Laboratory and Library. Why this recomedation yet this is not in the results and should organize seminar for the learners on career choices, the school administration should frequently organize workshop for biology teachers to upgrade their skills and knowledge regarding teaching and learning of biology. Teachers should always motivate and involved the learners when teaching, they should use variety of methods in teaching biology and to conduct frequent assessments to obtain feedback from the student understanding. Adi, Terhemba Benjamin Download
Factors affecting selection of accounting information systems in institutions of higher learning. A case of Tangaza university collegeHigher learning institutions- Information systemsAccounting Information Systems are important tools in any organization. Therefore, their selection is an important step in ensuring that the organization benefits from the best system that their money could acquire. Hence, the current study explores the factors to be considered when selecting an Accountant Information System. The study is guided by the following research questions: To examine how financial resources affect the selection of accounting information systems in institutions of higher learning; To investigate how personal preference affect the selection of accounting information systems and to find out whether technical ability affect the selection of accounting information systems. The study used descriptive survey method and collected data by administering questionnaires. The target population for this study was 5 staff working in both Finance and Procurement Departments at Tangaza University College. The study sampled a total of 5 participants. The study established that affordability, price, availability of financial resources, quality and affordability are important criterial to look at when selecting AIS. The study also noted that customizable, user friendliness, peers and technical support are important considerations when acquiring an AIS. The study established that availability of local technical support and training of staff are important aspects that need to be given due diligence when acquiring an AIS. Accounting Information Systems are important tools in any organization. Therefore, their selection is an important step in ensuring that the organization benefits from the best system that their money could acquire. Hence, the current study explores the factors to be considered when selecting an Accountant Information System. The study is guided by the following research questions: To examine how financial resources affect the selection of accounting information systems in institutions of higher learning; To investigate how personal preference affect the selection of accounting information systems and to find out whether technical ability affect the selection of accounting information systems. The study used descriptive survey method and collected data by administering questionnaires. The target population for this study was 5 staff working in both Finance and Procurement Departments at Tangaza University College. The study sampled a total of 5 participants. The study established that affordability, price, availability of financial resources, quality and affordability are important criterial to look at when selecting AIS. The study also noted that customizable, user friendliness, peers and technical support are important considerations when acquiring an AIS. The study established that availability of local technical support and training of staff are important aspects that need to be given due diligence when acquiring an AIS. Bampire, Beatrice Download
Social factors influencing the choice of history subject at KCSE level in public secondary schools in Ngong sub-county Kajiado countyEducation- secondary schools History subject- Social factors that influence choice History subject is one of the subjects taught in schools. However, this research project is based in finding out social factors influencing the choice of history subject at KCSE level in public secondary schools in Ngong sub-county, Kajiado County. The study is guided by the following objectives: To examine the influence of the parents on students’ choice of studying history subject at the KCSE levels in Ngong sub-county; To examine the peer influence on in the student’s choice of studying history subject at the KCSE level in Ngong Sub- County, Assess students’ attitude towards pursuing a career in History in public secondary school in Ngong sub-county;To investigate student’s self-motivation for choosing history as a subject in public secondary school in Ngong Sub-County.The study adopted survey design, where 93 respondents were sampled, 90 students selected randomly from among the history students in three secondary schools in Ngong sub-county and three teachers from the three selected schools. Self-administered questionnaire was used to collect quantitative data. Using IBM SPSS statistic data editor vision 28, the data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and were presented in tables and figures. The study established the following findings:The study established that most parents allowed their children to choose what to study in secondary schools and were also involving them in decisions concerning their education. However, parental involvement in the academic affairs of their children was instrumental in raising the academic performance, The study also stated that ”Peers were also a source of encouragement to students to study history”, furthermore,the study established that most students love history as a career. However, history was found to have limited job opportunities while most of the students did not want to become history teachers.This study recommends that the Ministry of Education, students and parents should continue to play their roles in ensuring effective teaching and learning of history which will help students to develop more interest in history and Government. Buhven, Leonard Download
Analysis of the common morpho-syntactic errors in the written English language of the form three students in public secondary schools in Langata sub-county Nairobi county. English- secondary schools English subject- morpho-syntactic errors in written EnglishThe study analysed the Morpho-Syntactic Errors in Written English of Form Three Secondary School Students in Langata Sub-County, Nairobi County. The studys main goal was to analyse number agreement and punctuation mark errors made by students. The objectives were to identify the common morpho-syntactic errors in students written English, the frequency of the errors in the students written English, and the possible causes of these errors. The study made use of Corders theory of Error Analysis (1967 and 1974). A sample of a hundred students written compositions was collected from all the Langata Sub-County form three public secondary school students from a single written composition. The errors were determined through a consideration of the deviations in students grammar from the norms of the target language (British English). Data were first presented in tables and finally, percentages of the frequency of these errors were tabulated. The following morpho-syntactic errors in number agreement and punctuation marks were discovered after analysis of the written composition: noun phrase agreement errors, singular subjects with plural verb errors, plural subjects with singular verb errors, missing comma errors, lack of full stops at the end of sentences, and, misuse of semicolons. The findings showed that noun-agreement errors 55%, singular subjects with plural verb errors 63%, plural subjects with singular verb errors 56%, and comma-missing errors 61% were frequent in the students written compositions. Finally, based on the available literature on error analysis, the study discussed the possible causes of the errors observed. It emerged that omission, overgeneralization, incomplete application of the rules, and inadequate understanding of the rules, were the main causes of these errors. Based on the results of the current study, the study recommended that teachers of English should emphasize morphosyntactic rules, encourage learners to read English texts of various genres, emphasize the importance of all punctuation marks, and lastly, both teachers and students should communicate using target language frequently in the classroom.Angbilia Zaniwe Fortuna Download
The challenges facing teaching and learning of poetry, in public secondary schools, in Langata sub-county, Nairobi county Education- secondary schools English- poetry- challenges in teaching and learningThis study examines the difficulties teachers and students in public secondary schools in Langata Sub County-Langata Constituency Nairobi County, face in sharing and acquiring their knowledge of poetry. The following goals served as the studys direction: To study the difficulties experienced in the classroom when teaching and learning poetry, To determine the most effective methods for teaching poetry to high school students, To devise strategies for overcoming the difficulties that Public secondary schools in Kenya face in teaching and studying poetry. The studys findings were analyzed using both qualitative and quantitative methods using a straightforward descriptive methodology. The target group included teachers and students from form three and form four in Three public secondary schools in the Langata sub-county. Data were gathered for the study via a questionnaire by the researcher. Microsoft Excel and the SPSS approach were used by the researcher to analyze the data. The research sample drawn from all mixed schools, indicated that there is no major problem with poetry in public secondary schools in Langata sub county, as both teachers and students are enthusiastic about poetry and are employing the best strategies to engage both learners and teachers in class. Minor issues stemming from attitudes, material, teaching aids, and techniques can be traced back to the responses of a small number of teachers and Students. The study further found that the majority of respondents felt that poetry is interesting and thus recommends that poetry should be given a top priority among other genre of literature in public secondary schools, in Langata.Chukwuemeka James Ikebuna Download
Classroom based factors affecting students’ participation in English subject, in public secondary schools, Dagoretti sub-county, Nairobi countyClassroom based factors affecting students’ participation in English subjectThe purpose of this study was to investigate Classroom Based Factors Affecting Students’ Participation in English subject, in Public Secondary Schools, Dagoretti sub –county, Nairobi County. The study was guided by the following objectives: To examine how classroom environment influence students’ classroom participation in English subject in public secondary schools, Dagoretti sub –county, Nairobi county, Kenya. To investigate the relationship between teaching methodology and students’ classroom participation in English subject in public secondary schools, Dagoretti sub –county, Nairobi county, Kenya. To Find out if students’ attitudes affect students’ classroom participation in English subject in public secondary schools, Dagoretti sub – county, Nairobi county, Kenya, and to suggest interventions to improve students’ classroom participation in English subject in public secondary schools, Dagoretti sub-county, Nairobi County, Kenya. The study adopted survey design to help students discovering the classroom based factors affecting their participation in English. The study sampled 120 respondents comprising of 117 students and 3 teachers. However, 118 respondents managed to participate. The instruments of data collection were questionnaires which were distributed to students in different secondary schools in Dagoretti sub-County. Data were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Both qualitative and quantitative data were collected using questionnaires. To illustrate the study’s findings and identify general trends, descriptive statistics were used., pie chart and tables were used to summarize quantitative data. It was recommended that teachers of English should not be harsh and boring to the students, rather they should be friendly, lively and use kind words while teaching English. The school management has to make sure English language is spoken by all students in school inside and outside of the class since it is compulsory in order to promote students’ participation in English subject.The study found out that group discussions, peer teaching, students ‘centered methods and use of captivating teaching aids are the excellent methods of teaching to promote classroom participation. The teacher of English has to make sure that the classroom is well arranged, students are well seated and smartly dressed and there is no noise whether internal or external ones to promote their full participation in leaning process. In addition, it was found that attitude is a great contributor to students’ level of attention and concentration in learning English which boosts participation in learning activities. If the students have positive attitude towards English subject and the teacher of English, undoubtedly they will participate fully in the English class. Furthermore, it was found out that the most useful interventions to improve classroom participation in English include creativity and innovation, group discussions, gamification, field trip, self-expression, more revision, Continuous Assessment Tests (CAT), and home works. Nshimiyimana, Elias Download
Factors affecting the use of practical work in teaching and learning chemistry in public secondary schools in Dagoretti sub-county, Nairobi county, KenyaFactors affecting the use of practical work in teaching and learning chemistry The purpose of the study was to investigate the factors affecting the use of practical work in teaching and learning chemistry in public secondary schools in Dagoretti Sub-County, Nairobi County, Kenya. The study was guided by these objectives: To determine the extent of use of practical work in teaching and learning chemistry in public secondary school, to assess students’ attitude towards chemistry practical work in public secondary schools, and to establish availability of chemistry facilities and their use in the chemistry practical work in public secondary schools. The study was grounded on David Kolb experiential learning theory. A descriptive survey research design was used, and a quantitative approach was adopted during data analysis. The study used a sample of 123 respondents comprising of 119 Form Three and Four students, and 4 teachers drawn from public secondary schools in Dagoretti Sub-County, Nairobi. Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS version 28) was used to analyze the data collected from the target population. The findings of this study indicated that the use of practical work depended on the availability of the laboratory in the school and the presence of the laboratory technicians. It showed that student’ and teachers attitude was of great importance on the use of chemistry practical work in the process of teaching and learning chemistry. The study further disclosed that laboratories were present in schools yet were not used adequately due to lack of adequate apparatus. Furthermore, the time provided for the practical lessons seemed to be enough yet the respondents demanded for more time. The study recommends that students should be encouraged to develop positive attitudes towards chemistry subjects. Chemistry teachers should use modern methods of teaching, such as the use of computers, to motivate and sustain students' interest in chemistry. Mudumbi, Cedric Amani Download
School environmental factors influencing the performance of students in Chemistry in public secondary schools in Dagoretti south constituency, KenyaSchool environmental factors influencing the performance of students in Chemistry Data available indicated that the performance of students in Chemistry has continued to be poor over years, especially in national exams (KCSE). Despite the interventions and measures offered by the ministry of education to employ qualified teachers to teach Chemistry in secondary schools, poor performance persists in some schools within Dagoretti South Constituency. This study was “School Environmental Factors Influencing the Performance of Students in Chemistry in Public Secondary Schools in Dagoretti South Constituency, Nairobi”.This study was guided by the following research objectives: the influence of teaching and learning resources on students' academic performance in Chemistry, the effects of teaching methodology on students' academic performance in Chemistry, and the extent to which student’s attitudes affect their academic performance in Chemistry, and the extent teachers’ qualification influence learning of Chemistry in Dagoretti South Constituency, Nairobi. This researchadopted a descriptive survey design and purposive sample techniques to select the schools and simple random sampling to select class teachers and students that participated in the study. The study was conducted in three Public Secondary Schools in Dagoretti South Constituency; one Boys’ Secondary School, one Girls’ Secondary School, and one Mixed Secondary School. The research sample included 126 participants drawn from the target population; 116 student participants from the three schools; form 3 and form 4 students, 7 Chemistry teachers, and principals of the sampled schools. Simple random and purposive sampling methods were used for data collection and the data collected was organized and analyzed using the latest version 28 of the Statistical Packages for the Social Science (SPSS). Data were presented using frequency tables, pie charts, and graphs. The study discovered that schools have equipped laboratories but teachers do not conduct practicals regularly for students.Negativeattitudes of students toward Chemistry influence theirperformance.The teachers use mostly the question-and-answer method in teaching. The study recommended that the school administration should ensure that the methods used by the teachers are effective and evaluated at the end. Teachers should incorporate other methods in the teaching and learning process and also have positive attitudes toward the students. Students should make efforts to study more the subject and have positive attitudes toward it. Ukandu, John Ugochukwu Download
Factors affecting students’ performance in Physics practicals in public secondary schools in Ngong sub-county, Kajiado countyFactors affecting students’ performance in Physics practicalsThe study sought to investigate factors affecting students’ performance in physics practicals in public secondary schools in Ngong sub-County, Kajiado County. In this study a descriptive survey design was used. Two schools were involved in the study giving a sample size of 100 students thus form four’s and form three’s combined, and 4 physics teachers. Questionnaires were used as an instruments for collecting data to both teachers and students. The data was descriptively analyzed using Statistical Packages for Social Scientists (SPSS). The findings obtained from the study showed that there were a number of factors that affect student’s performance in physics laboratory practical work. These include, teaching methodology, availability of teaching and learning resources, and student’s attitude. The detailed findings were summarized and presented inform of tables and pie charts. From the study, the teachers are encouraged to be creative and use alternative teaching methods during practical lessons and in their course of teaching they have to promote student’s participation to make sure that students are having hands-on-experience of what they are learning. In moments when there is a lack of apparatus, the teachers have to improvise and use necessary teaching aids to help the learners to grasp the concept and to learn the necessary skills needed. Teachers have to motivate their students by pointing out the value of physics in the society and different job opportunities that are available for those who have studied physics, school management has to motivate physics teachers and provided necessary material to empower science subjects in a school particularly physics. Sakala, Daniel Download
The internal control and financial stability of catholic institutes in Karen ward, Langata sub-county, Nairobi countyThe internal control and financial stability of catholic institutes The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of internal control on financial stability of Catholic Institutes in Karen Ward, Lang’ata Sub-County in Nairobi County. The study was guided by these objectives: To explore the extent to which budgeting affects financial stability of Catholic institutes in Karen Word Lang’ata Sub-County, Nairobi County; To establish how Cash management affects financial stability of Catholic institutes in Karen word Lang’ata Sub-County, Nairobi County; To explore how Book Keeping affect the financial stability of Catholic institutes in Karen Lang’ata Sub-County, Nairobi County; To determine how auditing affect, the financial stability of Catholic institutes in Karen Word Lang’ata Sub-County, Nairobi County.The study was grounded on the Accounting Theory, Modern Theory of Finance and Budgetary Control Theory. The study adopted descriptive survey design and used questionnaires to collect data from a sample of 10 Financial Officers drawn from 10 Catholic Institutes in Karen ward, Lang’ata SubCounty, Nairobi County.The study revealed that most of the institutions under study were making efforts to internally control their finances through preparation of annual financial budgets with the involvement of all their departments where they were also strictly following their set budgets. Most of the institutes had systems in place to help them track all their monthly incomes, expenditures and were also able to determine whether they were making losses or profits on monthly basis. The study established that most of the institutes were also internally controlling their finances through the use of cash books to record receipts and payments of money to track and control finances. They were also operating petty cash books to help them track small expenditures as well as carrying out bank reconciliations and conducting regular, accurate and timely cash flow analysis and forecasting as a method of financial control. The study recommended that Catholic institutes should regularly be conducting both internal and external auditing of their finances to enhance their financial stability Anyolo, Werner Cornelius Imbwaka Download
Influence of teaching methodology on students' academic performance in physics in secondary schools in Lang’ata subcounty, Nairobi countyInfluence of teaching methodology on students' academic performance in physics The purpose of this study was to establish the Influence of Teaching Methodology on Student's Academic Performance in Physics in Secondary Schools in Lang’ata Sub-County, Nairobi County. The Study sampled 126 respondents using both random and purposive sampling methods. The study established that most physics Teachers were experienced in teaching Physics having taught for more than 1-5 years. This could positively undermine the effective teaching of Physics. Generally, Physics resources were found to be inadequate in terms of laboratories, equipment, textbooks and library resources while teaching and learning resources are rarely updated and this implies that the Schools were using outdated teaching materials. However, most Physics Teachers find it difficult to prepare their lesson plan on time. The study, therefore, recommends Ministry of Education should continue to equip schools with the latest Physics teaching and learning resources, and Teachers should take less workload to have ample time to prepare for their lessons. Adequate and up-to-date Physics textbooks should be provided including trained Physics Teachers. School administration should offer adequate supervision to physics teachers to ensure that they deliver the content of physics and cover the syllabus at an appropriate time. And Students are encouraged to continue to study hard to maintain good performance in physics.Izuogu, Kingsley Arinze Download
Home-based factors influencing students’ academic performance in English subject in secondary schools in Dagoretti sub-county, Nairobi countyHome-based factors influencing students’ academic performance in English subjectStudents from poor family experience lack of basic needswhich negatively affects theirperformance. The purpose of this research was to examine the Home-Based Factors Influencing Students’ Academic Performance in English Subject in Secondary Schoolsin Dagoretti Sub-County, Nairobi County.The study examinedweather home economic background, parenting style and parents’ level of education affectsstudents’ academic performance. Theresearchadoptedquestionnairetocollectdataand analyzed quantitatively. The Quantitative data was analyzed andtabulated through a descriptive statistic such as percentages, frequency distribution tables, pie charts, and graphs.Thestudypopulationinvolvedthreesecondaryschoolsconsistingof139respondentsin Dagoretti Sub-County. The schools wererandomly selected for data collection.The study established that there is a great relationship between home economic background and students’ performance in that students from poor families are likely to experience lack of basic needs compared to students from rich families. The study revealed that there is a relationship between parenting style and students’ performance in that students who experience love, care and support are likely to perform well. The study established that there is no relationship between a parents’ level of education and students’ performance. This study recommends that the Ministry of Education, parents, schools and the community should ensure that students are not directly affected by the negative aspects of home-based factors by ensuring that they support the students both from school and from home. The government should find appropriate measures to use instead of discontinuing the students when faced with lack of school fees. Parents should make sure they make provisions for learning resources for their children.Inocencio Agostinho Felismino Download
Factors affecting students’ academic performance in Geography in public secondary schools in Ngong sub-county Kajiado county, Kenya.Factors affecting students’ academic performance in Geography The purporse of this study was to investigate the factors affecting students’ academic performance in geography in geography in public secondary schools in Ngong sub-county Kajiado county Kenya. The objectives of the study were: to find out whether teachers’ methodology affects students’ academic performance in geography, to investigate whether students’ attitude toward geography affects students’ academic performance in geography and to examine whether school environment affects students’ academic performance in geography. In order to achieve these objectives, the researcher administered questionnaires to the students and teachers from selected schools in the study area. Both the students and teaches were sampled purposively to include all form three and four geography students and teachers. The study used descriptive survey design and adopted quantitative approach. The study enlisted 85 respondents comprising 76 students and 9 teachers. The Statistical Package Social Sciences (SPSS) was used to get descriptive statistics. The findings showed that, most teachers used useful teaching methodology which were ideal for improving students’ performance in geography. The study noted that, students had positive attitude towards geography and found it interesting. The respondents also agreed that, most schools under the study had conducive environment for teaching and learning geography. However, most schools were lacking updated and revised textbooks for teachers and students and variety of teachings methods. Therefore, the researcher recommended that the schools adeministrators should strive to provide morea adequate textbooks for teaching and learning geography Andrianirina Radoniaina Lovatiana Download
The influence of teaching and learning environment on map reading in public secondary schools Langata subcounty, Nairobi countyThe influence of teaching and learning environment on map reading This research investigated the influence of teaching and learning environment on map reading in geography among public secondary schools Langata Sub County, Nairobi County. The study is guided by the following objectives: To investigatethe influence of learners’ perception on map reading in geography among public secondary schools Langata Sub County, Nairobi County;To explore the influence of teaching methodologies on teaching and learning of map reading in geography among public secondary schools Langata Sub County, Nairobi County; To find out the influence of teaching andlearning resourceon map reading in geography among public secondary schools Langata Sub County, Nairobi County.To achieve these objectives, the researcher adopted descriptive survey research design where he purposively selected a boy’s secondary school, a girl’s secondary school and a mixed day secondary school. The target population was 340, which produced a sample size of 114 comprising of 104 students and 12 teachers. Self-administered questionnaires for students and interview guide for teachers was used to collect data while statistical programme for SPSS was used to get descriptive statistics. The study established that teaching methodologies used by geography teachers positively influenced the learning and teaching of map reading. The study noted that a higher number of geography teachers were striving to make map reading lessons interesting by using captivating illustrations. The study revealed that most schools had adequate teaching and learning resources to support map reading. However, the other resources such as textbooks were outdated thus providing the outdated information hence affecting learners map reading performance negatively. The study concluded that most geography teachers were extremely overburdened by workload thus they ended up failing to complete the geography syllabus, which influenced map reading. The study recommended that the government should equip secondary schools with adequate resources containing up-to-date information and employ adequate and trained geography teachers to teach mapreading. Nyongesa Mercy Nekesa Download
Factors influencing students’ choice of CRE in public secondary schools in Sigomre zone,Ugunja sub-county, Siaya countyFactors influencing students’ choice of CRE in public secondary schools The purpose of this study was to establish the factors that inform students’ choice of CRE in public secondary schools in Sigomre Zone, Ugunja Sub-County, Siaya County. The study was guided by these objectives: To establish the influence of student’s future career aspirations on the choice of CRE among students in Sigomre Zone Ugunja Sub-County, Siaya County; To determine the role of personal interest in the choice of CRE among students in Sigomre Zone Ugunja Sub-County, Siaya County; To investigate the role of career guidance in influencing them choose CRE in Sigomre Zone Ugunja Sub-County, Siaya County. The study was grounded on Edward Deci and Richard Ryan self-determination theory. The study employed the descriptive survey design. The target population was 349 from where a sample of 110 was drawn. The sampling methods comprised of stratified, purposive and simple random methods. Self-administered questionnaires were used to collect data while Statistical Programme for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25 was used to get descriptive statistics. The study established that most students who selected CRE would like to be CRE teachers in future, and therefore future career aspirations motivated them to select CRE. Most of them believed that CRE offered them the best opportunity to get a job in future, as they perceived that there were many careers in CRE related areas which enticed them to select CRE. The study further noted that most students selected CRE voluntarily due to some internal influences as it was their best choice, they liked it and therefore were not influenced by their peers. It also established that Career Guidance was instrumental in motivating most students to select CRE. The study recommends that the government and schools concerned should ensure that the career guidance departments are in place and functional to ensure that students are guided appropriately in the selection of subjects such as CRE. Oduor, Charity Anyango Download
Effects of laboratory exposure on students’ academic performance in chemistry practical in public secondary schools in lang’ata sub-countyEffects of laboratory exposure on students’ academic performance in chemistry practicalsDespite the fact that Chemistry is the gatekeeper and foundation of all other science subjects, overall performance in Chemistry among secondary school students in the country remains poor. This study, therefore, sought to find out the Effects of Laboratory Exposure on Students’ Academic Performance in Chemistry Practical in Public Secondary Schoolsin Lang’ata Sub-County. The objectives of the study were; to find out the availability of chemistry laboratory facilities, to examine the availability and use of chemistry laboratory resources; to establish the frequency of use of chemistry laboratory and to determine the personal practical skills of teachers/ lab technicians and their effects on students’ academic performance. The study was guided by John Dewey’s Constructivist Learning theory. The researcher used the descriptive survey design and questionnaires as the research instruments for both students and teachers to collect data.The sample size was 142 comprising 132 students of forms II and III selected randomly from 3 public secondary schools (Boy’s, Girl’s and Mixed)and Purposive sampling was used to sample 10 teachers/lab technicians of the 3 schools.Statistical package for social sciences (SPSS version was used to facilitate data analysis. Findings of the study established that 51.3% of secondary schools in Lang’ata Sub-County have enough basic laboratory learning facilities necessary for better learning and improved achievement in the national examination in chemistry practical (Chemistry Paper 3). However, 77.9% of the teachers confirmed that availability of laboratory facilities have an effect on the performance of students.Consequently, it was realized that most Chemistry teachersused the resources available in the Chemistry laboratory during class experiments. The study revealed that there is a positive relationship between using Chemistry laboratory and students’ academic performance in Chemistry practical as indicated by 88.9% of the teachers. In conclusion, students whose teachers always take them to the laboratory during practical lessons performed better in practical examinations. Subsequently, this study proposed that there is need as a matter of policy to ensure that all students who take Chemistry at KCSE level are exposed to an adequate level of laboratory utilization, access of chemistry practical session and sufficient frequency of chemistry practical in order to promote good performance in chemistry practical. The study recommends that teachers should be creative and innovative in the use of laboratory equipment in conducting experiments and students should develop positive attitudes towards the teaching and learning of chemistry especially for chemistry practicals.   Kra, Benjamin Florentin Download
Effects of mathematical language on students’ academic performance in Mathematics in public secondary schools in Langata sub-county, Nairobi countyEffects of mathematical language on students’ academic performance in Mathematics This study investigated the Effects of Mathematical Language on the Students’ Academic Performance in Mathematics in Public Secondary Schools in Langata Sub-County, Nairobi County. The information was acquired through the four research questions formulated based on the four objectives of this study which are: To find out the mathematics teacher’s comprehensive level of the mathematical language in public secondary schools in Langata Sub-County, Nairobi County; To investigate the frequency of use of mathematical language appropriately by mathematics’ teachers in public secondary schools in Langata Sub-County, Nairobi County; To explore on various methodologies used by mathematics teachers to enhance the learning and use of mathematical language, in public secondary schools in Langata Sub-County, Nairobi County; and To investigate the students’ attitudes towards the use of mathematical language in public secondary schools in Langata Sub-County, Nairobi County. A total of 110 questionnaires were produced and distributed to the participants of the study as follows: 104 for students and 6 for teachers. The questionnaires were administered to two public secondary Schools sampled by the researcher. The study was divided into five chapters, and each chapter was divided into sections and subsections. The first chapter outlined the general aspects of the topic under study, including a brief explanation of the statement of the problem and significance of the study. The second chapter reviewed related literature with respect to the research topic of this study. The third chapter highlighted the methodology applied by the researcher for the collection and analysis of data. the fourth chapter presented the analyzed information, and the analysis was carried out with the aid of Statistic Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 28. Lastly, the fifth chapter presented the summary, conclusions, recommendations and suggested areas for further research. The outcomes of the study evidenced that indeed mathematical language has great influence on the students’ academic performance in mathematics in the sense that, mathematics has got its own language, expressions, terminologies and symbols that are not common in the day to day life of students, and so when these are not made known to them by the teachers, it becomes a challenge for them to understand mathematics. The recommendations given by the study to the various stakeholders of the education system were: to highly consider the language of mathematics as one of the pre-requisite that mathematics’ teachers must be competent at. To frequently emphasize the usage of mathematical language as a medium of instruction by teachers and students in the teaching/learning environment, for this will make easier the learning of mathematical concepts and procedures as well as uplifting their academic performance in mathematics. Apart from using the correct methods of teaching to enhance the learning of mathematical language the study also recommended that mathematics’ teachers should always promote a friendly and active learning environment during all mathematical lessons. Tchaculanda, Pascoal Download
Religious activities and psycho-spiritual wellbeing of Marist comprehensive academy and Uturu secondary schools students in Abia state, NigeriaReligious activities Psycho- spiritual well-being-There have been a good number of research studies linking religious beliefs and practices to wellbeing. These studies, in a way, allude to human beings longing to have a transcendental experience as part of their nature given that religion is not epiphenomena. This explains why religious beliefs and practices are a global phenomenon.This study examined religious activities and the psycho-spiritual wellbeing of senior secondary school students of Marist Comprehensive Academy in a causal-comparative study with Uturu Secondary School in Abia State of Nigeria. The study was guided by the Social Functionality Theory of Religion with the following research objectives: to assess the prevalence of religious activities going on, to examine the level of psycho-spiritual wellbeing of the students in both schools, to investigate the influence of religious activities on the psycho-spiritual wellbeing of the students, and to identify other ways of enhancing the students’psycho-spiritual wellbeing. The study adopted a causal-comparative (retrospective type) design approach with a structured survey questionnaires for data collection.The target population is676 senior secondary school students comprising 384 girls and 292 boys, with a sample size of 251.Version 25.0 of the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used for the computation and analysis of the data collected through Google Forms. Descriptive statistical measures (namely mean, standard deviation, percentages, tables, frequencies and bar charts) and inferential statistics (for hypothesis testing) like mean comparison, independent “t” test and Pearson’s chi-squarewere used in the analysis of the data collected. The findings retained the hypothesis in that there is no significant difference in the level of psycho-spiritual wellbeing of the students of Marist Comprehensive Academy and Uturu Secondary School with respect to religious activities.Other findings were that the psycho-spiritual wellbeing of the students of both schools is highand that both variables are independent of each other.More emphasis should be given to the intervening variables. Okoye,Anthony Onyeka Download
Religious activities and psycho-spiritual wellbeing of Marist comprehensive academy and Uturu secondary schools students in Abia state, NigeriaReligious activities Psycho- spiritual well-being-There have been a good number of research studies linking religious beliefs and practices to wellbeing. These studies, in a way, allude to human beings longing to have a transcendental experience as part of their nature given that religion is not epiphenomena. This explains why religious beliefs and practices are a global phenomenon.This study examined religious activities and the psycho-spiritual wellbeing of senior secondary school students of Marist Comprehensive Academy in a causal-comparative study with Uturu Secondary School in Abia State of Nigeria. The study was guided by the Social Functionality Theory of Religion with the following research objectives: to assess the prevalence of religious activities going on, to examine the level of psycho-spiritual wellbeing of the students in both schools, to investigate the influence of religious activities on the psycho-spiritual wellbeing of the students, and to identify other ways of enhancing the students’psycho-spiritual wellbeing. The study adopted a causal-comparative (retrospective type) design approach with a structured survey questionnaires for data collection.The target population is676 senior secondary school students comprising 384 girls and 292 boys, with a sample size of 251.Version 25.0 of the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used for the computation and analysis of the data collected through Google Forms. Descriptive statistical measures (namely mean, standard deviation, percentages, tables, frequencies and bar charts) and inferential statistics (for hypothesis testing) like mean comparison, independent “t” test and Pearson’s chi-squarewere used in the analysis of the data collected. The findings retained the hypothesis in that there is no significant difference in the level of psycho-spiritual wellbeing of the students of Marist Comprehensive Academy and Uturu Secondary School with respect to religious activities.Other findings were that the psycho-spiritual wellbeing of the students of both schools is highand that both variables are independent of each other.More emphasis should be given to the intervening variables. Okoye,Anthony Onyeka Download
Religious activities and psycho-spiritual wellbeing of Marist comprehensive academy and Uturu secondary schools students in Abia state, NigeriaReligious activities Psycho-spiritual wellbeingThere have been a good number of research studies linking religious beliefs and practices to wellbeing. These studies, in a way, allude to human beings longing to have a transcendental experience as part of their nature given that religion is not epiphenomena. This explains why religious beliefs and practices are a global phenomenon.This study examined religious activities and the psycho-spiritual wellbeing of senior secondary school students of Marist Comprehensive Academy in a causal-comparative study with Uturu Secondary School in Abia State of Nigeria. The study was guided by the Social Functionality Theory of Religion with the following research objectives: to assess the prevalence of religious activities going on, to examine the level of psycho-spiritual wellbeing of the students in both schools, to investigate the influence of religious activities on the psycho-spiritual wellbeing of the students, and to identify other ways of enhancing the students’psycho-spiritual wellbeing. The study adopted a causal-comparative (retrospective type) design approach with a structured survey questionnaires for data collection.The target population is676 senior secondary school students comprising 384 girls and 292 boys, with a sample size of 251.Version 25.0 of the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used for the computation and analysis of the data collected through Google Forms. Descriptive statistical measures (namely mean, standard deviation, percentages, tables, frequencies and bar charts) and inferential statistics (for hypothesis testing) like mean comparison, independent “t” test and Pearson’s chi-squarewere used in the analysis of the data collected. The findings retained the hypothesis in that there is no significant difference in the level of psycho-spiritual wellbeing of the students of Marist Comprehensive Academy and Uturu Secondary School with respect to religious activities.Other findings were that the psycho-spiritual wellbeing of the students of both schools is highand that both variables are independent of each other.More emphasis should be given to the intervening variables. Okoye, Anthony Onyeka Download
The Contribution of table banking model to socio-economic empowerment of women in Embakasi sub-county, Nairobi, Kenyawomen empowerment table bankingThis Research Project looks at the contribution of table banking to the socio-economic empowerment of women in Embakasi Sub County. It looks at the ways table banking has empowered women, how women use funds obtained from table banking, challenges facing women in women groups and the strategies that have been put in place to support women groups. The studies have shown that there are many benefits derived from joining women groups. These are an increase in household revenue, an increase in investments, reduced household conflict, increased ability to educate children and skill training. The methods used to collect data from the respondents were the use of questionnaires and the conducting of interviews. The findings also revealed that table banking has led to the recognition of vulnerable groups by not only the national government but also NGOs and MNCs. This has led to an increase in support for these groups however; more still needs to be done.Shawn Steven Download
Assessment of organizational culture on performance in healthcare industries. A case of Kalimoni Mission Hospital, JujaOrganizational culture and healthcareThe purpose of this study was to assess organizational culture on performance in healthcare sector in Kenya. The study was guided by these objectives: To assess the impact of clan culture on performance of Kalimoni mission hospital Juja; To examine the effect of market culture on performance of Kalimoni mission hospital Juja; To establish the influence of adhocracy culture on performance of Kalimoni mission hospital Juja; To investigate the consequences of hierarchy culture on performance of Kalimoni mission hospital Juja.The study was anchored on Schein’s theory and the social learning theory. The study used descriptive survey design and used questionnaires to collect data from a sample of 35 staff. The study established that clan culture improves performance of the Kalimoni Mission Hospital through teamwork, shared values, beliefs and norms as well as respect and value for employees, mutual support among employees and promotion of open communication and sharing of information. Adhocracy culture is instrumental in improving performance of the hospital through promotion of employees’ initiatives, staff development, rewards, innovative thinking as well as originality. Hierarchical culture improves performance in the hospital through efficient service delivery, careful monitoring of performance as well as observing security of tenure, respect and compliance with policies of the hospital. The study recommends that the hospital management should have in place a reward policy for those who perform exemplary well, it should have a training policy to guide staff development, include the staff in decision making; encourage open communication; ensure that there are adequate resources to support hospital operations and should automate their services to enhance service deliveryIRENE EFFIOM ARCHIBONG Download
EFFECTS OF HIGH RATE OF UNEMPLOYMENT AND UNDER-EMPLOYMENT AMONG THE YOUTH IN EMBAKASI SOUTH NAIROBI COUNTYUnemploymentThe purpose of this study was to establish effects of high rate of unemployment and crime rate to youth in Embakasi South Nairobi County, with the aim of identifying strategies to mitigate crime among the youth. The study objectives were to explore the extent that youth unemployment influences the crime rates in Embakasi South, establish the prevalence of youth unemployment, examine the factors that cause youth unemployment, determine the connection between youth unemployment and high crime rates, and to identify the best strategy to mitigate the high number of crime rates in Embakasi South. The foundational framework for this study is Merton’s (1938) Strain theory which argues that a discord between people’s goals and means results in criminality. Merton (1938) believes that people hold a universal social goal of attaining material wealth and success; and that there is inequality in achieving these goals – leading to strain. Individual propensity to commit crime can also be explained through Albert Bandura’s social learning theory. According to this theory, people learn to commit crime from one another by modelling their behavior, imitating them, or making observations. They look at the rewards and punishments brought by crime, and make a decision to either accept crime and pursue it for the rewards, or shun it to avoid the punishments. The research design involved a descriptive survey on a sample of 125 urban youth (both male and females) between the ages of 18- 35 years. Self-administered questionnaires were also used to collect data. The target population for this study was the urban youth (both male and females) between the ages of 18- 35 years who are living in Embakasi South. Purposive sampling technique was used in this study with a non- probability design. This sampling method was applied to select youths aged 18- 35 years in Embakasi South Constituency. The sample size used for this study was 125 people who were selected from urban youth in Embakasi South. The research tool used to obtain primary data was a questionnaire. During data analysis, quantitative data obtained from the questionnaires was analyzed by the use of descriptive statistics which included cross-tabulations, percentages frequencies and aided by the Statistical Program for Social Sciences (SPSS). The findings indicate that youth unemployment could influence the rates of crime in Embakasi South. These findings are premised on the notion that youth unemployment forces people to use illegal means to achieve societal expectations. The study concludes that youths are attracted to criminal activities because of poverty. Job creation can therefore help decrease criminal activities among the youth. Education is one of the strategies that can help push youth away from criminal activities and create jobs for themselves. The study further recommends that the government could develop an integrated information system which captures the bio-data of all youth who are unemployed in Kenya and make deliberate move to help them create employment. JOSEPHINE WANJIKU MUHOHO Download
EFFECTS OF TEACHING METHODOLOGIES ON STUDENTS’ ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE IN CHEMISTRY IN PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN NGONG SUB-COUNTY, KAJIADO COUNTYTeaching methodologies and student performanceThe performance of the Chemistry in Kenya Certificate Secondary Education (KCSE) national examination has been reported to be on a downward trend because of the several factors affect the teaching and learning of Chemistry.The purpose of the study was to analyze the effects of teaching methodologies on students’ academic performance in chemistry in public secondary schools in Ngong Sub-County, Kajiado County, Kenya.The study was guided by these objectives: To determine the teaching methods used in teaching chemistry in Public Secondary Schools in Ngong Sub-County, Kajiado County.To analyze the factors that influences the choice of teaching method in Chemistry subject among the teachers in Public Secondary Schools in Ngong Sub-County, Kajiado County.To examine the extent to which teaching methods influence the Academic Performance in chemistry in Public Secondary Schools in Ngong Sub-County, Kajiado County.The study was grounded on Albert Bandura’s theory ofSocial Learning theory.A descriptive survey research design was used, and a quantitative approach was adopted during data analysis. The study used 129 participants, which were comprised of 114 forms two and three students and 15 teachers, drawn from public secondary schools in Ngong Sub-County, Kajiado. Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS version 28) was used to analyze the data collected from the target population. About 76% of the results of this study indicated that the teaching and learning of Chemistry depended on the availability of the teaching and learning resources in the school and the presence of the laboratory technicians. From the findings, 60% showed that students’attitude was of great importance on the teaching and learning of Chemistry. The study recommends that students should be encouraged to develop positive attitudes towards chemistry subjects. Chemistry teachers should use modern methods of teaching, such as the use of computers, to motivate and sustain students' interest in chemistry. Chemistry teachers should organize motivational talks that would help to alleviate the negative attitude towards chemistry among students. The study also recommended that parents should support their children by buying learning and study materials required by the students. The school administration should provide adequate learning materials, adequate physical facilities, and modern learning equipment such as computers and projectors for the lessons encourage teachers to use charts when teaching some complex topics. SYDNEY DAVIS MOYENDA Download
EFFECT OF EMPLOYEE RELATIONS ON STAFF PRODUCTIVITY: A CASE OF BORESHA SACCO, ELDORETEmployee relations and productivityThe purpose of this study is to establish the effect of employee relations on staff productivity at Boresha Sacco, Eldoret. The study was guided by these objectives: To examine the prevalence of conflicts among Boresha Sacco employees; To establish the disputes resolutions mechanisms used to settle conflicts at Boresha Sacco; To determine how employee relations, affect Boresha Sacco employees’ productivity. The study was anchored on Employee-Organization Relationship; Unitary Theory and Equity Theory.The study used descriptive survey design and quantitative research approach. The target population is staff from Boresha Sacco. All the 35 employees were involved in the study since it was a census method.Data was collected using questionnaires and analyzed using SPPS version 26. The findings of the study established that the prevalence of conflicts was high and was negatively impacting the productivity of the Sacco. Most of the staff had experienced regular conflicts at some point and they considered their workplace environment as very toxic. However, some staff were at peace with some of their colleagues who were friendly and helpful team players. The study also revealed that the most common workplace conflicts included discrimination, verbal abuse, fights, sexual harassment, bullying, harassment and psychological torture. The study recommended that the management of the Sacco should encourage team building, staff development, reward the best performers and include staff in decision making.DEREK KIPSANG ROTICH Download
CHALLENGES FACING IMPLEMENTATION OF COUNTY GOVERNMENT DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS IN WESTLANDS CONSTITUENCY, NAIROBI CITY COUNTYDevelopment projects in countiesThe implementation of county government development projects in Westlands Constituency, Nairobi City County, is influenced by various factors at the global, regional, and local levels. Despite the significant progress made in the implementation of county government projects in Westlands Constituency, Nairobi City County, a number of challenges persist at the global, regional, national, and local levels. At the global level, the lack of standardized frameworks and guidelines for decentralization initiatives hinders the effective implementation of projects, leading to inconsistencies in governance structures and service delivery practices across different countries. The experiences of developed nations in decentralized governance may not always be easily transferable to developing countries like Kenya, where institutional capacities and resource constraints pose significant obstacles to successful project implementation. In Westlands Constituency, the specific challenges facing the implementation of county government projects include limited community participation, inadequate infrastructure maintenance, and inefficient project management practices. The absence of robust monitoring and evaluation mechanisms, as well as a lack of transparency and accountability in decision-making processes, contribute to the suboptimal performance of development projects in the constituency. These issues not only undermine the impact of county government interventions but also erode public confidence in the ability of local authorities to effectively address community needs. Challenges Facing Implementation of County Government Development Projects in Westlands Constituency, Nairobi City County. This study used a descriptive research design. The target population in this study were the development projects that were implemented in Wastelands Constituency, Nairobi City County between 2019 and 2023; The study focused on development projects such as road construction projects in Wastelands Constituency, Generally the target population were Project implementation team and stakeholders involved in development projects, there are 123 Project implementation team and stakeholders working under Wastelands Constituency development projects. The questionnaires will collect both quantitative and qualitative data. The quantitative data will be collected from rating scales and closed question within the questionnaires. The study found out that the implementation of County Government development projects in Westlands Constituency, Nairobi City County, faces significant challenges that hinder the efficient delivery of public services and infrastructure to local communities. This study aimed to identify and analyze key obstacles affecting project implementation in the region, focusing on governance systems, project management practices, and community participation. Through a comprehensive review of literature and empirical research, the study found that inadequate governance structures, inefficient project planning processes, and limited community engagement were primary factors contributing to project delays, resource mismanagement, and suboptimal project outcomes. Recommendations were proposed to strengthen governance systems, improve project implementation practices, and foster community participation to address these challenges and enhance the effectiveness of County Government development projects in Westlands Constituency. NICOLE KAGEHA Download
Challenges Facing Implementation of Child and Family Development Programs in Nairobi City County: A case study of Lea Toto ProgramChallenges Facing Implementation of Child and Family Development Programs Lea Toto is a community-based care program of the Children of God Relief Institute (COGRI) that aims to improve the quality of life for children with HIV in its catchment area. The program currently runs CCCs with community outreach services in eight informal settlements in Nairobi County, namely, Kangemi, Kawangware, Dagoretti, Kibera, Mukuru, Dandora, Kariobangi, and Zimmerman. These clinics serve as the centers for the provision of holistic care services, including HTS and HIV treatment; they also offer food and nutrition services, psycho-social support and counseling, education and vocational training, socioeconomic support, and economic-strengthening activities. The program focuses on children living with HIV but also supports their caregivers and other members of the households in which they live, and the community as secondary and tertiary beneficiaries. Since its inception in 1998, Lea Toto has served 10,825 beneficiaries who have been tested for HIV. The distribution across ages of children at HIV diagnosis indicates the increasing urgency to promote testing for children older than five years, resonating with increasingly strong evidence around unexpectedly higher numbers of children with HIV who are slow-progressors. There is a great challenge in cases where youths are engaged in sexual relationships, and some of them do not disclose their HIV status to their sexual partners; those who already know their status are in some instances afraid of stigma, discrimination, and rejection if they disclose their status. Further, there is no guideline in Kenya pointing out how youth in active sexual relationships can disclose their HIV status without victimization. Therefore, the goal of this study will be to assess the challenges facing the implementation of child and family development programs in Nairobi City County: a case study of the lea Toto program. GURACHA DANIEL SARRO. Download
INVESTIGATION INTO STUDENTS PERCEPTION IN GEOGRAPHY IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN ONGATA-RONGAI SUB-COUNTY, KAJIADO COUNTYStudent perception of GeographyThis study explores the perceptions of Kenya students towards the teaching and learning of geography and its implication. The research questions investigate. The impact of students’ perception of geography on their academic performance, the influence on the status of geography subject in the school and country on students’ attitude towards the subject, the relationship between students’ perception of geography and their decision-making process when opting for geography as a secondary school subject. The findings will shed light on how these perceptions shape academic outcomes and subject selection, contributing to a deeper understanding of geography education in Kenya. The results will be utilized to provide recommendations to the ministry of education, teachers, school administrations, and students regarding the influence of perception in academic achievement.JOSPHAT MBUGUA KAMAU Download
CHALLENGES FACING IMPLEMENTATION OF COUNTY GOVERNMENT DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS/PROGRAMS IN KAJIANDO WEST SUBCOUNTY, KAJIANDO COUNTY, KENYAImplemntation of county projectsA project is a temporary effort aimed at producing or achieving a specific product, service or end in a given way (usually time consuming, and often limited by financing or deliverables, which achieve unique aims typically lead to beneficial changes and added value). It is the objective of every project to be complete within a specified timeline and a specific budget. Therefore to deliver the final services of a project to the end users it must be done in a way that minimizes cost while meeting g the set budget.Despite availability of good project plans; implementation of those plans is challenging since every project presents new setbacks. The implementation of county government development projects/projects has been deemed poor since most projects are incomplete despite large sums of funds being invested in them.Studies conducted on implementation of county government development projects/programme suggest that; inadequate funding, lack of technically qualified personnel to guide the implementation of projects and lack of appropriate skills in management have been among the major setbacks.The purpose of the study will be to examine the challenges facing implementation of county government development projects/programs in Kajiando West Subcounty, Kajiando County, Kenya.The study was carried out using a descriptive survey research design..This study will involveKajiandoWest Subcounty government development projects/programscommitee, being the chairman, treasurer, secretary, Project manager, Project monitoring and evaluation, Project supervisors, and ward administrators, drawn from projects in KajiandoWest Subcounty.The presentation of data included tables, percentages and other measures of central tendency like mean, frequency and standard deviation. To determine the correlation amongst the variables, the Pearson correlation wasapplied. This indicated the level of significance of each variable. RITA KARASHA Download
SCHOOL BASED FACTORS AFFECTING STUDENTS’ PERFORMANCE OF C.R.E. IN PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN KASARANI SUB COUNTY, NAIROBI COUNTY.Student performanceThe purpose of this study was to investigate the school based factors affecting the performance of C.R.E. in Kasarani Sub County, Nairobi County. This study was guided by the following four main objectives: To establish the attitude of students towards C.R.E., To find out whether there are adequate reading resources for C.R.E., To look for ways of improving the reading culture among students in C.R.E., To determine ways of motivating students in cultivating a reading culture for C.R.E. so as to improve their performance. Simple random sampling was done in the selection of schools and out of a total of about thirty schools in the sub county, only six schools were selected for the study. Similarly, the group of students selected out of the total number that exists was a hundred and twenty, through random sampling. The study used descriptive survey design that inclined to the quantitative research approach. This was through simple random sampling and purposive sampling to select students and teachers. Purposive sampling was done so as to give a wider picture of reading culture in small schools where resources are few, medium schools where resources are moderate and big schools where they have more resources. The sample comprised of a hundred and twenty students in Form 3 and Form 4 from the six selected schools in Kasarani Sub County. Each school provided twenty students to be included in the study. The reason as to why the senior students (Form 3 and Form 4) were included in the study is because they have formed a consistent pattern of reading. Therefore, their performance (form 3 and form 4) can be easily monitored according to the established performance trend. Another category of the sample comprised of twelve C.R.E. teachers from the six schools, with each school providing two C.R.E. teachers for the study. The last category was made up of six head teachers from each of the six selected schools in Kasarani Sub County. Questionnaires were used as an instrument of collecting data hence the cumulative findings obtained were inspired by Walberg’s theory of educational productivity for the ultimate validation. The findings indicated that students have a negative attitude towards C.R.E. and not much has been done to motivate them to improve their performance in C.R.E. However, the researcher recommended various ways of addressing performance in C.R.E. among the students. Looking at the adequacy of reading materials, it is only one or two of the selected schools that are actually working extra hard on having adequate reading materials. Similarly, the researcher recommended a workable plan that can help to solve this challenge. In determining ways of motivating students to improve their performance, the findings were not equally encouraging. As a result, the researcher outlined the ways forward to confront the setbacks. BARASA WINCESLAUS OTIENO Download
THE INFLUENCE OF MOTHER TONGUE ON THE STUDENT’S ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE IN ENGLISH IN PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN TURBO SUB-COUNTY, KENYAMother tongue and student performanceThe aim of this study was to investigate the influence of mother tongue on students’ academic performance in English in public secondary schools in Turbo Sub- County Kenya. The study was based on the following research questions: How does the first language interfere with students’ academic performance in English in Turbo Sub-County?What is the perception of teachers and students on the influence of mother tongue on students’ academic performance in English in Turbo Sub-County?What is the influence of school policies on the speaking of mother tongue on students’ academic performance in English in Turbo Sub-County? The study was done in the months of January 2024 targeting mainly the principals, teachers and students in the schools involved. The study was interested in both qualitative and quantitative data and as a result, a descriptive survey research design was used. From the study findings, the following conclusions were reached by the researcher; Mother tongue interference reduces student confidence resulting into lower class performance; mother tongue interference contributes greatly to poorly constructed responses to questions. There are backgrounds that negatively influence the class outcomes of students in English. Decisive policies ensure that the speaking of mother tongue is reduced significantly in secondary schools. It was recommended that schools should introduce programs that discourage the use of mother tongue as a way of reducing its negative effects. Students should be informed at all times of the dangers that their first languages and their own perceptions about language which may have on the learning of English as a second language so that they are able to learn properly. Further research should be done on the influence of mother tongue on the effectiveness of students in secondary schools.KIMURGOR DENNIS Download
DETERMINANTS OF POOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE IN BUSINESS STUDIES. A CASE OF PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN KAJIADO COUNTYAcademic performanceThis research project investigates the determinants of poor academic performance in business studies in public mixed secondary schools in Kajiado North Kajiado County. The study was based on the following objectives: To determine the extent to which methods adopted in teaching business studies by the teachers affect students’ poor academic performance in business studies in public mixed secondary schools, To find out the effect of future career aspirations on students’ poor academic performance in Business Studies in public mixed secondary schools, To investigate the influence of the availability and usage of instructional materials on student’s poor academic performance in Business Studies in public mixed secondary schools, and To determine the effect of students’ attitude towards business studies on poor academic performance in the subject in public mixed secondary schools. The study used questionnaires for data collection, the data was collected from 3 public mixed secondary schools. Business studies students and teachers were selected using a simple random sampling method. The Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 21 has been used for data analysis and descriptive statistics was employed to present data. The findings revealed that majority of teachers use teacher-centered method of teaching which hinders students’ active participation in business studies lessons leading to poor academic performance in the subject. Majority of secondary schools lack well-equipped library and computer laboratory with instructional materials such as business studies textbooks, computers, laptops, projectors, and internet. Also, both teachers and students do not make adequate use of the instructional materials because of their insufficient, hence poor academic performance in the subject. Students who were influenced by their future career aspirations to choose business perform better than those who choose the subject because of influence from others. Students with negative attitudes toward business studies perform poorly in the subject. In addition, the study revealed that there is shortage of qualified business studies teachers in public secondary schools. The researcher recommended that the Government should provide sufficient instructional materials through provision of well-equipped library with textbooks and well-equipped computer laboratory with computers, projectors, and internet to facilitate teaching. The government should employ more qualified business studies teachers. Teachers should diversify teaching methods, make adequate use of instructional materials, and motivate students. Principals should organize seminars to update teachers in their teaching skills and supervise both teachers and students to ensure good academic performance. Students should have a personal study timetable with more time allocated to business studies and should use the available learning materials. Parents and mentors should motivate their children to have positive attitudes towards business studies, provides learning materials for their children and help them have clear awareness of their future career aspiration. ITYAV GODWIN TERZURUM Download
STUDENTS BASED FACTORS INFLUENCING THEIR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE IN HISTORY IN PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS KIBWEZI SUB COUNTY MAKUENI COUNTYStudent performance in History The purpose of this research was to examine the student-based factors influencing their academic performance in history subject in mixed secondary schools in Kibwezi sub-County, Makueni County. The study examined whether absenteeism, classroom concentration, reading skills and drug abuse affects students’ academic performance. The research adopted questionnaires to collect data and analyzed them quantitatively. The quantitative data was analyzed and tabulated through a descriptive statistic such as percentages, frequency distribution tables and pie charts. The study involved three mixed secondary schools consisting of 110 respondents in Kibwezi sub-county. The schools were randomly selected for data collection. The study established that there is a great relationship between classroom concentration and the academic performances in history since students who have a low classroom concentration perform poorly. The study revealed that there was a strong relationship between absenteeism and the performances in history. This is because students had experienced decline in their history performances due to frequent absenteeism which could have been caused by lack of basic needs such as food and clothing a well as school fees. The study revealed that reading skills had some positive effects in the academic performances of history subject. The study established that there is a relationship between drug abuse and the academic performances in history. This is indicated by the fact that the study revealed that some students use drugs during school time and as a result they miss history classes and they have a low performance in history subject and they also find difficulties when completing their assignments. The study recommends that the Ministry of Education, parents, schools and the community in general have a major role to play in ensuring that students are not negatively affected by the student-based factors in their academic performances by ensuring that all students adhere to school rules and regulations and also doing check-ups from time to time. The government should ensure enough and regular sanitization to schools and make sure teachers do their work efficiently. Parents should work hand in hand with teachers to ensure students do not miss classes due to cases which can be controlled.ELIZABETH KAMITU Download
FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE CITIZENS PARTICIPATION IN IDENTIFICATION AND DETERMINATION OF COUNTY GOVERNMENT DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS IN KAJIADO NORTH SUB-COUNTY, KAJIADO COUNTY.Citizen participation in development projectsCitizen participation in the identification and determination of county government development projects plays a vital role in promoting transparency, accountability, and good governance in Kenya. When citizens are actively involved in decision-making processes, it helps guarantee that development projects are aligned with the specific needs and priorities of local communities. In Kajiado North Sub-County, located within Kajiado County, several factors influence citizens' participation in the identification and determination of County government development projects. However, in Kajiado North Sub-County, Kajiado County, there are various factors that influence citizens' participation in this process. One of the key problems is the lack of awareness and information dissemination about the opportunities for citizen participation in decision-making processes related to development projects. Without access to relevant information, citizens may not be able to effectively engage with the government and provide meaningful input into project selection and implementation. Another significant issue is the lack of capacity and resources among citizens to participate in the identification and determination of development projects in Kajiado North Sub-County. Many community members may lack the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively engage with government officials and influence decision-making processes. Additionally, the limited financial resources available to citizens can act as a barrier to participation, as attending meetings and workshops related to project identification may require transportation and other expenses that they cannot afford. A systematic review of global, regional, national, and local studies was conducted to gain insights into the awareness levels and barriers to participation faced by residents in the area.This study will use a descriptive research design.The findings indicate that there is a lack of awareness among citizens in Kajiado North Sub-County regarding opportunities for participation in development projects. This lack of awareness is influenced by socio-economic factors such as education level, income, and access to information and resources. Additionally, the level of trust and transparency between government officials and community members significantly impacts citizen engagement and involvement in project identification and determination.Based on these findings, it is recommended that the county government of Kajiado North Sub-County increase efforts to raise awareness about citizen participation opportunities through targeted communication and outreach strategies. Furthermore, initiatives should be implemented to address the socio-economic barriers to participation, such as providing training and resources to marginalized communities. Additionally, enhancing trust and transparency between government officials and community members is crucial for promoting citizen engagement. This can be achieved through regular communication, accountability mechanisms, and inclusive decision-making processes. By addressing these issues, the potential for citizen participation in development projects in Kajiado North Sub-County can be maximized, leading to more inclusive and sustainable development outcomes.JACKSON NKOITAI LANKAS Download
Effects of Drugs and Substance Abuse in Mashimoni, Kibra, Nairobi CountyDrugs and substance abuse-effectsDrug and substance abuse was a global problem and had been one of the major issues affecting the youth, both in school and out of school, due to drug and substance abuse. The study aimed to determine the effects of drugs and substance abuse in Mashimoni village, Kibra slum, Nairobi. It sought to provide additional information to the existing records about drug and substance abuse, which could have been of great importance to future scholars and those interested in researching the same issue, as well as relevant authorities like the Ministry of Health to identify effective measures to address this issue. The study had employed a descriptive cross-sectional study design, utilizing both quantitative and qualitative methods. The sample size had consisted of 87 respondents, selected through a Random Sampling method. Data had been collected via interviewer-administered questionnaires containing both open-ended and closed-ended questions. The data had been analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20, and Microsoft Excel had been utilized for graphical presentation. The study had revealed that the majority of the individuals (77 out of 87 respondents), aged 13 to 24 years, had possessed adequate knowledge of the use and effects of drugs and substance abuse. However, despite this knowledge, some of them had still been abusing drugs and substances. Furthermore, the study had identified that the majority (50%) of the youth who were abusing drugs and substances had either completed secondary school education but not pursued tertiary education or had not completed secondary school education at all. Consequently, the study had recommended continuous awareness programs, the creation of opportunities, and direct intervention measures to address the challenge of drugs and substance abuse.   KWENYA WENDY ASUKO Download
THE CONTRIBUTION OF TABLE BANKING MODEL TO EMPOWERMENT AND DEVELOPMENT OF WOMEN IN LANG, ATA CONSTITUENCY, NAIROBI, KENYATable banking and women empowerment Table banking has become a means through which poverty can be alleviated from the most vulnerable groups in society for example, the women groups. Majority of women over the years have been seen not to have access to banking facilities as a result of deep rooted cultural and socio-economic factors and this has proven to be a major setback. Furthermore, the growth of table banking among women slows down due to lack of enough funds to sustain borrowing, lack of training on how to invest and the presence of rules that do not bind resulting in conflict and losses among group members. This hampers the growth and development of women groups. This study will be focused on the following objectives: To find out the various ways in which women groups empower women in the society; To investigate how women, use the funds derived from table banking for their benefit; To examine the impact of women empowerment through table banking in both their households and the communities in which they live; To find out challenges experienced by women groups in their activities. The study will be grounded on two theoretical assumptions. Empowerment theory specifically Women Empowerment theory since the study focuses on self-help women table banking groups as an empowering activity. The second theory is Group Development explaining the importance of proper group facilitation and management for groups to perform effectively. This research proposes to use qualitative method in order to bring out in depth thoughts, feelings and experiences of participants in the research. The study specifically targets three groups consisting of total 60 members. The groups are Blessed Pillars Group, Mbagathi Timber Women Group, and Golden Women Group. Sample size was derived from these numbers. Study employed Convenience and Purposeful sampling techniques. In this study the researcher used a sample of 15 participants picked from three table banking women’s groups. From each group there were 5 samples. The sample represented 25 per cent of the population. The study collected data from primary sources. In this study, the researcher analyzed data collected from the field using thematic analysis that supports qualitative data analysis. it was found out table banking enable women entrepreneurs to access capital to start small businesses, improves savings ability among women entrepreneurs and improves wealth creation among entrepreneurs. NICOLE MUNGE Download
INVESTIGATING STUDENTS PERCEPTION TOWARDS LITERATURE IN ENGLISH IN PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN DAGORETTI SUB-COUNTY, NAIROBI COUNTY.Student perseption of LiteratureThe purpose of this study was to investigate students perception towards literature in English in public secondary schools in Dagoretti sub-county, Nairobi county. The study adopted a research design , involving quantitative research. A sample of 45 students and 8 literature teachers were the one used to discuss the findings after the collection of the questionnaires. The research design used was descriptive survey design. The questionnaire return rate was impressive and this contributed to the success of this study. The data collected was represented in frequency distribution tables and analyzed using descriptive statistics. Chapter one of the study gives a background of the study which gives us different research concerning the perception of students towards literature, the statement of the problem which says that from the most studies, students have negative perception towards literature. The research objectives which were to find out Students perception of literature and it's importance in language, cultural awareness and personal development, literature teaching approaches and teaching materials used in literature in Dagoretti sub-County and theoretical framework which was developed from the phenomenography. Chapter two reviewed empirical studies related to students perception towards literature. The major findings of the study concerning students perception towards literature are that the school should empress the use of virtual literature learning, they should also use posters, flashcards, tape recorder, radios and printed textbooks during learning process which has led to negative perception of students towards literature. The study also concludes that language laboratory in schools was a challenge and this led to students having a negative perception towards literature. Therefore, students in the schools under study had a positive perception towards literature in English because most of the research variables under the research questions had response from the students. CHEMUTAI RUTH Download
EFFECT OF TECHNOLOGY ON ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNING IN PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN DAGORETTI SUB-COUNTY, NAIROBI COUNTYTechnology in learningThis research investigated the Effect of Technology on English Language Learning in Public Secondary Schools in Dagoretti Sub-County, Nairobi County. The study was guided by the following objectives: To establish the extent to which technology is integrated into English language learning curriculum in public secondary schools in Dagoretti Sub-County, Nairobi County; To assess the types of technological tools used in English language learning in public secondary schools in Dagoretti Sub-County, Nairobi County; To examine the integration of technology impact on students’ proficiency in English language learning in public secondary schools in Dagoretti Sub-County, Nairobi County and To investigate challenges associated with the use of technology in English language learning in public secondary schools in Dagoretti Sub-County, Nairobi County. To achieve this objectives, the researcher adopted descriptive survey research design where she purposively selected boy’s secondary school, a girl’s secondary school and a mixed secondary school. The target population was 129, where by 121 respondents participated in the study that was 114 students out of 120 and 7 English teachers out of 9. Self- administered questionnaires for students and teachers was used to collect data while statistical programme for SPSS was used to get descriptive statistics. The study established that there was lack of technology integration into teaching methods, parents were not in favor of using technology in English language curriculum. The study established that integration of technology in English language learning correlates with students’ proficiency. The study noted that t computers were not regularly used during English lessons and there was no connection of internet in classrooms. However, the study established that integration of technology in English language learning improved speaking skills and vocabulary. The study concluded that most of the teachers were not trained in utilizing technology hence technology was not integrated into English language learning. The study recommended that the government should formulate clear policies that mandate the integration of technology into the curriculum and implement mandatory and ongoing training programme for teachers to enhance their digital literacy and proficiency in utilizing technology for teaching. RINAH IMALI Download
DERRICK AMBUGU ONGIRAStudying GeographyThe purpose of the study was to look at “School-based factors affecting teaching and learning of geography in public secondary schools Dagoretti sub-county Nairobi County”. The objectives of the study were; To assess students’ perception and attitude towards learning geography in public secondary schools in Dagoretti sub-county: To evaluate the availability and adequacy of teaching and learning resources for geography in public secondary schools in Dagoretti sub-county: To investigate teachers’ knowledge and skills in teaching geography in public secondary schools in Dagoretti sub-county.The researcher used questionnaires to collect data from both students, teachers and heads of department and subject in the three selected schools within the area. The study used 40% of the population sample of the whole population which was selected randomly. A sample of 104 students, 10 teachers and 6 Heads of department and subject Heads was used. The data was collected to achieve the set objectives.The collected data was analyzed using statistical packages for social sciences (SPSS) and Microsoft Word and Excel. The analyzed data was presented using pie charts, tables and bar charts. Interpretation and Recommendations was done based on the findings of the research.The researcher found out that the students generally had good attitude and perception towards geography with only few challenges, the resources were enough and adequate but not well utilized. The technological resources did not adequately support geographical instruction. The teachers were well trained and taught with effective methods but did not integrate technology in class.The study recommended teachers to make use of available resources as well as integrate technology in the process of teaching. The school Principal should provide sufficient funds to cater for geographical resources and advancements. The parents should support their children in order to have effective learning. The government should provide trained teachers and allocate sufficient resources to cater for student’s needs.  DERRICK AMBUGU ONGIRA Download
FACTORS AFFECTING STUDENTS ACADEMIC PERFOFMANCE IN GEOGRAPHY IN PULIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN LANGATA SUB – COUNTY, NAIROBIStudent performance in GoegraphyThe purpose of this study was to investigate the factors affecting students’ academic performance in geography in public secondary schools in Lang’ata Sub-County Nairobi. The objectives of the study were: to investigate whether teacher’s training and qualification on teaching and learning methods affects performance of geography students, to determine whether the availability of teaching and learning resources affect geography students' performance, to examine the extent to which the teachers' perception on teaching geography affects students' performance in geography and to determine whether student factors affect their academic performance in geography. In order to achieve these objectives, the researcher administered questionnaires to the students and teachers from selected schools in the study area. Both the students and teachers were sampled purposively to include all form three and four geography students and teachers. The study used ` and adopted a quantitative approach. The study enlisted 120 respondents comprising 100 students and 20 teachers. The Statistical Package Social Sciences (SPSS) was used to get descriptive statistics. The findings showed that most teachers used useful teaching methodology which were ideal for improving students’ performance in geography. The study noted that students had a positive attitude towards geography and found it interesting. The respondents also agreed that most schools under the study had a conducive environment for teaching and learning geography. However, most schools lacked updated and revised textbooks for teachers and students and a variety of teaching methods. Therefore, the researcher recommended that the schools administrators should strive to provide more adequate textbooks for teaching and learning geography PHOEBE KAKAI WANYAMA Download
FACTORS INFLUENCING STUDENTS’ ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE IN ORAL LITERATURE IN PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN LANG’ATA SUB-COUNTY, NAIROBI COUNTYAcademic performance of LiteratureThe purpose of this study is to investigate the factors influencing students’ academic performance in oral literature in public secondary schools in Lang’ata Sub-County, Nairobi County. The objectives guiding this study are: to determine students’ attitude towards oral literature in public secondary schools in Langata Sub-County, Nairobi County; to examine the role of teaching methodology in influencing students’ performance in oral literature in public secondary schools in Langata Sub-County, Nairobi County; to investigate how teaching and learning resources affect students’ performance in oral literature in public secondary schools in Langata Sub-County, Nairobi County and to establish the role of peer pressure in determining the performance of students in oral literature in public secondary schools in Langata Sub-County, Nairobi County. The study is grounded on the Social Cultural Theory by Lev Vygotsky. It employed descriptive survey design. The target population is drawn from 5 public secondary schools in Lang’ata Sub-County with close to 3000 students and 150 teachers. Using purposive sampling method, the study will use a sample of 105 respondents comprising of 90 students and 15 teachers. The results of this study are expected to add new knowledge in the area of teaching and learning oral literature. The findings revealed that with adequate supply of teaching and learning materials in the school oral literature performance was enhanced in that, , 47.2% of the students agreed that the textbooks and supplementary materials provide a contextual base for the learning of literature which was backed up by 35.75% of the oral literature teachers. Also, on the attitudes 75.3% of the students agreed to be enjoying learning and participating in oral literature lessons and discussions. From the findings, the study recommended that parents should engage their children in traditional storytelling and other cultural activities so as to help the students deepen their appreciation and understanding of oral literature and to ministry of education they should ensure the curriculum the curriculum includes comprehensive and engaging content on oral literature with clear objectives and outcomes finally to the teachers it was recommended that they should use interactive and participatory teaching methods such as group discussions, role-playing and storytelling to make oral literature more engaging. BRENDA JELIMO Download
THE EFFECT OF INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS IN TEACHING AND LEARNING OF GEOGRAPHY IN PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN NANDI NORTH SUB COUNTY, NANDI COUNTY, KENYA.Education-Geography- instructional materialsThe purpose of this study was to examine the effects of instructional materials in teaching and learning of Geography in Public Secondary Schools in Nandi North Sub County, Nandi County. It was guided by the following objectives; to investigate how Information and Communication Technology (ICT), influences the teaching and learning of Geography in Public Secondary Schools; to examine the use of maps in teaching and learning of Geography in Public Secondary Schools; and also to examine the challenges faced in using textbooks in teaching and learning of Geography in Public Secondary Schools. The study used descriptive survey design and adopted the quantitative approach. The study comprised of a total of 101 respondents constituting of 90 students and 11 Geography teachers from Nandi North Sub County, Nandi County. The data collected was organized and analyzed using the Statistical Program for Social Sciences (SPSS) The study found out that most of the schools had diverse instructional materials used when teaching and learning of Geography like maps, projectors, televisions, computers, textbooks and good internet connections.Although the use of maps and Projectors was poor with (60.9%) of the students reporting the unavailability of it hence, negatively impacting the teaching and learning of Geography, while the most crucial, that is Geography textbooks were adequate with (71.3%) of the students responding about it thus positively impacting the teaching and learning of Geography. The study recommends that students should be taught with various instructional materials to ensure the effecting teaching and learning process and to the government and the school administrators, they should ensure that the school has adequate instructional materials and also Geography laboratories to provide space for the teachers and students to access the instructional material easily. The study concluded that the use of instructional material has a positive influence in the teaching and learning process of Geography.DONBOSCO MARITIM Download
FACTORS AFFECTING THE USE OF FIELD TRIPS AS A METHOD OF TEACHING GEOGRAPHY IN PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN KIENI EAST SUBCOUNTY, NYERI, KENYA.Education- Geography- field tripsThe purpose of this study was to investigate the factors that affect the use of fieldtrips as a method of teaching Geography in a public secondary schools in Kieni East Sub- County, in Nyeri County, Kenya. The research was guided by the objectives: to determine the teachers and students attitude towards fieldtrips, to the effect of time in preparation and use of fieldtrips and to examine the role of cost on the preparation and use of fieldtrips. The study was grounded on Ausbel’s theory of learning and advanced organizer. Descriptive survey research design was used and a quantitative approach adopted during data analysis. Simple random sampling was used to get a sample of 101 student and 10 teachers who are from schools located in Kieni East Sub- County, Nyeri County. Data was collected by use of questionnaires and the data analyzed using the statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS version 28). The findings of this study indicated that fieldtrips was rarely used in schools due to factors such as negative attitude of teachers and students towards fieldtrips, the cost of fieldtrips was relatively high, there was no time allocated for fieldtrips and also lack of resources such as school bus to facilitate movement during fieldwork. This study recommends that students and teachers should have a positive attitude toward the use of fieldtrips as exposes students to information they cannot have obtain in class. It also recommends that the Ministry of education (MoE), through the KICD, should allocate time for fieldtrips on the teaching timetable. The schools administration also should subsidize the cost of fieldtrips for all their students to afford to pay and get means to acquire a school bus that will be used by students for transportation during fieldtrips. VIOLET WAIRIMU WAHOME Download
EFFECTS OF CORRUPTION ON GOOD GOVERNANCE AND LEADERSHIP PROCESS: A CASE STUDY OF LANGATA CONSTITUENCY NAIROBI CITY COUNTYCorruption effects Corruption is an unfair behaviour that connotes bribery, extortion, embezzlement, favouritism, nepotism and patronage. Corruption as the behaviour which deviates from the formal duties of public because of private pecuniary or status gains or violates rules against the exercise of certain types of private-regarding influence.Democracy constructedon an exaggerated notion of individual autonomy fortified by a bundle ofrights premised on three principal ideals of: Equal political rights; impartiality;and liberty. This is realized through universal adult suffrage regardless of race,gender or property ownership. Leadership plays a very important role to cause meaningful change in the society. Sinceindependence Kenya has experienced successions of economic and political changes. This hasbeen witnessed with the shift from central government to county government, cities to farms,agriculture to industries. However, these changes have had little impact if any in the life of thelarger population. Despite its deleterious effects, fraud remains under-studied in political science, especiallyin relationship to the voting that precedes it and its damaging post-election effects. Academicperspectives on the causes and nature of rigging remain under-theorized and data collection fromthird wave‖ democracies such as those in Africa proves difficult. Moreover, it is not alwaysclear what fraud is or how to measure it. Fraud‖ could include artificial attempts to bloatregistries, infractions with respect to electoral laws, classic stuffing and burning‖ of ballots,vote-buying, or undue influence over electoral commissions. The purpose of the study was to investigate effects of corruption electioneering process democracy, good governance and leadership process in Kenya a case study of Langata constituency Nairobi City County. The specific objective of the study was to establish the effects of corruption on electoral process, democratization, independency of election management body and electoral integrity on democracy, good governance and leadership in Kenya. The study was based on Transitional theory and marxist theory of democracy. The studyadopted a descriptive and diagnostic study design. This study used both primary and secondary data the primary data was collected through use of questionnaires. The research also utilized the qualitative content analysis method to analyze the findings. The study found out that electoral process is what provides the electorates with the institutionalizedframework for choosing representatives through a competitive free and fair election. The study also found that elections should provide opportunities for citizens to participate in politics and hold leaders to account; that electoral malpractices continue to undermine contests around the world, from overt cases of violence and intimidation to disinformation campaigns, cybersecurity threats, barriers to voting. The study concludes that election management bodies that are independent and impartial are therefore crucial in Kenya democratization process. It is therefore important to study and analyze the constitutions and operations of the electoral management bodies in Kenya. This will help us understand the multiple challenges they face in managing elections. The study recommends that election management body. The independent election management body should be structurally entrenched in the country’s Constitution and other electoral laws. Its structure must be separated from government ministries and free from their influence.   RACHAEL NDANU MUTHUI Download
STUDENT-BASED FACTORS INFLUENCING THEIR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE IN MATHEMATICS IN PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN NGONG SUB-COUNTY, KAJIADO COUNTY, KENYAStudent performance in MathematicsThis study investigates student-based factors influencing their academic performance in mathematics, focusing on students' motivation to learn math, individual differences in cognitive abilities, and attitudes towards mathematics. The Social Cognitive by Albert Bandura, in (1986), formed the basis of the theoretical framework. Questionnaires were administered to students and teachers from three public secondary schools in Ngong sub-county, Kajiado county to collect data on these variables. The survey data were analyzed using the statistical package for the social sciences (SPSS). The findings reveal significant correlations between these factors and students' math performance. Specifically, motivation emerges as a key determinant, with higher levels of motivation positively associated with better performance outcomes. Moreover, the study identifies substantial variability in students' cognitive abilities, indicating that individual differences in problem-solving, numerical reasoning, and memory skills influence math achievement. Additionally, attitudes towards math exert a direct impact on performance, with positive attitudes fostering success while negative attitudes hinder progress. These findings underscore the importance of addressing motivation, cognitive abilities, and attitudes towards math in educational practices to optimize student learning outcomes in mathematics.RASOLOFOTIANA TAFIKA LOUIS JEAN CHARLES Download
INFLUENCE OF LEARNING ENVIRONMENT ON STUDENTS’ ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE IN GEOGRAPHY IN PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN SOY SUB-COUNTY, UASIN GISHU COUNTYLearning environment effect on performanceThe purpose of this research was to examine the influence of learning environment on the academic performance of geography students in Soy sub county, Uasin Gishu County.The study was determined to examine whether class environment, teacher student relationship and learning materials affects the students’ academic performance in geography. Questionnaires were used as the data collection instrument. The collected data was analyzed quantitatively and tabulated through descriptive statistics such as percentages, distribution, tables and pie charts. The study population involved three public secondary schools where a sample of 94 students and 10 teachers were drawn. The study determined that there was a strong relationship between the classroom environment and the students’ academic performance in geography. Students who study in well-spaced classrooms tend to perform more than those in congested classrooms. Teacher student relationship was one outstanding factor when it came to students’ performance in geography. Student centered approach of this relationship was established to yield a good performance in geography compared to the teacher centered approach kind of relationship. Availability and variety in learning materials affected the students’ academic performance in geography as they are used as resource materials to facilitate learning. The study recommended that the ministry of education should provide the schools with necessary funds for the building of classrooms and provision of learning materials such as textbooks, maps and even well-equipped computers. The schools should also be provided with well round modeled teachers to help in implementation of the curriculum and facilitate to see that students perform well in geography subject.ABIGAEL JELIMO Download
CHALLENGES FACING IMPLEMENTATION OF DISASTER MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES IN KENYA (A CASE OF KENYA RED CROSS SOCIETY BRANCHES IN NAIROBI COUNTY)Disaster management strategiesDisaster management strategies are very important if the lives of individuals involved in accidents and other risky situations are to be saved in Kenya. Red Cross society plays an immense role during emergencies and disasters. In Nairobi County, there are continuous cases of accidents, where people have been taken to hospitals during emergencies. Although most of the hospitals have medical staff and are well equipped, patients end up succumbing to their injuries or deteriorating even while in hospital. This clearly indicates that disaster management strategies during emergencies are wanting. This has resulted in the researcher’s interest in carrying out the study on the factors influencing disaster management strategies in Kenya, a case of Kenya Red Cross Society branches in Nairobi County. The respondents constituted 60 staff members who included senior management, subordinate staff, and employees of Kenya Red Cross Society branches in Nairobi County. Nairobi County was chosen on the basis of proximity to the researcher. Questionnaires were used to gather primary data from all the sampled respondents in order to achieve the objectives of the study. The study found that the main factors that affected disaster management strategies were; availability of resources, employee training, government policy and disaster preparedness. The study concluded that notices could be disseminated through radio, TV, online networking and print media during emergencies and disaster to alert the Kenya Red Cross society. The study recommended that the management of the Red Cross Society in Kenya should seek to further set aside funds specifically for disaster management and this also ought to be done through awareness creation to the employees, informing them on steps to take when disasters occur. In addition the government should have proper regulations put in place to deal with disaster management and involve other organizations to ensure that they abide by the required rules and policies laid by the government.LESHAN MEOLI KEEN Download
INFLUENCE OF MOBILE LOANS APPS ON FINANCIAL INCLUSION OF UNIVERSITY STUDENTS. A CASE OF MARIST INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY COLLEGEMobile loans appsABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to establish the Influence of Mobile Loans Apps on Financial Inclusion of University Students. A Case of Marist International University College. The study was guided by these objectives:To determine the prevalence of adoption of mobile loan apps and financial inclusion among university students; To determine the most common use of loans obtained from mobile loan Apps and financial inclusion among university students; To establish the influence of cost of loan from mobile loan Apps on financial inclusion of university students; To investigate how default rate is affecting the financial inclusion of university students. It was also anchored on Constraint Induced Financial Innovation Theory; Financial Intermediation Theory and Technology Acceptance Model. The study used descriptive survey design and quantitative approach. The target population were students from Departments of Business, Education and Arts and Social Sciences. Through purposive method, the study selected 150 students, 50 each from the three departments. Data was collected using questionnaires and analyzed using SPPS version 26. The study established that most students were regular users of multiple mobile loan apps and that mobile loan apps were instrumental in increasing financial inclusion among university students. The most common use of mobile loans money included emergencies, paying utility bills, buying food and paying other loans. The cost of acquiring credit from mobile loan apps was found to be expensive and prohibitive, resulting to massive defaults and creating a cycle of borrowing where students borrowed in order to repay previous loans. The study recommended that mobile lenders should make credit more accessible and affordable to enhance financial inclusion. The government should regulate the mobile lending sector to eliminate exploitation by the mobile lending companies. PATRICIA MUNINI KATWIWA Download

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